//------------------------------// // Lunchtime Argument // Story: Frustrating Adagio // by StormLuna //------------------------------// The following morning arrived and Aria woke up with her usual groan over daylight arriving too soon. When she got up she noticed that the house was silent, so silent that one could hear a pin drop. She headed downstairs to fix herself some breakfast. She began to eat and wondered where her sister was given that she was usually downstairs by then. After she finished eating she headed upstairs and yelled, "Dagi, get up. We have school today." She headed into her sister's room to find that she was not home. This did not sit well with her, "Damn it Dagi, you can't even wait on me to go to school?" Given that Adagio usually drove them to school this angered Aria further. With Adagio being gone, Aria would have to walk and she would have to hurry if she did not want to be late. She stormed out the door mumbling in anger realizing that besides having to deal with the students, most of who she hates, that not going off on Adagio would nearly be impossible. Aria arrived at school just in time to make it to her first class. As she rushed into the classroom she was giving her sister the type of death look that would terrify most people. Adagio had a nervous look on her face and knew that after class, that she was likely going to have to deal with Aria and her anger. When their class ended and they were heading to the next class, Aria immediately started in on Adagio, "So Dagi, where were you last night? Why the hell didn't you come home?" Adagio sighed, "Not now Aria, we can discuss this later." Aria grunted in frustration but knew that waiting would be worth it so she would have the time to find out what happened. The morning seemed to drag by for Aria while it passed all too quickly for Adagio, knowing that during lunch she would have to face the wrath of her sister. When lunch time finally arrived Aria would get her chance. Her and Adagio found an empty table to sit down and eat at. Aria glared at her sister and asked, "So Dagi, where were you last night?" Adagio replied, "Well I needed to talk to someone so I got a hold of Sunset and we went out to eat." Aria gave her a glare, "I would love to know since when it took all night to eat." Adagio knew that she had best just tell her the truth. She continued, "Well and after that I decided to spend the night with Sunset." Aria's face turned red upon hearing this, a red of pure anger. She snapped, "What, you went and decided to spend the night with Sunset and you didn't even have the courtesy to let me know that I would have to walk to school this morning?" Adagio countered, "You know what, I needed some time away from you. I needed time away from your bad attitude, your constant disrespect and your name calling. I'm sick of it and like I said......." Aria interrupted, "What? You needed time away from me?" She did a facepalm and continued, "I'd love to know what the hell happened to the Adagio Dazzle I used to know. I'd love to know what happened to the Adagio that always thought she had to be in control, always thought she was right and could put up with just about anything." Adagio replied, "You know what, everything that happened from....." Aria again interrupted, "It was that night when you and Sonata thought you saw her dead boyfriend in our TV that you went soft. That is the night you became the worst! That is the night the Adagio I knew my whole life....." Their argument had grabbed the attention of many of the students but one in particular knew they would just argue non-stop. Sunset grabbed her tray and left her normal seat with her Rainboom friends and sat with the arguing sirens. She interrupted, "Aria, Adagio, fighting is not going to get you anywhere and I really don't think the school cafeteria is the place to be doing all this." Aria snapped, "Look, I am talking to my sister and I am going to get answers from her so why don't you go back to your loser friends so the two of us can talk." Adagio said, "Aria, Sunset is only trying to help and I do think that maybe the cafeteria is not the best place to have this argument and I wouldn't think you'd want everyone to know our business." Sunset gave the two a smile and added, "You know, I could join you two at your house after school and help you two through whatever it is that is bothering you." Adagio replied, "That would be wonderful." Aria however, was not so pleased, "Dagi, this is something that is between us. I do agree we need to stop this for now but we're talking when we get home, alone....." Sunset interrupted, "No Aria, Dagi wants me to be there for her and I'm going to be there for her." Aria knew that despite her having gone a bit soft here recently, that Adagio would still get her way with this. She grunted, "Whatever, I guess we'll see you after school." She pointed her finger towards the table Sunset's friends were sitting at and continued, "Now go sit with your loser friends so my sister and I can finish our lunch." Despite what Aria said, Sunset remained where she was and kept Adagio company to lessen the stress. Adagio was thankful that Sunset would be there for her to try and ease things with Aria. Aria on the other hand was not all that thrilled. Sunset was closer with her sister than she was with her and Aria had a feeling that Sunset would likely play favorites and knew it wouldn't be her who would have an ally.