//------------------------------// // Arrival in Ponyville // Story: Return to Equestria // by StormLuna //------------------------------// Aria finally did it, she was able to escape the world of humans and return to Equestria. In the process of going through the portal, she crashed head first into the floor in Twilight's chambers, knocking herself unconscious. When she finally came to she looked around at her surroundings with curiosity. She pulled herself up onto her hooves and realized that something didn't seem right. She looked in the mirror and saw that she was not a siren, but a unicorn. At first she was not overly thrilled but then realized that this transformation would make life much easier for her. Not only would it make it easy for her to blend in and avoid detection, it would also make life easier given that she now had magic. Standing on four legs wasn't hard for her but it was walking on four legs that would prove to be a bit of a challenge for her. On a couple of attempts to simply get out of Twilight's bedroom she fell but it didn't take her long to be able to handle walking like a pony. Given that she was in a castle, which was obviously Twilight's, she couldn't help but wonder what part of Equestria she was in. Once she found her way out of the castle she found herself in a quaint village filled with all sorts of ponies. She looked around nervously and despite knowing that nopony would ever know who she was or even know about her history, she couldn't help but be nervous. One thing she did know though was that she was hungry and had to find a place to get a bite to eat. She saw that a market was set up in the middle of town and figured that was a good place to start. She would not be overly thrilled when she saw ponies exchanging bits for food. She realized that she simply couldn't go begging the vendors for food, that she would have to find somepony generous enough to give her something until she could find a job and get a paycheck. She smelled something quite familiar, something tasty. She headed into what appeared to be a sweets shop and was greeted by a pink earth pony, "Hello, I've never seen you before!" Aria was nervous, very nervous as she was about to communicate with the first Equestrian in over 1,000 years. She replied, "Well I'm new here. I do have a question, where am I?" This caused the pony to give her a curious look, "Well you're in Ponyville!" Ponyville. That was a place that did not exist the last time Aria was in Equestria. While she was already nervous, she was even more nervous at this point, so nervous that she didn't have her usual attitude about her. She wasn't sure exactly what to say but said, "Ponyville, ok." Her stomach began to growl loudly prompting her to ask, "I don't mean to be a bother but do you have something to eat." The pony handed her a cupcake and replied, "Sure, have a cupcake!" This would be another challenge for her. Since she no longer had hands, she would have to find some other way to grab the treat. She grabbed the cupcake with her mouth and used one hoof to hold onto it while she ate it, prompting the pony to wonder why she wasn't using her magic. She asked, "Uh, why aren't you using your magic?" Aria replied, "Well I can't access it." Pinkie asked, "Why not?" Aria again became nervous. She knew she couldn't just tell her the truth so she lied, "Well my parents never taught me and I was the only unicorn in my school so we didn't have magic books." Pinkie had a sad look on her face, "I'm sorry about that." Her sad look changed to a smile and she continued, "Don't you worry, my friend Twilight is great with magic! I bet she could teach you!" Twilight, the one name that Aria did not want to hear. She replied, "Uh, ok. I'll have to check that out. Aria had finished her cupcake and really wanted to get going but wanted to know one thing. She continued, "You wouldn't happen to know if anywhere is hiring, would you?" Pinkie replied, "Well there is this dentist that has a help wanted sign in her window, you could always ask her!" Aria said, "Dentist's office, got it." Before Pinkie could say anything she rushed out the door to find this place. At this moment she was kind of regretting returning to Equestria but realized that it was either this or continue to put up with her sister who she had grown distant from and what would likely be a very uncertain and possibly unpleasant future in the human world.