
by Forgetful

That Escalated Quickly

“Golly, be a shame if somepony took advantage of this situation Cissy!” Cozy gave a delightful giggle into the crisp night air devilishly.

Her devious scarlett hues locking on a broken down caravan stuck in a ditch on the side of the road, a dim orange light of a dwindling candle flickering weakly out the back window. Cozy felt a wild chill if excitement shivering up her spine and out through her hooves.

“Yes it would be quite a shame, mwahaha!” Chrysalis giggled with malicious intent.

“Heeheehee!” Cozy complimented the Queen's laughter with her own.

“Silence you!” Chrysalis quickly hushed the child in anger.

Both wicked creatures crawling closer in the night to their prey, nearly slithering on their bellies much like the snakes they were. Chrysalis hiding in a nearby bundle of leaves on the ground, her glowing green eyes investigating the shamble of a caravan carefully.

“You'll go knock on the door and learn a few things about the owner, try and find a weakness!” Chrysalis licked her lips with a long serpentine tongue.

“Why me!?” Cozy snorted.

A flash of green molded the changeling into a glaring copy of the small child, her tiny hoof lifting upward as she smacked the filly on the back of the head hard.

“Because I said so, fool!” The faux filly shifted back into the changeling swiftly, the tiny pegasus rubbing her head gently in pain.

“Oww, ok eesh!” Cozy blew a small raspberry towards Chrysalis, galloping over to the caravan door in a panic her little hoof frantically tapping the wooden frame.

“Help, I'm being chased by a scary hideous feral changeling!” Cozy put on her most innocent of voices, covering her eyes with tiny hooves in horror.

“Hiss!” Chrysalis gave a angry reply from the forest floor in the black abyss.

“Um, on second thought it might of been a pretty feral changeling…” Cozy corrected herself between sobbing as the door rustled loudly before swinging open.

A pastel blue unicorn opening her door wide to the frightened child on her back steps, her platinum blonde mane a mess cascading down her backside as if jolted out of a deep sleep. Her violet eyes casting a worried gaze onto the child as she kneeled down to her level, wrapping her in a warm hug to calm her nerves.

“You poor dear, fear not The Great and Powerful Trixie shall offer you shelter for the night!” Trixie gave a warm smile to the filly who lifted her head up with tear soaked eyes.

“Gee, that's super nice of you ma'am! Is there enough room?” Cozy sniffled her ears folded down in a nervous manner.

“Of course, my friend Starlight Glimmer should be here in the morrow to help with the busted wheel!” Trixie giggled shifting to the side offering the child entrance into the warm orange light.

“Starlight Glimmer!? You must be a superhero pony to know such a powerful unicorn like her!” Cozy squished her cheeks together with her tiny hooves in absolute awe, the unicorn before her giggling proudly with a bright pink blush.

“Superhero, goodness no!? Great perhaps, powerful most definitely!” Trixie flaunted a tiny hoof in front of her obviously flattered, Cozy ready to strike upon her weakness of pride.

“Since you're sooo powerful, could you help me with my lost dolly? I left her out in the ditch over there, but it's ever so dark and I'm frightened!” Cozy flashed pathetically oversized eyes to her victim in sadness.

“Trixie would love too!” The unicorn trotted out into the night air proudly, her mane swishing excitedly with each step she took.

Trixie narrowed her eyes into the inky abyss trying with all her might to spot a toy among the brush and debris. Cozy rolling her eyes sarcastically as her hind hooves bucked the caravan door shut with an icy click.

“Trixie doesn't see anything!” The mare spoke with squinted eyes the tiny pegasus walking up from behind smiling sadistically.

“Oh it's there, you might even say right in front of YOU!” Cozy burst out in maniacal laughter, her right eye twitching with insidious glee.

“Trixie still sees zip…” Trixie spoke in a oblivious manner, Cozy gazing towards her in shock.

No devouring came from the abyss nor did the mighty screech of a changeling roar. The night simply stayed calm and silent, the unicorn turning to face the child in a awkward silence.

“Uhhh, look Nightmare Moon!” Cozy screamed in absolute awe the mare quick to look behind her with a startled expression.

Cozy had to act quick on her hooves, grabbing a large stone rock from the shadows of the road and fluttering high into the sky. Lifting the blunt object she struck Trixie across the back of the head hard, the unicorn turning around unfazed as the stone crumbled away into fine dust in her mane.

“That was just a ball of very soft soil.” Trixie gave a sudden sneeze, flopping her ears side to side with a tiny pop.

Cozy pouted in growing anger as her once bouncy curls were now tied into tight knots around a tree limb. Her little body hanging a few feet off the ground suspended in embarrassment.

“You hit her with dirt?” Chrysalis trotted out of the darkness with a loud snort of amusement from her nostrils.

“Where were you!?” Cozy crossed her hooves over her chest in anger.

“Oh, I spotted a few bat ponies snogging in the woods...their love was delicious!” Chrysalis licked her lips triumphantly.

“Awesome, I just got steamed rolled!” Cozy pushed her lower lip out embarrassed, her cheeks burning a bright red color.

“Mmmm, yeah.” Chrysalis used her magic to snap the branch with ease, the child plopping onto the ground with a thud, the limb still intertwined in her mane.

“Let's just go home!” Cozy yelled out towards the queen with a cracking voice, her tiny hooves trembling in place as tears began to swell in her eyes.

“Are you crying!?” Chrysalis scrunched her muzzle in utter disgust.

“No, I just have dirt in my eyes!” Cozy placed both hooves over her eyes simply exploding out into a series of tiny sobs.

“C’mon suck it up…” Chrysalis groaned watching the child continue to cry in the cold dark night.

“I'm...I'm... trying…” Cozy let the tears fall onto the damp dirt in two streams of pale blue tears.

“Grrr, do I go slaughter her!?” Chrysalis snapped in annoyed rage towards the child who gazed up to her pathetically with folded down ears.

“You don't want too... you're just trying to cheer me...up!” Cozy pouted with tear soaked cheeks.

“No, I really do want to annihilate her…” Chrysalis groaned.

“You're lying!” Cozy began to kick her hooves in the dirt angrily.

“Stop that!” The changeling spoke sternly.

“No!” Cozy blew a large raspberry.

“I swear you'll force me…” Chrysalis narrowed her fiery green eyes threateningly.

“FORCE YOU TO WHAT, YOU DUMB BUG!!” Cozy felt her eyes twitching as her sorrow evaporated almost suddenly, replaced by gritted teeth and a frazzled mane.

Chrysalis swiftly flipping the filly over into the air with her glowing green magic, freezing the brat in place before positioning her onto the changeling’s lap with a thud. As if in slow motion firmly spanking the child on the rump, with three firm smacks of the hoof.

“...” Cozy tilted her head up in surprise.

“...” Chrysalis quickly pushing the brat off her to the ground hard as if shocked by her own actions.

“You... SPANKED ME!?” Cozy screamed engulfed in unquenchable rage.

“It just happened!?” Chrysalis shrugged confused.

A small pink bolt of lightning striking into her like a blur, as Cozy tackled the changeling to the dirt below. Wasting no time in biting and smacking the elder creature with her hooves, bloodlust dripping from her very soul.

Tirek sat at a rotting wooden table dazing off into space of another uneventful evening, a plate of burnt cookies he tried to bake smoking in front of him. The sound of hoofsteps coming ever closer, causing his ears to perk up with interest.

“How was the…” Tirek raised a brow confused to a beaten and frazzled Chrysalis, her right eye slightly swollen as she took several deep breaths.

“Don't ask! Burn this…” Her green magic slammed a small green cocoon onto the table with a sickly wet thud.

Cozy floating within trying to speak in the foulest of languages yet muffled out from the extra thick coating of slime hardening on the surface. Tirek poking the cocoon on the side with an indifferent expression.

Chrysalis grumbled limping away towards her quarters, vowing aloud with a swear that she'd never pity another soul ever again. Cozy glaring to Tirek from inside her moist prison with a hateful sneer on her muzzle.

“Whatever.” Tirek shrugged picking up his cookies and the cocoon, tossing both into the nearby trash pit to his right.

Far too tired to deal with this tonight.