//------------------------------// // New Friend // Story: Fatherly instincts // by ShowShine //------------------------------// Spike danced around the room with Scramble in his arms. A record player played some music from a musical. Scramble had developed a love for music over the past few weeks. She was three months old. She babbled happily with the music. Her wings flapped as Spike held her by the hooves. She was getting better at flying but still couldn’t walk. She flew into Spikes arms, nuzzling into his chest. “I love you.” Spike stated, giving her a kiss on the head. Scramble looked up at him with a large smile on her face. She giggle and kissed Spike on the nose. She giggled louder and layed in his chest. There was a knock on the bedroom door, causing both to look at the door. “Come in.” Spike said while adjusting Scramble in his arms. The door opened to reveal Twilight. “Scrambles doctors appointment is in twenty minutes.” Twilight reminded. She was supposed to have appointments every other week to see how she was adapting with living with ponies and a dragon. Spikes eyes widened and he grabbed Scrambles bag that was in the corner of the room. It was a good thing that he had packed the bag last night. It had bottles, diapers, baby formula, a blanket, and some toys. He slung is over his shoulder and held a Scramble in his left arm. He flew out of the room in a rush. The doctors office was on the other side of town. Spike burst through the doors of the doctors office, clearly out of breath. He really needed to be more organized. The waiting room didn’t have that many chairs so the room was packed. There was only one empty seat. He sat down in one of the chairs next to a pegasus mare. She was gray with her black hair over her wings messily. Her cutiemark was ironically a sun. She glanced at Spike. “Is that your kid?” She asked. Spike nodded his head. He noticed that she had to be about three years older than him. She had a small foal on her lap who looked about Scrambles age. He was gray like the mare but had blue hair. He look at Scramble and waved to her. She smiled and waved back. “You’re pretty young to be a parent.” She commented. “So are you.” Spike replied. She chuckled. She put her hoof out to shake. “I’m Stormy Cloud and this is my son, Lightning Bolt. I’m fifteen.” Stormy Cloud introduced. Spike shook her hoof. “I’m Spike and this is Scramble, I’m twelve.” Spike said. She looked at Scramble and looked back at Spike. “Are you also a changeling or did you kidnap a child?” She asked jokingly. Spike shook his head. “I found her egg near the Everfree Forest and she hatched when I brought her home. She imprinted on me when she saw me so I had to adopt her.” Spike explained. Stormy gave him a look of surprise. “That’s tough man.” She stated. Spike shrugged his shoulders. “It’s actually not that bad, Scramble is really well behaved and doesn’t really cry. Besides, Twilight helps out a lot, she scheduled this appointment.” Spike explained. Stormy smiled a little. “That’s nice that you have family to support you. After I gave birth to Lightning Bolt, I’ve been on the road. Hoping I can reach Las Pegasus one day.” She said with a small smile. Spike frowned. He reached into Scrambles bag and pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. He wrote something down. “You can stay here if you like but I’m not going to force you too.” Spike said while handing her the paper. She looked at the paper. “Spike the Dragon.” A nurse called out. Spike stood up, picking Scramble up. She let out a whine because she was talking to her new friend. Stormy Cloud looked at the paper. There was an address on it. She looked back up to see that Spike and Scramble had left the waiting room. She would consider the option. Spike stood in front of Scramble, holding flash cards . Each flash card had a picture and a word in bold letters. Twilight said that’s how he learned how to speak. Spike held up a flash card with a picture of an egg. “This is an egg, can you say egg?” Spike asked. Scramble looked at card. “Eeeee!” She exclaimed, waving her hooves. Spike chuckled and pulled out another card with a stallion on it. “This is a dad, can you say dad?” Spike asked. Scramble looked at Spike and reached her hooves up to him. “Daddy!” She shouted happily, giggling slightly. Spikes heart hammered at the sound of that. He picked her up and held her tightly. It never occurred to him that he was her father. Tears started to drip down his cheeks. Scramble gave him a confused look and let out a loud whine of concern. “I’m fine Scramble, I just got something in my eyes.” Spike stated while wiping away his tears. Twilight walked into the library, holding a few books. “Someone’s here to see you .” Twilight said. Stormy Cloud walked in with Lightning Bolt strapped to her side. “I didn’t expect for you to come.” Spike stated. Stormy Cloud shrugged. “I have nowhere else to be.” She said nonchalantly. She laid down onto the floor where Spike was sitting. She unzipped Lightning Bolt from her side and put him on the floor. Spike placed Scramble on the floor next to him. They looked at each other before babbling to each other. Spike smiled. “How did you get such a nice place?” She asked, looking around the library. Spike gave her a confused look. “I live with Princess Twilight, she let you in.” Spike stated. Stormy Cloud had the same look on her face. She looked like she was constantly spaced out. “There’s a fourth princess?” She asked. Spike shook his head. “There are actually five princesses. Princess Cadance had a baby last year.” Spike explained. Stormy Cloud rubbed her eyes. “My parents kept me inside for a long time.” Stormy Cloud admitted. Twilight walked over to them. “If you don’t mind me asking, why did your parents keep you inside for so long?” Twilight asked. Stormy Cloud shrugged. “I don’t know man, I was homeschooled and they didn’t want me to go outside. As soon as I gave birth to Lightning they kicked me out.” She explained. Twilight let out a gasp. “That’s terrible, where do you live now?” Twilight asked. She shrugged again. “I move around a lot, Spike said that it would be okay to stay here for a while.” Stormy said. Twilight nodded her head. “You can stay here for as long as you need.” Twilight reassured. Stormy Cloud smiled and looked at her son who was staring at the flash cards in awe. Scramble levitated a few to surround them. Lightning Bolt clapped his hooves in excitement. “Thank you.”