//------------------------------// // Chapter 9: Town and Parks // Story: The Dusk of Troubled Views // by ScorchingFlamesInc //------------------------------// It took 30 minutes. 30 stinkin' minutes to teach these three former villains the way of human life. But it worked. When the trio got it down, I went inside to grab some money. I figured that since we could go out into town now, we might as well make the most of it... get ice cream or something. We still had to figure out how to make it seem less weird that a random family was following us. We just settled on the fact that this odd family were some new friends of mine. The park wasn't far, but it took longer than five minutes due to the directions we took. I had to remind Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy to hold off from crossing the street until the cars stopped for them. Finally though, we arrived at the park. Luckily, there was nobody else there, so that cancels out the 'weird looks' bit. Sort of. There were still cars around, but I doubt anyone would walk or drive by. Chrysalis and Tirek took a bench while Cozy went out to play on the playground equipment... we insisted that she did it. I sat on their bench at the right end. We all watched Cozy Glow play around a little bit and enjoy her freedom. I decided to ask them a question, so I could solve one of the show's bigger mysteries. "Has Cozy Glow told you two much about her backstory?" Tirek shook his head. "I don't think so," Chrysalis answered. "None of us even asked in the first place." "Oh..." We sat in silence for a bit longer. "This... Earth... is pretty nice," Tirek said. "Thanks. So I guess you two are enjoying the scenery so far?" "It's different," said Chrysalis. "These buildings... the hoomans-" "Humans." "...the humans populating the world. The technology. There's so many differences... it feels out of place. But nice. I'm intrigued. It makes me sound like Twilight Sparkle when saying this, but I would like to know more." "I'm interested too," Tirek admitted. "I see..." For a while longer, the silence continued to carry on. We continued to watch Cozy Glow on the chair swing. "She seems happy," I started. "Happy to be free. Not from stone or anything, but free from... herself." "She is living like a normal filly," Tirek said. "And she seems happy that she saw the light when we got the chance." I looked down. "I need to be honest with you..." I started. "What?" asked Chrysalis. "Remember telling me the story of how you reformed? And I seemed very suspicious?" "Yes..." Tirek said, unsure of where I was going. "Well... I never thought that was how you changed. You see, for most of the people that love your show, they write these stories called 'fanfictions'. They center around many citizens of Equestria, but they never actually happened. When I saw you turn to stone, I wanted to find closure. Some sort of closure about you all reforming that I was satisfied with. I couldn't find much, so I did the most sensible thing I could: take matters into my own hands. So I wrote a story about a unicorn named Luster Dawn being sent by a map to reform you. I wrote another one too, but I can't remember it. I don't bother checking anyways, since I haven't checked on my stories for so long. Anyway, when you told me your story, every detail you said was incorporated into my writing. I thought an official comic or show would reform you. But no. My story showcased it instead. It's a very weird honor. Probably one of the weirdest things to ever happen to a guy. Anyway, if you thought I should have told you earlier, then that's on me." I looked at Chrysalis and Tirek, who looked at each other. They then looked at me. "You know... that's nice to hear. You must have truly wanted to see us change for the better," Chrysalis said. "Yeah. And think about it. You could have the ability to predict our future!" Tirek chimed in. I chuckled. "Yeah... it sounds sensible, but I don't know. Let me just get one thing straight: I love to draw. A lot! Yeah, it's off-topic, but hear me out. Sometimes, I would make myself out to be a hero. Someone who was assigned to save the world! I know it won't happen, but the fact that you are here makes me feel SLIGHTLY special and lucky. But for all I know, if you continue to stick around, and people start to hear about your story... maybe you could change them too. Or, if your story simply spread, you'd make a good inspiration of sorts." Tirek opened his mouth to speak, but then the sound of footsteps distracted him. We all looked at Cozy Glow "That little merry-go-round... are any of you willing to push me on it?" she asked, as if it was the weirdest thing in the world to do so. "I think it would go faster if I had some help. We looked at Tirek. "Don't look at me!!" Tirek said. "I'm so strong, she could FLY off the blasted thing. No, not just her. The WHOLE merry-go-round would fly right off of whatever was holding it!" I sighed. "I guess I could do it..." I volunteered. "Really?" Cozy asked. "Sure, come on." I got off the bench and went to the merry-go-round. Cozy got on the thing and gripped the handles. She looked at me. "Just try to hang on, ok?" Cozy nodded. I grabbed another handle with all of my might and then started running as fast as I was able to. I felt the merry-go-round increase speed as my own speed increased. And despite the spinning, I could see the smile on Cozy Glow's face. Not that fake one she made when manipulating others. A real one. And it warmed my heart. I don't know why or how, but it did. Then, I let go of the merry-go-round.