Cozy Chronicles

by 5u0myn0n4

Chapter 6: Opening Up (Only Slightly...)

A few weeks had passed, and the town of TCGC, ruled by Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Chrysalis, was shaping very nicely. Ever since the very successful Washouts performance, wealth and residency were at an all time high. Dozens of ponies called this remote community home. The place was developing well, with some more homes constructed, and Suri's cotton crops near ready for harvest.

But that isn't to discount the trio's main objective: They were on a mission to find one of the most powerful lost artifacts in Equestrian history, and use it to take down Twilight Sparkle once and for all. And today, the group became one step closer to their goal when their package had arrived.

Cozy's order had arrived (in pieces. Some assembly required). She tasked Flim and Flim with the job of putting the thing together on the castle rooftop. Tirek and Chrysalis were both there supervising the operation as well.

"Here you go, Cozy Glow. Your entire order of machine parts, exactly as you wanted." Svengallop said.
"Perfect. For an earth pony, you're surprisingly useful." Cozy said.
"What I lack in pegasus and unicorn privileges, I make up for with my superior management and entrepreneurship skills." Svengallop said.
"Whatever. Now go make sure the supply of Chrysalis' cocoons are un-tampered with." Cozy commanded.
"Whatever you wish." he said. And with that, Svengallop went off to do as she said.

"Hmm, there sure are a lot of pieces." Cozy said. "Looks like I'll need a little help with this project."

"So, you three want us to assemble this super duper... what is this machine called?" Flim asked.
"Yes, Flim and Flam. Inside these boxes, are the parts to our very important machine. I've drawn on the schematics. I need you and your mechanical expertise to put it together!" Cozy said.
"Are you so sure about this?" Flim asked.
"I've built apple squeezers, but electromagnetic whatchamacallits?" Flam expressed doubt.
"Oh please, this machine, compared to the Super Speedy Squeezy Cider 3000, it's like a baby's toy." Cozy said. "Assembling this will be easy."
"And don't you about leaving." Tirek said.
"You two have been given a task. And we're here to make sure you do as we say." Chrysalis added.
"Now, you guys have fun, I have some important business elsewhere." Cozy started to the exit.

"You're not going to supervise?" Flam asked.
"Oh I'll be back. I just uh, would like to have a word with some of the residents." Cozy said.
"Where are you going, Cozy?" Chrysalis asked.
"While you two have these 'servants' under control, I wanna make sure the others are also doing our bidding." Cozy said.

Cozy sat inside the Washout's newly constructed home, along with the other team members. Their talk was more down to earth than you'd expect.

"So, Cozy Glow, you've really spent the past several years encased in stone?" Lightning asked.

Cozy nodded yes.

"Was there at least a trial?" Rolling Thunder asked.
"Was there a lengthy discussion among the leaders of Equestria as to deciding your fate?" Short Fuse added.

Cozy nodded no.

"That majorly sucks." Thunder said.
"Typical. I expect no less from a friend of Rainbow Dash." Lightning Dust said.
"Twilight Sparkle is a snob who believes what she wants to believe." Short Fuse said.

"Pfft. Who needs them anyway? Even if they weren't my mortal enemies, I could hardly count on them anyway." Cozy said. "They literally walked into Tartarus, knowing they had a one way key. With such gross incompetency, they deserved to be conquered anyway."
"I think they did it because they trusted you." Thunder said. "Even though the idea of exploring Tartarus sounded dangerous dubious, they did it because they believed you."
"That was their mistake." Cozy said. "I abused their trust, and almost became supreme Empress of Friendship."
"And although my scope is smaller, I am empress of you, and you all do what I say." Cozy said.
"Yeah, we're only doing what you said because if you betrayed us, I could totally fly away at the speed of sound and be safe." Lightning said.

Cozy paused, and gave them a nasty look.

"What!? Don't listen to her! She's the I don't follow the rules type. We're cool Cozy. Really." Thunder said.
"Are you guys, afraid of me?" Cozy asked.

The Washouts paused.

"Nope! Not at all." Short Fuse said.
"I mean, do you want us to say 'yes' because you strive to control others?" Lightning asked.
"The truth is, we respect you highly, Cozy." Lightning said. "Not only did you prove yourself as a wicked flyer, but you haven't done a bad job setting up this community." Thunder said.
"Each of your answers are acceptable-ish, for now!" Cozy said. "You're all are on my good side, more so than Twilight and co ever were. But just know that it takes one misstep, and I can ruin each of your lives, one at a time."

"Quit the act!" Short Fuse said. "We know you're just acting tough to get other ponies to do your bidding, but inside, the real you is desperate."
"You three could never know the real me! I don't know the real me!" Cozy Glow exclaimed."I only followed a path of power because nopony else told me any different! And you know what, I like when other ponies bow down to me! And I won't stop until everypony in Equestria does!"
"If you're so bent on world domination, why are you crying?" Short Fuse teased.
"Knock it off already." Thunder said.

"Because..." *sniff* Cozy was actually tearing up. She cleared her throat and spoke. "Never speak of this to anypony." she said.

Cozy next paid Suri Polomare a visit in her shop. Thought Cozy opened up earlier? Well, this is one interesting interaction.

Suri Polomare ran her brush threw Cozy's mane.

"Egh. When was the last time you took the time to do your mane?" Suri asked.
"I don't know. My mane's just always like this." Cozy replied, slightly irritated.
"I like your mane style, it's rather unique. I like the swirls and curls, the only thing off is this accessory..."
"You mean my bow? What's wrong with my bow?" Cozy asked.
"It's tattered! It's worn, and nearly ripped. What has this thing been through?" Suri asked.
"You have no idea..." Cozy moaned.
"And what's this underneath your bow and in your scalp?" Suri asked.
"Please don't draw attention to my scar..." Cozy said.
"Well, it simply won't do. An ambitious filly like yourself needs some fresh accessories. Hang on just one sec." Suri went over to a drawer, and pulled out an identical looking bow, only this one was in brand new shape. She did some last minute touches to Cozy's mane.

"I like you Cozy. I've heard of your crimes, and you know what? I don't see it. You've been splendid to me and the others. I think you're sweet." Suri said.
"S... sweet?" she asked.
"Yeah. Sweet." Suri finished Cozy's mane. She tied the new bow in her mane.
"There, you look good as new, Cozy." Suri said.
"Golly, thanks Ms. Polomare." Cozy said.
"Suri will do." she said.
"By the way, Suri. I'm organizing a mandatory meeting for the whole village some time this week, but I want you sit it out." Cozy said.
"Why so?" Suri asked.
"Just take my word for it." she replied.

Later in the day, Cozy returned to the castle rooftop to check up on the progress of the machine's construction.

"What a nice day, spending quality time with-" Cozy's face dropped when she saw the progress, or lack there of. "WHAT IS GOING ON?!" she exclaimed.

To her dismay, Flim and Flam were doing a lousy job, while Tirek did little to help. Chrysalis herself wasn't even on the rooftop any more.

"We're trying our best, Ms. Glow." Flim said.
"This contraption has all but defeated us." Flam added.

"How can you two be so bad?! Huh?!" Cozy noticed their eyes were pale. They weren't using magic either. That would only mean-

"Tirek! No sucking the magic from the servants!" Cozy exclaimed.
"What? They said they were such good mechanics, that could do this without magic, so I put them to the test." he said.
"Not when my Rainbow of Darkness tracking machine is on the line! You've gone and delayed the operation you're soooo concerned about, you big lug!" Cozy snarled.
*sigh* "Fine." Tirek gave the magic back to Flim and Flam.

*whew* "Wow dear brother, I haven't felt so drained since the first time Tirek stole our magic" Flam said.
"Indeed. All those years ago when-" Flim was interrupted.
"Okay, we get it, Tirek used to be an out of control monster. But now, he's a well coordinated monster who only acts when he has an ingenious plan devised by me." Cozy said. "And since we're so behind schedule, I'm willing to chip in and help out with the building."

"I'm growing impatient." Tirek said.
"You needn't worry our centaur leader. Now that we're rejuvenated-" Flim said.
"-we'll have this machine up and running lickity-split." Flam continued. "So that you may do... what did you say this thing does?"
"I reckon we couldn't quite hear you while we were drained." Flim added.
"Uh, I'll explain later." Cozy said.

Cozy and the Flim Flam brothers spent the next few days building the machine that would enable them to somehow detect the Rainbow of Darkness. But how exactly does that work? We'll be finding out very soon.

Fast forwarding past several days of work, and the machine was finally complete. Today, Tirek and Chrysalis gathered to see the completed machine. Cozy connected the monitor to a big antenna, and wired some components to a pulse gauge. With the last touches, it was just about done. By the end of the whole operation, Cozy and the Flim Flam brothers were covered in soot.

*phew* "And that just about does it!" Cozy wiped some sweat off her forehead.
"I thought I'd never see the end of it." Flam said.
"It was like putting together a jigsaw puzzle, composed of metal and electrical wires." Flim moaned.

"You two did fantastic." Cozy said. "I knew unicorns were the superior species for a reason. Now, you two are in charge of making sure that every single pony in the town, except for Suri, is in the castle foyer tomorrow night." Cozy ordered.
"Rallying together a group of ponies is what we were born to do." Flim said.

Flim and Flam headed down the castle stairs to alert the rest of the village.

"And you, Tirek. I think you'll be pleased to see so many ponies gathered in one place." Cozy smirked.
"Heh heh. I think I can see where this is going." Chrysalis grinned.
"Now that's the Cozy I remember. I don't know what you have planned, but the dastardly tone in your voice leads me to believe that it's good for us." Tirek said.

To be continued in Chapter 7...