//------------------------------// // A Reluctant New Member // Story: Sombra in the Legion // by TheClownPrinceofCrime //------------------------------// A huge black cloud flowed right above a rocky podium and twirled repeatedly until a familiar dark equine revealed himself once the cloud vanished. King Sombra opened his eyes and beheld his surroundings. “What? Where am I? Wait..” Sombra muttered as the realization came to him. “I AM BACK HERE AGAIN?!” “Indeed you are, Sombra.” a familiar evil voice replied. Sombra looked down from the podium and saw the same four villains he encountered earlier: Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek, Cozy Glow, and the Father of Monsters himself, Grogar. He stood up on his hooves and descended from the podium to confront them. “What do you want from me?! Didn’t I tell you I didn’t want to be a part of your...team-up?” Sombra angrily spat. “May I remind you of the deal we had before?” reminded Grogar who had a smug look on his face. “If you fail, you will submit to me.” his smug grin then turned to a disappointed scowl. “Twilight Sparkle and her friends defeated you once again because of your arrogance! Have I proven my point?” “What point? The point that we need ridiculous cooperation in order to take over Equestria? I was just about to win the war until the Mane Six had luck by their side to destroy me!” Sombra excused. “That was my reasoning earlier.” Tirek added. “Luck? How about I refresh your memory of what happened right after you destroyed the Tree of Harmony, shall I?” Grogar said before tapping his crystal ball to bring the scene where Sombra trapped the Mane Six within a cage of dark crystal shards. FLASHBACK Sombra walked around the trapped mares menacingly as he began to taunt them. “With you out of the way, I will rule ALL of Equestria! And I know just where to start!” “Don’t you dare say it!” said Applejack, glaring. “Your sweet little hometown.” Sombra darkly spoke. “You leave Ponyville alone!” defied Rarity. “Or what? Without your elements, it will be so easy to control you!” said Sombra. His shadowy arms surrounded them to take full possession of them until he spoke again. “But there’s no point.” The arms retracted as he spared them. FLASHBACK ENDED Grogar then glared at Sombra after the scene finished before them. “Do you now see the red flag that caused your defeat?! If you weren’t so arrogant enough to leave them alive and completely left to their own devices, you would’ve actually won! Taking possession of them should have been a bonus for your victory had you been smart and strategic.” Grogar rebuked. “I really have to admit it. Grogar has a point.” Cozy concurred. Sombra stood there seething in rage for being insulted and called out for his failure. However, he realized that his pride led to his downfall although he refused to admit it verbally. Seeing that he had nothing to say to counter Grogar’s words, he turned his head in shame. “Fine then. I suppose you will show me how I can properly exact my revenge on those insufferable ponies.” Sombra said. Grogar grinned at his submission. “Excellent. Then allow me to introduce the villains whom you will collaborate with.” Grogar said pointing to the triad. Sombra looked upon them in disgust and hatred. “I have to work with these pathetic wannabes?! Especially that filly over there!!” Sombra yelled. “What’s the matter, King Sombra? Don’t like to be humiliated like a true weakling you are?” Chrysalis taunted while smirking. “SILENCE, YOU DISGUSTING BUG!! I refuse to have you insult my dignity!!” bellowed Sombra. “Dignity? You won’t have any ‘dignity’ left once I drain you of your magic!” Tirek also taunted. “Is that a challenge?!” Sombra shouted. “I always love a great challenge. However, it would be a waste of my strength to fight a challenger who has a fetish for getting his flank beaten by those weaker than him.” Tirek mocked. “Golly, the great and fearsome Sombra sure is fearful of those ponies, isn’t he?” giggled Cozy. Sombra then turned to the filly while glaring at her in response. “You foolish little filly, you would be wise to recognize me, King Sombra, the rightful ruler of the Crystal Empire, as the master of fears! I fear NO PONY!! All will one day tremble at my power! I will be undisputed, respected, saluted, and seen for the wonder I am!!” Sombra boasted arrogantly. With that, he flew off to his new chambers in the lair. “You three! Come here!” Grogar called out to the trio. They nervously stood before him and wondered what he had in mind for them all. “I sincerely do not care at all if he were among us or not, but considering his potential and power, we need him in our midst. Plus, in order for him to be one of us, he needs to know his place and understand the importance of working together to defeat Twilight and her friends.” Grogar said. “So what do you suggest we do with him?” Tirek asked. Grogar sighed as he thought about a solution. “Perhaps the best way to handle him is to talk to him as to a friend. Becoming acquainted with him, sharing your similar desires to conquer Equestria, and actually complimenting him for his past accomplishments and for who he is would be a great start.” advised Grogar. This surprised the villains as they heard his words. “Complimenting him?! NEVER!!” Chrysalis defied. “Talking to him like a...ugh...’friend’? That’s disgusting! No way!” Tirek refused while crossing his arms. “Hmmmm, I guess that works for me! Besides, I know all about friendship!” Chrysalis and Tirek then shot at Cozy unamused looks. Cozy recoiled out of fear. “But I doubt that it would work though knowing his stiff-necked personality.” Cozy said. Grogar angrily bound the trio to a wall with his magic. “I’ve heard enough of your ramblings!! Sombra is one of us now, and you shall treat him like one! Either you show him how much he means to this Legion or face my wrath as consequence for disobedience!! Do you three understand?!” Grogar bellowed at them. The three villains fearfully nodded. Grogar then dropped them to the ground from the wall. “I’ll be back in a while. I need to begin my search for my Bewitching Bell. I expect to hear tremendous progress when I return. And finally, be at your best behavior.” Grogar commanded before he left the lair. The trio looked at each other unsure of what to do. “Well, if Sombra has to be a valuable member of our team, we have to do what Grogar says.” Cozy said. “There is no way that loud-mouthed fool will be able to listen to us!” argued Tirek. “But the fact still remains that King Sombra is just like us—hating those ponies and taking over this land. If we just familiarize ourselves with him, it could be beneficial for our cause.” Chrysalis reasoned. “I too don’t like this idea, but it is worth a shot.” The three villains then turned to face Sombra’s chambers. “Well, here goes nothing.”