//------------------------------// // Chapter 23: Flashbacks and Plotting: Part 5 // Story: The Dusk of Troubled Views // by ScorchingFlamesInc //------------------------------// Grogar didn't even bother to read the description that described the large stone pieces. He found what he was looking for! And he was pleased. Lighting up his horn, the small lock on the glass door suddenly fumbled. It continued rattling until... Click! Grogar knew what happened: he unlocked he door! Shifting the glow from the lock to the whole entire door, Grogar easily slid the glass door open. Once that was done, the glow around the door faded and instead surrounded the stone pieces. Before Grogar took them out, though, he blasted a small yellow beam, causing yellow lines to be sketched on the perch the stone pieces were on. The lines lit up and the stone pieces were covered in a yellow glow. Finally, the stone pieces began to float out once by one, though Grogar didn't put them on the ground. As soon as the last pieces were out, Grogar saw a yellow projection of the pieces in their place. Grogar brought the pieces close together and made his way back, careful to not hit anything. King Sombra was waiting for him. He sat next to the pile of enlarged pebbles, making sure none of them fall out of place or cause damage. As soon as Sombra saw Grogar, he got up. "You found him," he said. "Yes I did," admitted Grogar. "I had to mark where the stone pieces were so we could get it right. We do need to cover up out hoofsteps. Though I doubt ponies will notice the slightest differences." "True," Sombra said. "Now, I need you to hold these pieces so I can make the replicas. Do you think you can handle it?" "I think so." The glow shifted from yellow to purple, Sombra's disguised unicorn aura. As for Grogar, his horns remained lit, the yellow glow enveloping the rocks. Suddenly, the pile lifts into the air and begins glowing orange. The orange on the rocks suddenly became brighter until it was obvious that they melted into a mountain of hot molten rocks. Grogar had to be careful! The mountain of lava began to compress, getting rid of and creases or spaces, turning the molten rocks into one giant misshapen molten boulder. Once again, the lava compressed, turning the odd mountain shape into a rectangular block. When the block was formed, the orange faded into many shades of grey and levitated slowly to the ground. Grogar did it! He turned the pebbles into a giant rectangular block without causing damage. "Now levitate the pieces next to this block so we can finish replicating!" ordered Grogar. "Make sure to space them out a little, and rotate them when instructed." Sombra levitated the pieces next to the cube, spacing them out. Yet again Grogar lit his horn and a yellow glow surrounded the block. Suddenly, cracks started to appear. Grogar knew a tiny detail gone wrong wouldn't be a big deal, but a major one would be catastrophic! The front of the block began covering itself in cracks, before the whole front suddenly crumbled to the ground. Now the cube was mostly split in half, with only a few chunks of stone shaped like the pieces sticking out. "Now flip the pieces so I can see the other side of them," instructed Grogar. Again, King Sombra obeyed (moody, but not refusing). While he turned all the stone pieces, Grogar slightly sifted the block and rotated it. Once again, Grogar repeated the process. He hoped that this next time would be the last time he would chip at the stone. Then, the back of the block chipped away and Grogar found himself levitating a bunch of stone pieces. They looked good so far. Just one more check... "Rotate the pieces again," Grogar said. Sombra did as was told and rotated the pieces. Grogar rotated the decoys. "Hmmm..." He thought for a brief moment before he reached a verdict. "I think these decoys are passable," Grogar said. "Very minimal errors. But I doubt they will be noticed." Grogar set the decoys on the ground. "Sombra, you did well. Let me see the originals, please" The green glow surrounding the pieces shifted to yellow as Grogar held the pieces in his grasp. It was time! Grogar rotated the pieces a bit before he brought them together to see if they would fit. They didn't work the first time, so Grogar had to try again. A few more times, they didn't fit. But finally, on the fifth try, the pieces fit like a puzzle. Suddenly, the pieces began glowing orange for a few seconds, the pieces becoming molten rock, before they turned grey again. Only this time, the cracks were gone. King Sombra decided to speak up. "Are you sure turning him to lava for a period of time was a good-" "Silence!" Grogar said, cutting Sombra off. "I know what I'm doing..." Suddenly, the stone statue began glowing bright. Slowly, the grey stone color began fading and chipping away. Underneath was what Grogar wanted to see... Flesh, fur, and life. As the stone began fading, underneath were shades of white or black. Some spots even had tints of blue. Finally, when all traces of stone were separated from the Storm King's body, the yellow aura around him faded and he fell to the floor. Not like a statue, but rather, something with life that hasn't been turned to stone. Grogar and King Sombra stared at the Storm King's body for a few seconds. Not a word was spoken. Then, the Storm King shot open his bright blue eyes. Slowly, the Storm King attempted to get up on his hind legs, grunting as he did. Once he was fully up, his head an inch from the ceiling, he dusted himself off and got his first glimpse of the the disguised villains. "Well..." he said. "I take it that you two ponies were the ones that freed me?" "In a way," Grogar said. "Not to reform you or anything, though." "Ugh," the Storm King muttered, rubbing his head. "How long was I in there?" "For years," Grogar said. "You were also smashed up into little pieces." "I was?" "I thought you knew that," Sombra said. "Hmmmm..." thought Grogar. "So you were either in stone sleep or you lost consciousness when you shattered into pieces." "Well then, how am I even alive?" The Storm King asked. "How did you even bring me back?" Grogar and King Sombra looked at each other and nodded before Grogar looked back at the Storm King. "You will receive the answers you desire," Grogar said. "But first, you need to know who we really are." Before the Storm King could respond, Grogar lit up his horn. The Storm King watched as Grogar and Sombra suddenly turned into yellow silhouettes. Slowly, the silhouettes changed. One appeared to grow in size. His horn grew and what looked like royal attire appeared. The other one shrank, and began to turn into the shape of a ram. Finally, when the glow around the silhouettes faded, the Storm King suddenly saw the true forms of the ponies that rescued him. Or rather, pony with a flowing black mane and kings attire, and ram. "It... it can't be!" the Storm King muttered. "The Father of M-Monsters?" "In the flesh," Grogar said, relieved to be back into his original form. The Storm King turned and pointed at King Sombra. "And you are?" he asked. Sombra seemed taken aback. "You... haven't heard of me?" Sombra asked. "No," replied the Storm King. "You should know me! King Sombra! All powerful unicorn? Former and rightful ruler of the Crystal Empire?" "Doesn't ring a bell." "OH COME ON!!! I DESTROYED THE TREE OF HARMONY!!!!" "The Tree of what?" "Ok... the Tree of Harmony bit does make sense since you probably haven't heard of it. Plus, you were turned to stone and shattered into pieces before I destroyed it. BUT YOU SHOULD KNOW THE REST OF IT!!!" "Nope. Not a clue." "FINE! I AM KING SOMBRA!!! THE RIGHTFUL RULER OF THE CRYSTAL EMPIRE!!! PONIES SHALL FEAR ME WHEN I TAKE OVER AGAIN!!! I HARNESS THE MAGIC OF HATRED AND FEAR!!! I DESTROYED THE TREE OF HARMONY!!!" King Sombra huffed after his short monologue. "Better?" asked the Storm King. "Very much..." replied Sombra. "Well, I apologize that I don't know who you are..." The Storm King turned to Grogar. "But you... I KNOW who you are... Grogar! The legendary father of monsters!" "Yes, yes..." Grogar said. "I have returned. And as of the moment, I am recruiting villains to join my team. King Sombra and I worked to bring you back from the fate that befell you, because I decided to recruit you as well." "Well, I am honored." "I guess it worth mentioning that Twilight Sparkle is now the new princess of Equestria," King Sombra pointed out. The Storm King crossed his arms and scowled. "She is, huh?" he muttered. "Don't worry," Grogar said. "We WILL destroy Twilight Sparkle AND her friends. But before we do that, we need to retrieve one more ally..." "Who?" asked King Sombra. "Not who..." corrected Grogar. "What!" "The Bewitching Bell?" exclaimed the Storm King. "Isn't that on the peak of Mount Everhoof?" "It WAS... but a mare told me that Discord had it." "The Master of Chaos, eh?" the Storm King replied. "Yes. In his realm." "I'm pretty sure that you are powerful enough to go in there." said Sombra. "Maybe. But it will take a lot of work to travel through realms. While Discord can do it in a breeze, it can make any powerful magic user, pony or not, extremely exhausted for a few hours." "How are we gonna find his house?" The Storm King questioned. "From what I've heard, the chaos realm doesn't always do what you want." "If we work together, it could work. But before we do this, we better take care of a couple things. Sombra, you clean this mess up while the Storm King tells me the story about how he almost took over Equestria." "Me?" whined King Sombra. "Why me?" "Because I already know your story. Not all of it, but a decent part. And I want to hear from the Storm King. Plus, even if you are or were a king, I love to be unreasonable." King Sombra huffed and levitated the decoys to bring to the glass case. "I'm starting to regret agreeing to this..." he muttered. Minutes later "...And that was how I got turned to stone, and apparently, shattered into pieces," the Storm King said, finishing his story. King Sombra finished putting the decoys in the case and cleaning up the mess when the Storm King was halfway done with the story. It took him longer to put the decoy pieces in the right spot than to clean up the mess. Obviously so he could get it right. "That was an interesting story," Grogar said. "Too bad this 'Tempest Shadow' betrayed you." "To Tartarus with her!" the Storm King said. "Being an assistant to the legendary Father of Monsters is way better than leading a pony with a broken horn. Though I will miss being a leader..." "You will get your share of minions when we take over Equestria!" Grogar promised. He turned his head to Sombra. "I take it that you finished your job?" "About a while ago," King Sombra said. "Excellent! Now we must go to the chaos realm and retrieve my bell!" "You don't seriously believe we're opening the portal in here, do you?" "Don't question me, Sombra. Chaos portals are not like black holes. It won't suck everything in. And as long as we put it in the right spot, we will be fine. Now, I suggest you two get behind me." Grogar stepped forward so Sombra and the Storm King could have some room. After he turned his body a little bit, he began to mumble, his horns lighting up in the process. King Sombra and the Storm King watched, high interest on both their faces. Suddenly, Grogar's eyes shot open, blaring a bright yellow light. Then, Grogar shot a small beam from his horns. It only fired a few inches away from him when it stopped. And then, the beam constricted, before finally opening up into a gaping portal as wide and as tall as the Storm King, leading into an indigo void. As soon as the glow in his eyes dissipated, Grogar collapsed out of exhaustion. "Grogar?" King Sombra said. "Are you ok?" Grogar did nothing before he weakly opened his eyes and got on his hooves, not fully standing. "I'm... fine..." he muttered. "Just... exhausted..." Grogar took a deep breath and stood fully straight. "But I am not here to rest. We are so close to retrieving all the elements of our plan! We will retrieve my bell and go from there. Although it may take a while to put our plan into action, we WILL end Twilight Sparkle and take over Equestria!" "Indeed!" Sombra said. "As soon as I knew my defeat was unavoidable, I began to wish for the day to exact my revenge!" the Storm King exclaimed. "Perfect! Now, it will be hard. It's basically an endless void in there. So here's what we're going to do: Sombra and I will go through the realm with no issues. We enter first. As for the Storm King, we will carry him together. If any of us see a spot that we believe is Discord's home, we will stop there and search for the bell. Agree?" King Sombra and the Storm King nodded. "Good! Now let's go!" Grogar turned into a yellow blob of smoke and flew into the portal. Then, King Sombra turned into his shadowy form and quickly entered the portal while the Storm King began making his way. As soon as the Storm King reached the entrance and turned to face it, an arm of smoke shot out of Grogar's smoke form and grabbed the Storm King by the waist. After that, another arm of smoke shot out of Sombra's shadow form and grabbed the Storm King around the chest. And then, before he could even speak, the Storm King was pulled into the portal. "GAH!" he yelped. The Storm King then found himself being suspended over an endless void, with only two beings turned into smoke grabbing his torso supporting him. But a few seconds after being pulled in, he regained his composure. And just in time for Grogar and Sombra to begin zooming through the chaos realm, carrying his body along with them. *Ten minutes later* "You know..." the Storm King said. "It's surprising that you two are able to hold me. My guess is your magic." There was no reply. The Storm King knew that because Grogar and Sombra were... well... smoke. The Storm King resumed scouting before something caught his eye. "Hey! I think I see a house!" Indeed, a house was coming into view. It seemed to be a dark shade of red, with a roof with a roof that was possibly the color of dandelions. It remained perched on a piece of floating land. Immediately Grogar, Sombra and the Storm King began making their way down to the house. Due to his size and the fact that he was being carried, the Storm King was the first to land. Once he fully landed on the ground, Grogar and Sombra let him go. King Sombra and Grogar both landed at the same time, Sombra landing on the left side on the Storm King, and Grogar landing in front of his two allies. Once Grogar and Sombra landed, they turned back to normal. Grogar turned to his allies. "Ok, here's the plan..." Grogar said. "We will don our pony disguises just in case Discord is home. Even if he isn't we leave them on. We all go in, but if he ends up coming home if he isn't, then we try to hide. If he finds us, we pretend that we wound up here while sleeping." "What if he realizes something is up?" asked Sombra. "Then we flee as far away from Equestria as we can until we get the perfect plan." "Well, since you have this all planned out, I don't see the point in waiting," the Storm King said. "You are correct. I want to get my bell as soon as possible. Whatever happens, let me be the first to talk! Now before we go in, I have to do one last thing... disguise you both!" The Storm King spread out his arms. "Give it your all!" he said. "I have to warn you, it tickles a little..." Sombra whispered. Grogar lit up his horns. It only took a few seconds for him to blast the Storm King and King Sombra, turning their bodies into silhouettes, and morphing into the forms of ponies. Grogar's body morphed as well. When the light faded, Sombra and Grogar watched the Storm King as he examined his new body. "This feels weird..." he muttered. "Probably because you're a bipedal creature," King Sombra replied. "If I remember correctly, my name is Judgement Law," Grogar said. "And I think I was Gavel Bang," recalled Sombra. "What's my name?" asked the Storm King, no longer examining his body. "Look, I'm not giving every one of us names!" Grogar barked. "You'll just remain unnamed." "But what if they ask?" "Then one of us can change the subject." The Storm King just shrugged. "Hey, you're the boss," he said. "Yes I am," Grogar smirked. "Now then, to put this plan into action!" Grogar turned around, went to the door, and knocked. No answer. Grogar knocked again. "Hello?" he called out. No reply. "He's not home," Grogar said, only turning his head. "So let's make this quick! Once we get inside, we spread out. You two go together, and only separate if you need to hide. As for me, I go alone." Grogar turned back to the door, and with the lighting of his horn, enveloped the door handle in his own yellow aura. With a simple turn of the knob, the door opened. And with that, Grogar walked inside, not even looking back. Discords house was, of course, chaotic for the three villains. There was furniture on the ceiling, a staircase leading to nowhere, and animals made out of food. Grogar found a few cracks in the ceiling that leaked chocolate milk instead of water. During that find, The Storm King and King Sombra found ducks with a few tomatoes for bodies, two cucumber slices for beaks, one blueberry for each eye, one banana for each wing, and legs made out of many grapes. Immediately after, they came across a closet door. When King Sombra opened it, it led to a bottomless pit of ice cream. The chaotic search lasted for fifteen minutes until Grogar finally found what he was looking for. There, perched on a shelf in a cotton-candy closet, was a small bell that was in one of the darkest shades of aqua blue, with cracks all around it, and an emblem in the middle. The Bewitching Bell! Grogar had it at last. The bell glowed in Grogar's yellow aura as it levitated to him. But as soon as Grogar felt triumph, he heard the door click. Discord was home! Knowing that it was made of cotton-candy, Grogar quickly dove into the closet, the cotton-candy acting as a cushon. And then, as quietly as he could, Grogar closed the door and opened a tiny hole in the cotton-candy door so he could see. He wasn't sure if King Sombra or the Storm King were even hiding, but he knew it was likely. He couldn't hear their movements. The only movements he heard were the steps that came from the doorway. Suddenly, Grogar saw a shadow approach the wall he was staring at. The tall, slim, shadow. And then he came into view. Grogar saw Discord appear right in front of him! Discord wasn't looking at him. But Grogar knew what Discord was capable of. For all he knew, Discord knew that he was always there. And then, for a couple seconds, Discord's body began shaking like a snake as he shivered. "I swear something wrong is going on here..." Discord muttered when he regained composure. "But I can't put my talon on it..." And then Discord looked at the closet door. Grogar's heart jumped. If Discord opened the door, all of his plans would be in ruins. Being caught by Discord wasn't an issue. Without the power of the bell or any other artifact, Grogar could still take Discord. Though Discord's chances of winning were slightly higher. But the bigger issue was that if Discord found him, even if he beat Discord, ponies would become suspicious sooner or later. he had to hide his tracks. But Grogar didn't have much of a choice. Discord bent closer to the door. Grogar clutched the bell in his hooves. Discord reached for the door with his talon. Grogar held his breath... And then Discord's eyes looked somewhere else. Discord suddenly unbent his body, turned to his left, and smiled. Suddenly, a blue slip of paper floated to his lion paw and he grabbed it. "There you are!" he said. "Now I can meet Fluttershy at the museum like we discussed at the picnic." And with a snap of his talon, Discord vanished. Grogar couldn't believe his luck. He actually managed to avoid the Master of Chaos! Slowly, Grogar opened the cotton-candy closet door and stepped out very slowly. Once he was certain he was in the clear, Grogar went to the exit at a normal walking speed and stood, facing away from the door. Lighting up his horn, he sent a telekinetic message to his allies. "Meet me at the door! Don't worry! I am safe!" The light on his horn faded before Grogar began to wait for his allies. The Storm King and King Sombra arrived not even thirty seconds later. Gasps escaped their lips as soon as they saw the bell. "Wow! You actually found it!" exclaimed Sombra. "OF COURSE I DID!" Grogar snapped. "I'm Grogar!" "Where was it?" asked the Storm King. "In a closet made of cotton candy. I had to hide in it when Discord came here." "I'm shocked that Discord didn't find us," Sombra said. "So am I," Grogar said. "I wonder if he even knows. If so, we will be sure to have the bell ready and watch it at all times. Just in case he is playing with us. But since we retrieved what we needed, we finally have all the items we need! Now, here is what we will do to get out of this realm: all we have to do is activate my bell. It's obvious it can make it less hard to make a portal out of here, but I want to see if it will take us where we want to go." "Do you remember how to turn it on?" asked the Storm King. "I think so. Just let me try what I remember and hope for the best. Stay in here. I will do the process outside." Grogar turned and went outside. And much to his approval, when he looked back, his allies stood where they were, talking. Grogar wouldn't betray them. Not yet. Although he could just directly take over Equestria when he gets his bell to work, he wants to take it a bit slower. Although he doesn't know how, he knows for a fact that he will find a way. Grogar closed the door to the house. When Grogar was a good distance, he looked at his bell and closed his eyes. His horn suddenly began to glow before a blazing yellow beam with black lightning shot out and blasted the bell. Grogar saw the bell begin to levitate on it's own, escaping his magical grip. It floated for a minute as Grogar stood and grinned. But then the bell finally began to levitate down, light still glowing off its symbols. Grogar caught it by levitating it with his magic and headed back into the house. When he opened the door, King Sombra and the Storm King were looking at him. "I take it that it worked?" asked Sombra. "It did," Grogar replied. "Now, we just need to do one last thing... open the portal back to Equestria. Only it should lead wherever we want. With the power this has, there is a decent chance that it will work." "Are you sure?" the Storm King asked. "Don't question me. We will just need to test it out and see if it works." *Minutes later* It worked. A yellow portal the size of a mirror suddenly opened up in front of a familiar structure... ...Grogar's lair. One by one, the villains came out, still in their pony forms. First Grogar exited the portal and entered the structure. Then King Sombra. Then the Storm King. When Grogar entered his lair, he went to the middle of the main room and watched as Sombra and the Storm King made their way to him and soon stood next to each other, facing the disguised ram. "So... I have allies," Grogar said. "And we got the bell. All we need is a plan..." "What?" the Storm King exclaimed. "We have power! We're NOT going to march into Equestria and take over?" "Patience. It would be better if we went slow. Waited for the best opportunity. Besides, this would be the best time for us to get used to being back here again. Oh but don't worry. The plan will soon come..." *The day the plan came... one month later* The crystal ball gleamed in the air as Grogar stared at it, doing what he does every day: spying. "Wonder what the Princess is doing now..." he muttered. The crystal ball suddenly swirled with black fog before an image showed up. An image of Princess Twilight and a unicorn he's never seen before suddenly appeared on the crystal ball. But there was something else too. A very familiar statue. The statue of the three villains that used his bell long ago! "Luster... I think you have to help... them!" Princess Twilight said a few seconds after the image appeared on the crystal ball. Seeing the image brought Grogar great interest. He watched as she talked with the unicorn. The princess then vanished for a moment before coming back with boxes and... camping items. And then after some more talking, the Princess suddenly casted what seemed to be a very large spell before she, the unicorn, and the statue suddenly vanished. Grogar knew that the spell didn't make them perish. The conversation made it clear that the Princess was casting multiple spells. Apparently, some sort of map called this unicorn to actually reform these three villains. Once the image on the crystal ball faded Grogar smiled a devious grin before he called out in a booming voice. "MY ALLIES! GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!!!" It didn't take long for King Sombra and the Storm King to assemble and stand facing the pedestal Grogar stood on. "Why did you call us?" Sombra said, slightly annoyed. "I was taking a very relaxing nap!" "This is more important than a nap!" Grogar snapped. "My allies! I finally have a plan!" "Finally!" Sombra's eyes rolled. "It's been a month since we returned! I'm glad you FINALLY thought of something!" "What is this plan?" asked the Storm King. "As of now, I have discovered that Princess Twilight Sparkle has sent a unicorn to reform three villains that were in stone. The ones that used my bell! So whether this unicorn succeeds or not, here is the plan: us three form a anti-villain cult with a bunch of other ponies! And then, when the time is right, we use the bell to drain the power of every single cult member except for us! Then we rise up against Princess Twilight and take over! We call over as much residents of Equestria as we can! We drain Twilight's magic along with the magic of her friends! We berate her! And then whatever we do next to her is up to me to decide! And then after that, we drain the magic of every single being around us! We make sure that nopony gets away!" "This seems like a fine plan and all..." Sombra said. "But how are we gonna get so many ponies to join a cult? I mean, sure we can just tell them about Princess Twilight's plan! But from what we saw, these ponies know that whatever the Princess does is a right call!" "That is why what we do next is simple..." replied Grogar. "Tonight, I'll sneak into the houses of ponies and brainwash them into believing we have been in this "cult" for a while!" "Ok. That makes sense," Sombra admitted. "Oh, and since we are in a cult..." Groger resumed. "I better make sure to steal some cloaks if I am able to find any." "Why?" asked the Storm King. "I don't know!" Grogar said, rolling his eyes. "Every cult member wears a cloak! But cloaks aside, I think I may have found the perfect plan to finally reclaim Equestria! For you! For ME! FOR ALL OF US!!! HAHAHAHAHA" And with that, Grogar begin to laugh maniacally. Once Grogar started, King Sombra and the Storm King immediately joined in. *Present day... Earth* When Grogar finished telling his story, he didn't tell it at all. Instead, he cast a memory transference spell to all except Sombra and the Storm King. There, they would all see the most important events in the flashbacks that all led up to this moment. Those who saw the memories has glowing yellow eyes. Finally, when the flashback ended with the mention of the plan, everyone's eyes returned to normal. The yellow flames still crackled in the field. Cozy Glow, Chrysalis, and Tirek all stared at Grogar with disbelief. "Y-you have the bell?!" muttered Chrysalis. "He can't have the bell!" Dave erupted from behind Grogar. "I don't see no bell on him!" "Dave, you don't understand what this guy is capable of!" Leo said. "He could be hiding it in a cloaking spell or something!" Grogar turned around and faced Leo. "Wow..." Grogar grinned. "You really do know a lot about me a lot... know what I am capable of... let's see if you are right!" Grogar turned to Tirek and smirked before he suddenly motioned his hoof past his barrel. Suddenly, a very odd shape in a transparent color materialized on Grogar's collar. For a few seconds the yellow transparent color on the shape glowed a dim yellow light. And then the transparent color on the shape faded. And in its place was the Bewitching Bell, hanging on Grogar's collar.