The Dark Knight Falls

by TheClownPrinceofCrime

Chapter 6: The Chaos Begins


Celestia raised the sun with her magic as the new dawn began. Glad that she got a satisfying rest last night, she was prepared to take on the new day’s tasks. She then decided to walk over to the balcony to look over her beloved city of Canterlot. Once she got there, she smiled brightly as she beheld the beautiful morning sky, the shining sun, and her citizens exiting their homes to gain some morning fresh air.

“Ahhh, a beautiful lovely!” Celestia said, enjoying the refreshing atmosphere. Then she turned back to see her sister Luna.

Luna was having her breakfast in the dining hall. Celestia entered the hall with her own breakfast, pineapple pancakes. “Good morning, Lulu!”

“Good morning, sister. I take it you slept well?” Luna asked before eating a banana...and its peel.

“Indeed. How was your night shift?” Celestia asked, sitting down on the table.

“As usual. There were a few ponies who suffered some nightmares, but I’ve managed to help and comfort them. I really appreciate their openness to me.” Luna replied, smiling slightly.

“That’s great to hear, Luna. They should be thankful knowing there’s somepony they could look up to.” Celestia smiled before eating her breakfast.

“Indeed, sister.” Luna agreed. They paused their conversation to resume eating their meals. Once they finished eating, Luna started to change the topic as she thought of something else.

“Sister, I’ve been meaning to ask you something.” Luna said, wiping her muzzle with a napkin via telekinesis.

“Yes?” Celestia said, putting her dishes away.

“This is about Discord. I know you said that he will use his chaotic powers for good and no longer for evil, but I was wondering about him. Do you actually think he will keep his promises? You know how chaotic he really is.” Luna asked.

After wiping her muzzle with a napkin via telekinesis, she sighed knowing what her sister was thinking. “I understand your concerns, Luna. But believe me when I say that Discord has turned over a new leaf thanks to Fluttershy’s kind efforts.” Celestia said. “True, it takes time to develop and learn, but Discord will keep his promise since he saw the error of his ways.”

“That may be the case, but haven’t you heard what our citizens here have been complaining? They all murmured about Discord disrupting their peace and thinking he isn’t worthy of being around here.” Luna reported.

“Yes, I’ve heard them. However, they fail to understand that he is a being of chaos. It’s in his nature to do what he normally does.” Celestia said. “Of course, it’s no excuse for what he had done in the past before we both stood up against him. My point is that they can’t force him to behave like we ponies do.”

“But I still fear the day he turns back to his old ways and betray us!” Luna shouted. “What will we do when that happens? What if he decides to—?!” Luna rambled before Celestia held her hoof up.

“Luna, relax. It is going to be all right. We are lucky that Twilight and her friends are on our side to help us when things go wrong. Discord knows better than to do something like that. He’s learning the ways of friendship, Lulu; give him a chance and more time to grow.” Celestia assured.

Luna calmed herself as Celestia directed. She looked back at her sister with a warm smile. “I hope you’re right, sister. Forgive me if I sounded to worried.”

“No need for apology. You have every right to be worried. But considering how Discord has progressed so far, you should be thankful and glad.” Celestia said, putting her hoof under her sister’s chin. Luna smiled again.

Suddenly, a thunderous explosion greatly startled them and shook the whole ground and castle. “What was that?!” Luna asked.

“I don’t know. Come with me!” Celestia ordered. They both flew toward the balcony at a fast pace. Once they arrived there, they beheld a huge pillar of fire and smoke ascending to the clouds. Everypony was screaming and running for their lives.

The Royal Sisters teleported themselves to the very area where the explosion occurred. The moment they got a closer view of the destruction, their eyes widen in shock along with their mouths hanging open. The building that was destroyed was none other than the Canterlot library.

They discovered thousands of books—rich sources of information, valuable archives—burning to a crisp. Nothing was left except for its foundation...which was still engulfed in flames.

“How is this possible?! How did this happen?!” Luna cried out.

“I have no idea! (Gasp) Look, Luna!” Celestia pointed at three bodies lying on top of each other. They ran toward the bodies and discovered that the three ponies were the librarian and two Royal Guards. They widen their eyes in shock once again.

“!! NO!” Luna yelled. Most of their bodies were massively burned while still having recognizable faces. They...were dead.

“This is terrible. I don’t know what or who was the cause of this tragic incident, but we will find out sooner or later. Contact the hospital and the Royal Guard immediately. We need to clean this up.” Celestia ordered sternly.

Luna nodded before teleporting away. But after she left, something caught Celestia’s eye. She spotted a strange card randomly lying on the ash-covered ground. She picked it up with her magic; once she looked at it, she expressed both a surprised and puzzled look on her face...she held a Joker card.


Mayor Mare took a good sip of her coffee as she continued her paperwork in her office. A happy morning, an enjoyable breakfast, and living in a great and lovely town filled with peaceful ponies always made her day. She really enjoyed her work as the town’s mayor.

“Good morning, Mayor Mare!” Pinkie Pie greeted as she hopped right into her office.

“Good morning, Pinkie! I have to thank you for those delicious cupcakes you sent me two hours ago! I really enjoyed them!” the mayor thanked.

“I’m so glad you did! At first, I wanted to make some vanilla cupcakes, but then I remembered you favored chocolate over vanilla. So I saved the vanilla for later and made you some chocolate ones instead!” Pinkie rapidly spoke with no pause.

“Hahaha, I like vanilla too, but I’m glad you remembered my favorite flavor though.” the mayor chuckled. After she finished her paperwork, she got up from her seat and walked toward the large window.

“So, you enjoyed your rest last night?” Pinkie asked.

“Indeed, I did. It’s a daily reward for a day’s hard work as a mayor. Although I did had some minor trouble in keeping a peaceful mind on my bed.” Mare admitted.

“Really? What was it?” Pinkie asked, tilting her head.

“(Sigh) Yesterday, Discord made a mess of my work by turning my papers into doves!” Mare complained.

“Doves?” Pinkie asked.

“Well, not literally, but giving them wings of a dove. He said it would be easier if they would fly to me, and I wouldn’t have to get up and get them. Instead, they flew all over the place, drank the ink, and ate my other written paperwork. I NEVER ASKED FOR THAT!” the mayor yelled.

“Hmmm, maybe he was trying to lighten your load?” Pinkie guessed.

“I doubt that.” Mare said as she looked out through the window. “Seriously, his annoying antics will be the death of me.”


Mayor Mare shrieked in terror as a body banged against the window. “SWEET CELESTIA!!”

“Did he get attacked by a party?!” Pinkie randomly asked. They both ran out of the Mayor’s Hall and ran over to the banged window.

To their horror, the pony was hanged on a noose with a scary clown makeup and a Glasgow smile on his face. But he wasn’t just any random pony; he was Fancy Pants. The residents were shocked and appalled at the sight of one of the most well-renowned ponies from Canterlot being hanged. Who murdered him? Who was behind this?

They also noticed a Joker card on his blazer. It had a fearful hoof—or handwriting that said, “Will the Batman learn his lesson and stand up?” What was that supposed to mean? The ponies had no clue who they were up against.