The Dark Knight Falls

by TheClownPrinceofCrime

Chapter 15: Element of Loyalty

The Mane Six entered through the portal into a similar dimension; they trotted on glass that lit up the entire pitch-black room. The color of the light was bright purple. “Why is it so dark in here?” Rainbow asked, looking around above them.

“I’m afraid of the...dark!” Fluttershy shivered.

“(Giggles) At least there is this bright purple light!” Pinkie giggled. “I wonder what’s under this glass floor!” She gazed at the dark abyss through the glass floor. Seeing nothing noticeable, she reunited with her friends.

“Hello! Is anypony home? Where are we?” called Rarity.

“I don’t know what Discord’s tests are going to be like, but I bet they’ll be the same ones like the ones we faced a few years ago.” Twilight said.

“Yup! I’m certainly countin’ on that if ya ask me!” Applejack replied.

“We got to keep looking around and search for any signs of where we are.” Twilight ordered.

They kept looking around as they tried to find out where they are so they will be able to finish what was assigned to them and defeat Discord once and for all. Suddenly, a soft thud arrested their attention; they looked everywhere—even back and forth—as they attempted to discover the source of the thud. “Did you girls hear that?” Rarity asked.

“Oh, oh, oh, is somepony planning a surprise birthday party?!” Pinkie randomly guessed.

“Umm, Pinkie, normally we don’t make noises like that before we pronounce—ahh!” Rainbow yelped.

“SURPRISE, PONIES!” a familiar voice menacingly spoke. Swiftly turning their heads to the speaker, they saw a dark alicorn sitting on her throne with a crescent moon shining behind her; she evilly laughed as she beheld the shocked and terrified faces of the Mane Six.

“It’’s NIGHTMARE MOON!!” Fluttershy screamed, pointing at her.

“HOW?! This is not possible! We defeated you and brought you back as Luna! How is it that you’re back again?!” Twilight demanded.

“You foals! Luna is no more! I can never be destroyed, for I am the most powerful alicorn in Equestria! Besides, did you really think I would be bested by a measly rainbow laser?” Nightmare taunted. “Ha! That was truly pathetic! I expected you ponies to be more realistic with your methods!”

The Mane Six then glared at her and positioned themselves in battle stance. “What do you want from us, Nightmare Moon? What are you doing here?” demanded Twilight.

“I have simply been instructed to give each of you a test that will prove your strength as an element bearer.” Nightmare explained. “As I’m sure you have already been informed, if any of you fail to pass these tests, I will have the power to obliterate you all! All it takes is one pony to fall short of her potential. However, if you succeed, you’ll not only save yourselves but also your whole land and your other friends.”

“We’re not afraid of you, Nightmare Moon! Do your worst!” Rainbow defied. This made the evil alicorn smirk.

“As you wish...” Nightmare ignited her horn and sent a blue beam toward the glass floor, raising a door from the glass. The door stood on its own after Nightmare withdrew her magic. “Since you were willing enough to take the challenge, why don’t you go first, Rainbow Dash?” she said, looking right at the surprised pegasus.

“Me? Uhhh, yeah!” Rainbow got nervous at first until she immediately rubbed it off and got confident. “I’m ready for anything!” she said.

“Pray that you are.” Nightmare growled. Rainbow opened the door and walked in to go through her trial. Her friends were hoping that she would be able to pass whatever test she would have to endure.

“Please...please pass this, Rainbow...” Twilight mumbled under her breath.

Rainbow looked around her and saw the Shadowbolts standing in front of her. She instantly remembered them being with her while on their way to the Castle of the Two Sisters long ago. Due to her steadfastness and utmost loyalty to her friends, she refused to join the Shadowbolts. Scoffing at the apparent simplicity of the test, she smiled smugly at them. “Well, well, if it isn’t the Shadowbolts once again. And before you say it, I’m not joining you. Simple as that.”

The Shadowbolts chuckled at her pride and ignorance. “Poor Rainbow Dash...always thinking she’s the best and competent at everything. What a pity..” the leading Shadowbolt mocked. Rainbow wasn’t sure why she thought that voice was so familiar.

“Uhhh, who’s talking here?” Rainbow demanded. To her shock, the leader revealed herself as a blue-green pegasus with blonde hair.

“Nice to see you again, Dash.” she darkly smiled.

“LIGHTNING DUST?!” Rainbow fearfully yelled. At that moment, the other Shadowbolts disappeared, leaving the two pegasi alone. Lightning Dust then formed a hateful glare as she slowly advanced on her rival.

“You kicked me out of the Wonderbolts, Dash! We were supposed to be friends! I wanted us to be together at the academy so that we can get to know each other close friends we should have been!!!” Lightning angrily lambasted. Rainbow looked hurt from the harsh accusations that her former friend spat to her.

“Lightning, I didn’t mean to hurt you. But you have to realize that what you did out there was super dangerous! You could’ve gotten my friends killed!” Rainbow defended.

“Who CARES?! That’s the risk the REAL Wonderbolts have to take to prove their worth!” Lightning excused. “It was their fault that they came into dangerous territory. Maybe if they had followed safety rules, they wouldn’t have been in danger.”

Rainbow took time to think on what she said. “Hmmm, you do have a point there.” she slowly agreed.

“See? And tell you what..I say you join me in my new group where we will have far greater stunts and challenges that even you would approve. They are way better than those ridiculous long as your friends and safety rules don’t get in the way of course.” Lightning offered.

Rainbow appeared that she was intrigued by the offer, but at the same time, she looked conflicted. “That sounds really interesting, and I really want to be friends with you again but...I can’t just abandon my friends like that. I will never do anything that will hurt them.”

Lightning scowled at her. “It’s either me or them, Rainbow Dash. If you choose them, then we won’t be friends anymore! Do you want to be my best friend or not?”

“Of course, I do!” Rainbow said.

“Then get away from those jerk-faced friends of yours and be with me. This is your last chance...Rainbow Crash.” Lightning smirked.

This greatly irked Rainbow and almost provoked her to punch her in the face for that hated nickname her old bullies always called her. However, she restrained herself and took a full minute to decide. On one hoof was Lightning Dust whereas her friends were on the other hoof. Weighing them both was taxing on her mind as she loved both. Nevertheless, she considered how long the Mane Five have been friends with her, how much they cared for her, and how much they did everything for her.

Then she looked at her rival who caused nothing but damage at the Wonderbolt Academy; she realized that Lightning cared for nopony but herself and would do anything for her own self-interests. Glaring at the bad memory of what she did and seeing how she talked to her just now, she made her final decision. “No.” she answered.

“What did you just say?!” Lightning threateningly asked, raising her eyebrow.

“I said NO! You care for nopony but yourself and will stop at nothing to advance your own interests!” Rainbow called out. “I will never abandon my friends or leave them out of my life! Finally, I have two final words for you...screw off, dust pile.” she smirked.

Lightning Dust remained silent. Her only response was a hard glare. She vanished into thin air. Rainbow suddenly began to shine bright and saw her own element floating above her head. With that, she burst through the door and flew in front of Nightmare Moon. “I PASSED! Beat that, Nightmare Moon!” she bragged.

“Hmm, I can clearly see that.” she hissed in defeat. “I think I should set a dark mood for the rest of us, right...Pinkie Pie?” They all turned their faces to see Pinkie Pie getting excited.

“YAYYY!! My turn! My turn!” she said, bouncing on the glass floor, opened the door, and closed it.