//------------------------------// // Epilogue: The Dark Knight // Story: The Dark Knight Falls // by TheClownPrinceofCrime //------------------------------// Rain began to pour heavily, and lightning bolts struck in the sky. Dark thunderclouds were blocking the moon and stars from shining. While the animals were taking shelter in the Everfree Forest, the Dark Knight drove past them in the bat-pod. He drove as fast as he could to defeat the Clown Prince of Crime before the latter could take any more innocent lives. His tracker spotted his location. “There you are.” Batman said. He came to a stop near a river. Once he got out of the pod, he ignited his crystal magic to be prepared for any potential attacks. He looked around to spot where he was tracked. “Looking for someone, Batsy?” a voice mocked. Batman turned to see two joker cards flying towards him. He smacked them to the ground before they could hit him. He then noticed how the cards easily cut through the grass as they impaled the soil. “Haven’t seen that before, huh?” Joker asked, arising from the bushes. “A portion of chaos magic does come in handy! So how about we have some fun before we kiss each other...(cracks knuckles)...goodbye?” He and Batman ran to each other while giving their war cries. Joker threw a punch which Batman dodged; the latter punched him in the cheek and threw a second one on his other side of the face. Then he uppercutted him. Joker quickly got up and clapped his hands that summoned a flyswatter above his arch foe. Batman front-flipped away from the swats before shooting a crystal beam at it. The blast destroyed it. Joker took his gun and shot several rounds at Batman. Batman raised his shield, blocking the bullets from hitting him. He then threw two batarangs at him, but Joker got them in midair and effortlessly crushed them to pieces. “That’s how you were like, Batman—breaking your spirit like there’s no tomorrow.” he grinned. Growling in anger, he ran to him to further attack him. However, Joker raised his gun and shot one bullet. It struck Batman’s right side in between the Kevlar plates. He groaned in pain from the shot as he started to bleed. “What’s the matter, Batsy? Can’t handle the punchline?” Joker cruelly taunted, walking towards him. “It is such a pity you have come this far—protecting, fighting, defending the Gothamites, beating up criminals to a pulp—really sad.” “But here’s what’s funny: you call yourself the defender of the weak, the ultimate mystery feared by the criminal underworld! That’s also what they say. But do you know what I think you are? A joke...a joke that takes itself too seriously. Isn’t that right...Bruce?” Joker evilly smiled. Batman’s expression turned from agony to anger. He clenched his fists as he tried to get on his feet. “It’s true, Batsy! I know everything. It doesn’t take a detective to know your secrets. A billionaire playboy? What a ridiculous concept. Just like a kid who peeks at his Christmas presents, I must admit: it was sadly anticlimactic.” Joker continued. “Behind all the sturm and batarang, you’re just a little boy in a playsuit, crying for mommy and daddy!” “It would be funny if it weren’t so pathetic.” Joker glared at him until he started to chuckle. “Ohh, what the heck? I’ll laugh anyway! Hahahahahahahaha!!!” Suddenly, Batman jumped at him, tackling him on the ground. He lifted him up, slapped him, then punched him in the face. Joker was flung against a tree; he got up before he wiped some blood off of his mouth. Batman grabbed him by the throat and pinned him against another tree. Lightning struck in the background. “I’ll break you in two.” Batman growled, squeezing his throat. “Oh, Batman, if you were into that sort of fun, you would’ve done it before! Eye on the other hand...” he directed him at his free arm. He unsheathed his knife from his other arm’s sleeve, sliced a spot on Batman’s arm, then stabbed him on his shot leg. Thus, Batman fell down in greater pain. Before the Joker could harm him any further, Batman slowly got up, smacked Joker’s gun out of his grasp, stomped it to pieces, then punched him on the stomach. Joker groaned in pain while he backed away from Batman. Batman punched him again while angrily growling. “All the people and ponies I’ve murdered...(punch)...by letting you live...” Joker spat out more blood. “I never kept count.” “I did!” he yelled. Again, he grabbed him by the throat and slammed him against a fallen tree trunk. “I know...” Joker replied, stabbing him again. “And I love you for it.” Batman struggled to keep his vision and mind in balance due to the bleeding wounds of his body. His fierce determination and rage forbade him to give up. He rammed against Joker, body-slammed him, and repeatedly punched his face. Joker kept maniacally laughing with every punch he received regardless of the pain. At that very moment, a critical mistake was made: Batman rashly held him up and snapped his neck. He dropped him on the soak and wet grass. He slowly looked at his hands, realizing what he had done. Instantly, a memory of Harvey’s death flashed before him; he saw himself pushing Dent off the edge to his death to save the life of Gordon’s son. Although that resulted his code being broken, it was out of protection instincts. This...this was taken too far. Only this time, rage and revenge clouded his judgement which led him to the very limit he always refrained from. Joker looked at him smugly. “I knew you had it in you. You have the mind of a killer—if only Gordon could see it. Come on, finish me...” Batman stood still, silently glaring at him. “Hmm, it doesn’t (grunts) matter. I (gasps for air) win. I made you lose control...and they’ll kill you for it. See you...in hell.” Joker demonically smiled. After one last laugh, he uttered his last breath and died. Batman cast a somber look at Joker’s corpse, disregarding the raining and the lightning. Looking at his cruel face, he saw all the crimes he committed in Gotham and Equestria and the atrocities he harbored. With that, he callously spat at his face. At that moment, all the crystal magic he possessed left him; the small crystal heart floated in the air until it shattered completely. A portion of chaos magic ejected from Joker’s body and disappeared to thin air, gone forever. “Batman! Batman! Over here!” a voice cried in the forest. Batman looked behind him and saw the Mane Six, the princesses, Spike, and Shining running to him. “I’ve heard some shots from afar! I couldn’t sit there to let you get hurt!” Twilight exclaimed. Batman then noticed a whirlpool in the river. Once he got a closer look, he recognized it as a portal. Twilight caught his gaze and saw it there as well. “That’s a portal Celestia and I created to let us visit your world since we missed you after Sombra’s death.” Twilight explained. “Wait, you’re not...” “Twilight, look at what happened.” Batman pointed. Once they turned, they beheld the corpse of the Clown Prince of Crime; his satanic smile creeped them out. Twilight then realized what he had done. “You...killed him?!” Twilight shrieked. “The Joker got me. If it weren’t for my rage and revenge, I would’ve never done this. What happened to Discord?” Batman asked. They turned to Fluttershy who was still depressed and emotionally broken. Batman looked at her and immediately read all her emotions as if it were a book. Then he understood what they had done. “He is dead too, isn’t he?” Fluttershy only nodded her head. Seeing her break down in tears again, Applejack and Pinkie wrapped her hooves around her to comfort her. “I’m sorry, Fluttershy. I know how that feels.” Batman comforted. Still remaining silent, Fluttershy walked away, softly sobbing. “That’s not a good sign.” Rarity observed. “Well, on the bright side, The Joker is finally dead! He won’t cause any more damage or harm, right?” Pinkie said, trying to lighten the mood. “True, but his crimes have greatly affected Equestria and our family. I still mourn the death of Cadence in my heart.” Celestia somberly spoke. “I’ll see to it that she gets a royal, proper burial. I’m afraid that Shining Armor here will have to bear the burden of being the only ruler of the Crystal Empire.” “(Sobbing) I know...but I know that she would be (sniff) proud to know that our kingdom will have flourished prosperously.” wept Shining. Twilight hugged him tightly as she too wept. He then turned to Batman. “I still want to thank you for being my close ally during all this. You were like a...brother-in-arms, so to speak.” “You don’t have to thank me.” said Batman. “Yes, I do.” Shining replied. Batman limped back to the bat-pod without giving heed to his injuries. Once he got on, Twilight and Spike ran to him. “You’re leaving again?” Spike asked. “I know Gotham is doing well under the Dent Act, but the Batman still needs some refreshment every now and then. However, in this situation...you might not see him again.” Batman said, turning the engine on. “WHAT?! But-but you can’t! Don’t you love us anymore?!” Twilight cried. “I do. I can assure you that Bruce Wayne will come back, but not the Batman. Thanks for everything, Twilight. Until the day that the world—or rather the multiverse no longer needs Batman, I’ll be gone. Goodbye, Twilight....all of you.” Batman drove off toward the river. “Wait!” Spike shouted. Batman dived into the whirlpool and was teleported away. Everypony else gathered around Twilight and Spike. “Where’s he going?” Luna asked. “(Sigh) He is getting back to Gotham. I can clearly see how The Joker tortured us. From the looks of it, we might not see Batman in a long time.” Twilight sadly answered. However, her sad expression turned to a slight smile. “But there’s some things I will never forget: he is the hero that Equestria didn’t deserve but the hero it needed. Plus, he is no ordinary hero...” “...he is a silent guardian...” “...a watchful protector...” “...THE DARK KNIGHT.” THE DARK KNIGHT FALLS