//------------------------------// // Chapter 22: Infiltration Complete // Story: Cozy Chronicles // by 5u0myn0n4 //------------------------------// It was that time of year to once again celebrate the Grand Galloping Gala. With Twilight Sparkle as ruler of Equestria, galas were a little different. To put it simply, galas were a lot less uptight, and far more easygoing. Creatures from all over Equestria were here! Ponies of course, but also Yaks, Griffons, Hippogriff, Dragons, Kirin, though notably absent today were any Changelings... Twilight congregated with other powerful magic users. Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Trixie, Moondancer, and Princess Flurry Heart of the Crystal Empire. "What an amazing gala, Twilight." Starlight said. "It's so casual, every creature is having such a fun time." "Yep. It sure beats the galas of old times." Moondancer said. "I'm really happy with what you've done, Twilight." said Flurry Heart. "I'm so glad you're all enjoying it." Twilight said. Twilight was particularly thrilled because this would be Luster Dawn's first gala! She was too busy in years prior. "I couldn't be more excited. Luster Dawn said she has something extra special to show me tonight." she said. "I can't wait to see it. Maybe she finally mastered Hayscartes' fourteenth method. Or, I bet it's-" "Slow down. You don't wanna guess correctly and ruin the surprise." Trixie snarked. "You're right, I'm just really excited..." Twilight blushed. "I love the enthusiasm." Sunburst commented. "I take it you're pleased with Luster." Starlight said. "She's made such excellent progress. I couldn't be more proud of her." Twilight said. *some distant talking* "It looks like you got some more guests." Starlight said. Twilight turned around, and there they were. Her old friends. The other ponies of the mane 6. "Girls! You made it!" Twilight exclaimed and rushed over. "Of course we're here, Twilight." Applejack said. "And it's no thanks to Rainbow Dash for writing the wrong date on my calendar." "Hey, what's it matter? It's not like I can't make the trip here in a flash." Rainbow Dash said. "What they're trying to say, is we wouldn't dream of missing a gala run by you." Fluttershy said. "It's always a pleasure to get back together." Rarity said. "You seriously didn't think that Pinkie Pie would miss a gala, did 'ya?" Pinkie asked. "It's not a party until Pinkie Pie arrives!" *party cannon go BOOM* "Now it's a party!" she exclaimed. *laughter* "HAHAHA." the mane 6 all laughed it up. "It's like nothing's changed." Twilight said, a single tear ran down her face. These weren't the only guests to greet Twilight. There were other familiar faces too. "Twilight!" exclaimed a green pony, riding a yak. It was the student six! Although, they were more of a foursome at the moment. Yona and Sandbar were tighter than something very tight, while Silverstream and Smolder were their usual selves. "How's Gallus? Is he still recovering?" Twilight asked. "'fraid it isn't good. They really cooked his goose." Sandbar said. "I didn't know Gallus was part goose." Silverstream said. "That's not what he meant..." Smolder said. Gallus wasn't the only missing student. If you were an astute reader, you should know who else is missing. "Where's Ocellus?" Rarity asked. "We're not sure. We think she's at the Changeling hive. She said there were some urgent matters." Smolder said. "I don't like the sound of that one bit." Rarity said. "You ever get that rumbling that there's trouble?" Applejack asked. *rumble* "You're right. My tummy is hurting! BRB!" Pinkie exclaimed. *ZIP* The pink pony zipped away from the scene. "That doesn't sound encouraging." Rainbow Dash said. Discord still hasn't found Queen Chrysalis. It has to be her. Twilight thought. "Twilight, are you okay?" Rainbow Dash asked. Everyone's in danger, I knew I should have canceled the gala. Why did I put on this gathering when there are three bloodthirsty maniacs on the loose?! her mind spiraled. "Psst. Twilight, a word?" Discord's voice echoed. Twilight turned her head, and saw Discord across the room. If anyone knew about the rumblings going on, it'd be him. "Hang on, I have to talk to someone." Twilight said. Twilight walked up to Discord in the ballroom. He was busy snacking on pears. "There you are, Discord! How's the reconnaissance going?" Twilight asked. "Right, the mission. So the thing about that is..." Discord said. Discord twiddled his claws and looked away slightly. He didn't appear confident. "Have you located any of the three threats?" Twilight asked. "Technically, yes." Discord replied. "What does that mean? Have they been apprehended and dealt with?!" Twilight asked. "Yes, okay. None of those three are capable of any harm. They are in incapacitated states." Discord said. "Good." Twilight sighed with relief. "Last I checked on them anyway..." Discord added. "WHAT?!" Twilight exclaimed. "Look, everything is under control. I'll check." Discord said. *snap* Discord disappeared. (Discord appeared at Midnight castle. Nothing. In fact, everyone in the village was gone! The hospital room that once held Cozy was now empty) *snap* Discord reappeared. "Okay, everything's not under control." Discord admitted. "WHAAAT?!" Twilight exclaimed even louder. "Discord! What is going on?!" "So, there's a lot to unpack here." Discord said. "Now try not twilighting while I explain what happened." Discord said. "I'm already twilighting thinking about what you could have done! And how you may have put the lives of everypony here at risk! I don't want excuses. I want those three dealt with, and I'm this close to categorizing you with the likes of them!" *ahem* *cough* Everyone in the room was looking at Twilight, awkwardly. Including, Luster Dawn, who had just appeared at the main stage, and was starting at Twilight. "Are you okay, master?" Cozy asked (speaking from inside the body and mind of Luster Dawn). "Oh, Luster Dawn. I didn't mean to distract." Twilight apologized. "No no, it's fine. I get it, princess stuff is very stressful. It's hard to let go, even at galas. Am I right?" Cozy said. "Yeah, hehe..." Twilight laughed nervously. "Mmm hmm. Anyway, I believe it's almost time for my presentation to begin." Cozy said. "Uh, Luster, may I have a word with you and-" Discord started. "I said it's time to begin!" Cozy shouted. Discord went quiet. *ding ding ding* "Here ye! Here ye! May I have everypony's attention?!" Cozy exclaimed. Luster Dawn (actually Cozy), took center stage in the ballroom. She was on higher elevation, and behind her was a mysterious object shrouded by a curtain. Every creature in the room gathered round to hear her speech. Cozy did her best to sound like Twilight's faithful student. "Fillies and gentlecolts! Thank you all for coming to the grand galloping gala!" Cozy said. "I just wanted to say what an honor and a privilege it has been for me, Luster Dawn, to study under the supervision of Princess Twilight Sparkle herself." Twilight blushed and smiled, but tried to hide her excitement. "It is my utmost priority that peace forever shines upon Equestria. And today, I have great news that should come as a huge relief to all across the land! Actually, a huge relief, for a small problem." she said. Cozy walked up to the curtain, and used her magic to begin to pull it. She undid the cover and revealed. *gasp* Twilight's enthusiasm took a sharp spiral downward. "What the?" ponies cried. "Cozy Glow?" Starlight exclaimed. That's what it appeared to be! A pony that looked like Cozy Glow was bound and tied together in chains, and laying on her stomach on a wooden bed. Most startling of all, was that above this Cozy Glow, was a giant blade that loomed precariously overhead. But instead of the real Cozy, this was her newly discovered twin sister, Amber Glow. Cozy styled Amber's mane to look just like what Twilight remembered Cozy looking like. No pony seemed to noticed Amber's lack of wings or cutie mark. Was Cozy really about to kill her sister?? Everypony in the room was shocked, and mixed. "Behold! I, Luster Dawn, have captured the notorious Cozy Glow!" she exclaimed. The crowd was astonished. Twilight was shocked most of all. "But that's not all folks! She was caught snooping around Canterlot castle! No doubt for some nefarious scheme!" Cozy said. "For this, and her other great crimes against Equestria, Cozy has proven once again that she cannot be trusted, even after given more than one chance. If years spent in stone could not teach her a lesson, then there is only one final punishment worthy of a pony of her evilness. Death." *gasp* "That's right! When I pull this rope, the guillotine will come falling down, and end Cozy Glow once and for all!" Cozy exclaimed. "What in the?" Applejack shook. "Where did she learn this?" Rainbow Dash asked. Twilight Sparkle stepped forward, appalled, and confused. "Luster Dawn! What in the holy mother of Celestia are you doing?" she asked. "Isn't this what you wanted, dear master? Prison in Tartarus, and a life in stone, were far too merciful of punishments! She didn't learn her lesson, so death is the next logical step!" Cozy said. "I expect full marks for effort, teacher!" "But you can't just do this." Twilight exclaimed. "Why not? Cozy Glow is the most powerful creature in Equestria! No doubt if left unhinged, she could cause mass destruction! You wanted me to talk sense into her, but I ran into the same problem you did, she just isn't willing to change her ways. Tsk tsk." Cozy said. "This isn't what I expected from you. If that's what you took away from my lessons, than I am truly sorry." Twilight hung her head in shame. "Twilight, this isn't your fault. You didn't teach her this." Starlight said. "Apparently I did though..." Twilight wept. Luster went ahead with her presentation anyway. Yes, sob and cry for the student for losing her way, not for the filly who's about to lose their head! Cozy thought. "I order you to halt this, Luster Dawn!" Twilight ordered. "Now now, Twilight. I know you're supreme leader, but show a little democracy." Cozy said. "Let the ponies decide what happens to Cozy Glow." "If anypony would like to step forward and tell me why I should spare Cozy Glow, please step forward and present your argument." Cozy said, gleefully. The four remaining students were the first to speak. "I mean, this is a little extreme, but on the otherhoof, that is Cozy Glow..." Sandbar commented. "The construction student ponies death machine is impressive." Yona said. "I would have just smacked her silly until she did what she we told her to do." Smolder said. "Uh, that's very uh... I got nothing to say..." Silverstream "said." "Very, uh, interesting insights, students." Cozy said. There was additional chattering in the crowd. "You there, country girl." Cozy pointed to Apple Bloom. "Well, last time we ever interacted with Cozy Glow, she locked us in a closet!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. "She took advantage of us and almost made everything in Equestria worse!" Sweetie Belle added. "Honestly, I can't say I missed her one bit since she's been gone." Scootaloo commented. "I still don't know who Cozy Glow is!" Feather Flatterfly blurted from the crowd. The lukewarm response to the news of Cozy's impending doom was exactly what she expected. "You're all tugging at my heartstrings with your endearing encounters with Cozy." she said sarcastically. "Such lack of sympathy for the filly!" "I wouldn't give her a pass because of her age! She knew what she was doing was evil!" Smolder said. "A truly irredeemable monster she was. Amazing that out of all the former bad guys in Equestria, that she would be the one too stubborn to change!" "Truer words were never spoken." Cozy grinned, and her eyes twitched. "And now, it is time for her reign of terror to come to an end." "Hey girls, I'm back, what'd I miss?" Pinkie Pie had returned from the little filly's room. "Luster's about to make a huge mistake. We have to help Cozy Glow." Twilight said. "Well why would you want to defend Cozy Glow? You said she was the most vile pony ever born, and that she needed to be stopped immediately." Pinkie said. "Is that what you think, master? Then I won't waste another moment." Cozy said. "Don't do it Luster!" Twilight cried. "Why not? Because you truly care about preserving the life of Cozy Glow? Or you just don't want your student to commit murder?" Cozy asked. "...Well-" Twilight started, but was interrupted. "Well nothing!" Cozy exclaimed. Cozy pulled the rope, and the guillotine came falling down. *THUD* "What the?" Cozy cried. The guillotine stopped midway in the air. The bewitching bell floated above Amber, and halted the blade. The bell started to glow as it disintegrated the blade, and freed Amber from being tied up. Amber pointed the bell at Cozy, and sucked out her magic. "Oh no, what is happening to me?!" Cozy said in an exaggerated tone. "Hehehe!" Amber laughed. "Luster Dawn!" Twilight exclaimed. Twilight tried to intervene, but there was a magic force field preventing her from stepping forward. Cozy's magic drained into the Bewitching Bell, wielded by Amber Glow. Cozy collapsed onto the ground. "Oh no, Cozy Glow has the bewitching bell again!" Cozy exclaimed. The bell turned around, and beamed its magic onto Amber, transforming her into an alicorn princess! She hovered over Cozy and began to recite her lines. "Did you honestly think you could change my mind, Lusty? And this little trap? Wack! You should have been careful as to not get caught off guard." Amber said. "But it doesn't have to end this way. Wanna be friends?!" Amber extended her hoof forward to Cozy. Cozy paused, but quickly accepted Amber's offer. "You have my allegiance, Cozy Glow." Cozy said. *gasp* "Luster, no!" Twilight cried. Amber handed Cozy the bewitching bell. "I'll be taking that. Wouldn't be wise to let a filly be in charge of such an important magical artifact!" Cozy said. "Why are you doing this, Luster? I thought we had something!" Twilight asked. "Sorry, Twilight. But Cozy Glow offered me more than tea parties and pissy magic spells. She offered me real power!" Cozy exclaimed. "Besides, its only inevitable that a powerful unicorn betrays her master! You're an outlier, while I'm the norm!" Amber stood up and spoke as well. "That's right, you're going to pay, Twilight Twinkle! For what you did to me, Tirek, and Crystal! For locking us in Tantabus, and putting us in stone, you better believe that my anger has bottled up enough that uh... uh... something something..." Amber said. Cozy stepped forward and interrupted Cozy. "As she was trying to say, the two of us will start a new order! Ruled by Lord Tirek! Queen Chrysalis! The Empress of Friendship, Cozy Glow! And-" *RING* Cozy pointed the bell at herself, and she gained powerful magical abilities, and morphed into an alicorn. "Everypony will bow down to the might of the Empress of Magic! Empress Lust Star!" *gasp* "Is that a working title?" Trixie asked. "Because you really should consider that name..." "Silence!" Cozy exclaimed. "This can't be happening, this can't be happening!" Twilight spiraled into insanity. "Don't worry, Twilight." Rainbow Dash said. "We got your back." Applejack said. "We're not going to let them get away with this." Rarity assured. "Now then-" Cozy pointed the bell at Twilight. I'll be taking your magic!" Cozy exclaimed. *RING* Twilight was so shocked, all she had time to react with was brace for impact. However, Discord leaped forward, and took the hit. The bell absorbed Discord's magic. He collapsed onto the ground. "Discord!" Twilight exclaimed. The ponies gathered around Discord to see if he was okay. "Don't worry, only I (and Pinkie Pie), can wield chaos magic effectively. I've essentially bottled necked the bell, and they can't use it to absorb any more magic without relinquishing my magic back to me." Discord explained. "Hmm, this is true, Discord. Good thinking. Very selfless, and clever of you." Cozy said. "Yes, clever, but blocking the bell is... what was the word?" Amber asked. "Futile." Cozy corrected. "Gesundheit." Amber said. Cozy and Amber stepped forward. From everypony's perspective, it looked like Luster Dawn and Cozy Glow, as alicorns. "Fortunately-" *poof* the bell disappeared. "We're already more than powerful enough to defeat all of you!" Cozy exclaimed. Cozy and Amber charged their horns and- *ZAP* *BOOM* They blasted the entire room with magic. Twilight blocked part of the beam with her magic. There was mass panic from the crowd of ponies. "Get everypony to safety, now!" Twilight ordered. Starlight, Trixie, Flurry Heart, Moondancer, Sunburst and the students all evacuated every creature from the room. They all ran out the exit in a panic crowd. "Where are you all going? Don't you want to witness the rise of your new queen?!" Cozy exclaimed. Twilight and the other members of the mane 6 stood strong, and unintimidated against the two alicorns. "It's the Princess of Friendship and her friends against us, sister." Amber said. "What do you think? Can we take them?" "Together, there isn't anything we can't accomplish, my little pretty." Cozy said. Lust Star held Cozy Glow by the hooves, and they did a dance and twirl. Their horns lit up and charged their spell. "You fillies are about to experience what the near undivided power of Grogar is capable of!" *ZAP* Anyway, we're not quite done, because we're about to see what Chrysalis was up to. At the Changeling hive, Chrysalis, still disguised as Magnolia the unicorn, was sneaking around the hive. She pulled a mine cart of anorthosites through the hive. She brought the rocks to the back of the hive, and stacked all them together, very meticulously. After many hours of the same tedious task, her throne was starting to reshape. Other members of the hive were onto her though, and were keeping an eye on the suspicious activity. While she was putting the finishing touches, she was getting lots of suspicious onlookers. "Oh don't mind me, I'm just stacking some rocks. Nothing to see here!" she said. Chrysalis waved nervously, and the changelings were on their way. "Once my throne is reconstructed, and I activate it, all the magic will be banished, and I will reclaim my hive!" she said to herself. "Is that so?" said a changeling. Chrysalis turned around, and there stood King Thorax, and a whole lot of Changelings. "Oh, did I say that out loud? Whoops." Chrysalis said. "You made a mistake coming here. We're going to make sure don't cause any disturbances!" Thorax exclaimed. "You're too late, Thorax. Your strange and unusual life style will come to an end. Changelings weren't meant to live in such an unnatural way! I mean, what do you even do, Thorax? Govern? That's lame. Your population is on the decline, and you've been keeping it a secret from everyone!" Chrysalis said. "What's she talking about?" Ocellus asked. "How did you know?" Thorax asked. "Oh, I've been keeping a watchful eye on you all since my escape." she replied. "I'd be doing a disservice if I didn't save my children." "We're not going to let you get away with this." Thorax exclaimed. "Oh, I but I already have!" she exclaimed. Chrysalis lit up her horn and zapped the throne. *zap* The throne turned dark, and magic coursed through it. "Huzzah! It has worked!" the queen exclaimed. The throne lit up, and the spell worked. "What's going on?" the changelings panicked. A force field surrounded the Changeling live, and all non-Changeling magic was no longer possible. "Contrary to what you may have been taught in recent times, but I do care for all of you. That's why I simply want what's best for you all. Your queen is here, and she's here to stay." Chrysalis said, sitting on the throne. "You need me. The Changelings are in peril! The population has been on a steady decline since the reign of King Thorax. I'm your salvation. I am your only hope! So now you will all join me and go back to our old ways." Every changeling was at a standstill. "You know, I'm willing to listen." Pharynx said. *gasp* "Pharynx!" Thorax exclaimed. "Ah, Pharynx. Such a loyal drone." Chrysalis said, gleefully. Pharynx walked forward towards the queen. "She has a point. We're facing an extinction level predicament! She ideas, so we should listen to her point of view! We don't have to fight, we can work togeth-" *ZAP* Chrysalis zapped Pharynx, and he transformed to the old style Changeling. "Any other takers?" Chrysalis asked. Ocellus cowered in fear behind Thorax. "No? Fine? I'll make up your minds for you!" *ZAP* A surge of electricity was on a runaway ripple through the hive. *BOOM* There was an intense flash of light. A tremor violently shook the hive. When the light faded, and the earthquake ceased, the Changelings opened their eyes, to their shock and horror, their bodies were dark, and their eyes blue. Chrysalis zapped them back to their old selves! "No! This does not radiate good vibes!" Tymbal cried. "Problem solved! No need to fix what isn't broken!" Chrysalis said. "You can't do this, Chrysalis!" Thorax exclaimed. "I already did!" the queen announced. "But Chrysalis, this isn't the way anymore!" Thorax argued. "You shall address me as My Queen!" Chrysalis exclaimed. "Our your majesty, or your lordship." "Never!" Ocellus exclaimed. The cries of the changeling rebel shocked Chrysalis. Ocellus singled herself out from the crowd. "You can change our bodies, but you can't change our minds!" Ocellus exclaimed. "We're not going back to our old ways!" "If you will not obey your queen, then I shall-" Chrysalis started. "You're not my queen! I hate you! I hate feeding on and abusing other creatures for our own gain! Everything was fine as soon as you left and King Thorax took the throne! It doesn't have to be this way. We can work out a solution to our problem without reverting to our savage ways!" Ocellus ranted. "And one more thing, you're ugly!" Chrysalis, was shocked. She walked forward to Ocellus. "I didn't want it to have to come to this, but-" *crunch* "AAHH!" Ocellus cried. "Ocellus!" Thorax exclaimed. Thorax rushed to Ocellus' side, but he flanked by the side. *oof* "Pharynx? "At this point, it seems to me that Chrysalis cares more about our future than you!" Pharynx shouted. "SHE LITERALLY TRIED TO EAT OCELLUS!" Thorax shouted back. "She's the only one taking the threat of extinction seriously enough to offer a solution!" Pharynx shouted back. "I can't believe it! My own brother betraying me!" Thorax cried. "News flash, mewling grub! WE'RE ALL SIBLINGS! WE'RE BUGS! THAT'S OUR MOM!" Pharynx exclaimed. "GAAH!" Thorax kicked Pharynx up, and was ready to defend the hive from them. A wave of changelings all started attacking other changelings. They transformed into all sorts of exotic creatures, to do combat. It was complete chaos. A Changeling civil war erupted in the Changeling hive! With the Changelings in a civil war, and Twilight and her friends facing off against Cozy Glow and her sister, fireworks were flying, and the fate of Equestria was up in the air. And then there was Tirek and Grogar, who controlled the Rainbow of Darkness, and commanded an army of brainwashed shadow creatures. What challenges would they bring to Equestria? To be continued...