//------------------------------// // Chapter 33: Good and Evil: Part 3 // Story: The Dusk of Troubled Views // by ScorchingFlamesInc //------------------------------// Cozy groaned as her red magic aura surrounding the bell intertwined with Grogar's. Slowly, the red glow began to fade more into yellow. "This will be easier for all of us... if you just... give me... the bell!" Grogar growled. "Never!" Cozy strained. A green spark suddenly flashed, earning Cozy and Grogar's attention. Chrysalis and Tirek suddenly stood next to Cozy, Chrysalis holding Tirek's harm and blushing. "Need a little help?" Tirek asked. Cozy gave a reassured smile in response. Chrysalis released Tirek's arm and they both lit their horns. a fraction of the yellow glow surrounding the bell was now replaced with a green and orange glow. A yellow beam zapped out of Grogar's horns in an attempt to strike down at least one of his foes. But Chrysalis quickly reacted, lifting a green shield and deflecting the beam. Grogar hissed and tugged at the bell harder, the yellow glow growing over the bell like fungus. But then the trio of reformed villains tugged harder as well, the green, red, and orange glows covering half the bell once more. The bell shook under pressure, and began to hum violently. And then it bursted. The combonation of magic and the back and forth tugging overwhelmed it, resulting in the bell appearing to burst in a white glow. The burst sent Grogar back, while Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy were also sent back in the opposite direction. And the bell flew directly up into the air, spinning and twirling. As soon as everycreature lifted their heads, the bell ceased its soar into the sky and began to plummit. Cozy was the first to react, quickly leaping to her feet and flying. But Grogar quickly lit his horns, his yellow aura grabbing Cozy and tossing her aside. Cozy yelped before she rolled to a halt on the ground. Grogar turned into a yellow mist moved to under the bells landing spot. But before the bell could land in the mist, Chrysalis leaped in the air, turning into a phoenix before she does. Using her phoenix wings, she tackles the bell, rolling on the ground. When she stops, she gets on her feet, turns to Grogar, and transforms back into her regular self, using her magic to lift the bell. Grogar turns to normal as well, facing Chrysalis before a rock hits the back of his head. Enraged, he around to face Tirek, only for an orange beam to impact his face and send him flying to a pile of rocks. "Would it be best for us to take more magic from the bell or drain Grogar's magic?" queried Tirek, running over to Chrysalis. "It would be best to drain him," Chrysalis suggested. The sound of groaning suddenly caught Chrysalis and Tirek's attention. Both of them turned their heads to see Cozy limping toward them. The ribbon in her mane was slightly rippled, along with the one in her tail. And, unknowingly to her, a few pink feathers from her wings were on the ground behind her. "Cozy!" Tirek exclaimed. He ran over to the filly. "Are you alright?" "I'm fine..." Cozy groaned. "Just a little bruise..." A large yellow beam suddenly whizzed past Cozy and Tirek, nearly hitting them. Cozy yelped, and the trio of reformed fillains turned to see Grogar, his eyes completely yellow, and his teeth baring at them. Grogar unleashed another beam, which the trio successfully managed to dodge by jumping out of the way. The beam burst upon impacting the wall of the castle, leaving a gaping hole in the building. Chrysalis quickly grabbed the bell with her magic and sent a blast at Grogar. But all Grogar did was catch the beam with his own magic. Quickly the green beam faded into a yellow, before expanding. "I... did not know he could do that..." Chrysalis muttered. Swirling the converted beam into the air, Grogar then unleashed it directly at Chrysalis. Chrysalis quickly held up a shield, but the power of the beam pushed it back before both exploded in Chrysalis' face, causinh her to recoil to the castle wall. Her body impacted the wall with a CRACK, before she collapsed on the ground. The green glow around the bell faded, and the bell landed on the ground. But Cozy was quick to react, lighting her horn and grabbing the bell. Tirek and Cozy looked at Grogar, who sent another blast. Immediatly Cozy and Tirek lifted a shield, the red and orange shield blocking off the blast. The shield was large enough to protect Chrysalis as well. Speaking of Chrysalis, as soon as the shield was lifted and deflecting Grogar's beam, Tirek and Cozy went over to the unconsious changeling. Tirek bent down and slightly lifted Chrysalis with his muscular arms. "Chrysalis? Are you ok? Speak to me!" exclaimed Tirek, panic in his voice. Slowly, Chrysalis opened her eyes. "T-Tirek?" whispered Chrysalis, her eyes shooting open. "Don't worry," Tirek said. "You're alright. Though without you I don't know how long we can hold this shield!" Chrysalis said no words. "Chrysalis?" Tirek said, confused at her sudden silence. Oh what should I do? Chrysalis pondered in her head, starting to turn pink again. Should I hug him? Nuzzle him? Kiss him? Gah, why I am I thinking about kissing at a time like this? "Maybe she's in shock or something?" Cozy shrugged. "Uuuumm..." Chrysalis sputtered. "T-thank you. Again." "Hey, your welcome." Tirek said. Chrysalis lifted her head and saw the barrier of the shield, with Grogar's beam exploding against it. Still in Tirek's arms, Chrysalis lit her horn. At first, nothing happened. But quickly Chrysalis' strength returned and the color green mixed into the shield, which started to crack beforehoof. It only took a few seconds for Chrysalis to get back on her hooves. "Do you think we could push the shield forward, almost like the opposite of what Grogar did to Chrysalis?" Cozy suggested, keeping the bell close to her. "Grogar only pushed my shield back because my magic is weaker than his," Chrysalis said. "But maybe we could try anyway. Though we will need to exert more power than what we usually do, even if it wears us out." "And how about this: instead of stepping forward, we shove it forward using only our magic. so then Grogar has less time to react," Cozy suggested. "Alright then..." Tirek began. "On the count of three... one... two... THREE!" The straining Chrysalis, Cozy, and Tirek amplified as the glowing on their horns amplified. All three of them emmited large grunts as they exerted all magic they had, causing the shield to dash forward directly to Grogar. All Grogar did was widen his eyes, before the shield got close enough for the magic beam to burst right into his face, launching his body back. His body flew back a few inches from where he stood. When his body impacted the ground, he rolled back another inch before coming to a stop at a rock. Leo's POV in the throne room For the past few minutes, I've been struggling in these stupid chains. Sure, I can't do much, but I hate being all tied up in chains. Oddly though, something happened. Just as I was about to give up, the chains faded into nothing. "Wow..." I muttered. "Lucky me." I quickly ran to the broken window to see how Chrysalis, Cozy, and Tirek are holding up. Luckily, since the lower window was so big, I was able to look out. Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow were making their way to something that was about a couple feet from there. And they were making their way over to Grogar. Although the ground they stood on was a far distance down, it appeared that they have defeated Grogar. Not thinking, I ran out of the throne room, because I had a feeling that all of Equestria was finally saved.