//------------------------------// // Chapter Four: Realizations // Story: Trixie Interviews: The Cozy Glow Story // by Betty_Starlight //------------------------------// Night 22 As Cozy Glow slept under the covers like she always did while clutching her precious dolphin and teddy bear toys to her chest, her mind began to stir. She saw herself once again circling the chamber with a disabled Starlight Glimmer there trapped inside the vortex she had created with the artifacts. As she trotted triumphantly, she once again said those same words, “You know, you ponies got it all wrong! Friendship isn’t magic! Friendship is power! Friendship is the most powerful thing there is and soon, all of Equestria will bow to me, the future Empress of Friendship!” And she began to laugh again as she slid the crown over her head, but she still couldn’t help but feel something was off this time? First, she sees Trixie over to her right standing there with a serious expression as she says, “You know this isn’t right…”c She pauses for a moment and turns to look the other direction where she sees Starshine there with tears in her deep blue eyes as she says to Cozy Glow, “You would want power over me?” Cozy Glow then freezes, not knowing what to do or say… Starshine then sniffles and looks up as she says, "You would want to control me? Aren't I important to you?" Cozy Glow then slowly stands up on her haunches again to take off the crown from her head before tossing it down to the floor and returning to all fours and looking down before saying, “I guess I’m not doing that anymore huh?” Cozy Glow then wakes up in the middle of the night under the covers in a cold sweat. “What is wrong with me?” she whispers to her teddy bear. She then quietly sobs into her dolphin as she softly falls back to sleep. Day: 23 Cozy Glow awakens later to find the tears had dried from her face. She then finds a note had been slid under her door during the early hours of the morning. She unfolds it with her hooves and reads it on the ground. It says; Dear, Cozy Glow I’ve been called away to Canterlot for the next 3 days on urgent business. You are to primarily stay in your room for now, although you may go outside for exercise during the daylight hours. Your curfew is at 7 and as usual, you’ll be taken care of. Be back soon! Love you friend! Sincerely, Trixie Lulamoon Cozy Glow then looks up and mutters to herself, “Golly! That just means the next 3 days are gonna be extra boring! You know? A bit more boring than they usually are! Isn’t that just swell?” She says in a resigned tone as she trots back to her bed. She looks down before a tray gets slid through the trap door at the bottom of the door. She looks over and says, “I guess that’s breakfast?” Later in the afternoon, Cozy Glow is coloring on her floor with her teddy bear as she says to the toy, “You know, I had another nightmare about what I did… I keep thinking about what brought me to that point and I suppose that’s what Tirek told me? He said that the best way to keep bad things from happening was to have all the power. That way, everything can be okay, safely under my control… I never thought I could ever actually deal with my problems? They all seemed so strong and so real! They just tore me apart! I know that I can’t face them by myself! I just can’t!” At the point, the Pegasus filly grabs her precious toy with her forehooves and sobs into the seams while whimpering “It’s just too much! Its just too much! I can’t do it!” At that point, there’s knock on the door. Cozy Glow is startled as she looks up and says, “Uh, who is it?” At that point, she hears a muffled voice from behind the door say, “It’s me Starshine! Uh, is it okay if I come in?” At that point, Cozy Glow quickly wipes away her tears with her forehooves and says, “Sure Starshine! Come on in!” At that point, the doorknob glows and the door opens up to reveal her best friend Starshine standing there with her long white mane. She says to Cozy Glow, “Yeah I went to Trixie’s office to talk to her about the next time I could see you and they told me that she got called away. They asked my name and when I told them, they said I had “visiting privileges” by order of Trixie during daylight hours. I gotta go at 7 though!” Cozy Glow then says, “Golly! So you and me can hang out together?” Starshine then smiles and says, “Yeah Cozy Glow! And I’m not in school yet and so I can come here everyday after I’m done with my chores!” Cozy Glow then gives a small sigh and smiles as she says, “Maybe these next 3 days won’t be so awful after all?” Starshine then says, “Well I guess she didn’t want you to be lonely? I mean, she knew I’d be around to see you sooner or later and well, the message would reach me that I’m supposed to meet you in here right?” Cozy Glow scrunches her face and says, “Okay I guess that makes sense? Come on in Starshine!” And Starshine trots in and gets a better looks at Cozy Glow’s flustered and pouty face before nervously asking her, “Um Cozy Glow? Have you been crying?” Cozy Glow then says, “Well uh, maybe a little…” Starshine then has a concerned expression on her face when she asks Cozy Glow, “Well tell me! What’s wrong Cozy Glow? What are you crying about?” Cozy Glow looks up at her and softly asks, “Um, would you mind closing the door please?” Starshine then starts up and says, “Oh! Right!” Then looks over and makes her horn and the doorknob glow to shut it. She then stares at Cozy Glow before asking her, “Alright Cozy Glow, what’s up?” Cozy Glow then sniffles just a little bit before saying, “It was really hard you know? I lost my parents and my life… And it was way too early in my life for all that and um, I just didn’t know how to deal?” Starshine then says, “I don’t think you ever told me about this Cozy Glow? Uh, what happened?” Cozy Glow looks up and says, “Well I used to live with my parents in a cottage on the other side of the Everfree forest, before it burned to the ground and I became an orphan.” Starshine frowns and says, “Oh wow! So um, that’s why you tried to conquer Equestria?” Cozy Glow looks down and says, “Well sorta? It was Tirek actually… He told me that the only way to have control is to take it. That that was the best way to make sure bad things didn’t happen to me. And well, I believed him…” Starshine then looks at Cozy Glow and says, “But Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends stopped you?” Cozy Glow then says, “Yeah and that’s why I was sent to Tartarus for two years…” Starshine then asks Cozy Glow, “And what happened then?” Cozy Glow looks at the floor again before saying, “Then Grogar came and got me along with Tirek and Chrysalis. Except well, it turned out not to really be Grogar, but that’s another story! Anyway, we stole an artifact and tried to use it to take over the land. I was so hyped up! I felt that rush and really wanted the power you know? I thought that things were finally going to be okay for me. I thought that I’d have everything I needed… I guess I was wrong?” She starts to sniffle as Starshine trots over to her and hugs her before saying, “It’s okay Cozy Glow! You’re not that pony anymore! You can be better now!” Cozy Glow can only stand there in shock in the embrace of her friend as she says, “I just wanted to be okay you know? I just wanted everything to be okay… Was that wrong of me for wanting the power to do that? Was that wrong of me for wanting a way to get that power? I just don’t know anymore?” Starshine then pulls back out of the hug and gets back on all fours before looking at Cozy Glow and saying, “Well I do know one thing Cozy Glow. You’re my best friend and I’m really glad I met you. And you might not like me to say it, but I’m actually kinda glad you failed! Because well, if you hadn’t, we never would’ve met. And my life wouldn’t be nearly as good without you in it.” Cozy Glow then looks dumbfounded as she says, “Golly! I never really thought about it? I mean, you like spending time with me and playing with me Starshine?” Starshine smiles and says, “Yes I do Cozy Glow! It’s so much more boring without you in my life!” Cozy Glow then considers this a moment. If she hadn’t failed to take over Equestria, she never would’ve met her best friend? Maybe life without power wasn’t so horrible? Cozy Glow then gets lost in thought for maybe two minutes before Starshine finally says, “So what do you want to do together Cozy Glow? Yeah since it’s just you in here normally, I guess they didn’t include board games? But I see there’s another 200 piece puzzle we could do or we could color together?” Cozy Glow looks at Starshine and says, “Well usually, I’m at Trixie’s by now? Um, I kinda like getting out of this room for awhile when I talk to her? Hey wanna go for a walk? I know I usually fly there, but you don’t have wings so…” Starshine smiles and says, “Sure Cozy Glow! We don’t have to go to the school though? You know there’s a park and a playground over on the West side of town that’s not too far? Maybe we could maybe go to the playground?” Cozy Glow then thinks of the other ponies and their glares before she suddenly remembers Trixie saying, “Buck em!” to her earlier. She then says, “Sure Starshine! Lets go play!” Starshine then says, “Alright Cozy Glow! Now you may be able to take to the skies, but can you do this?” Then her horn glows before the door handle and the door then opens up. Cozy Glow then says, “Golly! I can’t do that! Lead the way oh Great Wizard Starshine!” As she bows down and motions with her forehoof. Starshine chuckles as she walks out of the door and says, “Come on Cozy Glow, Master of the Skies! Let’s go play together!” The two fillies both chuckle together as they trot out of the Castle of Friendship. As Cozy Glow trotted with Starshine, she stopped paying attention to the occasional glare and whisper the other ponies would do as she trotted through town. She actually felt better walking next to her friend. As they reached the playground, Starshine sees the swings and says, “Hey Cozy Glow! Come on! I’ll push you!” And then she quickly trots up to the swing set as Cozy Glow slowly trots from behind her. Cozy Glow nervously gets onto the swing when she starts to glow and she sees Starshine stressing with as her horn glows with magic. Starshine then says, “Um, I think I’m gonna need to use my hooves for this?” Cozy Glow then says, “Wait! You didn’t know if you could push me with your magic?” Starshine shrugs and says, “I had no friends before remember?” Cozy Glow looks up and says, “Oh yeah! Well just push me whenever you’re ready Starshine!” Starshine gets behind Cozy Glow and pushes her with her front hooves before getting out of the way on all fours and watching Cozy Glow go up on the other side of the swing. Cozy Glow is only maybe halfway up the other side of the swing set before she starts to plummet again and she says, “Higher Starshine!” Starshine smiles and says, “Okay Cozy Glow!” before getting behind the swing again and getting on her haunches. She catches the swing with her forehooves and slides back a little before shoving the swing all her might. The swing flies much further up in the air this time and then Cozy Glow does something that she hasn’t done in a very long time… She actually giggled because she was having fun on the swing playing with her friend! As she glides back towards the ground, Starshine gets out of the way and the swing flies behind the set a much shorter distance before gently flying towards the center to a stop. Cozy Glow stops giggling long enough to say, “Golly! I’ve never been to a playground before, but I know about it from books. Uh, would you like me to push you now Starshine?” Starshine then gets underneath the swing set and gets on her haunches to catch Cozy Glow’s swing and shoving it up again for her before saying, “I’m not done pushing you yet Cozy Glow!” Cozy Glow then says, “Oh so I guess I have to take my full turn first? Well when does it end?” As her swing goes back down towards her waiting friend who’s already on her haunches again. As Starshine shoves the swing again she says, “I don’t know? Just tell me when you’re done Cozy Glow!” Cozy Glow smiles and says, “Okay Starshine! And later, I’ll push you for as long as you want!” Starshine goes back underneath the swing set and gets back on her haunches before shoving Cozy Glow’s swing again. Cozy Glow giggles as her swing begins to soar on the other side of the swing set. The swing goes back down where Starshine is once again on her haunches ready to shove her friend even higher. Cozy Glow then says, “Get me higher Starshine!” Starshine grunts and says, “Okay Cozy Glow!” As she shoves Cozy Glow’s swing as hard as she can and it goes almost all the way up the other side as Cozy Glow then starts to giggle even more. Cozy Glow waits for her swing to fall back down as she says, “No more Starshine! I wanna push you now!” Starshine calls out to her friend, “Okay Cozy Glow!” Cozy Glow swings back to the other side of the swing set after Starshine moves out of the way before swinging back the opposite direction. Cozy Glow takes this opportunity to lean forward and stop herself with her front hooves as she skids to a stop. She says, “Well that worked! Okay Starshine! Now you get on!” She gets off the swing and then Starshine gets onto it and Cozy Glow giggles as she trots behind the swing to shove it as hard as she can. The swing moves a bit further forward than it did when Cozy Glow first got on earlier and she says, “I don’t wanna shove you too far Starshine! I’ll let you swing back once before I shove you again!” Starshine happily smiles as she lifts off the ground and the swing flies back to other side of the set and she just says, “Okay Cozy Glow!” Cozy Glow smiles as she waits for the swing to fly back to the center. When it does, she giggles and goes back to the center and gets on her haunches once more to shove Starshine’s swing back up in the air. The two fillies continue playing like this for a few minutes before Starshine leans forward to put her forehooves on the ground and skid to a stop just like she saw Cozy Glow do before. Starshine then says, “Good idea figuring that out Cozy Glow! I uh, didn’t know how I was gonna stop?” Cozy Glow smiles and says, “Yeah… Hey! Lets go play on the slides! There’s two over there! A curvy one and a straight one! Lets go!” And then she trots over to the slides as Starshine follows her giggling. The two fillies play and giggle together like this over the space of the next two hours. When Starshine was afraid to use the curvy slide, Cozy Glow went first to help her overcome her fear. When Cozy Glow wasn’t sure about using her hooves with the hoof holds of the monkey bars, Starshine uses her magic to hang onto Cozy Glow to give her better balance and stability. They continue helping each other and bonding like this until 12 o’clock comes. Starshine looks at the clock tower and sees that it’s 2 after the hour and says, “Oh horse apples! Hey Cozy Glow! I gotta go back to my house and eat lunch with my mom now. Uh, will you be okay?” Cozy Glow thinks about this before saying, “Well golly! I guess you gotta go now?” Starshine looks down and says, “Yeah sorry Cozy Glow. Hey I’ll meet you in your room later? Dinner is at 5 and if I eat fast, that gives us a good hour and a half to hang out before I gotta go? Cozy Glow then says, “Um, alright Starshine! Sounds good! Go eat now! I’ll be okay…” Starshine then trots back to her home on the North end of town and Cozy Glow is left alone in the playground. Cozy Glow tries to use the swings by herself using her own weight and momentum, but it’s just not the same as having somepony else push you. She goes to play on the slides, but it’s not nearly as much fun without her friend. Then she looks up at the monkey bars and decides not to do it before trotting to the edge of the playground. Then she says to herself, “Golly! I’m all alone again…” Not knowing what else to do, Cozy Glow silently flies back to the Castle of Friendship and goes up to her room. Her lunch is already waiting on her in front of the door, but she doesn’t feel much like eating just yet. She stares at her teddy bear and says to it, “I guess I really like having a friend huh? It just seems so much better when I’m not alone?” For the rest of the day until the evening, Cozy Glow does her usual things. Coloring, putting together puzzles, reading, and chatting with her toys, but something felt “off”, although she couldn’t quite describe it. She kept thinking about what Tirek told her and then she thought about that dream of Starshine with tears in her eyes. Then she thought about spending time with her new friend. She just wasn’t sure about one last thing yet. She wasn’t sure if this was truly a better way. Cozy Glow sits her dolphin and teddy bear on her bed after eating her dinner and leaving the tray in front of the door like she’s supposed to. She begins to talk with them saying, “Well Tirek told me that I needed power. I believed him, but now I’m starting to think that maybe power isn’t all it’s cracked up to be? I wanted to be okay like I keep telling you… Well, I’m doing okay now? I mean, I don’t really have any power, but I got a room in the castle and they’re taking care of me? But at the same time, I keep wondering why though? I mean, am I really that valuable? Do I truly matter that much? They seem to think so? What if I actually am important, I do matter, and that’s why they’re doing it? Is that thought really out of the question? I just don’t know anymore Mr. Bearington and Snorkel… I just don’t know…” Then Cozy Glow looks up suddenly and says, “I just named you didn’t I?” At that point, there’s a knock on her door. Cozy Glow looks up with a start from her toys and says, “Uh, Starshine?” A muffled voice from behind the door says, “Yeah it’s me! Can I come in?” Cozy Glow then hops up on her bed and says, “Sure Starshine! Come on in!” The door handle then glows and the door opened to show Starshine there wearing saddlebags. She trots in and uses her magic to shut the door behind her. Cozy Glow then hops off her bed and greets her friend with a warm hug. She then asks her, “Did you bring anything Starshine?” as she gazed at the saddlebags. Starshine smiles and says, “As a matter of fact, I did bring a few things! I brought my mom’s bottle of rum and Oops, the board game we were playing earlier!” And then she uses her magic to take off the saddlebags and set them aside before getting out the bottle of liquor and the board game from the saddlebags. Cozy Glow then says, “Golly! I don’t think we should be drinking rum? I don’t want to get in trouble?” Starshine then frowns and says, “Yeah you’re probably right Cozy Glow? I’ll just put it back later when I get home and she goes to bed! We’ll keep this just between us okay?” Cozy Glow then smiles and says, “Sure Starshine! Your secret is safe with me!” She gives a little solute with her forehoof and then says, “I like to play as red!” as Starshine uses her magic to set up the board game. Cozy Glow says, “Hey! You want me to go to the kitchen and get us some cocoa Starshine?” As Starshine uses her magic to look through the box, she then says, “Yeah yeah! Sure Cozy Glow!” About 8 minutes later, Cozy Glow says through the door in a muffled distorted voice, “Open the door Starshine!” Starshine then makes her horn and the door knob glow before using her magic to open the door when she sees Cozy Glow flying there with her wings and balancing a metal picture between her bottom legs and holding a glass in each forehoof and using her face to keep the whole thing stable. Her tongue is out the side of her mouth and her face is straining with concentration. At that point, Starshine just laughs hysterically before she says, “Let me help you!” and then she concentrates to use her magic to levitate both of the glasses and so all Cozy Glow has to do at that point is just grab the picture with her forehooves so she can gently set it on the ground next to the board game on the floor. Starshine then giggles again and uses her magic to get her cocoa before saying, “Okay you go first Cozy Glow! I put the dice over there for you!” Then she points at them with her right forehoof. Cozy Glow then takes the dice in her mouth and makes her first roll. She rolls a 7 and Starshine moves her first piece 7 spaces ahead. The two fillies play their first game in about 21 minutes and Cozy Glow wins before saying, “Golly! I won! But this isn’t about winning right? Lets play again!” Starshine then giggles and says, “Best 2 out of 3!” They play for another 18 minutes and Cozy Glow shouts out, “I win again!” Starshine then looks a little flustered before saying, “I did even worse that time! Okay! Best 3 out of 5!” Cozy Glow then thinks about it for a few seconds and says, “Starshine, you seem upset? A game you never win probably isn’t much fun huh? Why don’t we do something else?” Starshine then says, “No Cozy Glow! You were having fun and I don’t want to take that away from you.” Cozy Glow then frowns and says, “But you looked upset Starshine and I don’t want to upset you. Look! We can play it again later if you really want to, but lets do something you wanna do now okay Starshine?” Starshine looks up and says, “Yeah… I guess I was getting kinda mad there huh? Hey! Now you got me doing it!” Cozy Glow and Starshine both giggle. Starshine then says, “Well how about we color?” Cozy Glow smiles and says, “How about we color what Starshine? You really should learn to finish your sentences huh?” Starshine then gets it and says, “Golly! You know, I really need to start speaking correctly huh?” They both giggle as Starshine uses her magic to collect the coloring books and crayons over in the corner. Cozy Glow picks out a book with her front hooves It’s later and they’re coloring together when Cozy Glow notices that it’s 6:56 on her clock. She then says, “Gee Starshine! You gotta go in 4 more minutes!” Starshine looks up from her coloring book before saying, “Oh crap! Well I guess I’ll see you later Cozy Glow?” Cozy Glow then has a frown on her face as she says, “Well I kinda wanted to talk to you about uh, you know what? Never mind Starshine! I’ll see you later okay?” Starshine then gets up and looks at Cozy Glow with a confused look before saying, “Wait, you kinda wanted to talk about what Cozy Glow?” Cozy Glow then looks down before saying, “Um, we can do it later Starshine! You gotta go home now!” Starshine then sighs and says, “Well okay Cozy Glow. Hey! You know you’re my best friend and you can tell me anything right?” Cozy Glow then says, “Yeah I know but, well we’ll just do it later okay?” Starshine then trots over to Cozy Glow and hugs her before pulling back and saying, “Alright Cozy Glow! Sounds good!” She then trots out of the door after using her magic to open it and then uses her magic to close it behind her. Cozy Glow is then left all alone in the room before saying, “Golly! I’m all alone again…” Cozy Glow tries to keep her mind together for the rest of the night. She’s used to meeting with Trixie and without that, the whole order of her day seemed messed up. She eventually settled on reading a book with Snorkel, her precious dolphin toy until she gently passes out on her bed. Night: 23 Later, the little Pegasus is cuddled up with her teddy bear in the fetal position and the blankets strewn about the bed. The filly is restless tonight as well and has another nightmare. Cozy Glow was once again trapped in Tartarus inside her cage. She could see Tirek over in the cage next to her when he begins to speak. He says, “So you also failed to conquer Equestria I see?” Cozy Glow then grumpily looks at him and says, “Yeah same as you!” Tirek then says, “Okay so I guess we should form a new plan?” At that point, something deep inside the filly just snapped. Cozy Glow then fiercely looks at the centaur and says, "I did everything you told me to do! Every bucking thing you told me to do! I tried to take over Equestria and now I'm thinking that maybe I shouldn't have done that? Look at me! Now I’m trapped here! Maybe there's something else for me? And maybe, just maybe, if I actually look for it, I might find it! Yeah we gotta get along or whatever while we're here Tirek. But don't think for a minute that you can ever order me around ever again!" Tirek then looks at Cozy Glow and says, “How dare you you impudent little!” Cozy Glow cuts him off and doesn’t even give him the chance to finish when she says, “You’ll what Tirek? Just what are you gonna do to me now? You failed to conquer Equestria, just like me! You’re now trapped here, just like me! You’re in a cage, just like me! You really don’t understand your position do you?” Tirek stops and says, “Well I don’t know if I?” Cozy Glow then says, “Well guess what Tirek? That doesn’t work! You’re not a very good friend if you tell me to do things I shouldn’t I don’t think? In fact, the more I think about it, the more I don’t believe it really matters if I conquer Equestria or not? My parents will still be dead Tirek! And I’ll still be alone! None of the important things would change!” At that point, Cozy Glow wakes up once again in a cold sweat. She hugs her teddy bear to her chest with her forehooves and says, “I think something is changing in me Mr. Bearington? I think maybe I need to figure out some things? But why are they doing this? Am I really worth saving? You know, it would’ve been much easier to just leave me as a statue?” She then softly curls up with her toy in the fetal position once again, but decides to use her forehooves to cover herself up since she was getting cold. She doesn’t sob tonight, but passes out slowly while deep in thought. “Was Tirek wrong? Was there a better way to live your life than to get power and use it to control everything?” These thoughts circled the filly’s mind as she drifted off. Day: 24 The next day is even weirder than the first. Nopony comes to Cozy Glow’s door and since she’s not really comfortable going outside by herself, Cozy Glow decides to spend most of her time coloring and reading. Finally after dinner, there’s a knock on Cozy Glow’s door. “Um, who is it?” Cozy Glow asks. “It’s me! Starshine!” says a muffled voice from behind the door. The doorknob then glows and it opens to reveal a dark purple filly with a long streaky white man that has hot pink streaks. Cozy Glow looks at Starshine and asks her, “Where were you? I was all by myself all day!” Starshine trots in and uses her magic to shut the door before walking over to the side and saying, “I’m really sorry about that Cozy Glow! Yeah my mother wanted me to paint the side of the house and I had to do that first before I could come see you. I finished as fast as I could and trotted right up here! Cozy Glow just sighs and looks over to the side and thinks about it before deciding to give her friend a hug and says, “Well you didn’t show up earlier and I was starting to wonder? I hoped nothing bad happened to you?” Starshine smiles and says, “Yeah I’m okay! I just got busy! Sorry!” Cozy Glow considers this for a few seconds before saying, “Well it’s not really your fault? Um, I kinda want to spend as much time with you as I can right now Starshine? Sure I also have Trixie, well, most of the time, but being around you is different. We have fun and laugh and play and well, I feel like I missed out on doing that earlier since I was all by myself and um, you know? Trying to take over Equestria?” Starshine then smiles and says, “That’s nice! So uh, what’s up? Anything on your mind Cozy Glow?” Cozy Glow looks up for a second and says, “Well when I fell asleep last night, I was just wondering why they saved me you know? Wouldn’t it be much easier to just leave me as stone?” Starshine considers this for a few seconds and she then looks out the window and gets an idea before saying, “Well, maybe they see something you don’t?” Cozy Glow asks her, “What do you mean?” Starshine then looks to the outside to the right and says, “Well hey Cozy Glow, you see that dull grey bird outside?” Cozy Glow looks out the window and to the far right, she sees a grey bird and says, “Yeah Starshine! I see that bird! What about it?” Starshine then looks further left and says, “Well you see that beautiful blue bird over to the left?” Cozy Glow then says, “Um, no? I can’t see a blue bird there? The wall is in the way.” Starshine then smiles and says, “Okay Cozy Glow, now quickly! Come over here! Come on!” Cozy Glow then trots up to Starshine at a brisk pace when Starshine then says, “Okay look out the window and to your left!” Cozy Glow does this and she sees a gorgeous blue bird. Cozy Glow then says, “Golly! With the wall there, I couldn’t see that bird from over there?” Starshine then says, “Exactly! Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there. You know what I mean?” Cozy Glow then considers this for a moment before saying, “Yeah I guess Twilight Sparkle saw something beautiful in me, but I still don’t know what that is huh?” Starshine then says, “Probably! I do know that you’re now my best friend and I love you! Uh, you said something was on your mind when you left yesterday?” Cozy Glow then looks at her and stutters out, “Um, yeah something I was just thinking about…” Starshine then eagerly asks Cozy Glow, “Well what is it?” Cozy Glow continues to stammer before saying, “Um, can we talk about it later please?” Starshine then looks perplexed before saying, “Well alright Cozy Glow! If you’re not ready to talk about it now, we can always just talk later I guess? Wanna color now?” Cozy Glow thinks about it for a few seconds before saying, “Well, it’s too late to go out and do something now? But I’ve been coloring all day? How about we put together a puzzle instead?” Starshine just smiles and looks over at the puzzles to the side before saying, “Well how about this one of the Castle of the Two Sisters? It says it’s 500 pieces? Should take us awhile?” Cozy Glow then says, “Okay Starshine! Hey since we’re probably not gonna finish this before you gotta go, we should probably do it over on the other side of my room? That way, it’s out of the way and we can just do more of it later!” Starshine then says, “You got it Cozy Glow!” and then makes her horn and the puzzle box glow with her magic before levitating the box over setting it down to the other side of the room. Cozy Glow and Starshine then go trot over to put together the puzzle. Cozy Glow uses her forehooves to open the box and almost immediately spots the lower left corner piece and sets it on the floor with her hooves while Starshine trots over and says, “Good eye Cozy!” As they’re putting together the puzzle with each other, Cozy Glow starts by saying, “I just don’t understand why it has to be this way? I mean, okay maybe I really am important and just don’t see that? I spent ten years as a statue and now I’m here? But why?” Starshine looks up for a second and says, “Well what else is there?” Cozy Glow then looks perplexed as she says, “What do you mean?” Starshine then says, “Well why this happened is a very long story I think? But lemme ask you Cozy Glow! What do you want to do right now?” Cozy Glow almost immediately says, “Well I want to spend some time with my best friend? Oh wait! I’m doing that right now huh?” Starshine and Cozy Glow both giggle before Starshine says, “Well so what’s the problem?” Cozy Glow then says, “I don’t know? I keep thinking that things should’ve been different you know? I mean, yeah I love spending time with you and being your friend Starshine. But I keep feeling like this isn’t the way things are supposed to be, but then, how are they supposed to be?” Starshine then asks her , “How about two best friends enjoying some quiet time in the evening by putting together a puzzle together?” Cozy Glow then looks at the ground before saying, “I guess I think about it too much huh? Yeah! Maybe I just need to learn to enjoy what I have right here and now instead?” Starshine smiles and says, “Yeah, I think so Cozy Glow!” The two fillies work on the puzzle over the next 45 minutes. Before Cozy Glow then says, “Okay so if I think too much about life, what should I be thinking about?” Starshine looks up and says, “Well maybe it’s important to focus on the moment? I mean, yeah it’s important to have a plan and do important things in your life, but I think too many ponies get caught up in all that and they don’t really see what they have? I mean, look at you now! You got a room at the castle, you get to talk to the school counselor regularly to help with your problems, you’re well fed, and you got everything you need? What more could you want?” Cozy Glow then smiles and looks at Starshine before saying, “Well I do know one thing? I certainly want a good friend and I think I found one now? You wouldn’t tell me to conquer Equestria would you?” Starshine then looks shocked before saying, “Uh, no that’s not something I would tell you to do I don’t think?” Cozy Glow then hugs Starshine while giggling before saying, “Already doing better than the others!” Starshine just chuckles and says, “Well if they told you to do bad things, I don’t think being better than them is really that hard or very amazing?” Cozy Glow then says, “So um, I guess that means you’re a good friend and Tirek wasn’t huh?” Starshine then looks up and says, “No probably not?” They work on the puzzle for another 20 minutes or so before Starshine looks up and says, “All this time, we’ve been just talking about you? What about me?” Cozy Glow then says, “Well what about you Starshine? Anything on your mind?” Starshine then looks perplexed as she says, “Uh, no not really? I mean, I live with my parents on the North end of town, I do my chores, I keep to myself, and I don’t really get out much? I’m pretty boring honestly!” Cozy Glow thinks for a few seconds with a concentrated look on her face before saying, “Well I don’t know Starshine? You’re helping to reform a megalomaniacal supervillain? That’s kind of interesting right?” Starshine then giggles and says, “Well I guess so? Uh, hey this piece goes right here!” Cozy Glow then smiles and says, “Well since you’ve been talking with me and helping me Starshine, if you ever have a problem, you know you can come to me right?” Starshine smiles and says, “Um, of course! My best friend Cozy Glow!” Cozy Glow feels her cheeks get warm as she begins to blush and says, “So um, I’m really your best friend huh? Golly! I’ve never been anypony’s best friend before?” Starshine says, “Well, you’re also my only friend, but we’re gonna ignore that right now just because you’re so awesome!” Cozy Glow is shocked when she says, “Wait! I’m awesome?” Starshine says, “Yeah Cozy Glow! Before you, I never had anypony to play with! I love spending time with you and hanging out! You haven’t figured that out yet?” Cozy Glow is then taken aback and says, “Well golly! No? I mean, I feel the same way and so I think that means we’re good friends now?” Starshine thinks on this for a few seconds before saying, “Tell you what Cozy Glow! If we’re not best friends by now, we really should be!” Both fillies then giggle as Starshine uses her magic to put two more pieces into the puzzle. Cozy Glow then looks at the clock to see that it’s 5:56. She then says, “Um, Starshine? You gotta go in about 4 minutes now…” Starshine then says, “Horse apples! Well, at least we spent some time together and started this big puzzle here? Although I think there’s quite a bit we still need to do?” As she looks at this puzzle that isn’t even halfway done yet. Starshine then hugs Cozy Glow before saying, “Yeah we’ll keep it here and don’t touch it okay? We need to do this puzzle together!” And then she trots over to the door as Cozy Glow responds, “You got it Starshine!” Starshine uses her magic to open the door and says, “Yeah me and my best friend are gonna finish that puzzle later!” She then trots out and waves to Cozy Glow with her right forehoof before using her magic to close the door and Cozy Glow hears the muffled sound of her hoofsteps as she trots away. Cozy Glow then stares at the wall before saying, “And just like that, I’m all by myself again... Think I’d be used to it by now, but things are just so much better with her around? But after what I did, I know I deserve to be alone forever!” Then she trots over to her bed before looking at Snorkel, her dolphin toy and says, “Then again, Trixie doesn’t seem to think so and neither does Twilight Sparkle for that matter? I mean, is it just me? Am I the problem? I just don’t understand anything anymore!” She then gives a resigned sigh before getting on the bed and snuggling her dolphin toy in the fetal position near the foot of the bed. She then asks the toy, “What is wrong with me? Okay, I know what Tirek told me to do was bad right? So um, what should I be doing? I don’t know anymore!” The last few hours of the night are fairly boring and uneventful. Cozy Glow spends most of the evening reading her book. She finishes it and requests another one from the guard station. She talks to her toys again while she waits. She says to Mr. Bearington, “Well you know, if they’re keeping me in this room and trying to reform me, maybe I could just try it out? I mean, hey! If I don’t like it, I can always just go back to being bad right?” The bear has an expressionless face, but still Cozy Glow feels like it’s eyeing her as she then says, “Okay maybe doing bad things is bad?” She then thinks about what she just said before giggling hysterically when there’s a knock on her door. She opens it to see a unicorn guard there with three new books held in his levitation magic. He then uses his magic to set the books on the floor off to the side before silently nodding to Cozy Glow, closing the door, and trotting off. Cozy Glow looks at the books on the floor and says, “I’ll read those later… Right now, I need to talk to somepony and since nopony is around, I guess that leaves you?” She then looks at her toys. She looks back at Mr. Bearington before saying, “Okay so taking over Equestria is bad and putting together puzzles and coloring with your friends is good? Life is weird!” She then considers what she just said before saying, “You know, I bet I’m the only pony in the universe to ever actually need to have this conversation?” She then giggles at herself once more before continuing, “And at the same time, it’s so funny you know? I mean, I don’t think most ponies want to conquer Equestria and rule it with an iron hoof and yet, I want to! Or uh, I did want to? I don’t think I do now anymore though? Golly! I think I’m changing Mr. Bearington? And I don’t know if I like it? I mean, I like being with Starshine and I like talking with Trixie?” She then gets out of bed and trots over to the side of the room before saying, “Golly! It’s also kinda weird that I never realized how much I liked talking with Trixie until she’s not here huh?” Cozy Glow then looks at the books on the floor before picking one up with her mouth and taking it over to her bed and setting it down there. She then says, “Well, nothing much to do now? I don’t wanna color or put together another puzzle and so I guess I’m reading again!” Cozy Glow reads for about 2 more hours before growing excessively bored and since she didn’t rest well the night before, she decides to turn in early. She once again stirs in her sleep and has another dream. Night: 24 She sees herself on a hillside near the edge of a great forest. She already knows where she is. She then slowly trots up the hill to see the other side. She sees the burnt out shell of her old house there when she trots on up to it. All Cozy Glow can do is stare at the charred remains of what was once her home and she begins to weep. She cries for her deceased parents. She cries for the life that was taken from her. She cries for everypony she wronged because of it. She cries her heart out in front of the ruins before she hears a soft sweet voice behind her saying, “It’s hard isn’t it?” Cozy Glow looks behind her to see a dark blue Alicorn. She then stammers out, “P-Princess Luna? I thought Twilight’s five friends took your place?” Princess Luna then smiles and says, “Well as far as raising and lowering the moon right now, yes they have that office. But I’m the only pony capable of travelling into other ponies dreams and so I still hold that position. And since you’re having problems right now, it is thus my duty to come into your dreams and help you out.” Cozy Glow then says, “Even bad ponies like me?” Princess Luna just smiles and asks her, “Tell me Cozy Glow! Do anything bad in the past ten years?” Cozy Glow responds, “Well Golly! Not really no? Most of that time, I was a statue. And then they unfroze me and put me in a room and had Trixie and Starshine talking to me?” Princess Luna then continues, “Got any plans to anything evil right now Cozy Glow?” Cozy Glow then says, “Well no not really?” Princess Luna then tilts her head and slyly says, “So you’re not doing very well in the whole evil department are you?” Cozy Glow then gets flustered and says, “Oh yeah well, I could still um…” She then stops herself before breaking down and crying. Princess Luna then covers the little filly with her wings as she weeps. While she’s crying, Cozy Glow stammers out, “It was just too much! I wanted to be okay! I wanted to be alright! I just can’t do it Luna! I just can’t do it!” Princess Luna then embraces the little Pegasus filly in her wings while Cozy Glow asks her, “What’s wrong with me Princess? I keep thinking I should do something else, but I don’t even know what that is?” Princess Luna softly says to Cozy Glow, “I have been alive for over 2000 years Cozy Glow. I’ve seen cities rise and crumble and I’ve seen more ponies than I can count grow old and die. Many of those ponies were good friends of mine and so I understand the pain of loss all too well. But you should never let it consume you.” Cozy Glow sniffles inside her chest fluff and says, “I guess not huh? Well what should I be doing instead? Tell me Luna! Please tell me because I just don’t know?” Luna then caresses the filly in her wings and says, “Well you should discuss it with your friends. And you should definitely cry. Cry as much as you like little filly! Let it all out!” Cozy Glow stammers through her tears as she says, “I…never…had…anypony…I could talk to! Nopony…was ever there for me!” Princess Luna then says, “Well that didn’t work out too great now did it? But guess what Cozy Glow? You don’t have to be alone anymore!” and she then embraces the filly in her wings tightly as she softly sobs. Cozy Glow once again wakes up in the middle of the night, this time with dried tears in her eyes. She gently wipes that away with her forehooves before cuddling her big teddy bear and saying to it, “What’s happening to me Mr. Bearington? I keep having these dreams! What do they all mean?” She then rolls onto her back on the bed and says, “Maybe I’m not a baddie anymore? Maybe I really have changed? I don’t know if I really want to or? Maybe friendship is the answer I needed after all? I don’t know!” She then rolls over and grabs her pillow with her left forehoof and grabs her big bear with her right. She quietly goes to sleep in the gloom of her room in the early morning hours. Day: 25 Cozy Glow awakens to a knock at her door. She then mutters out still half asleep, “Uh, who is it? What?” She hears a muffled voice from behind the door say, “It’s me! Starshine!” Cozy Glow then jerks to a start. She sees it’s almost 9:30 on her little nightstand clock. She also sees the breakfast tray they left for her in front of her door. She then calls out! “Uh, come on in Starshine!” The doorknob glows and the door slowly opens before a dark purple unicorn filly trots in and then uses her magic to close the door. She then says, “Yeah I know Trixie will be back later today and I wanted to get an early start!” Cozy Glow then looks at her tray and says, “I guess I’ll eat here in a little bit? But Starshine? I’m uh, ready to talk about that thing now?” Starshine then hops on the bed and gets down on her belly on all fours before giving Cozy Glow a friendly smile and says, “Sure Cozy Glow! Let’s talk! What’s on your mind?” Cozy Glow then says, “Well you saw those statues in front of the courtyard right? You saw the centaur there?” Starshine then looks at her and says, “Yeah the plaque said his name was Tirek?” Cozy Glow then says, “Right! Well, bad things happened to me and that centaur told me I needed power. I believed him and he told me how to manipulate magical energy. Well I tried to do something extra naughty and tried to take over Equestria… Then I was trapped in Tartarus with him for two more years before we got out and stole a magical artifact and tried to use it to take over Equestria! And well, that’s why they turned me to stone…” Starshine has an amazed expression in her bright blue eyes when she then says, “Wow! I go from having no friends to being friends with probably the most interesting filly in all of Ponyville!” Cozy Glow then says, “Well golly! I don’t think it’s anything to be proud of?” Starshine smiles and says, “No, but it’s certainly interesting? Definitely more interesting than my boring life!” Cozy Glow then finally blurts out, “I’m starting to think he lied to me!” Starshine just rolls her eyes and says, “You think? Look! I’ve been in history class and I know about what he did back when Twilight Sparkle first became a princess! I know what he did to Discord! I uh, really don’t think that’s somebody you should be taking advice from?” Cozy Glow then says, “Well I know that now! It’s just that well, my parents had died and I needed someone to talk to? He was there and I believed him! Guess that didn’t work out too well huh?” Starshine smiles and says, “Well if you didn’t try and fail, we never would’ve met? There’s good and bad in just about everything! But uh, in the future, no more trying to take over Equestria okay?” Cozy Glow smiles and says, “You got it Starshine! Hey go work on the puzzle and I’ll be right there after I finish breakfast! I think it’s baby carrots and celery stalks with ranch dressing again this morning?” Starshine trots over to the puzzle and starts to work on it with her magic while Cozy Glow goes over to retrieve the tray with her mouth and takes it towards her bed before tripping. She drops the tray and all the contents before Starshine quickly notices this and grabs all of her food and the tray before it hits the ground with her magic. Starshine then carefully sits the tray on the bed with a look of concentration on her face as Cozy Glow gets up and says, “Golly! Thanks Starshine!” Starshine then smiles and says, “Well friends help each other out! It’s what we’re here for and what we all do! Uh, right?” Cozy Glow trots over to her bed as she says, “Well uh, right! Friendship!” Cozy Glow then gets on the bed and hungrily munches down her breakfast because she’s not used to waiting this long to eat. Starshine works on the puzzle while Cozy Glow finishes. Cozy then gets off the bed, grabs the tray with her mouth, and takes it over to the side of the door where they told her to now place her trays. She then trots back over to Starshine to help her with the puzzle. Cozy Glow then says to her friend, “Yeah sorry! I usually don’t wait this long to eat and I guess I was hungry?” Starshine smiles and says, “That’s fine Cozy Glow! Yeah I just started this new section over here in the puzzle!” Cozy Glow then says, “Oh neat! Lets work on it some more!” They work on it for another 23 minutes before Cozy Glow looks up and says, “You know, I’ve been thinking about it… If I had never gotten that random letter from Tirek by accident, I probably never would’ve done what I did? What I’m saying is, I don’t think Tirek is really the problem?” Starshine looks at her and asks, “What do you mean?” Cozy Glow says, “Well, think about it! If I hadn’t written him back, I probably would’ve just bounced around after they kicked me out of the orphanage until I got adopted some other way? If he hadn’t talked to me about manipulating magical energy and using it to take over Equestria, I don’t think it would’ve gotten that far and I don’t think I would’ve done what I did? I’m just saying that I don’t think he’s the original problem…” Starshine then tilts her head and asks, “Well what is?” Cozy Glow then thought back to the burnt out shell of a home she beheld in her mind the night before and says, “I think the fire and how it took my parents from me is the real reason I did bad things… I mean, without Tirek, I probably wouldn’t have tried to take over Equestria? But I definitely would’ve done something bad for sure!” Starshine then says, “Well that’s over with now Cozy Glow and you’re good now!” Cozy Glow looks at her quizzically and asks, “Are you sure Starshine? I mean, how can I tell for sure?” Starshine then says to her, “Well, do anything evil lately?” Cozy Glow then rolls her eyes and says, “Yeah yeah yeah! I’ve heard this one! I haven’t been evil for over ten years! I was turned into a statue and then you ponies showed up and now I’m in a room and you’re talking to me and blah blah blah!” Starshine looks up for second before saying, “Well, Trixie hasn’t been around for the past couple of days now or so and you were left to your own devices…” She then smiles broadly as she continues, “You know they don’t watch you that closely anymore… Do anything evil then?” Cozy Glow is then taken aback as she hasn’t really considered this. She then says, “Well golly! No! Come to think of it, I didn’t even con the guard ponies into giving me extra cookies while she’s been gone?” Starshine then says, “So from this, I would say you’re probably not a bad pony?” Cozy Glow thinks on this when suddenly, there’s a knock on her door. She hears a muffled voice from behind say, “It’s me! Trixie! I just got back and came to check up on you!” Cozy Glow then looks up and says, “Come in Trixie! It’s just me and Starshine!” The doorknob glows and the door then magically swings open to reveal a sky blue unicorn wearing a magician’s hat and cape. She then trots into the room towards Cozy Glow and says, “Hi Cozy Glow! Give me a hug and tell me what you did while I was away!” Cozy Glow then slowly gets up and trots over to Trixie on the other side of the room and gives her a still somewhat reserved hug before she goes back and says, “Well on the first day, I colored a bit before Starshine came over and we went to the playground and played there for a bit… And I learned how to help her overcome her fear of curvy slides!” She then grins widely as Starshine looks away. Starshine then speaks up, “Oh yeah! Well you were scared of the monkey bars! Remember what you said about the hoof holds?” Cozy Glow then scratches the back of her head with her right forehoof and blushes a little as she says, “Yeah, I just wasn’t sure if they’d really hold me and Starshine used her magic to help me…” Trixie smiles and says, “So it sounds like you two best friends have been helping each other out?” Cozy Glow then stammers out, “Yeah um, I guess we’re best friends now? Anyway, then she had to leave for lunch and she came back again after dinner and we played Oops again and I think I learned a friendship lesson?” Trixie tilts her head and says, “Oh? What’s that Cozy Glow?” Cozy Glow then looks at her and says, “You gotta pay attention to your friends and if they’re not having a good time, I think that means you should do something else so that they do enjoy them self? I mean, I was beating the pants off Starshine in Oops and I decided to do something else so she wouldn’t get frustrated… I guess that means I care about her huh?” Trixie says, “Absolutely Cozy Glow! Your best friend was getting frustrated and so you decided to take charge and change the activity! Not bad considering I wasn’t around to teach you huh?” Cozy Glow then starts up, “Uh, you mean I don’t need you anymore?” And she starts to look afraid. Trixie smiles and says, “Oh no! You’re still going to need a guide sometimes. Lucky for you, your guide just happens to be Great and Powerful!” She says as she gets on her haunches and swishes her cape around while the two fillies snicker. Cozy Glow then says, “Um, okay Trixie! But I did have two questions!” Trixie raises her eyebrow and says, “Go on little filly?” Cozy Glow looks at Trixie and says, “Well first off, I’ve been having a lot of fun with Starshine and I was wondering if she could still have visiting privileges even after you’re back in your office?” Trixie smiles and says, “Done! Anything else?” Cozy Glow looks at Starshine and says, “Yeah! Um, I’d like to finish this puzzle with my friend?” Trixie says, “Of course Cozy Glow! I had to go to this summit anyway and I thought I’d take this opportunity to see what you do when I leave you alone to your own devices… Turns out, you and your best friend will be just fine!” Then she turns around and trots out the door before looking back in and saying, “Have fun little fillies!” And then the doorknob glows and the door softly shuts. Both fillies can hear her soft hoofsteps as she trots down the hall. Cozy Glow then looks at Starshine excitedly and says, “Puzzle!” Starshine giggles as she trots back over to the puzzle with Cozy Glow. The two fillies work on the puzzle for the better part of an hour and a half while talking and laughing before Starshine starts furiously using her magic to put together the last few remaining pieces. She is then levitating the final piece when she looks at Cozy Glow and says, “Would you like to do the honors?” Cozy Glow then smiles and says, “Sure Starshine!” Before grabbing the piece in the cleft of her right forehoof and then setting it down at the edge where it goes. She then looks at Starshine excited as she says, “We finished the big puzzle together! Yay!” And then hugs her friend with a smile on her face. Trixie’s thoughts: Well I left her alone for a few days and she did just fine. I honestly don’t believe the little filly is evil anymore and now I just need to push her in the right direction.