//------------------------------// // Chaos In The Castle // Story: The Cause of Chaos // by ShowShine //------------------------------// Starswirl walked through the castle with an annoyed look on his face. Discord ran in circles around Starswirl on all fours, scattering around him. Discord had been hyperactive since he had woken up it was driving Starswirl crazy. He wasn't a morning person by any means so dealing with a child as soon as he woke up wasn't ideal. "STAAAAAARRRSWIIIIRL!" Luna's voice rang out from down the hallway. Starswirl let out a groan. He was going to have to look after three powerful, whining children that day. Discord stopped running and watched Luna as she approached them. He scrambled behind Starswirls leg and peeked out from behind him. Luna approached Starswirl, only to stop when she saw an odd creature in front of her. Her face scrunched up in confusion and slight disgust. "What's that?" Luna asked. Discord stood up on his hind legs and cautiously walked over to Luna. "Luna, this is Discord. He'll be staying with me for a little while." Starswirl explained. Luna looked at Starswirl and then back at Discord. "So what were you calling me for?" He asked. Luna snapped out of her daze. "Oh right. I accidentally lit the kitchen on fire. I messed up breakfast." Luna said nonchalantly. Starswirls eyes widened in fear. He started to gallop in the direction of the kitchen, leaving Discord and Luna alone. Luna looked Discord up and down. "Why do you look like that?" Luna asked, looking Discord up and down. Discord shrugged his shoulders. "I dunno, why do you look so ugly?" He asked. Luna let out an offended gasp. No one had ever insulted her like that. Well, except for Celestia; she insulted Luna all the time. Luna stomped her hoof on the ground and turned around, marching off. Discord let out a soft snicker to himself. He enjoyed messing with people. Luna turned the corner, now completely out of sight. Discord looked around the hallway he was in, only to realize he didn't know his way around the castle. He shrugged his shoulders and started to walk down the hallway. He'd find his way around. Starswirl walked out of the kitchen, letting out a cough. It took him several minutes to successfully put the fire out. The kitchen now had a burnt wall and the tiled floors were now black with smoke. Starswirl inhaled a breath of fresh air before exhaling. He turned around to enter the kitchen, going to clean off the wall and the floor. A high pitched scream rang from down the hallway, making Starswirl quickly turned around. That sounded like Celestia. Starswirl ran down the hallway, rushing to Celestia. She was a brave kid, so if anything scared her, it had to be dangerous. Starswirl approached the library, slamming the doors open. He stood in a defensive stance, making his horn spark. To his surprise, Celestia was perfectly fine. Celestia sat in the middle of a table, looking rather frightened. Discord prowled around the table on all fours, gnashing his teeth and swishing his tail back and forth. He had an amused smile on his face. "Stop it Discord," Starswirl stated. Discord looked back at Starswirl and sat on the floor. He crossed his arms and pouted. Starswirl looked over to Celestia. "You can get off of the table Celestia, that's just Discord," Starswirl explained. Celestia walked to the opposite end of the table, which was away from Discord, and hopped off of the table. She opened her wings and flew towards Starswirl. She hid behind Starswirl's leg, far from Discord. "Celestia it's fine, he won't hurt you," Starswirl reassured. Celestia walked from behind Starswirl and looked Discord up and down. "What type of creature is that?" Celestia asked. Starswirl seemed rather happy that she asked. "I'm not sure but I found him last night and studied him. I've decided to name is species the 'Draconequus'," Starswirl said, his eyes starting to light up with excitement. Celestia knew that if his eyes lit up like that, he would go on rants that lasted hours. "So far I discovered that he can use a new type of magic. I need to study him more so I can officially name it." He said excitedly. He turned to look at Celestia, only to see that she was gone. "She walked away." Discord explained. Starswirl's ears flattened and he let out a soft groan. Celestia and Luna made a habit of walking out of the room whenever he was talking about his studies. Discord stood up from where he was and walked over to Starswirl. "Can we do something, I'm bored." Discord asked. Starswirl shook his head. "No, I need to teach Celestia and Luna," Starswirl stated. He looked at Discord. "Have you ever been to school?" He asked. Discord shook his head. The thought of Discord not going to school appalled Starswirl. He should have been in school years ago. "Well, today you're going to start school. Grab a chair and sit down at the table because you're going to learn!" Starswirl said excitedly. Discord titled his head. This 'school' thing was going to be interesting. Discord, Luna, and Celestia all sat at a table, watching Starswirl write on a chalkboard. "Today we'll be learning about different types of magic," Starswirl said, underlining the word magic on the chalkboard. "There are very few types of magic, unicorn magic, earth pony magic, pegasus magic, and alicorn magic." He started to say. As Starswirl spoke, Discord got more and more bored. Who knew learning could be so boring? Discord slumped over onto the table and laid his head on it. He leaned his head onto Luna's paper, making her push him away. "Move your fat head," Luna said in a hushed whisper. Discord let out a huff. "But this is so booooring." Discord whispered back. "I know, but we have to listen," Luna whispered. Celestia turned around to look at the younger children with an angry look on her face. "Shush, Starswirl is trying to teach." Celestia scolded in a whisper. Luna stuck her tongue out and Discord rolled his eyes. They all looked forward to look back at Starswirl. Discord glanced at Celestia, who was intensely taking notes. She looked like a nerd. Discord really wanted to throw stuff around but Starswirl told him to be good. If Starswirl didn't know it was him being bad, then he couldn't get kicked out. He couldn't kick out all three children. Discord looked at a bookshelf across from Starswirl. Starswirl was several feet from the shelf and wasn't paying attention to anything around him. Since he was so close to the chalkboard, he would have to take a few steps back to see the shelves. Discord smirked and snapped his fingers from under the table. Books started to slowly and shakily float out from the shelf. They moved in a sort of dancing motion. They swirled into the air like birds. Luna looked away from Starswirl and looked up at the books. She stared at them in awe. "Celestia, do you see that?" Luna whispered, pointing to the books. Celestia glanced upwards and gave a confused look. The books continued to dance in the air. One of the books forcefully bumped into the chandelier on the ceiling, making it swing. The chandelier swung and tapped a shelf above the children's head. The fire from the chandelier spread onto the books above them. Celestia, Luna, and Discord looked at the fire with wide eyes. Discord instinctively dropped the books onto the ground, making the books drop to the ground. They made a series of loud thumping noises, making Starswirl look up from the chalkboard. "What was that?" Starswirl asked, turning around. His eyes widened when he saw the bookshelves igniting in flames. "How do you manage this?!" He asked angrily, running towards the fire. The kids scattered away from the table, moving far away from the fire. Starswirl hopped on the table and shot cold magic shoot from his horn. With each shot, a flame diminished. Within seconds, the flames were gone. Starswirl turned around with an angry look on his face. Books behind him fell, burnt to a crisp and beyond repair. "Which one of you did this?" He asked. Celestia and Luna sat together, huddled in a corner. They both pointed across the room to Discord. Discord sat with his back up against the wall. His ears were flat against his head. Starswirl levitated Discord and stomped out of the room, dragging the kid with him. He walked out of the library and closed the door behind him. Starswirl placed Discord on the floor and glared down at him. "What were you thinking?" Starswirl asked angrily. Discord stared up at Starswirl with large fearful eyes. "I didn't mean to start a fire, I just wanted to make the books dance!" Discord explained. Starswirl looked at Discord's terrified look and instantly knew he wasn't lying. Discord was just a wild kid. He let out a groan and rubbed the bridge of his nose with his hoof. "Your magic is unstable, from now on we'll have one on one training," Starswirl said. Discord let out a breath of relief, happy that he wasn't going to be severely punished. "Any mess you make, you have to clean up, understand?" Starswirl asked. Discord nodded his head. "Good, now go clean up the library." He said. Discord nodded his head and walked into the library. Discord walked over to the burnt remains of the books and started to pick them up, one by one. Starswirl walked into the library and looked at Celestia and Luna. They still cowered in fear, holding on to each other. "Sit back down you two, class isn't over," Starswirl instructed. Celestia and Luna shakily stood up and walked over to the table. They both sat down in their seats and looked back at the chalkboard. Starswirl started to write something else on the board. "Now let's continue on the topic of magic."