//------------------------------// // Chapter Six: Acceptance // Story: Trixie Interviews: The Cozy Glow Story // by Betty_Starlight //------------------------------// Day 24 (Cont.): Cozy Glow slowly gets out of her bed as she yells to the door, “Hang on Trixie! I’m coming!” She then trips out of her bed and catches herself right before she falls, but notices that she dropped her precious teddy bear onto the floor to her left. “Oh horse apples! Sorry Mr. Bearington!” she whispers as she moves over to pick up the toy with her mouth to put it back on the bed. “Everything okay in there?” Trixie calls out from the hallway. “Yeah everything is fine! Just give me a sec!” Cozy Glow says as she trots over to the door and then opens it with her mouth. She then stares at the blue unicorn there dressed in her cape and magician’s hat and says, “Um, hi Trixie! I really wasn’t expecting you this early?” Trixie smiles and says, “Well I wanted to get an early start. This is the rest of your Great and Powerful life after all!” Cozy then looks down and unsure of herself before looking up with her auburn eyes and says, “Are you sure this is for the best? I mean, what if I mess up? What if I’m not the right daughter for you? What if you end up hating me? I just don’t know?” Trixie then confidently trots in and hugs Cozy Glow in her forehooves as she says, “Cozy, you’re going to be my daughter. And I don’t care what kind of daughter you are as long as you’re a good pony and don’t do bad things.” Cozy stands there stiff in her forelegs and says, “Golly!” Trixie pulls back and looks at the filly before saying, “I love you Cozy!” Cozy looks down and says, “So um, I guess this means trying to take over Equestria is right out huh?” Trixie giggles and says, “Yeah we’re probably not gonna want you doing that anymore? Anyway, we have some things to do today, but now it’s time for breakfast! The Ponyville Café is two blocks South of here and we need to eat something now. Let’s go!” So they both trot down the hall and out of the castle and head South when Cozy Glow looks at Trixie trotting next to her on her right and asks her, “Why do you want to adopt me again?” Trixie smiles and says, “Because Cozy, you shouldn’t be alone right now in your recovery. Because you need a mommy and I’m literally the only pony in Equestria suited for the job!” Cozy looks down and trots a bit slower as she says, “Yeah I know…” Trixie goes a little bit faster and then turns to get into Cozy Glow’s path before turning to face her. Cozy stops as Trixie looks down at her and says, “Well think about it Cozy Glow! After what you did 10 years ago, nopony will want to adopt you except somepony who knows you. Somepony like me…” Cozy then looks up at her and tilts her head to her left while squinting her left eye and saying, “Don’t you think I know that?” She then straightens her head and eyes out and takes a breath while fluffing her wings before saying, “What I mean is, why are you doing it? You must care about me huh?” She then looks down. Trixie says, “Well of course Cozy! After learning about you and what you went through, I gotta admit that I really felt for you. I never had parents you know?” Cozy then looks irritated as she says, “Yeah and you turned out just fine! You’re the counselor at the best school in Equestria now!” Trixie sighs and says, “Yes Cozy, but I had a lot of pain and heartache to get this far. I don’t want you to have to go through the same thing.” Cozy Glow then looks perplexed as she says, “So I was right! You do care about me! But why?” Trixie then looks serious as she says, “Cozy, you’ve been through a lot. And I want to help you.” Cozy squints and says, “That didn’t answer my question?” Trixie smiles and says, “Well, I like you Cozy Glow! You’re a smart, funny, and a unique filly and I would love to have you as my daughter!” Cozy then looks very flustered as she stares at Trixie and says, “Just cut it okay? You shouldn’t adopt me! I’m a bad filly and I do bad things… Please just go…” She then closes her eyes… Cozy Glow then feels her small body being enveloped inside the limbs of somepony else. She remains silent for about 4 seconds before saying, “You’re hugging me…” Trixie softly whispers outside, “It’s okay little filly… Mommy’s here now and you’re gonna be just fine!” With tears down her eyes, Cozy then says, “Stop it!” She then gains control over herself again before saying, “I don’t deserve to be rescued!” She begins to struggle a little bit in Trixie’s grasp, but Trixie quickly controls the situation before softly saying into the filly’s ear, “Deserving has nothing to do with it Cozy. I wanted a filly and I’m choosing you. You don’t know how special you are, but the truth is, I would be adopting you even if you weren’t so different.” Cozy then pants out some air before saying, “But why?” “How about because I love you?” Trixie then says. Cozy opens her eyes to see Trixie still embracing her and smiling as her eyes are closed. Cozy then says, “So I can’t talk you out of this can I?” Trixie pulls out of the embrace, looks down at the filly, and says, “I choose you Cozy Glow. I wanted a filly and I’m choosing you… So aren’t you hungry?” Cozy sniffs and says, “Um, usually shortly after waking up? I guess we should get going to the café again huh?” Trixie then motions with her left forehoof, “Yeah it’s just a block down this way my precious daughter. Lets go!” Cozy starts to trot next to Trixie with a disgruntled look on her face as she says, “Golly! I didn’t ask to be adopted and now I got a mommy!” Trixie chuckles as she trots alongside Cozy and she says, “Well think of this as a positive turn of events!” Cozy then looks up at her and says, “Well I guess having a mommy again is better than not having one?” Trixie says, “Well yeah, you’re still in your formative years and you need a parent Cozy Glow. I’m here to fulfill that need for you because like I said, you need a mommy and I’m really the only pony qualified!” As they trot together, Cozy looks at the ground sourly and she says, “So it’s you or nothing huh?” Trixie smiles and says, “Well yeah, pretty much!” Cozy then thinks for about 4 seconds before looking up and saying, “It’s too late to go for that “nothing” option isn’t it?” Trixie giggles again as she trots and she says, “Well we’re just gonna try it out! Anyway, we’re here at the café now! It’s a nice day! Would you like to eat on the patio?” Cozy then sighs and she says, “Sure! Better than being in the café where I can easily hear them talking about me!” Trixie then chuckles as she trots up to a table and sits down. She then uses her magic to pull the chair out for a very reluctant Cozy Glow. Cozy slowly goes and sits down in the chair before she scoots the chair a lot closer to the table and she says, “I’m not that big you know!” And then she grabs the menu in her forehooves and starts to read it over. Trixie smiles and says, “Oh stop it Cozy! The day is young and we’re gonna have fun today!” Cozy then grabs her menu down and gruffly says, “I guess…” Trixie smiles as she picks up the menu with her unicorn magic and proceeds to read it. The two ponies sit quietly outside the café for about two minutes before a teal unicorn trots out to them and asks them, “Are you ready to order?” Trixie then pertly says to the unicorn waitress, “Certainly! I’ll have the French toast and some coffee, two creams and no sugar! Um, Cozy, what would you like?” Cozy then sits her menu back down on the table as she rolls her eyes and says, “Well since you insist on feeding me, I guess I’ll just have oatmeal and orange juice.” The unicorn calmly jots down their orders in shorthand on her tablet before using her magic to pick up the two menus. She then says, “I’ll be back with your drinks!” She then trots back into the café. Trixie looks at the annoyed looking Pegasus filly and asks her, “Why are you so mad Cozy Glow? You seem upset?” Cozy then stares at Trixie and says, “Well it just seems kinda strange that you would actually be doing this you know? I mean, why me? I don’t think I deserve to be rescued! You really should’ve just kept me as stone you know that?” Trixie then says, “But why would I leave my precious daughter as a statue when I can show her the right way to do things instead? This is a second chance Cozy Glow! Don’t you want that?” Cozy then says, “Well I do! I really do! But I don’t think I really deserve it?” Trixie then says to Cozy, “Cozy, let me tell you something about deserving… I never knew my parents and I grew up in an orphanage… I later discovered I had a talent for stage magic when I got my cutie mark and then I honed that skill and used it to get out of there… I had to claw my way out of that system and I understand that it’s very hard… I never did anything but be born for them to abandon me! Do you think I deserved that?” Cozy looks up at Trixie with a start and says, “Well um, golly no! You were just a little foal who had just been born!” Trixie then continues, “Exactly Cozy! And yet I got shoved aside and had to work extra hard just to get what should come normally for most ponies. So please, don’t ever worry about what you do and don’t deserve because that’s going to do nothing to change reality.” Trixie sighs and then says, “And I was just a regular filly! Imagine having the stigma of trying to take over Equestria in your past! You need a second chance and I’m giving it to you… I think you should take it…” Cozy then fiercely stares into the unicorns eyes and says, “But why? Why are you helping me?” Trixie then calmly says, “Because I want a daughter and I love you…” Cozy shocked, then sits back in her chair and says, “Y-you love me? Golly! I-I know you said that to me yesterday, but when you say it like that, it seems different?” Trixie then looks down at the filly and says, “Because I mean it Cozy Glow. I honestly and truly mean it! You’re my daughter now and I’m going to raise you…” Cozy then says, “Um, can I walk across the street for um, just a few minutes please? I need to think about this…” Trixie sees the waitress returning with their drinks on a platter she’s carrying with her magic approaching them as she says, “Take all the time you need Cozy! I’ll be here sipping my coffee and waiting on my daughter to return…” Cozy then says, “Um, okay! Uh, mom?” Trixie smiles and says, “Go ahead little filly…” And then takes a slow cautious sip of her coffee with magic. Cozy then gets off of her chair and trots across the dusty road to a bench there next to a building. Cozy thinks she’s seen that building before, but she can’t remember what was in there. She looks at the bench and considers sitting down when she decides that she would rather pace. And so, she starts pacing back and forth in front of the bench while deep in thought. “Okay so she’s obviously been manipulating me! That much is clear, but to what end? Could it be that she really does just want to help me? It certainly appears that way? They made me stop and think about what I did earlier and now I’m thinking that maybe I shouldn’t have done that? Baa! This is ridiculous! I know they just want to control me! B-but a mommy? To actually have a mommy again? Could I just well, go back? I mean, really? After all this time? Well, there’s only one way to find out? And this appears to be a good opportunity? But what do they want with me I wonder? Why are they being so nice to me? It couldn’t just be that they care about me? Nopony does that r-right?” Trixie then sees Cozy looking at her while she’s sipping her coffee with her magic and she waves to her with her right forehoof. Cozy sees this and waves back. Cozy looks back and then thinks again, “Okay so she’s manipulating me and wants me to be something else? Will I even like the pony they want me to become? Should I become this pony after all? Well, like I said before, I can always just go back to being evil if I don’t like it r-right? I’m actually not so sure anymore? I don’t know about anything anymore and everything is very unclear to me right now… I suppose I should just give it a try huh? I mean, she could be awful and that’s still better than no mommy at all r-right? Well, what do I really have to lose?” * Cozy Glow then slowly trots back across the road right as the waitress is using her unicorn magic to put all of their items on the table to be eaten on their respective sides. She sees the oatmeal she ordered on her end next to a small glass of orange juice as well as the French toast Trixie wanted on the other side next to her now half empty cup of coffee. Cozy Glow then stands up stiffly on her chair and says, “Okay… I’m ready… M-mom? Should I call you mom?” Trixie then looks at the foal and says, “Of course my beloved daughter!” Cozy then looks flustered. The waitress returns and refills Trixie’s cup. Cozy then says, “You keep calling me that? But I never felt “beloved” earlier and it kind of weirds me out?” Trixie adds creamer to her coffee and then sets it down with her magic before saying, “Well get used to it Cozy Glow! Like I already said, with your history, you’re not very likely to get adopted. It also occurs to me that I want a foal at this stage of my life and that nopony who doesn’t know you would be willing to give you a chance. You must admit Cozy, the logic is sound…” Cozy Glow snaps and says, “Don’t you think I know that? I know that you’re my only chance now and I know that it’s you or nothing! I know these things Trixie. It’s just that, well…” Trixie then leans over the table to stare at Cozy and asks her, “But what Cozy Glow?” Cozy then starts to get tears in her eyes as she says, “I don’t know if I can be a daughter okay? I just don’t know if I can do it?” Trixie then says, “Well don’t you think you need to try? I mean, you’re still the best daughter I have?” Cozy then gets flustered again as she says, “Stop saying that! I don’t want you to go easy on me! I don’t deserve easy! I just wanted to be okay and now I don’t know about anything anymore!” She puts her head down on the table and starts to gently sob as she feels a hoof on her back. She then says, “You’re comforting me again?” She hears Trixie say, “Of course! I should always be there to comfort my daughter when she’s upset!” Cozy is then choked up as she says, “Daughter! You keep saying that?” Trixie softly says, “Because you’re my daughter and I love you… I know this is hard for you Cozy and I’m here for you…” Cozy then says, “I-is this real? You really want to be my new mommy Trixie? After everything that happened?” She hears Trixie softly say, “Well why wouldn’t I Cozy Glow?” Cozy lifts her head off the table and yelps out, “But I’m bad and I did bad things?” Before setting her face down on the table again. Cozy can feel the hoof now caressing her neck again as she hears Trixie softly say, “You were confused Cozy Glow. I’m here to help you…” Cozy still has her face on the table in a light sob as she says, “Why are you doing this?” She hears Trixie say, “Because I love you!” Cozy then says, “You know nothing about me! P-please just leave Trixie… I’ll make my way back to the castle now, eat my breakfast there, and we can continue our therapy or whatever tomorrow morning okay? I-I can’t do this…” She stiffens up with her face still on the table. She can’t help but notice that there’s still a hoof on her neck when she looks up to see Trixie’s purple eyes looking at her open and happy. With tears in her eyes, she then says, “Y-you’re still here?” Trixie then softly says, “Well of course! I’m your mommy and I’m not gonna let my own foal order me around! Especially not when she needs me like right now…” Cozy then starts up in her chair as she sits straight up and says, “I don’t need anything okay? I have no mother! My mother is dead and nothing can ever bring her back!” as she hits the table with her forehooves. She then puts her face down on the table as two other ponies sitting at the table across the way start to look at them. Trixie sees this situation is getting too intense and she then decides to take it another direction. She decides to embrace the stricken filly in her forehooves. Cozy stammers out, “Stop comforting me! Stop helping me! Leave me alone!” And she continues crying at the table while being embraced by this blue unicorn. She sobs for another moment before saying, “You’re still holding me?” She hears Trixie say, “Well of course! My foal needs me!” She continues sobbing like this in Trixie’s forehooves for a few more minutes before looking up at the unicorn and saying, “So uh, you want to be my new mommy huh?” Trixie then says, “Yes I do Cozy Glow!” Cozy then sighs and stares off down the road as she says, “Well I guess I do want a mommy? And like you already said, it’s you or n-nothing? And um, I guess we can give it a try? But if it doesn’t work out, can we just go back to the way it was before? Me living in the Castle of Friendship and you talking to me everyday? I mean, can we still do that if um, you know? It doesn’t really work out?” She looks to see Trixie smiling at her once more as Trixie then says, “Well yeah! I mean, we’ll always have somewhere to go Cozy! We’re figuring you out right now and the truth is, I want to adopt you now…” Cozy then tilts her head as she stares at the unicorn and she says, “So you really love me huh? Golly! Well… I guess we’ll give it a shot after all?” Trixie then says, “Great Cozy Glow! Glad to hear it! But we really should eat our food before it gets too cold!” What follows is possibly the most awkward breakfast in Cozy’s short life. Trixie uses her unicorn magic to eat the French toast using a fork and Cozy holds her bowl of oatmeal with her forehooves after adding butter and sugar to it and she eats it with her head and neck like normal. Nopony says a word to the other. Trixie just smiles at her whenever she looks at the unicorn and this only annoys Cozy. Cozy Glow decides that there’s not really much she can do about that and to just ignore it as she finishes up her oatmeal and then takes the glass with her forehooves and tilts it to drink the contents down her throat. The orange juice is refreshing and tart going down Cozy’s throat and she then sits the glass back down on the table before saying, “Okay m-mom? I guess I’m ready to start the day now? Well, ready as I’ll ever be?” Trixie then smiles and says, “Excellent Cozy Glow! Yeah at first, I was going to borrow a wagon to get your things. But you don’t really have much do you? Just a few coloring books, a couple of reading books, three puzzles, crayons, and a plush toy right?” Cozy then looks up and says, “Well two plush toys actually! Remember how you gave me the dolphin? I love her a lot by the way! I uh, named her Snorkel…” Cozy then looks down. Trixie says, “Oh! Right! You named her? That’s cute!” Cozy then considers this before saying, “Well uh, maybe a little? Uh, you’re almost done with your French toast mom?” Trixie then uses her fork to eat up one of the last two pieces of her meal before chewing it up, swallowing, and saying, “Yes Cozy! Just one more bite, then I’ll pay, and then we can go get your things!” Cozy stares at Trixie with a blank expression as the unicorn finishes the last bite and then hops off of her chair to trot up to the counter to pay for their food. Cozy tries to think about something right now, but she can’t think of anything she needs to be focusing on at the moment and this just makes the filly more uncomfortable than before. All she can do is blankly stare as Trixie talks to the host about their ticket and uses her magic to fetch bits from her saddlebags to pay before trotting over to the table and leaving a bit there to tip the waitress. Trixie then looks at Cozy and says, “Are you ready to begin your new life daughter?” Cozy then sighs and says, “Uh, sure mom! Lets go do this!” They then exit the café together and trot back North to the Castle of Friendship. Once there, they both trot to Cozy’s room. Trixie then uses her magic to open the door and asks Cozy Glow, “Okay daughter! What’s in this room that you would like to take with you?” Cozy stammers out, “So they’re just gonna give me the toys and coloring books and stuff huh? Well none of it is really that valuable? Okay well first off, I need you to get your magic and CAREFULLY get Snorkel and Mr. Bearington…” Cozy notices that Trixie is snickering before asking her, “What’s wrong mom?” Trixie then says, “Your names are adorable!” Cozy then has another sour look on her face as she says, “My names are not cute! They’re logical! The dolphin is well, a dolphin and so the name Snorkel makes sense for her since she has to go up for air sometimes! And the bear is a Mr. and he’s a bear, therefore Mr. Bearington makes perfect sense! It’s perfectly rational and not cute!” before fluffing her wings in irritation. Cozy then starts to look flustered as Trixie asks her, “What’s the matter Cozy? I thought being cute and adorable was your thing?” Cozy then says, “Well yeah, but it’s different this time! Before, I was just being cute to manipulate other ponies! Now I don’t even want to be cute and it’s um, different? Annoying somehow?” Trixie then looks confused as she asks Cozy, “Why is it annoying Cozy Glow?” Cozy stammers out, “I don’t know? It’s different when I don’t intend to be cute you know?” Trixie then sighs and says, “But you are cute Cozy?” Cozy then starts again, “I-I am? But I’m not supposed to be cute! I’m supposed to, uh? I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be anymore?” Cozy then looks cock eyed to the side as Trixie then smiles and says, “How about, you’re supposed to be my daughter?” Cozy then blurts out, “But I don’t know how?” Trixie says, “Well I don’t know a lot about being a mommy either, but we can learn as we go okay? I mean, you’re not a typical filly and your new mommy is Great and Powerful after all! This won’t be a normal family, but honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way…” Cozy then scrunches her nose and says, “Not normal huh? Well since when has my life ever been normal?” Trixie cocks her head to the side and says, “How about we don’t just settle for “normal” then Cozy? How about amazing instead?” Cozy then has a sour look on her face as she watches Trixie gathering her meager possessions into a little sack that she found off to the side. She then says, “Well I tried my best to talk you out of this horrible idea already?” Trixie then uses her magic to tie up the sack as she says, “Well like I said, if it doesn’t work out, we can always just go back to the way it was before! No pressure alright daughter?” Cozy then looks down and says, “Right… No pressure… So that should be everything? I mean, there wasn’t much? No wait!” Trixie then looks shocked at the filly as she says, “What’s that Cozy?” Cozy trots across the room to the dresser and she uses her mouth and forehooves to fetch her saddlebags and puts them on before saying, “Um, would you please put Mr. Bearington and Snorkel in my bags please uh, mom? I want them to be close to me as we travel…” Trixie giggles as she lowers the bag with her magic to look inside and then she levitates the two plush toys over to Cozy. She puts Snorkel on Cozy’s right side and Mr. Bearington on her left. Cozy looks flustered as she says, “Shut up! It’s not cute!” Trixie then says, “But it’s adorable Cozy! And you know, you’re even cuter when you deny being cute right?” Both ponies are trotting out of the room as Cozy says, “No it’s not! I’m never cute when I don’t want to be! Shut up!” Trixie is snickering as they both trot outside while Trixie uses her magic to keep the little sack in tow. Trixie then turns to her right and motions to the East with her right forehoof as she says, “My cottage is a few blocks that way. Come on Cozy! Time to go home!” They both trot down the road to the East and Cozy is still unsure of herself or what to say and so it’s both silent and awkward. Trixie smiles and looks at Cozy as she says, “Anything the matter daughter?” Cozy stops and Trixie notices and stops with her before asking her, “Uh, Cozy? Why did you stop?” Cozy looks down and says, “I’m just not used to somepony ever being there for me okay? I’m used to being alone and well, it’s just gonna take some time I guess?” Trixie then gets really close to the filly. So close that she’s almost nuzzling her nose to nose and says, “You’re only 10… We have the rest of your life…” Cozy then squints her right eye and pops the left out a bit as she says, “Well it sounds very doable when you put it like that?” Trixie then says, “Well we’re definitely gonna try! Anyway, it’s just it’s just on the right here!” They trot past a grove to their right and there’s a small building just past it. Cozy looks over there to see a single story house, about three bedrooms she’s guessing. It’s in a serene meadow on the outskirts of town towards the East and behind it, she sees an old magician’s travelling wagon and just beyond that, a small pond. She then says, “This um, actually looks pretty nice mom!” Trixie scoffs and says, “Nice? Wait until you see the inside oh daughter of mine!” As she trots up to the door with the sack in tow with magic on her left. She then faces the door and uses her magic to open it before saying, “Come in my dear! Come in and be amazed!” And then motions with her left forehoof towards the door. Cozy smirks and slowly trots inside. She sees what looks like a normal living area, but not really. There’s a huge beanbag couch in the center of the room with a red rug in front of it and what looks like a huge tank of water over to the left. She can’t help but notice the curtain near the center of the room and she also sees all manner of ropes and suspension equipment on the ceiling that she can only guess Trixie once used for her acts. On the right, she sees what appears to be a kitchen area and a door leading just beyond it. She then says, “Golly this sure looks interesting! You know, I knew you were a stage magician, but didn’t really know what to expect?” Trixie then confidently trots inside with the sack behind her and uses her magic to shut the door as she says, “Well this is the living area! You’re room is just over here!” She then trots over to the right and Cozy reluctantly follows her. Trixie looks over to her left and uses her magic to open the door and she then trots inside as she says, “Right this way oh Great and Powerful daughter!” Both ponies snicker as Cozy Glow steps into a small room. She sees an old poster of Trixie over to her left and just beyond that, a Wonderbolts poster. She also sees a small bed with dark purple covers on it to the back right as well as two pillows at the head on the wall. It looks small. Almost, cozy she would say. She also sees a window at the other end. She says, “Wow mom! This is great!” Trixie then motions to the room with her left forehoof and says, “Yes oh daughter of mine! This is where you shall stay!” Cozy then trots up and uses her mouth to fetch Mr. Bearington from her left and sets it neatly onto the bed. She then uses her mouth to fetch Snorkel over on her right and set it just above the bear on the bed. She then gets up onto the bed with her forehooves while her hind legs are still down and arranges her toys neatly. Then she gets back on the floor on all fours and smiles at the job she did while Trixie watches. She looks at Trixie and says, “Well I wanna make sure it looks nice right?” Trixie smiles and says, “Of course daughter!” Cozy looks at the floor and says, “I’m still not used to that?” Trixie says, “Well get used to it Cozy Glow! Anyway, Starshine should be arriving any minute now and I was going to put on a show for you two!” Cozy looks shocked and says, “For me? Golly! Well, my new mommy is a magician?” Trixie looks smug as she says, “Not just any magician my dear Cozy, but the Great and Powerful Trixie!” Cozy squints for two seconds before her eyes come back out and she says, “Of course!” Just then, there’s a knock on the door. Both ponies hear a muffled voice from the outside say, “It’s me! Starshine!” Trixie smiles and says, “Right on time!” She then uses her magic to open the door from across the room and says, “Come in oh Starshine of Ponyville! Come in and witness in amazement, the Great and Powerful Trixie!” Starshine stands there stunned for a moment before saying, “Oh right! Magic show! Uh, hang on Miss Trixie!” She then trots in, turns her head to the left, and uses her magic to close the door before trotting over and hugging Cozy Glow. She says in her ear, “I missed you my wonderful friend!” Cozy smiles and hugs her back as she whispers, “I missed you too Starshine!” Trixie then says, “Go and sit on the couch young fillies! Sit and watch in awe!” The two fillies then go sit on the beanbag couch in the center of the room. Cozy is on the left and Starshine to the right. They sit and watch as Trixie then gets on her haunches and makes flowers appear seemingly out of nowhere in her left forehoof and she then gives them to Cozy Glow as she says, “For you my precious daughter!” Cozy Glow blushes and gets the flowers with her forehooves before Trixie trots back over to her chest and uses her magic to get out a deck of playing cards. She then spreads out several of them that are on top in front of Starshine with her magic and asks her, “Pick a card Starshine! Any card and keep it in your mind!” Starshine looks at the cards and decides the 7 of Diamonds is her card. Trixie then takes the cards back into the deck with her magic and shuffles them before picking off the top card and showing it to Starshine and asks her, “Is this the card you selected?” She sees it’s the 7 of Diamonds and she says, “Wow! That’s amazing!” Cozy looks at her and asks, “Did you really pick the 7 of Diamonds?” Starshine looks at Cozy and says, “Yeah! I can’t believe she was able to do that?” Trixie smiles and says, “Oh that’s not all little filly! Now wait for me there! I’ll need to go behind my curtain for this one!” She then trots back behind the curtain in the middle of the room and closes it so the fillies can’t see what’s going on behind it. They both hear Trixie say from behind the curtains, “Prepare to be amazed by my daring escape from the Interlocking Chains of Doom!” They wait for maybe 2 minutes before they both hear a panicked voice from behind the curtain say, “Uh, some help here please!” The two fillies look at each other and then carefully trot over around the right side of the curtain to see Trixie there struggling and wrapped in many chains in a sort of bundle. There’s a lock on the front of Trixie’s body as she’s wrapped up in many chains and struggling. Cozy snickers and said, “How did you get yourself in there mom?” Trixie then says, “Never mind that!” And then in one solid fluid motion, she moves her right forehoof out of the chain bundle and sweeps it around so that the chains appear to almost disintegrate before Cozy and Starshine’s eyes. As she then stands up, all of the chain links fall down around her in a spray as her body rises and as she lifts herself up, she smiles at the two aghast fillies. She then says, “Was there ever any doubt?” Cozy and Starshine both stare in wide eyed amazement as the blue unicorn gets back on all fours from her haunches and says, “Yeah I had some trouble with that trick earlier and worked on it a bit! What did you fillies think?” Cozy and Starshine both stare at her in wide eyed amazement as Cozy then says, “That was amazing mom! I never knew you were this neat?” Trixie smiles as she uses her magic to put the chain links away in a chest off to the side of the room. She then says, “Yeah I used to do this before counseling remember? I thought I’d welcome you to my home with a show! Show you what mommy used to do!” Cozy looks down and says, “So my new mommy is a school counselor who used to be a magician?” She looks up and continues, “You know, I sometimes wonder what my life would be like if I was normal like every other filly?” Trixie continues smiling at Cozy as she trots towards her and says, “But why be normal, when you can be” and Cozy looks up and chimes in with the last words, “Great and Powerful!” And then the unicorn and Pegasus filly both giggle while Starshine stares at them and rolls her eyes. Trixie looks at the clock on her wall while she uses her magic to open the curtains in the center of the room and then she says, “It’s 12:16 little fillies! Make yourself comfortable on the couch while mommy goes and makes lunch!” And then she quickly uses her magic to sweep up the links into a nearby chest before trotting off to the kitchen area of the foyer. Cozy then says, “Well I’m used to being served by this point since they basically just brought me my meals at the castle? Um, how was your morning Starshine?” Starshine then says, “Pretty normal really. I ate breakfast with my mom and waited around until I had to go. Trixie told me to arrive around 11 o’clock…” Cozy rolls her eyes and says, “Oh of course she did! You know, she plans a lot of these things ahead of time? It’s almost like she’s giving me therapy and wants me to get better?” And then Cozy stares up with a start before she starts to giggle uncontrollably and Starshine starts laughing with her 2 second after. Trixie returns shortly after with mangos and bananas on a plate and she says, “Well I hope you don’t mind, but I eat a lot of fruit. It’s convenient when you’re on the road and you don’t have much time for other things and well, I guess I started to like it? I still eat veggies sometimes though?” Cozy smiles and says, “That’s fine mom!” Trixie uses her magic to set the plate down and says, “Eat up fillies! My plate is over there!” She then uses her magic to retrieve a smaller plate of mangos and bananas. Cozy looks at the fruit and says, “I’ve never had mangos before?” before grabbing one with her forehooves and biting into it. She then says, “This is really yummy!” and starts to munch more voraciously as Starshine smiles and uses her magic to open a banana. The three ponies eat silently for about 5 minutes before Trixie finishes up a bite of banana and says, “So Cozy Glow! What do you think of your new home?” Cozy says, “Well it’s different? Then again, every place I’ve ever lived has been different? I like it! Uh, if I wanted to change how my room is decorated, I could do that right?” Trixie smiles and says, “Of course little filly! I just wanted to start you off! But arrange it however you wish!” Cozy then says, “But I can’t take down the poster of you can I?” Trixie tilts her head and asks Cozy, “Why would you want to?” Cozy then says, “I wouldn’t…” She then squints and adds, “You planned that didn’t you?” Trixie then straightens her head out and says, “Well you like thinking of your new Great and Powerful mommy don’t you?” Cozy looks down again and says, “I guess so huh? Golly! Why does life have to be so confusing?” Trixie then says, “Relax Cozy! We’re gonna go as slow as you need to okay?” Cozy stares at Trixie for a few moments before saying, “Okay so it doesn’t matter if I deserve it or not. You’re giving me another chance… To um, actually have a childhood and play and be a filly again… R-right?” Trixie says, “Yes Cozy Glow! The world was far too harsh on you earlier and I want to make you better!” Cozy then says, “I guess you’re right? Um, that was really good m-mom! Sorry! I’m still not quite used to that?” Trixie then says, “It’s okay Cozy! So what do you want to do now?” Cozy looks up and says, “Well I usually take a nap after lunch, but Starshine is here?” Starshine then says, “That’s okay Cozy! I’ll take a nap with you!” Cozy looks at Starshine and says, “A nap w-with somepony else? Golly! Um, I guess we can do that?” Trixie smiles and says, “Yes that will be fine Cozy! Your bed could fit both of you on it!” Cozy looks startled and says, “Um, well okay! Come on Starshine! My room is back this way!” she says as she trots towards the hallway. Starshine starts after her shortly afterward and Cozy uses her forehooves to open her door to the left and trots into her room. Starshine enters behind her and says, “Oh wow! This is really nice in here!” Cozy then says, “Yeah I think so too! Well, here’s my bed!” Starshine then says, “Well it’s your bed? I think you’re supposed to get in first?” Cozy looks up for 2 seconds and then down at Starshine before saying, “Um, yeah okay! That makes sense!” She then moves her body onto the bed and turns around before using her right forehoof to set the two pillows side by side and then saying, “Alright Starshine! You get the left side!” and then she snuggles under her covers with her dolphin toy while the unicorn carefully gets into bed behind her. Starshine then whisper behind Cozy Glow, “I love you Cozy! Goodnight!” Cozy then smiles while looking away so Starshine can’t see and then says, “Yeah! Goodnight Starshine! See you in an hour or two!” Before closing her eyes and softly falling to sleep. Cozy is deep asleep when she feels a hoof and a foreleg going across her body. She doesn’t think anything of it at first until her mind slowly begins to piece together that Starshine is in fact, embracing her in her sleep. Cozy’s mind begins to put this together when suddenly, she screams. “AAAAHHH!!!” Starshine wakes with a start and says, “Cozy! Are you okay? What’s wrong?” Cozy has a disturbed look on her face when she says, “Y-you were holding me!” Starshine then says, “Um yeah. Sorry Cozy. I just love you and well…” Cozy then lays back and stares at the ceiling as she says, “You know, there have been way too many awkward moments involving cuddling today!” Starshine then says, “Yeah um, sorry…” Cozy thinks on this for a second before saying, “N-no it’s okay Starshine… You can hold me… If you want to I mean? Just uh, don’t tell anypony okay?” Starshine then smiles and says, “Your secret is safe with me Cozy Glow!” Then Cozy’s doorknob glows and it opens to reveal Trixie, now out of her magician’s hat and cape with a worried expression on her face. She says, “Cozy! Are you alright?” Cozy then says, “Yeah don’t worry about it! Uh, something startled me!” Starshine then smiles and says, “Uh, yeah! A fly landed on her snout and it must’ve scared her? She’s calm now Miss Trixie! Don’t worry about it!” Trixie then sighs and says, “Well okay. You two have a good rest now and call me if you need me!” She then closes the door with her magic and her hoofsteps trotting off can be heard. Cozy then looks at Starshine and says, “You didn’t tell her we were snuggling?” Starshine smiles at Cozy and says, “Well, you didn’t want anypony to know right?” Cozy then says, “Well of course, but um… Never mind! I’m gonna go to sleep like this now…” She then rolls over to her side the opposite direction of Starshine before saying, “Um, hold me i-if you really want to Starshine…” Cozy closes her eyes and tightly hugs her pillow. She secretly hopes Starshine will hold her when she suddenly feels a leg being wrapped around her body once more. She enjoys the sensation of being held but thinks to herself that she should probably just keep that to herself for now. The two fillies wake up in a soft embrace with Cozy staring forward and Starshine holding her from behind. Cozy slowly opens her eyes and suddenly remembers that Starshine is holding her and that she really shouldn’t freak out again. Unsure of what to do or say, she softly says, “Um, Starshine? Are you awake?” Starshine smiles and says, “No! I’m still asleep…” Cozy squints and says, “If you were asleep, you wouldn’t be able to respond!” Starshine then says, “Yes I would!” Cozy then says, “Knock it off Starshine! I know you’re awake now!” Starshine snickers and asks Cozy, “So you have a good nap bestie?” Cozy says, “Well golly, I sure did Starshine! Um, can we do this sometimes? I uh, kind of liked being held?” Starshine then says, “Sure Cozy! I um, kind of liked holding you?” Cozy thinks on this for a few seconds before saying, “Well okay! But let’s just keep it between us okay?” Starshine smiles again and says, “Deal! So what do you wanna do now Cozy Glow?” Cozy thinks for a second before saying, “Well I guess we could color again? I know there’s some more Storm Crusher pages in that other book over there for you and I can color more unicorns from my book… Starshine then looks perplexed as she asks Cozy Glow, “I noticed you like to color unicorns a lot?” Cozy looks down and says, “Well I kind of like them? I always wondered what it would be like to have actual magical power you know? Well, I was an Alicorn for a few minutes once?” Starshine then says, “Golly! Really? An Alicorn? That’s neat!” Cozy then just stares at Starshine and smiles when it suddenly dawns on Starshine what she just said. Starshine immediately says, “Oh no!” Cozy giggles and says, “Oh yes! You just said golly!” Starshine immediately stammers out, “N-no I didn’t! Cozy immediately starts bouncing on the floor and saying, “You did! You did! You said golly!” Starshine then just says, “Okay uh, well! What do you want to do now Cozy?” Cozy just giggles and says, “Listen to you talk like me some more…” Starshine then says, “I-I don’t talk like you!” Cozy snickers and says, “Yes you do! You just said golly!” Starshine stammers out, “N-no!” Cozy decides she’s messed with Starshine enough as she says, “So what do you want to do now Starshine?” Starshine thinks for a second before saying, “Well I always wanted to play Truth or Dare?” Cozy then looks up and says, “Yeah I’ve heard of that game… Uh, you go first! Truth or dare Starshine?” Starshine thinks for a few seconds before saying, “Dare!” Cozy then says, “Um, okay! I dare you to stand on your haunches like a zebra for a full 10 seconds!” Starshine then says, “I don’t know if I can do that, but I’ll give it a try?” She then stands on her haunches. Cozy counts, “10…9….8….7….6….5….4….3….2…1… Okay Starshine!” Starshine goes back to all fours while letting out a sigh of relief as she says, “Wow! I don’t know how they do that? That’s really tough!” Cozy thinks for 2 seconds before saying, “I think it has something to do with their bone structure or something?” Starshine then says, “Okay you go Cozy! Truth or dare?” Cozy just says, “Well uh, truth!” Starshine then asks Cozy Glow, “Okay uh, what’s your darkest secret?” Cozy then looks shocked as she says, “Well um, since you’re my best friend, I’ll tell you… But you can’t tell anypony else okay?” Starshine then says, “Well I haven’t told them about how you like to be held yet?” Cozy then says, “Sssshh! Um, okay…” Her voice then goes to a low whisper as she says, “The truth is, earlier on, I was forming a plan to take over the School of Friendship again… You know? In my head? Um, I thought that if I can just get to the artifacts again, I might be able to rig up something a bit different and more effective this time, but uh…” She looks down, “You made me stop…” Starshine looks extremely surprised as she asks, “What do you mean Cozy?” Cozy then lowly says, “Well, the last time, I used them as a suction device to soak up all the magic and then had it go into a vortex where it would get sucked up into the ether… This time, I was thinking of a specific pattern I could arrange them in in order to force a blast or rift of magic to force all the magic out of Equestria! I’m actually not sure where it would go, but the point is, it wouldn’t be here. And the best part of my new plan was, there would be no 3 day wait period like there was before. It would be almost instant! But uh…” She looks down… ** Starshine then asks Cozy, “But what?” Cozy looks back up and says, “Well distracting Starlight and Trixie wouldn’t be difficult, even in a way that wasn’t obviously from me… And Twilight well, she rules from Canterlot now and so there’s no way she’d be able to get here in time! My new plan would have a much better chance of succeeding as things are now… But the thing is…“Cozy closes her eyes and turns her head off to the side as she says, “But I’m not evil anymore! Not with you here! Not with Trixie! I-I just can’t do it now! I know I just keep telling myself I can always go back to being evil if this whole “daughter” thing doesn’t work out, but now I’m not so sure?” Cozy stands there with her eyes closed and head cocked to the side like that for a few more seconds before she feels the forelegs of Starshine going around her. She then says, “Oh, you’re hugging me now! Of course!” While she’s holding Cozy, Starshine then asks, “I hope that’s okay?” Cozy then sighs and says, “Why not? It’s been happening all day!” Starshine then asks Cozy, “What do you mean?” Cozy then says, “Either I’ve been insane this whole time, or I’m the only sane pony around? But either way, I can’t really win?” Starshine then asks Cozy, “Huh?” Cozy says, “Never mind! You know, moving over here was a bit more stressful on me than I thought it would be?” Starshine then pulls back and goes on all fours before asking Cozy, “What do you mean?” Cozy then looks down and then up before saying, “Well, it’s different when I know I’m only gonna be here for 2 or 3 days you know? But this is my home now. I actually have a home!” Starshine then asks Cozy, “You didn’t really have a home before?” Cozy looks up and off to the side before saying, “No, not really? I mean, I moved around a lot and I’ve seen a few places? But I never stayed for very long… But I’m probably gonna be living in this cottage for years now huh?” Starshine then hugs Cozy Glow and says, “I certainly hope so!” Cozy hugs Starshine back and says, “See! I was ready for it that time!” Starshine then smiles and says, “I know! I’ll need to change that later!” Cozy then says, “Hey!” Starshine giggles and says, “Oh it’s all in good fun Cozy! Cozy then says, “I’m serious! This is not over Starshine! TERRIBLE RETRIBUTION!” Starshine just giggles while Cozy sighs before asking Starshine, “What do you like so much about me anyway? I mean, would we even still be friends if we weren’t each other’s only options?” Starshine smiles at Cozy and says, “Oh there you go again! Thinking too much about it Cozy Glow! The only thing that is important is that you’re my friend and I love you!” She scratches the back of her head with her left forehoof before adding, “Um, I never said truth?” Cozy thinks on this for second before saying, “Well yeah I know Starshine. But what do you like about me?” Starshine looks at Cozy and says, “Well I like how you’re smart, funny, clever, and you’re a good friend and you care about me!” Cozy then stares up at the ceiling and says, “Golly? You know, I never really thought about any of it? I just did what I thought I should do?” Starshine then says, “So it just kinda came naturally then? Out of you I mean?” Cozy then looks down and says, “I guess so? But you know, you’re a really good friend to me too Starshine. I don’t know where I’d be without you!” Starshine then smiles again and says, “AWW! Let’s hug now Cozy! No ambushes! Just hugging!” Cozy then trots up to Starshine and embraces her tightly in her forelegs. Then suddenly there’s a knock on the door. The door then opens to reveal Trixie who then says, “Just checking on you fillies! Is everything okay in here?” Cozy just says, “Yeah mom! We’re fine!” Trixie then says, “Okay I still don’t know how much I should check on you? Probably not as often since you’re obviously pretty smart and capable? Uh, you two are hugging?” Cozy then starts and gets off of Starshine before saying, “Uh, yeah! We’re friends and uh, really close and stuff!” She then smiles widely.” Trixie just rolls her eyes before saying, “Anyway, dinner will be ready in about an hour! We’re having toasted oat cakes and fruit juice!” Cozy then says, “Well golly mom! That sounds yummy!” Trixie smiles and says, “Look at you, playing with your friend just like a normal filly again… Cozy, you know you’re going back right?” Cozy thinks for a moment before saying, “Yeah I guess so huh?” Starshine then says, “Well yeah! Before those awful things happened to you and Tirek started talking with you?” Cozy then stares at Starshine and as her eyes grow bigger and pupils get smaller, Starshine already knew what was about to happen… She sticks her snout out and closes her eyes as Cozy touches her nose with her left forehoof and says, “BOOP!” Starshine twitches her nose and says, “Okay, I guess I kinda had that one coming… But Cozy, uh, there is one thing…” Cozy looks at Starshine and says, “Oh? What is it Starshine?” Starshine then suddenly hugs Cozy as Cozy yelps, “OKAYIWASN’TREADYTHATTIME!” Starshine lets Cozy out of her embrace and Cozy just goes back down and fluffs her wings before saying, “I just don’t think it’s fair! If you get to ambush hug me whenever you want, I should be able to boop your nose whenever I want! That’s fair!” Starshine sighs and says, “Well okay Cozy! You do make a point…” At this point, both fillies notice Trixie still standing in the doorway and giggling maniacally. Cozy asks Trixie, “What’s so funny?” Trixie just screams, “You two are just so adorable!” Cozy blushes while Starshine has a confused look on her face. Cozy then says, “No we’re not! Don’t you know the rules mom? I can’t be cute unless I’m trying to be!” At this point, Starshine taps on Cozy’s shoulder with her hoof. Cozy faces her and she says, “Well uh, hey Cozy! It’s been really fun, but it’s almost 5 and I gotta go now!” Cozy looks down and says, “Oh okay Starshine… Um, thanks for uh, you know? Earlier…” Starshine looks perplexed at first, but after a moment, goes back and says, “Oh! Earlier! Right! Um, anytime Cozy Glow!” She then winks at Cozy while Trixie has a confused look on her face. The two fillies then hug as Cozy whispers to Starshine, “I love you Starshine!” Starshine smiles and whispers back, “I love you too Cozy Glow!” Starshine then trots to the door, uses her magic to open it, trots out, and closes the door behind her. Cozy then thinks to herself, “It was so nice just being held? I didn’t need that before though? Or did I? Could it be that love was all I really needed this whole time?” Trixie then says, “Come on Cozy! Go sit down on the couch and let mommy bring in dinner!” Cozy then starts as she breaks out of thought and says, “Um, okay mom!” She then trots over to the couch and sits down as Trixie then uses her magic to set down a fresh platter of warm hay cakes along with a plate for each of them. Trixie then says, “Yeah I used to be on the road, but since I’ve had this cottage here for ten years, I’ve kinda upgraded a bit! Well, I got a platter anyway?” Cozy looks down before staring at Trixie and smiling as she says, “Mom! Stop trying to impress me! I don’t care about what you have and I don’t care about what you can do!” Trixie just rolls her eyes and says, “Oh yeah! Love and parenting and guidance and all that good stuff!” Cozy squints her right eye before popping it back out and saying, “Right! That stuff!” Both ponies giggle before Cozy says, “So I guess we’re really doing this huh?” Trixie then says, “Yes and I understand you’re still confused Cozy. But the thing is, I just wanted a legacy… And you’re probably my best option…” Cozy then squints and says, “Okay but um, you care about me too r-right?” Trixie sighs and says, “Oh right! Reassurance! Of course I love you Cozy Glow!” Cozy stares down and says, “Well I guess you already proved that? And this really seems to be the best thing for me? And nothing else seems like a good idea anyway?” Trixie smiles and says, “So you really want to do this Cozy?” Cozy then looks at Trixie and says, “Yeah I think so? Uh, I mean…” She looks down and breaths in before slowly breathing out and says, “Okay mom… You have a daughter now!” Trixie then looks elated as she hugs Cozy tightly. Cozy smiles as Trixie then gently kisses Cozy on her forehead and goes back to her seat. Cozy then seems different. Almost, content… Cozy then finally says, “You know, I bet these cakes are cool enough to eat now?” Trixie suddenly looks up and says, “Oh! Dinner! Right!” She then uses her magic to put a hay cake onto Cozy’s plate and then puts one on her own. The two ponies then eat silently for about 10 minutes before Cozy finishes up her meal and says, “Uh, you’ve almost caught up to me mom?” Trixie smiles and says, “Wow! My daughter must’ve been hungry! Do you want another one Cozy?” Cozy then rubs her belly with her right hoof and says, “Um, no? I think I had enough? Can I um, go to my room now m-mom? I uh, really need some alone time after everything today?” Trixie smiles and says, “Certainly Cozy Glow! Go to your room now if you wish! I’ll uh, clean up here I guess? I’ll be back to check up on you before bed!” Cozy smiles and says, “Thanks mom!” before getting off the couch and trotting back to her room. Once there, she trots in, uses her forehooves to close the door, trots further into the middle of the room and says to her bear, “I’m really sorry about dropping you earlier Mr. Bearington!” She then gets her toys and puts them onto the floor with one of her pillows. After that, she fetches one of her coloring books and some crayons before coloring to relax her mind. She then says to Mr. Bearington with a blue crayon in her mouth, “So uh, I guess I just got adopted huh? Golly! You know, I still had my doubts, but so far, it actually seems to be working out? I mean, I was almost sure this was an awful idea, but now that I’m here and um, actually…” Cozy stops before saying what she’s about to say because she knows what those words mean… She finally says, “being a daughter…” The filly then buries her head onto the book she was coloring in after spitting out her crayon. “What is it Mr. Bearington? What’s missing? I have what I need now right? I have a new mommy, a house, a best friend, and all the stuff I need to live now? Why can’t I just accept this and be happy?” Cozy then raises her head and says, “Well, I did say I was gonna give it a try? And um…” She then thinks of a certain apple bucking earth pony before saying, “I should honor my word like Professor Applejack would say right?” Cozy then thinks for a few minutes while blankly staring at the wall. She no longer colors because these thoughts have her mind’s entire focus. She finally looks at her dolphin on the other side and says, “Okay Snorkel! You make a valid point! I’ll just try it out for a few months… I know I keep saying I can always just go back to being evil, but now I’m not so sure? Golly! Everything seems a lot more serious when you realize that there’s just no other options?” She then takes the green crayon from her box into her mouth and then starts to color on the other page of her book for a few more minutes. She finally spits out the crayon and looks at her dolphin again before saying, “I sure liked being held by Starshine back there? Um, I kinda don’t want to admit this to anypony though? It felt different from the other things though you know? Almost like I was um…” The Pegasus filly then stops talking once more as she’s deep in thought… She finally finishes her sentence by saying, “loved?” Cozy stares at the wall for a few more minutes before finally just saying to both of her toys, “Okay fine! Friendship is magic and it keeps me from doing bad things! There! I said it! I bucking said it! Happy?” She then puts her head down onto the pillow she’s been laying on. Suddenly, there’s a knock on Cozy’s door. Cozy says while still holding her head down onto the pillow, “Yes mom?” Trixie’s muffled voice can be heard from the other side of the door as she says, “Hey Cozy! I’m done now and was just checking on you! Can I come in?” Cozy then looks up at the door and says, “Uh, sure mom! Come on in!” The doorknob then glows and the blue unicorn trots into the room and looks at Cozy as she says, “So how was you first day daughter? Was it Great and Powerful enough for you? Because we’re just getting started!” Cozy giggles a little bit and says, “Yeah I get it mom! You’re neat! Um, so how was I? As a daughter I mean? Did I mess up anywhere?” Trixie smiles and says, “Well you should probably praise your amazing mother some more, but other than that, you’re actually doing great Cozy!” Cozy snickers and says, “So I’m doing okay huh? You know, I never even thought this was possible? I mean, I did bad things back there, got sent to Tartarus for 2 years, and then I came back, did more bad things, and then I got turned to stone for 10 years and now I’m here? I’m just saying, after all that, I actually went back? I mean, r-really? You’re my mommy now?” Trixie then trots towards the pillow, bends down, and hugs Cozy as she says, “Not just any mommy Cozy!” Cozy then chimes in, “The Great and Powerful Trixie!” Both ponies giggle before Cozy says, “That’s probably gonna be another one of those things huh?” Trixie looks at her and says, “More than likely? But how did I do as a mommy Cozy? Is there anything you’d want me to do?” Cozy thinks for 3 seconds before saying, “Um, no? Not really? Well uh, it has been a long day… Um, is it okay if I go to bed a little bit early m-mom?” She then looks at Trixie with big eyes. Trixie then says, “Well of course Cozy Glow! Whatever you need to do. And you know I’m here for you if you need me right?” Cozy then says, “Well uh, of course mom!” She then smiles at Trixie. Trixie then gets back up and says, “Well okay Cozy! I’m you’re new mommy and I’m here for you if you need me!” She then trots out into the hallway and uses her magic to close the door. Cozy then gathers her coloring book and crayons and sets them off to the side as she says, “Well I guess it’s bedtime now?” She then climbs up into bed and snuggles her two toys softly to sleep in the fetal position underneath the covers like she always does. Night 24: Cozy stirs in her sleep and turns the other direction while she clutches Snorkel to her chest and Mr. Bearington is off to the side. She snores softly and has a dream… She dreams she’s walking in a forest. She’s trotting down the road when she sees a massive centaur arise in the distance and quickly get closer in an almost surreal fashion. Tirek bellows out, “You turned your back on us Cozy! You went another way and now you need to be dealt with!” As he gets closer and closer and Cozy can only take off with her wings and fly the other direction. She can’t seem to shake the centaur no matter how fast she flies and he just gets closer. She’s terrified and has tears in her eyes as she tries to outrun him. Tirek yells from behind her, “Time to die Cozy Glow!” Suddenly, Princess Luna appears right before her out of a black cloud that now envelopes the forest ahead of her and Tirek disappears as the Alicorn uses her magic to stop Cozy Glow in midflight and keeps her there. Cozy then says, “Uh, Princess Luna? Oh golly! This is another nightmare huh?” Luna then smiles and says, “Yes Cozy Glow! This is only a dream, but the feelings you have here are very real. I think there’s at least a few things you haven’t been honest with yourself about.” Cozy looks down while she’s suspended in the air and says, “Um, yeah I uh, still think about Tirek sometimes and everything he told me. I mean, I know it was wrong now and I know I need to be doing something else. I know this, but well, I keep thinking about what he might do if he ever came back?” Luna then says, “Well you need to face Tirek Cozy! But you already told him off once, so why do you suppose you’re still having these thoughts?” Cozy then wakes up in a cold sweat. She then says to herself, “What in Equestria could that dream possibly mean?” She then sighs to herself and asks, “Well I just had another nightmare? Um, could I talk to Trixie about it? Um, now I mean? Well, only one way to find out?” She then lays on her back and plops her head down while staring at the ceiling as she says, “I wonder if I have to sleep alone tonight?” She then grabs Snorkel with her mouth and gets onto the floor on all fours. She sets Snorkel down and says to her bear, “Okay look Mr. Bearington! You need to stay off that leg for now and so you should just stay here. Me and Snorkel will go to Trixie. Just get comfortable and relax! You’ll be okay!” She then takes the dolphin with her mouth and trots to the door before using her forehooves to open it and trots into the hallway and then to her left. She knocks on the door with her right forehoof. There’s a muffled voice from behind the door saying, “Huh? What?” She then hears stumbling as something gets out of bed and hears the heavy trotting to the door before the knob glows and it opens to reveal a disheveled Trixie with her eyes only half open. Trixie then says to Cozy, “Ugh! Uh, yes daughter? What couldn’t wait until the morning?” Cozy spits out her dolphin to her side and whispers to Trixie, “Um, I had a nightmare? Is it uh er…” Trixie then looks concerned as she says, “Yes Cozy? Are you alright?” The unicorn then shakes her head as Cozy finally says, “Is it okay if I sleep in here? W-with you? I mean, I’m supposed to not be alone r-right?” Trixie smiles and calmly walks up to Cozy. Cozy then looks up at her and says, “You’re about to hug me aren’t you?” Trixie then embraces the filly in her forelegs Cozy then rolls her eyes and says, “Yup! Sure enough!” Trixie then says, “Of course oh precious daughter of mine! You can snooze in here with mommy if you wish! Um, I’m guessing you want your dolphin?” She then releases Cozy from her embrace. Cozy then says, “Well her name is Snorkel and um, yeah I um, kinda like her?” Trixie then slowly trots back to her bed as she says, “Ah yes! You named her Snorkel!” Cozy squints as she’s carrying the dolphin in her mouth into the room. She decides not to talk about it anymore as she then closes the door with her forehooves and trots over to the bed as Trixie gets in. Trixie then pats the top of the bed with her hoof and says, “Well come on in daughter!” Cozy then spits the dolphin out onto the bed and slowly climbs in to meet Trixie face to face. Trixie then asks Cozy, “So you had a nightmare? Do you wanna talk about it Cozy?” Cozy looks up for a second before saying, “Um, no not really? I kinda just wanna snuggle up to my dolphin over here and go to sleep?” Trixie then says, “That’s fine too daughter!” Cozy then snuggles Snorkel in the fetal position again as she gets under the covers. Trixie is on the other side staring the other direction as she says, “Goodnight precious daughter!” Cozy then says, “Um, goodnight mom! Um, uh, never mind!” Trixie then says, “Are you sure Cozy? There seems to be something on your mind?” Cozy says, “Well it’s just that um…” Trixie then asks Cozy, “Yes dear?” Cozy closes her eyes and finally admits, “I like to be held! Um, okay?” Trixie then softly says, “Well it’s a comforting thing Cozy! You went through a lot and it makes you feel better! Okay look! Just scoot back here towards me okay? Keep facing that direction!” Cozy then says, “Um, okay…” And then carefully scoots back towards her new mother. Trixie then scoots a little closer to Cozy Glow before holding the filly in her forelegs. She then says to Cozy, “Well, how does this make you feel?” Cozy thinks on it for 3 seconds before responding, “Um, it feels nice mom… Uh, is it okay if we um, you know? Sleep like this?” Trixie softly says, “Of course Cozy! I’ll comfort you for as long as you need me to!” Cozy then whispers back to Trixie, “Thanks mom!” Before softly falling asleep and finally learning to accept love. As she goes to sleep, she starts to wonder about the filly who tried to take over Equestria all that time ago? She starts to wonder who that filly was because she doesn’t believe it was her anymore…