Cozy Chronicles

by 5u0myn0n4

Epilogue Part 5: A Hearth’s Warming Glow (The End?)

Some time had passed since The Glow happened (it's their term for the bright light that sealed the darkness), and it was Winter in Ponyville and Canterlot! Hearth's Warming was right around the corner, and the snow was tickling everypony's snouts.

With little Amber all alone now (I wonder what happened with her father...), Princess Twilight Sparkle wanted to give the filly a chance to live happily. Although, after witnessing the falling of Queen Chrysalis, and the fleeing of Lord Tirek, it was difficult to keep in good spirits. To make matters worse, as Princess, Twilight was typically too busy to be directly involved with Amber. Most of her friendship lessons were taught by her pupil, Luster Dawn. Luster and Amber became tight study buddies, it was quite cute actually. Cozy's old pal Magnolia acted as Amber's guardian outside of study time.

Magnolia was walking Amber through the snowy Canterlot, as they were heading to the study where she'd practice magic with Luster Dawn. As they walked, Amber was very quiet. She didn't say much, but based on her stressed expression, she had a lot on her mind."

"Are you alright? I'm starting to worry." Maggie asked.

Amber looked up to the mare, and then back to the ground.

"I'm fine, it's just... I'm tired of watching every creature I care about suffer..." Amber said. "Twilight can shower me with all the kindness in the world, but that can't undo what happened to them."


There was one lingering question on Maggie's mind that she was surprised no pony had asked by now. It seemed risky, but it was likely only Amber knew the answer.

"I'm sorry if this is a sensitive subject, but, could you tell me about your's and Cozy's parents?" Maggie asked.

Amber took a moment to think, as she reminisced, she started to hyperventilate.

So, dad, after you almost killed me, you cloned me so you could try again? Cozy's voice echoed. You're DEAD! Don't act like you influenced my life in any significant way, mom!

"Amber! Snap out of it!" Maggie exclaimed.
*Hmph* "They're not important." Amber replied.
"Oh. Is it because they're..." Maggie followed up.
"I said they're not important!" Amber exclaimed.

Magnolia knew not to ask any further questions at this time. And luckily, they reached their destination.

"Well, we're here." she said.

Maggie knocked on the entrance, and immediately, Luster Dawn opened the door to greet them.

"Luster Dawn! It's good to see not incapacitated." Maggie said.
"Thankfully with our advanced magic medicine, the recovery process wasn't so bad." Luster said.

Luster Dawn had since recovered to the point where she didn't need any casts or bandages anymore. And thus, Twilight Sparkle reintroduced Amber to Luster, and assigned her pupil to be Amber's magic tutor. Maggie passed Amber onto Luster Dawn.

"I'll meet you at the Hearth's Warming gift exchange tonight, Amby." Maggie said.
"Okay. I'll see you tonight, Magby." Amber said.
"Take care Magnolia! Thanks for your service." Luster saluted the retired guard. She was young for retirement, but she'd had enough of guard business.

Some time later:

It was a long day of studying and magic practice. In this moment, Amber was practicing a magic spell while Luster encouraged her.

"Alright, Amber. Let's try this again." Luster said.

Amber concentrated on exerting magic from her horn. She struggled as she tried to push it out.


Little Amber Glow gave the spell her best shot.

"You can do it." Luster said.
"I'm trying." Amber said.
"Don't hurt yourself." Luster said. "Know your limits."

*EERGH* Amber stressed when she tried to do the spell.

Amber's horn lit up a yellowing glow, as she lifted the book. She placed the book on a stack of books, about two mares tall. Not particularly impressive, it was a start.

"That'll do for now." Luster patted Amber on the head. "However, the Hearth's Warming ceremony fast approaching, and we have much else to get down, so we best be on our way."

Amber was disappointed to end the lesson this suddenly, but she tried to express her gratitude anyway.

"Thank you for the lessons, master." Amber said.
"Uh... just call me Luster. Okay?" she replied.

Luster used her magic to lend Amber a winter coat.

"Wrap up, it's cold outside." she told the filly.

Luster was about to leave, but something was on Amber stood in place, as something was on her mind.

"Before we go, Luster, there's something I've been wanting to ask you, Luster." she said.
"Sure. Ask me anything." Luster said.

Amber tapped her mouth with her hoof while she thought about how to phrase her question.

"Um... Did you like my sister?" Amber asked.
"Um..." Luster thought.

*dramatic flashbacks* "I'm in control now, Lusty!" Cozy's voice echoed in Luster's head.

*shutter* "See the thing is..." Luster said, thinking. *gulp* "That's a multi-layered question."
*sigh* "I know that when ponies look at me, they see Cozy, but I never actually saw the Cozy they saw. The only time I ever saw her, was when she was inside of you. So, although it may sound weird... I sort of... you..."

Luster sat down and wrapped her arms around Amber.

"I can't begin to imagine what it's like to walk in your hoofsteps. You want to believe that your sister was good, and look, I see your points too, but I'm sure there's immense pressure to think otherwise." Luster said.

Amber nodded while pressing her head against Luster.

"But think about it this way. You share like 99.999991% of her DNA. It's almost like she's a part of you, and you have the opportunity to change what everypony thinks about Cozy." she added.
*sniff* "I suppose you're right, Luster." Amber replied. "She may not be here, but she is with me... in a way."
"Now come on. Twilight sent me a checklist of things to do in Ponyville. Come along. I'll show you around." Luster said.
*sniff* "Okay..."

Amber wrapped a purple winter coat around her, and put on a purple winter hat. The hat was an awkward fit because of her horn, so it mostly covered the back of her mane. It looked quite a lot like Cozy's winter outfit. Amber followed Luster outside. They would head for Ponyville to take care of some things before returning to Canterlot.

Meanwhile in Ponyville, Rarity was outside her Ponyville boutique, shoveling the snow, when she was approached by an unexpected guest.

"Rarity." the mare said.

Rarity turned around and spoke to them.

"Who wants to know? Oh, it's you again, Polomare." she said.

It was Suri Polomare, hauling a large cart behind her.

"I figured since Lightning Dust and the Washouts are on their way to redemption, that uh, maybe it's my turn." Suri explained.
"The Washouts? Redemption?" Rarity asked.
"Oh yes. Lightning, Rolling Thunder and Short Fuse have gone to Spitfire for help *giggle* and based on their letters, it sounds like they're making splendid foal sitters." Suri grinned.
"...Alright, you're here for redemption. But what of the cart?" Rarity asked.
"Listen, Rare. I know we've had our differences in the past, but business is business, and it's the season of giving or whatever, so I've come to make a deal." Suri Polomare said.

Rarity raised an eyebrow, but was curious at what Suri had to say.

"Go on." Rarity replied.
"Well, despite the collateral damage and our extended absence, my cotton crops from the town of TCGC managed to survive. I managed to harvest it all right before the frost blew in, and I'm here to make you an offer." Suri said.

She walked to one of the carts, and opened them up, revealing loads of cotton.

"You pulled these carts all the way from TCGC?" Rarity asked.
"What? No, that'd be ridiculous." Suri replied. "I drove it here. Vroom vroom. We're in future. We have (slightly less primitive) technology."

Their conversation was getting off the road, so Suri put it back on track.

"Anyway. It's cold or whatever, so I figured you could use some supplies for the winter outfits." Suri explained.
"So... you're offering multiple carts full of cotton?" Rarity asked.

Rarity seemed a little confused, and Suri was losing her patience.

"Look if you don't want it, I'm sure I can find a buyer elsewhere." Suri replied.
"Oh, no need. I uh... I have been looking into new suppliers due to our dwindling resources. But only if you promise no more shady tactics." Rarity said.

As the two mares were negotiating, another pony walked out from the boutique.

"Uh, Rarity, where would you like for me to put the-" she said.

The mare stopped mid sentence when she saw Suri.

"Oh, my apologies, I have some help today. And uh, your timing is impeccable." Rarity said.

The pony who stepped from out of the door was Coco Pommel. She came assisting Rarity, but her timing was interesting.

"C-Coco Pommel?" Suri asked.
"Folks just call me, Ms. Pommel now..." she replied.

Coco Pommel kicked her hooves in the snow, and looked away from Suri Polomare. But Suri was a (slightly) new mare, so she had this to say.

"Listen, when you're in the big city, sometimes underhanded tactics really are the only way to succeed." Suri explained.
"Because of you, I was so overworked, and under rewarded, I was scared I'd never want anything to do with the fashion industry!" Coco exclaimed. "Rarity really saved me from that slum, and saved my mental health."

Suri hung her head and thought of how awful she treated Ms. Pommel in the past.

"I promise, going forward, even exchanges only." Suri said. "And fair treatment of every member of the fashion family." Suri said.
"I suppose there's not a lot more I could ask of from you." Ms. Pommel said.
"Well, I can think of one more think something. How about a formal apology." Rarity suggested.

*sigh* "I'm sorry, Coco Pommel." Suri apologized.

Ms. Pommel wrapped her hoof around Suri.

"It's okay. I forgive you." Coco accepted her apology.

With that, it was long overdue, but Suri apologized to her former partner, Coco Pommel.

"You know cotton's not the only gift I bring from TCGC. Where's little Amber? I brought her something she might just love." Suri said.
"Oh, if you have a gift, I see." Rarity said.
"Who's it for?" Ms. Pommel asked.
"A relative of an old friend." Suri replied.

Rarity looked over, and behind Suri, she noticed Amber walking with Luster through Ponyville.

"You know what? I think you should wrap it up, and save it for the Hearth's Warming gift exchange tonight." Rarity said.
"But, I wasn't invited." Suri replied.
"You don't need an invitation to attend a celebration of friendship, darling." Rarity said.
"Hmm. Alright. But mostly for the filly." Suri agreed somewhat reluctantly. It's not like she was overly familiar with friendship.

Luster and Amber noticed the ponies.

"Look, it's Suri Polomare and Rarity." Amber said.

They turned their heads away from the two, to keep the surprise, but it came across as cold.

"They seem busy. We'll see them again tonight." Luster said.
"Alright." Amber agreed.

The two would reserve their greetings to the fashion experts, and instead visit some place else.

Amber and Luster visited the Cozy Glow bronze statue, and happened to run into Rainbow Dash and Applejack as they were tending to the statue. Rainbow flew around the statue and polished the top of it, while AJ did the base.

"How nice of you guys to be caring for the statue." Amber said.
"It's the least we can do." Applejack said.
"Yep. We're totally doing this out of the kindness of our hearts." Rainbow Dash said. Not because we had direct orders or anything.

Luster noticed around the statue's neck was a chain necklace, with it, was tied a piece of the bewitching bell. In fact, it was the only piece of the bell that was found.

"I didn't notice that necklace around the statue's neck earlier." Luster said.
"Twilight put it there recently. She thought it'd be a nice touch." Applejack said.
"It's alright I guess." Amber said. "A piece of the bell. The a piece of artifact she used to bravely, heroically, and in utter ridiculously crazy fashion, destroyed the Rainbow of Darkness by harnessing a truckload of magic and... I don't like the ending." she said, drooping.
"Well, look on the bright side. No other pony in history has ever wielded as much magic as she did." Luster said.
"Heh. Yeah. She was pretty neat that way." Amber smirked.

Later, they visited Sugarcube Corner. Amber and Luster watched as Pinkie Pie prepared food for the evening.

"I can't begin to express how excited I am that I am in charge of all baking for tonight's Hearth's Warming feast!" Pinkie said.

Pinkie Pie was frantic, yet calculated in her cooking.

Amber held Lil Cheese in her hooves, while the cutie tickled the filly.

*Heh* "Your child's really cute." Amber said.
"I think Lil Cheese likes you!" Pinkie said.
"Heh. I think you're sweet, little one." Amber said.

But despite the affection, Amber still let out a heavy sigh.

"What's the matter?" Pinkie asked.
"I'm just really anxious about tonight." Amber said.
"Why? There's nothing to be anxious about! It's not like anything up tight or ultra strict!" Pinkie said. "This is just a night for everypony to meet and greet and express their gratitude, with gifts! Or love and affection."
"I'm... I'm not sure if everypony is ready to be nice to me." Amber said.
"Well..." Pinkie started.
"Well, nothing. I think Cozy Glow proved her self, and I think Amber doesn't deserve any flack!" Luster said.
"...Uh, sure. That's the spirit." Pinkie said, supportive.

Later, Luster and Amber were helping Fluttershy at the animal sanctuary. Their activities comprised of helping animals with hibernation. Though, some of the animals were awake and cranky. The two were trying to do Fluttershy a favor by helping with the restless villains, but neither of them were particularly good with animals.

"Uh... Mrs. Shy?" Amber asked.

*hiss* A snake hissed at Amber. Fluttershy leaned in and calmed it down.

"Oh, it's alright. All it takes is the proper approach." Fluttershy said. "There there, don't hiss at her. She's not so bad."

Luster leaned in on Amber.

"Don't worry, Amber. I doubt that snake has any prejudice." Luster said.


Fluttershy listened to the snake's hiss, and understood it.

"Uh, yeah, no prejudice from the snake." Fluttershy said, nervously.
"You'll get the swing of things around here, Amby." Luster said.
"Don't call me that!" Amber said, twisted. "She was the only one who could call me that. My name is Co...Amber Glow!"

There was quite a lot of commotion in the sanctuary. And I'm not just talking about the feisty filly.

"Why are your animals so out of control?" Luster asked.
"Normally it's easier with Discord around. But he's been awful busy lately." Fluttershy said.
"Why's that?" Luster asked.
"I'm not sure. At first, he said he was working on completing a puzzle with a friend, but later he changed his story and insists he's doing important work." Fluttershy explained.
*Hmph* "I'm glad Discord isn't here." Amber grunted. "He's lucky he's not here, or else he'll get a piece of my mind again."

The three of them then stood all awkwardly. No one knew how to follow up on her comment.

*ahem* "Would you look at the time? Sun's about to go down. We better catch the train to Canterlot." Luster said.
"Okay, we'll see you tonight." Fluttershy said.

With that awkward ending to their meeting, Luster lead Amber out of the sanctuary and to the train station.

Meanwhile, at the changeling hive, Chrysalis was being cared for by the changelings. The former queen laid in a gooey bed, as she breathed slower and slower. The main changelings surrounded Chrysalis as they tended to her. Thorax rubbed her skin to see how her exoskeleton was doing.

"Your skin is so rough." Thorax said.
"And it will only continue to get worse as I run out of energy." Chrysalis replied.

The changelings and looked each other in the eyes, and an affirmative. They had a plan to perhaps extend her life somewhat.

"My time is limited." Chrysalis said.
"But you can't go, my queen! There's still so much I don't know about running a colony!" Ocellus cried.

Though Chrysalis wanted to help, she knew this is how things were meant to play out.

"It is the changeling way..." she said.
"But it doesn't have to be! We can start a new way." Thorax said. "One that doesn't involve the loss of our former queen!"
"You've already thrown out all changeling culture. And now you dare to defy death? I'm afraid this isn't possible..." Chrysalis asked.
"But it is possible! Join us. You'll feel a lot better once you've metamorphosed." Pharynx said.
"No, I simply don't have the energy to morph into your new forms." Chrysalis said.
"Then let's help you out, mom." Ocellus said.

Ocellus, Thorax, Pharynx, and several other changelings gathered closely around Chrysalis. She tried to resist it by extending her limbs, but they gathered anyway, and all group hugged Chrysalis. Their horns lit up, as they attempted give life to Chrysalis.

"Stop it!" Chrysalis resented their embrace, but inside, she...

The bodies of all the changelings glowed, as they passed their energy onto Chrysalis. When their horns stopped glowing, Chrysalis was... the exact same old changeling form... Slightly fresher, but still showing signs of decay.

"I don't feel any different..." Chrysalis said.
"Why didn't it work?" Ocellus asked.
"Well it didn't do nothing. But our efforts were merely a temporary solution." Pharynx said.
"The transformation sequence is initiated when a changeling's hunger is permanently satisfied by real love." Thorax said, thinking aloud.
"And there's no shortage of love from us to you." Ocellus said.
"But even still, there's a key component missing. Without Cozy Glow, she may never love to her heart's full extent again..." Pharynx said.
"That's ridiculous." Chrysalis said, hiding her feelings for Cozy.
"Well, if we did something. Let's just try again later. We'll do whatever we can to make sure you keep on kicking." Thorax said.

Chrysalis was humbled by their effort.

"I appreciate the effort anyway. But rather than trying to fish for an oldie like me, I think your energy is better spent securing the future of the hive." Chrysalis said.
"We're already on the task. Ocellus is already hard at work improving the health of the changeling population." Thorax explained.

Chrysalis smiled, genuinely.

"You're all such mature and powerful changelings. I guess that's all a queen ever could have hoped for..." Chrysalis voice faded off.

Pharynx wrapped his arms around Ocellus, as tears poured out of the new queen's eyes. Thorax walked over used his limbs close Chrysalis' eyes, as she went to sleep.

"Rest easy..." he said.

Later, it was dusk in Canterlot, and the Hearth's Warming lights lit the streets and walkways. It was almost time for the big gift exchange with Princess Twilight Sparkle. Luster and Amber made it back in time, and they were almost ready.

"Come on Amber, it's about to start." Luster said.

She starting to trot off. But the filly just stood in the snow. Luster peered over and noticed Amber was looking very down.

"You okay, squirt? It's Hearth's Warming Eve. It's supposed to be the happiest time of the year." Luster said.
"Yeah? Well something's bothering me." Amber said, looking down.
"What's bothering you this time?" Luster asked. "Your parents? Tirek? Chrysalis? Your sister? The difficulties assimilating into Equestria?"

Amber peered her head around, and drooped.

"You know, there are ponies who think I'm her. So it doesn't matter how many friends I make, there's always going to be some ponies who don't like her, and by extension, me. *sob* Why am I forced to bear the weight of all of her mistakes?" Amber shuttered. "And... what's stopping ponies from unleashing their discontent for her upon me? What if I have to take responsibility and bear her punishments?"

Luster was about to speak, but then she took another moment to really think about what she needed to say.

"Look, Twilight already said she wouldn't bring any harm to you, as long as you promise not to do any wrong doing." Luster said.
"That's the thing! If I resemble her so much, what's stopping me from repeating what Cozy did?" Amber asked.

Amber started to break down, so Luster walked closer to support her.

"We are." Luster replied. "Perhaps Cozy could have turned out differently if she was treated with real kindness, and her issues were addressed. And that's why Twilight Sparkle wants you to feel loved by all of us."

No amount of your so called kindness can bring her back! It can't save Chrysalis, and it won't win over Tirek! Amber thought.

But she kept her real thoughts bottled up, and out loud, she said something different.

*sniff* "You're right, Luster. Thanks for sticking with me." Amber said.

And with that, the two headed off to the main gathering.

Luster opened the entrance for Amber, as she walked up the steps and into the main room. In the Canterlot ballroom, there was... no one. It was totally empty. There were decorations, and signs that there were crowds of ponies, but no one actually present.

"This is really strange." Amber said, with her ears drooping.
"We came at the right time right?" Luster asked.
"Yep. You came at the time I specified." Twilight's voice suddenly echoed through the room.

The two looked up, and saw the princess descending from the ceiling above.

"So then where is every creature?" Luster asked.
"Actually. The main ceremony already happened. I ordered you to come later so I could have a more personal meeting with you." Twilight explained.

This seemed like an odd choice despite her reasoning.

"Wouldn't have coming to the main ceremony have been a good opportunity to Amber to make new friends?" Luster asked.
"...You know in retrospect probably. But I wanted to have a more personal gift exchange with Amber." Twilight explained. "I know it can be intimidating, being friends with a princess. But I assure you I'm just like any one of you."

Amber looked at Luster, confused. It didn't make much sense to her what Twilight was trying to accomplish.

"Wait, does this mean we missed Pinkie Pie's cooking?!" Amber asked.
"Please tell me you saved some of her baking." Luster said.

"I'll see what I can do about that." Twilight replied. "But uh... it’s only Hearths Warming Eve. You have all of Hearths Warming Day tomorrow to make friends. Anyway without further ado..."

Twilight reached behind her, and pulled out a purple box.

"It's for you, Amber." she said.

The princess handed it to the little filly.


The doors flew open as somepony entered. It was Suri Polomare and Rarity.

"Sorry we're late." Rarity said.
"Rarity! So glad you could make it." Twilight greeted her old friend.
"Yes, it is I. Somepony thought her horseless carriage would get us here faster!" Rarity shouted.
"I swear, it would have worked!" Suri argued.
"If it didn't break down half way to Canterlot!" Rarity exclaimed.
*Ahem* "Anyway. We bring gifts for the filly." Suri said.
"Don't worry. It's never too late to exchange gifts." Twilight said.
"Are you sure? I expected a full house." Rarity said.
"Well, it's complicated, but at least you caught Amber." Twilight said.
"Excellent. Because I have something to give to C-, little Amber." Suri and Rarity walked to the end of the room.
"Hello, Amber. It's been a while, I brought you something I thought you might like." Suri said.

Suri passed amber a gift box to Amber. She used her magic to open the box and inside-

"It's a dress!" Amber exclaimed.

"Mmm hmm. It was a commission requested by you know who. I fitted it to her and everything, so I figured it outght'a fit you just fine." Suri explained.

It was a classy dress, fitting for the demeanor of the Glows.

"Thank you, Ms. Polomare." Amber said. "I look forward to wearing it in her honor."

"Now do my gift. I'm really looking forward to seeing what you think of it." Twilight said, excited.

Twilight gave Amber a little gift box. The filly opened it, reached inside, and she was... confused.

"Uh, cute little necklace." she said.

It was a purple ribbon with a gold emblem.

"Mind explaining to *ahem* me what it is?" Luster asked.
"I gave this medal to Cozy Glow long ago because I believed she was a good and trustworthy student at my school. I hope that by giving this medal to you, that you'll cherish it, and that our friendship is genuine." Twilight said.

Amber was intrigued by Twilight's choice in gift. But regardless, it made her tear up.

"T-Twilight, I-" Amber's eyes started to water. "Thank you I *sniff* I love it..."

Twilight, Luster, and Amber all embraced each other in a group hug.

Hmm. By giving me a gift she gave to Cozy that had a lot of meaning, maybe she does understand me... Amber thought.

"Mmm. Isn't this the most wonderful thing you ever could have wanted?" Luster asked.
"It's alright I suppose." Amber replied, feeling down.
"What's the matter?" Twilight asked.
"It's just, um... Twilight, aren't you upset about what happened?" Amber asked.

Twilight didn't immediate answer.

"Twilight? Are you okay?" Luster asked.
"More than you can imagine." Twilight replied. "I'm suppose to be the princess of friendship. So what does it say about me that Cozy... you know..."

Eveverypony in the room choked up a little.

"I realize now that there was a lot more to Cozy than I thought. She was a brave soul who truly cared for her closest friends. I plan to continue to honor her, and ensure the best possible future for you, her sister." Twilight said.

"Thank you, Twilight..." Amber said softly.

It was late at night, and everpony had a case of the yawning.

"It's getting late. Make your Hearth's Warming wish, Amber." Twilight said.

Amber put her hooves together, and closed her eyes. Reciting her wish in her head.

I wish my sister could come back. she wished in her head.

"What'd you wish for, Amber?" Rarity asked.
"If I tell you, then it won't come true." she replied.
"I suppose you're right." Suri said.

Amber turned her attention fully to Princess Twilight.

"Thank you, princess. For giving me a family." Amber said. Maybe the princess can give me what I need after all...

"It's the least I could do for you. I can't undo what happened, but I can keep moving forward, and make sure you live happily ever after." Twilight said.

*yawn* "Thank you, Princess..." Amber said, dozing off.

Amber fell asleep in Twilight's grasp. She drooled and snored as she slept. Twilight looked upon the precious filly. She was every bit as cute as Cozy, and as nice as Twilight wishes she could have been.

Soon after, Amber's guardian, Magnolia arrived to pick her up.

"She fell asleep in your grasp. That's so cute." Maggie said.
"I can't take back what has happened, but I look forward to ensuring this filly has a bright future." Twilight said.

Although Amber still had many many woes on her mind, maybe mentorship by Twilight Sparkle would help after all.

And so, though it might not have been ideal.

Twilight Sparkle learned to accept. She may not have been able to apologize to Cozy Glow herself, but making it up to her twin sister was the closest she could get. Amber was a unique opportunity for Twilight to make it up to a pony like Cozy after all. She got to experience the redemption and acceptance arc that her sister Cozy Glow never got to. Cozy went to great lengths to ensure happiness for her friends, and that's at least what Amber got. Chrysalis was proud of Cozy Glow for reaching for the stars, and achieving power. And Tirek... had the fond memories of their time together.

Twilight and company made a new friend, and Amber Glow found a new family.






...and more?




It ain't over until the little filly's wish comes true.