Reclaiming His Bell

by StormLuna

A New Start

It had been over three thousand years ago that Gusty the Great had taken Grogar's bell and he was cast into exile. Slowly but surely, he began to regain his power and finally, he was able to escape from the exile he had been cast into. Upon escaping, the very first place he chose to go was his old lair. As he went through the swamp and finally saw his former home, he sighed in relief.

"Home sweet home!"

When he headed inside, he fully expected it to be as he remembered it. He would not be pleased though when he found extensive amounts of property damage. "What happened in here?" He yelled, "How did anyone even get here, much less do this much damage?"

It was definitely an unpleasant surprise for the old ram but then he noticed something else, a book laying down on the floor. He picked it up and noticed that it was a book about how to use his bell. He then realized that apparently someone had managed to learn how the bell worked. He began to sniff and could tell that it was not that long ago that his bell had recently been in his old lair.

He was slowly becoming angrier but then realized that not only had someone managed to retrieve his bell from the magically sealed cave that Gusty hid it in but given his strong connection to the bell, he could perhaps follow the smell of it, retake it and then punish whoever took it accordingly.

He exited his lair and began to follow the smell. He could only imagine who took it. He realized that it had to have been someone powerful to retrieve it and knew that whoever it was would not be an easy foe to take down. He continued to head to the southwest and ultimately discovered that the windigoes had returned.

"Huh," he said to himself "disharmony among the ponies might make this easier."

After a couple of days of walking, he finally reached a hill overlooking a small community. Just outside of that community were three figures facing off against what appeared to be a great number of ponies and other creatures. The focus on them would quickly vanish when he saw what he had been searching for, his bell. Grogar was unhappy that it was likely those three that took it but was more happy that he could take it back.

He knew that simply walking down there and taking it would not be the easiest thing to do so he decided to sneak and hide behind trees whenever possible. When he finally got close enough to the battle to get close enough to reach out and grab it, he saw that the forces of good were about to prevail and that rainbow magic was about to be used on their foes. Grogar wanted them to be defeated but he did not want the ponies and other creatures to defeat them, he wanted answers and wanted to defeat them himself.

When who was known as The Legion of Doom were distracted and saw the rainbow going skywards, he jumped on the opportunity and took his bell. When he attached the bell to his collar, he felt a surge of magic flowing through his body. It was not his magic though, it was that of Alicorns and chaos magic. He then realized that the centaur, changeling and Alicorn filly must have his magic. He knew enough about rainbow power that if it struck the three, that his magic would be gone forever.

When they saw the magic rainbow coming down towards them Cozy Glow gulped, "This is bad, isn't it?"

Right before the rainbow hit, Grogar joined them and formed a protective bubble around them using the Alicorn and chaos magic he now possessed. As the rainbow rained down around the bubble Cozy Glow asked, "Are we ok, is it safe to look around?"

Cozy, Tirek and Chrysalis looked around and saw that they were somehow being protected. They then saw something they didn't expect to see, the real Grogar. The three gasped at the sight, a gasp of shock. Tirek asked, "Is it really you? Are you the real Grogar?"

Grogar gave him a deep scowl, "Yes, I am." Grogar then knew of an easy way he could get his magic back AND defeat those who had something he felt they should not have. He continued, "Now if you want to defeat those ponies, you'll help me here!"

Grogar fired a powerful beam of energy out of his horns and began to push the rainbow back up. Cozy, Tirek and Chrysalis followed suit and soon the rainbow was being forced back towards its source, Twilight Sparkle. When Twilight saw this, she was horrified. Rainbow power had worked in the past and was one of the most powerful kinds of magic known to ponykind.

"How can this be happening? How are they suddenly so powerful?" cried Twilight

Their foes added more power to their energy and finally the rainbow was forced back into Twilight, creating a massive shock wave that blasted apart the bubbles of power and threw everyone, save four, off into the distance. Once it was apparent that the creatures of Equestria posed no threat, Grogar would then turn his focus onto those who he just a moment ago saved.

The first to say anything was Tirek, "How can it be? I thought you were just a legend."

Grogar approached the three and laughed, "Oh I am very real and unfortunately for you three, I'm here to take back what is rightfully mine."

The three fully noticed that Grogar had his bell back and knew that whether it be at the hooves of the ponies or at those of Grogar, that their fate was not going to be a good one. Despite that though, they remained defiant. Chrysalis sneered, "Let me guess, you want your magic back?"

Grogar pointed his bell at them and prepared to take back the magic that was rightfully his. Right as he readied himself to take all his magic back Cozy begged, "Please don't Grogar! Please don't take our magic!"

Grogar snorted, "Sorry filly, but I'm taking back MY magic."

Cozy came up with another idea, "How about you take your magic back but you give me the Alicorn magic because I'm the best of us three!"

This caused the other villains to become unhappy, "No Cozy, I should have it all. I am a queen after all." countered Chrysalis.

"No," replied Tirek, "it should be mine."

"None of you will get it," corrected Grogar "I'm keeping it all for myself."

Before they could say anything, Grogar used his bell on them to take back his magic. As it was absorbed into his bell, he felt a surge go through his body. For the first time in over three millennia, he felt all of his magic surging through his body and thus, he felt like he did in his younger days.

The same could not be said for The Legion of Doom though. Chrysalis was back to how she was before having that extra magic, Cozy Glow had returned to being a pegasus and Tirek was back to his old, frail self. Grogar then decided to address the defeated villains,

"You three have been defeated in a way even the ponies could not defeat you. The ponies," he pointed at Tirek "merely locked you up in Tartarus, nothing more." He then pointed at Chrysalis, "And you, Chrysalis, they simply saved the world from you twice and never locked you up. That is pretty bad on their part in my opinion." He then pointed to Cozy, "And you little filly, all you had was mine and now you have none."

Cozy yelled, "Hey!"

Grogar continued, "But now, none of you have any power, I have it. Tirek, never again will you be able to steal magic. Chrysalis, you are now nothing more than an overgrown bug and Cozy, now you are nothing more than a little grub unfit to shine my collar."

Tirek gave him an angry yell, "Oh I'll find a way to get my magic...."

Grogar struck him with a powerful burst of magic, "Wrong centaur. Your magic is now in MY bell and that is something I will not be surrendering." He saw that Chrysalis was about to speak and added, "Nor will you get yours back changeling." He then laughed at Cozy, "And you little one, you're no threat to anyone. Like I said, you're nothing short of a little grub."

While he was addressing the defeated villains, a lavender Alicorn would approach them, completely shocked by who was there. She gasped, "Grogar, the real Grogar? You are truly real?"

He turned towards the Alicorn and answered, "Yes Alicorn, I am very real." Grogar could tell that she was likely much younger than the Alicorns' whose magic that he possessed given her size so rather than simply stealing her magic, he decided to find out who she was, "You are?"

The Alicorn replied, "I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle, the princess of friendship."

Grogar stood there for a moment soaking in what she had said. To him, it was odd that the ponies would have a princess for such a menial thing, "Princess of Friendship?" he asked, "And what do you do, get ponies to get along?"

Twilight was not overly thrilled over his comment but knew that since he had so much power that she had best tread lightly and maybe even try to befriend the old ram, "Yeah, you could say that. One thing I have learned is that the magic of friendship works in mysterious ways and can even make the worst of enemies friends."

Grogar knew exactly what she was hinting at. He knew that she believed he could be a friend to the other creatures of the world but knew that she likely wanted something in return. By this time Celestia, Luna and Discord had joined Twilight. That caused him to realize what it was the young Alicorn was hinting at, "So, I'm assuming you want me to return the magic of these three?"

Twilight nodded and Grogar took a look at the three. He knew that even without the magic of the older Alicorns, that his powers would still far surpass them. He then took a look at Discord and knew that the powers of a draconeqqus were great. He then began to wonder if it weren't him who managed to get his bell and was involved in the defeated villains having his magic.

He approached Discord and asked, "Draconeqqus, I know how powerful your kind are, did you manage to get my bell out of that cave on Mount Everhoof?"

Discord pointed at the defeated villains and replied, "Actually it was those three."

Grogar took a look at the three before turning his attention back to Discord, "Huh, I suppose the centaur did have enough power to tear open the magic barrier but still, who got it?"

Cozy Glow quickly flew up to him and exclaimed, "It was me. I was small enough I flew in there and got it so you should really give me all the Alicorn magic back!" She gave him a cute smile and added, "After all, if it weren't for ME, you wouldn't have your bell back."

Grogar laughed, "You're cute but this magic isn't yours." He then walked over to the princesses and Discord. He turned the bell towards them and returned their magic to them. He turned back to Cozy and added, "It is their magic and it is back where it belongs."

Everycreature gasped in shock when Grogar returned their magic upon his own free will, doing so without having to be threatened. Twilight wanted to find out why he did it. She asked, "Grogar, I'm shocked you gave them their magic back like that. If I may ask, why did you give it back instead of keeping it for yourself?"

Grogar gave Twilight a smile, "Princess, I had been in exile for 3,000 years after being defeated by Gusty the Great. For a great amount of time I wanted revenge on you ponies but once I finally escaped being in exile, all I wanted was my bell back and be allowed to live in peace."

Everycreature was becoming more shocked the more he said. Twilight asked, "Well since you have your bell back, what now?"

Grogar replied, "I will likely return to my lair and live" he held his head down and sighed, "all alone."

Everyone could tell that something was not right with Grogar. They could tell that he genuinely wasn't the Father of all Monsters he once was. Pinkie was very curious about his response. She approached him and asked, "What's wrong Grogar, you got your bell back?"

Grogar sighed, "I just wish I had a friend."

Pinkie gasped in shock and asked, "Really, you want a friend?"

Grogar was shocked by the pink pony's behavior. In his eyes, it seemed like she was not just accepting of him despite his past but that she was really wanting to be friends. "Yes, a friend would be nice."

Pinkie began to lead him down towards town and suggested, "Well hi, I'm Pinkie Pie and I'll be your friend." She turned to the others and suggested, "How about we throw Grogar a 'I just got my bell back and I got a friend' party?'"

Grogar was a bit confused as to why the pony would want to throw a party for it but he could tell that she was genuine in her intentions. He replied, "That sounds great but still, I have nowhere to live if I don't return to my lair."

His comment caused a thought to run through her mind. It was obvious that Grogar had moved on past his evil ways and could be trusted to live in the castle with Starlight. Not only that but she did have another idea.

"Grogar, it is obvious that you have turned from your past ways and I want to let you know that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are retiring so I will be moving to Canterlot."

Grogar wasn't exactly sure what to think of this nor did he know why this would impact him. He remained silent as she continued, "Because of me moving to Canterlot, I was thinking you could live in my castle with Starlight and then be a teacher at my friendship school."

Starlight heard this and immediately protested, "What? You're going to let Grogar live in the castle with me despite his past?"

Twilight tried to reassure her, "Starlight, I can tell he isn't the Grogar from so long ago. The real Grogar wouldn't have returned their magic back to the princesses and Discord. Besides, I think he would make a great teacher at the school."

Grogar questioned her, "Great teacher at the school? What school?"

Twilight then went into detail over everything regarding her friendship school. She went into detail about what was taught there, she told him about the staff, including the pink pony that was offering him friendship. She then commented, "Grogar, you know so much about the ancient history of this land, the history here before Equestria came into existence and you know so much to teach."

Grogar was both shocked and actually a bit flattered that Twilight would not only trust him as much as she was but also offer him a teaching position at the school. After a moment of thought he replied, "Very well princess, I accept your offer." He then turned to Starlight and added, "I know you are nervous about me living with you and rightfully so but I no longer desire to be enemies with everyone, my desire is to be friends."

Starlight nodded nervously before Pinkie pulled her party cannon out and fired it. She began to lead Grogar towards town and exclaimed, "Come on Grogar, it's time to party!"

All of those who were close to Twilight then followed the two into Ponyville. As he was headed there, Grogar was in a state of shock that not only was Equestria's new main princess going to allow him to live in her old palace with somepony who was clearly a friend but that she was hiring him to teach history at a school dedicated to teaching friendship, something that in his past he was not known for.