//------------------------------// // Chapter Ten: A Filly Named Cozy Glow // Story: Trixie Interviews: The Cozy Glow Story // by Betty_Starlight //------------------------------// Day 26 (Cont.): Cozy looked over her room… It was decorated with silly string and balloons. She looks at Starshine and asks her, “Seriously! What are you doing Starshine?” Starshine smiles and says, “Well I was preparing a slumber party for us! Um, slumber PARTY, right?” Cozy chuckles and says, “Starshine, that’s not what’s done at slumber parties! We’re supposed to make smores and caramel popcorn and tell ghost stories and play truth or dare and stuff. Yeah, I read about it in this book about slumber parties a long time ago! Something about “Everything I wanted to know?” Seemed pretty neat?” Starshine frowns and says, “Oh well um, I’m sorry! I’ve never had a slumber party before.” Cozy sees her friend is in distress and says to her, “Hey Starshine! Since when are we normal anyway? But I did always want to try smores! Those sound really yummy!” excitedly as she hops. Starshine looks at Cozy and says, “Well that’s good Cozy because I brought the graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate all in my bags! Yeah I wanted to make smores too!” “Is that what you were keeping in there from me?” “Um, I wanted to surprise you Cozy! Because you’re my friend!” “Right! Of course! Friendship! Yeah! But uh, Starshine? I’m really tired after everything I did today… Can we set my alarm clock and take a little two hour nap and make up for it by staying up later than usual? I would ask mom, but uh…” She looks back, “I can’t right now?” Starshine perks up at this new opportunity to snuggle her friend and says, “Well, you don’t know that she’d say no?” Cozy squints her eyes for a moment before saying, “We don’t tell anypony about this okay?” “Yay! Cozy Snuggle Time Nap!” “Wait what? You have a name for it now?” “Well um, yeah! I hope that’s okay?” Cozy squints again and says, “You don’t tell anypony about that either!” Starshine giggles as she turns and uses her magic to set an alarm on Cozy’s clock. She says, “Okay it’s pretty close to 9:30 now! I’ll set it for 11:30 and that will give us about two hours of snuggle time sleep together!” “You really like doing this don’t you?” “And you don’t?” Cozy squints again and says, “… Okay, you got me there! But I get the left side!” before trotting over to the left side of the bed. Starshine giggles and gets under the covers and moves Cozy’s toys with her magic to the corner of the bed before saying, “It’s just us now bestie! You and me! Snuggle buddies!” Cozy gets into bed as she says in a slightly louder tone, “Not anypony! Not a soul!” and then scoots closer to Starshine and whispers to her, “I love you Starshine… You know, at first, I wasn’t so sure about being your friend. I thought it was just a clever ploy to get me to be somepony I’m not. But now um…” she looks down. With concern in her blue eyes, Starshine asks her, “But what Cozy?” “I don’t think I wanna be anything else but your friend right now?” Starshine embraces Cozy in a loving hug as she whispers, “I wanna be your friend too, Cozy!” Starshine holds Cozy, and they both drift off to sleep peacefully together. Cozy starts as her alarm goes off about two hours later. She gets up over the covers and smashes the top of the clock with her right forehoof and looks at her friend and excitedly says, “Hey Starshine! Wake up! Time for smores!” Starshine grumbles as Cozy sets up and says, “Um, smores? Oh right! I brought that stuff! That’s right!” “You seem out of it Starshine?” “Well, I did just wake up you know?” “Right! Waking up! Er uh, smores?” “You’re excited about that aren’t you?” “No uh, well you’re also pretty excited!” “Not nearly as excited as you!” “Okay uh, well… I’ve never had them before!” Starshine giggles and says, “Okay Cozy! Let’s go make smores!” before looking over to her saddlebags on her side of the bed and using her magic to fetch chocolate bars, marshmallows, and graham crackers. They trot into the kitchen as Cozy says, “Golly! You know, we haven’t heard from mom in awhile? Should I at least check on her or?” Starshine says, “Yeah okay, but be quiet!” “Well, right!” And Cozy then takes off towards the master bedroom and softly lands before carefully opening the door with her forehooves while being slow as to not make any noise. She looks inside to hear Trixie muttering, “Look Starlight! I’m just saying this table is crooked and we really need more markers and cotton balls for my office!” Cozy squints her right eye and shrinks her mouth as she ponders on these ramblings before deciding that Trixie is probably okay, but asleep. She silently closes the door with her right forehoof and takes off back across the foyer. She lands next to Starshine in the kitchen and says, “Okay, she’s out like a light Starshine! I really don’t think we’re gonna hear from her until the morning at this rate?” She looks back at Cozy and says, “Okay Cozy! Now look at what I’m doing here!” She uses her magic to put a graham cracker onto a metal baking sheet. She looks over and unravels a chocolate bar from the wrapper and sets it on the graham cracker. Then she gets a marshmallow from the bag that was set to the side and puts that vertically on top of the chocolate bar and says, “You’re not supposed to add the second graham cracker until the marshmallow is melted! Uh wait!” She looks over and says, “I should probably preheat the oven, huh?” before magically setting the dial to 400 degrees. * Cozy smiles at Starshine. “Um, anyway, melting the marshmallow usually takes about 4 or 5 minutes and then we set the other cracker on top and put them in for another 5 minutes or so! It’s easy!” She looks back to the baking tray and starts to assemble 7 more with her magic. “Golly! You sure are making a lot of smores Starshine!” “Of course, Cozy! I wanna make sure we have enough! And hey! Anything we don’t eat is breakfast!” “Smores for breakfast?” “Um, yeah, just don’t do that all the time!” Starshine smiles at Cozy dimly. ** “Um, okay…” “Anything wrong Cozy?” “No, I’m just thinking too much again…” Cozy scratches the back of her head with her right forehoof. Starshine hears the oven beep to indicate that it is preheated. She uses her magic to open it and then floats the baking tray to the rack inside before closing it and pulling out the knob before setting the timer for 5 minutes. She then trots over to Cozy and hugs her tightly while whispering in her ear, “You don’t have to do that you know?” Cozy whispers back, “I know that Starshine, but it’s hard not to sometimes!” Starshine gets off Cozy and goes back to all fours and frowns as she says, “Well, maybe you should just take your mind off of it?” “Well golly gee Starshine! What do you suppose these activities are about anyway?” “Um, getting your mind to a better place so you don’t uh, oh… Right!” Cozy giggles as she says, “So that’s why you’re part of my therapy and rehabilitation, huh? You’re here to take my mind off of things!” “You know, I do a lot more than just that!” Cozy smiles once more at Starshine. Starshine frowns and squints her right eye as she asks, “Um, why do you keep smiling at me like that?” “Well you just ended two sentences with “huh?” and started one with “You know,” and I’m just wondering when you’re gonna say “golly” now…” “N-no, I didn’t! It’s just your imagination!” Cozy giggles for a few moments while Starshine tries to think of a comeback and soon, the oven timer beeps and Starshine looks over and uses her magic to pull out the knob to turn it off and then open the oven to pull out the rack with the tray on it. She trots over to it and looks behind her before furrowing her brows and using her magic to fetch 8 more graham crackers from the box and set them down gently on the 8 marshmallows, now melted on slightly gooey chocolate. She smiles as she magically pushes the rack back in, closes the oven door, and sets the timer for another 5 minutes. Starshine then trots back across the kitchen to Cozy and says, “I’m just saying those things, but they have nothing to do with you!” “Oh please! You just “happened” to start talking like that for some “other reason” after we became friends? Really?” Starshine squints her eyes and mimics her friend once more as she says, “This isn’t over!” “And that too! You’re talking like me now when you get irritated!” “Um, no I don’t!” Cozy giggles and says, “Don’t worry my dearest Starshine! Saying golly all the time really isn’t so bad!” Starshine grumbles under her breath before saying, “I guess I didn’t really have any specific way to talk before because I didn’t talk to other ponies? And now I’m starting to talk like you!” Cozy widens her eyes as she says, “Um, yeah that’s right! And now that I’m the main pony you hang out with, I guess we’re gonna start talking like each other sooner or later, huh?” Starshine scrunches her mouth and says, “Um, okay that kinda makes sense yeah!” Cozy looks up and says, “Um, right! So, this is normal I guess?” “Of course!” Cozy looks back down at Starshine with a wide-eyed expression and says, “Yes! Right!” Then the oven beeps and Starshine looks back and opens it with her magic to pull the baking tray out with the golden brown smores on them and sets them on top of the stove. “Golly, those look yummy!” “Oh, I know right? Why do you think I made so many of them?” Cozy’s eyes widen again, and her mouth gets small when she realizes what she’s about to do. She says, “Okay that makes sense now! Uh, how long do they need to cool?” “About ten minutes should be fine?” Cozy frowns as she says, “Ten whole minutes! What are we going to do for ten minutes?” Starshine smiles at Cozy. “Uh, Starshine? Why are you smiling at me like that?” Starshine trots towards Cozy and stands right in front of her while still smiling. Cozy immediately knows what’s on her friend’s mind and decides to preemptively strike! She immediately tries to touch Starshine’s snout with her right forehoof for a quick boop when Starshine dodges to the right and lunges to her friend to tackle her in a tight warm embrace. “OKAYYOUGOTME!” Cozy loudly exclaims, as she’s pushed back and now being hugged by her friend. “And I’m not letting you go Cozy!” “Urgh!” Cozy yelps. Starshine holds her friend for a moment before Cozy finally asks her, “Um, are you gonna let me go Starshine?” “Hush Cozy! Not yet…” Starshine says as she closes her eyes with a big smile on her face. Cozy rolls her eyes while still in her friend’s embrace for another moment before Starshine finally give her one more tight squeeze. “Ugh!” Cozy says before Starshine lets go and goes back to all fours and smiles at her friend. “Um, Starshine?” “Yeah Cozy?” “So, I guess we’re snuggle buddies now?” Starshine looks up and says, “Yeah I think so? I mean, we both like doing it and it’s not hurting anypony?” “Well golly! I just um…” “What Cozy?” “I like feeling your body near mine… I like knowing you’re there… And th-that you’re uh… You’re my friend Starshine and I love being near you!” Starshine frowns and says, “That’s hard for you to admit isn’t it?” “Well I’m not supposed to be that way you know? I’m supposed to be tough! I’m supposed to be strong! I’m supposed to be…” “Alone?” Starshine cuts off Cozy. Cozy starts and looks at Starshine with a wide-eyed expression as she says, “A-alone?” “Yeah Cozy! I mean, if you don’t trust anypony and let them in, who would you be around? Who’s going to hold you and snuggle you?” “Erm uh… Are you saying that…” Starshine furrows her eyebrows as she knows she’s got Cozy now and says, “You need me Cozy Glow! And guess what?” “Uh, what?” She embraces Cozy in a tight hug again, “I need my friend too! I need to not be alone anymore!” “EEP!” Cozy exclaims. “Huh, that’s a new one?” “Destructive fiery vengeance!” “Hush Cozy! Nopony is afraid of you!” Starshine says as she continues holding Cozy. Starshine lets go of a, now muttering Cozy Glow again and goes back to all fours as she says, “I think the smores are ready now?” “Flaming vindication er, smores? Ready?” Cozy perks up. Starshine giggles as she looks over and magically gets out two plates and puts 4 smores down on each of them. Then she floats the plates over to the table as Cozy is now happily trotting over there. Starshine smiles while Cozy gets on her chair and stares back at Starshine while smiling. Cozy quickly grabs one of the yummy treats with her forehooves and is about to bite down when she suddenly looks over and realizes her friend isn’t there yet and that she needs to wait. Starshine is still smiling at her as she trots over and sits down. “Okay! You’re here now!” Cozy says before she voraciously bites into her morsel while Starshine smiles at her giggling. Starshine then uses her magic to pick up a smores of her own. The two ponies eat like this for several minutes. Cozy finishes all four of her smores before Starshine is done with her third and rubs her stomach and says, “That was really good Starshine! But um, I’m full now… Golly! We didn’t have enough left over for breakfast!” “I told you that would be fine!” Starshine says as she finishes up her third. She rubs her stomach and says, “Gosh! I can’t finish this!” Cozy perks up again, looks at Starshine, and says, “This means I have to eat it doesn’t it?” Starshine widens her right eye and raises the brow as she says, “What?” “Yup! We’re at my house and you don’t want it! Therefore, by the rules, I have to eat it now! I mean, you wanna follow the rules right Starshine?” Cozy says while grinning. “Uh…” Starshine’s mouth tightens as she isn’t sure what to say as Cozy leans over the table on her hind legs using the chair and grabs the plate to slide it over to her side using her forehooves. Cozy picks up the final remaining smores with her forehooves and starts to eat it aggressively. Starshine looks over and giggles as Cozy greedily devours the treat. Cozy rubs her belly and licks her lips before looking up. “I guess I need to take these to the sink now huh?” She then slowly uses her forehooves to stack the plates up. She gets up at that point and takes off with her wings before hovering over the plates and collects them in all four of her hooves so she can fly them to the sink. Then she flies back and lands next to the table, looks at Starshine, and says, “Okay bestie! What do you wanna do now?” “Well, you said scary stories, right?” “Um, yeah I think so?” “Well go get a flashlight and meet me in your room! I got a good one!” “Okay Starshine! I think there’s one in the living room closet?” Cozy says before taking off across the room. Starshine gets off her chair and trots back to Cozy’s room. Later, Cozy opens her door while holding a black police style flashlight in her teeth. Starshine smiles and takes it out of her mouth with her magic before turning out the lights with a blue glow on the switch and tells Cozy, “Okay I’m gonna shine this light on my face from here! I remember me and my dad used to do this when we went camping!” “Okay Starshine!” Cozy says as she trots to the center of the room and sits on her haunches in front of her friend. Starshine shines the light on her face while she sits on her haunches in the center of the room. It’s held there by her forehooves as she smiles. She looks at Cozy as the dark room grew eerie and says, “Okay well, how about the Tale of the Olden Pony?” “Yeah I’ve heard that one about 20 times! Well, I did 12 years ago!” Starshine gets a grin and says, “Well how about this one then! The Tale of the Three Ponies!” “I don’t think I’ve heard that one?” “Good! Now listen up! There once were three ponies walking through the White Tail Woods in the dark on a night, just like tonight!” Cozy rolls her eyes. “Now they were walking in a line! The earth pony was up front, there was a unicorn in the middle, and a Pegasus in the back. They walked carefully and the earth pony says, “We’ve been walking for hours! Are you sure you know what we’re looking for? And the unicorn says, “Well I know it was here somewhere? And then, without warning, the darkness reached out and grabbed the Pegasus in the back! The unicorn and earth pony both look and she’s not there anymore!” Cozy starts and asks, “Wait! What do you mean the darkness just “grabbed” her?” “I mean, the blackness just swallowed her up!” “Golly! Was she okay?” “Nopony knows!” “U-um… Okay Starshine…” “You alright Cozy?” “Yeah I’m fine!” Cozy says before scratching the back of her neck with her right forehoof. “Okay! Well the other two ponies began to panic, and they start running! They’re not sure what’s going, but they know their friend is now gone and suddenly, the unicorn disappears too!” “Uh, Starshine?” “Yeah Cozy?” “Um… Can we do something else please?” Starshine looks over and turns the lights on with her magic. She sees Cozy there on her haunches quivering slightly with a wide-eyed nervous expression. She smiles as she immediately knows what the problem is and trots over to put her right forehoof on Cozy’s shoulder as she says, “It’s okay Cozy! We don’t need to do that if you don’t want to!” “Okay Starshine um, thanks! You know, I don’t think I really like scary stories that much?” Starshine smiles as she looks over and magically opens her saddlebags to pull out a plush spider. “Golly! You didn’t tell me you had that toy!” “I’ve had it for years, but until you, I had no reason to take him anywhere. His name is Edward!” “Edward the spider?” “Sure! Why not?” “Yes, but you don’t seem to realize what this means?” “Huh?” “It means now you’re attacked by a spider!” Starshine says loudly as she uses her magic to make the soft spider fly at Cozy. Cozy ducks out of the way and giggles as she says, “Oh no! Not a spider!” as she trots to the other side of the room. The spider flies back towards her from the other side of the room and she dives to the side before galloping to the other side of the room back to where Starshine is. Starshine knows that if she can just position the spider right, she can corral Cozy into a corner and then she’ll have no escape! Her tongue is out the right side of her mouth as she maneuvers the spider just enough to the side to get Cozy to dart the right way and suddenly, Cozy is trapped in the corner with nowhere to go! Starshine smiles as her plan is realized and says, “Gotcha!” as Cozy giggles and bats at the spider with her forelegs. “AAAAHHH!!!” Cozy squeals as she puts her right forehoof in front of her face and the soft plush spider comes tumbling down on her and starts moving all 8 of its legs to tickle her. She giggles like this before saying, “Alright Starshine! Alright! Stop tickling me! Stop it!” Starshine continues to tickle her friend for just a few more seconds with a devilish grin on her face before deciding she’s had enough and pulling the spider away from Cozy with her levitation magic. Cozy gets back to all fours slowly while still giggling and says, “Hey Starshine!” “Yeah Cozy?” “What do you wanna do now?” Starshine yawns and says, “I’m kinda sleepy now Cozy Glow. We can stay up later if you want though?” “Um Starshine?” “Yes Cozy?” “Um, I really like snuggling you…” “I like snuggling you too Cozy!” Starshine says as she looks at Cozy who now has a blank stoic expression on her face. Starshine suddenly realizes what she’s hinting at and says, “So, Cozy Snuggle Time Nap now?” “You know, that’s kinda cute when I think about it?” “Not as cute as you!” “No, you!” The two fillies giggle as Cozy begins to trot towards the left side of the bed and Starshine soon follows on the right. Both fillies get in at about the same time and face each other in bed. Cozy says, “Um, I’d like to turn around and um, would you uh…” Starshine smiles and says, “You want me to hold you again, don’t you?” Cozy turns around in bed and scoots her back towards Starshine as she says, “Nopony!” Starshine giggles and grabs Cozy’s ribs with her forehooves and pulls her in tightly for a loving snuggle. “Hey Starshine?” “Yeah Cozy?” “I sure did a lot today huh?” “Well it’s after midnight now, and so technically that was yesterday…” Cozy sighs and says, “Yes I know, but that’s not what I mean… I mean I did a lot and don’t think I got a lot in return?” “Cozy, you have a loving mother that you care about, right?” Cozy starts and looks down before saying, “Well golly gee, I guess I do huh?” “And you took care of her because you love her, didn’t you?” “Um, I think so? There’s no other reason is there?” “Nope! Trixie is your new mommy, and you love her!” “Golly!” “I know, right?” “Uh, Starshine?” “Yes Cozy?” “I guess this means I like helping other ponies after all, huh?” “Yup Cozy! You’re a helper! And a cute cheerful one at that!” “Golly!” “Yup!” “Hey Starshine?” Starshine sighs and says, “Yeah Cozy?” “I love you… Thanks for helping me be a kid again…” Starshine hugs Cozy tightly to her body and says, “I love you too and you’re very welcome Cozy! Now hush! Let’s snuggle and sleep!” “Yayzies!” The two fillies gently drift off to sleep underneath the covers together on Cozy’s twin sized bed. The unicorn holds the Pegasus from behind and nuzzles her softly in their sleep. Cozy wakes up the next morning to the scent of eggs frying in with something else. She mutters to herself and starts when she remembers that she’s still in Starshine’s hooves. She turns her head and says, “Starshine! I think mom is cooking something!” Starshine grumbles and says, “Uh, oh maybe we should go see how she is?” “Well yeah, I mean, she was sick yesterday right?” “Yeah!” Starshine says as she lets Cozy go. Cozy scoots over to the left side of the bed and slowly goes down to her hooves on the floor while Starshine does the same on her end. Cozy trots towards the door, opens it with her forehooves, and peers outside into the foyer. She sees Trixie on the other side in her robe, using her magic to cook something on the skillet while manipulating a metal spatula. She slowly trots out across the foyer and says, “Um, mom?” Trixie looks over to see Cozy, smiles and says, “Oh hello my precious daughter! How was your first slumber party?” Cozy is getting closer to her by this point and says, “Oh golly! It was just swell mom! We made smores and played and told ghost stories! Um, well I didn’t really like the story too much, but it was great, and we had a lot of fun! Uh, how are you?” “A lot better Cozy! Thank you so much for taking care of me!” At this point, Starshine starts to trot out of Cozy’s room and stands back while the two ponies converse. “Oh, golly gee! It was nothing! I just wanted to take care of the mare who normally takes care of me you know?” “Like a good pony would?” “Well um, I guess I am a good pony huh?” “Sure looks that way doesn’t it? Now Cozy, I’m about done with this French toast! Go sit down and I’ll serve you!” “Oh, yummy mom!” Cozy exclaims as she excitedly trots back to the dining area to see her friend already there smiling at her. Starshine asks Cozy, “So, how does it feel to do good?” “You know, I never really thought of what I was doing as “good” really? I just did the things I thought I was supposed to do?” Starshine scrunches her mouth and says, “Wait, that doesn’t make any sense? I mean, when you were evil, you were doing those things to get power right? So that would mean, you thought you SHOULD get power?” Cozy furrows her brow for a moment as she ponders on this, “Well, yeah! I thought I needed power and so that’s what I was doing! What I thought I should do!” *** Starshine smiles as Cozy stares at her confused. Finally, Cozy asks her, “Okay Starshine! What are you smiling about now?” “Don’t you see Cozy? This is great! If you think you should be doing good things and you’re actually doing it, then that means you’re not a bad pony at all!” “Wait, if I’m not “bad”, then what the hay was I doing before? You gotta admit, taking over Equestria is not a “normal” thing most fillies do!” “Well, since when are you normal anyway?” Cozy squints and says, “That’s not what I meant, and you know it!” Starshine giggles and says, “Sorry! What I mean is, you’re not a typical filly. And I know you’ve always just wanted to be “normal” or “ordinary”, but I couldn’t help but notice that you’re uh…not?” Cozy frowns and says, “Not much I can do about that, huh?” Starshine smiles and says, “Cozy, that’s my favorite thing about you!” “Wait! Are you telling me you wouldn’t like me so much if I wasn’t who I am?” “You know Cozy, I think I am?” At this point, Trixie trots into the dining area setting down a big tray in her magical grasp. The fillies see that there’s three plates on it. Cozy looks closer to see that each plate has two big fluffy slices of French toast with butter on top and the syrup already poured on. She says, “Golly! That looks yummy mom!” Trixie smiles and says, “Of course! Making her a good breakfast is the least I could do for my adorable little nurse!” “Golly mom! You really think I did well?” Trixie uses her magic to serve Cozy first and then Starshine before herself and she says, “Of course Cozy! You brought me tea and dinner and went above and beyond everything I asked of you! Why wouldn’t you think you did good?” “Well gee mom, I dunno?” Cozy scratches the back of her neck with her left forehoof, “I don’t really think about whether I’m doing a good job or not you know? I just do it as best as I can and hope for the best!” Trixie looks at Cozy and smiles as she says, “Well you did very good little Cozy Glow!” “Oh, golly mom!” Cozy begins to blush. Starshine grins at Cozy at this point. Cozy notices but decides to ignore it. Trixie sits on her haunches on her chair and smiles at Cozy as she says, “I’m gonna be honest with you little Cozy… When I first started reading and learning about you, I thought you were just a demented little butthole!” Cozy squints, “But then, I began to get curious. I started to wonder what brought you down that path? Why you did what you did. But after getting to know and adopting you, I am proud to call you my daughter!” **** Cozy blushes even more and Starshine notices this and grins at her. Cozy once again, decides to ignore this. Trixie then continues, “Well anyway, there’s something I wanted to talk about with you little filly… Now as you know, school’s about to start… I have a summit in Canterlot that I have to attend before every school year, and I wanted to know if you wanted to come along to see Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer with me… You don’t have to face them yet if you’re not ready though… It starts in a week…” Day 33: Cozy stood there on the platform as she waited on the train. She looks at the blue unicorn to her immediate left and says, “So mom! You knew I’d come because you want to reform me, and you know I love a challenge!” Trixie looks to her right and smiles as she says, “Yeah! I knew you’d eventually want to come!” Cozy then looks at the purple filly standing next to her on the right and says, “Starshine, tell me again why your mom thought this was a good idea?” Starshine looks to her left and says, “Well she’s happy I’m finally active outside the house now and she also trusts Trixie over there to take care of me. And she’s also happy I finally have a friend!” Cozy frowns and says, “Okay well, I guess that makes sense?” Her face grows somber as she looks down and says, “Starshine, I’m sure glad you’re here… I think I’d probably back out if you weren’t…” “Well what are friends for? You’re not sure about this and I’m here to help!” “Yeah uh, thanks Starshine!” Starshine then suddenly reaches out and hugs Cozy and says, “Anytime snuggle buddy!” “Urgh! Not so loud Starshine!” Cozy yelps as Trixie stares at them and giggles. (To be continued…)