Trixie Interviews: The Cozy Glow Story

by Betty_Starlight

Chapter Eleven: Friendship

Day 33 (Cont.):

Cozy walks behind Starshine, who walks behind Trixie to board the train. They make their way back to car 3 and Cozy can see that there’s 4 doors there, 2 on each side. Trixie opens the first door on the left and says, “Here’s our cabin Cozy!”

Cozy frowns and says, “Right! I’m not comfortable around other ponies, therefore, I sit in a private cabin! Makes sense!” before trotting inside and taking a seat on the right. Starshine sits next to her with the window on her other side and Trixie sits across from them in the cabin.

Trixie looks at Cozy and says, “How do you feel?”

Cozy looks at her mother and says, “Well, I’m really nervous! Although I kinda knew a confrontation was going to happen later…”

Trixie raises her left eyebrow and asks, “How did you know that Cozy?”

“Well golly gee! You know, I really didn’t think that letter earlier would be enough. I couldn’t put my hoof on it, but I somehow knew there was more for me to do!”

Starshine looks at Cozy and says, “Well that’s okay Cozy, because you’re not alone anymore!”

Cozy looks over at her friend and smiles as she says, “Yeah that’s right! I got you here now huh?”

Just then, there’s a knock on the door and it opens to reveal an orange earth filly with freckles on her face, and a green mane in two long piggy tails, and a tail that’s about the same length. The long red ribbons in her hair fall to her sides as she says, “Um, hi! I’m Little Snack! This is cabin 3-2, right?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Yes Little Snack! Come on in!”

Little Snack trots inside and sits next to Trixie, opposite the window while Cozy watches with a wide-eyed confused look on her face.

Starshine looks over at Cozy and whispers, “Are you okay?”

Cozy gets close to Starshine and whispers back to her, “I didn’t know there’d be other ponies here!” Cozy looks over and thinks she notices Little Snack giving her a peculiar glance earlier but decides that it’s probably nothing.

Starshine then chooses to break the ice as she looks over and says, “So Little Snack! Why are you traveling to Canterlot?”

Little Snack looks at the unicorn filly and says, “Oh, well I have family and relatives there and this is my yearly visit! Um, why are you three going there?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Well I’m Trixie Lulamoon, the guidance counselor at the School of Friendship and there’s an annual summit before classes start after every summer. And this is my daughter Cozy Glow and her best friend, Starshine!”

Cozy smiles as Little Snack’s eyes widen and she says, “Cozy Glow! I knew it! You’re the demon child!”

Cozy starts and says, “Uh, w-wait what?”

Little Snack says, “Yeah I read ahead in my history textbook and I learned all about you! You were really neat, in an evil malevolent sort of way!”

Cozy scratches the back of her neck with her left forehoof and says, “I can’t just be normal, anywhere can I?”

Trixie smiles at Cozy and says, “Yeah pretty much! But you’ll get used to it!”

Little Snack starts again, “Yeah you tried to get rid of all the magic in Equestria in an effort to overthrow the government!”

Cozy grins nervously, “Y-yeah I did that alright! Heh heh… That was a long time ago…”

Little Snack replies, “Yeah and later, you attacked Princess Twilight Sparkle and all of her friends at the Friendship Castle!”

Cozy looks down and says, “Yes Little Snack… I did those things and now, I’m just trying to get better…”

Little Snack says, “Well, since I didn’t see your statue anymore at the School of Friendship, I knew something must’ve happened to you. Uh, what have you been doing for the past month anyway?”

Cozy looks back up and says, “Yeah well, they unfroze me and um, Trixie here is trying to reform me!”

Little Snack frowns and says, “So, you’re not evil anymore?”

Cozy says, “Well apparently, not for a very long time?” She looks over at Trixie who smiles at her.

Little Snack says, “Okay good! I would hate to have to subdue you with my mystical Kung Fu powers!” she says while chopping at the air with her forehooves before giggling to herself while Cozy is still unsure of what to say.

Then the train starts to take off as the engine starts revving. It begins to pull out of the station and all the ponies can see the outside beginning to move. Cozy says, “Golly! Okay! No going back now!”

Starshine looks at Cozy and asks, “Uh Cozy?”

Cozy looks at Starshine and says, “Yeah, I was just thinking about getting off the train but um, now I can’t do that anymore, huh?”

Starshine smiles and says, “Nope! We’ve disembarked! We’re snuggle buddies on a mission now!” before she hugs Cozy tightly.

Cozy starts in her friend’s embrace and says, “Please! I know you like embarrassing me, but not in front of the new pony!” as Trixie giggles and Little Snack stares blankly with a sort of “half-grin” on her face.

Starshine gets off Cozy and says, “Well, embarrassing you is just a nice bonus! I’m really all about the cuddles!”

Cozy says, “Yeah okay, well, not all the time please!”

Starshine looks down and says, “I’m sorry Cozy. I just get so lonely sometimes…”

Cozy smiles and says, “It’s okay Starshine…”

Suddenly, both fillies notice Little Snack watching them with a glazed over look in her eyes and a smile on her face. Cozy finally asks her, “What?”

Little Snack says, “So, you have a best friend now?”

Starshine looks over, smiles, and says, “Yup! I’m her best friend, Starshine!” She hugs Cozy. “And I help keep her from being evil!”

Cozy, now being tightly embraced by her friend from the side, looks at Starshine with a sideways glance as Little Snack says, “That’s great Starshine!” She looks at Cozy and smiles while continuing, “I’m really glad you’re getting the help you need now Cozy! My book said that something may have happened to you, but it was never verified…”

Cozy starts and gently shoves Starshine away with her forehooves before turning to Little Snack and saying, “Wait! What else is this textbook saying about me?”

Little Snack looks at Cozy and says, “Well, I can’t remember THAT well and I don’t really have the book with me. I um, kinda left it in my locker… Well I didn’t know I was gonna meet the monster filly!”

Cozy then says, “Uh, Little Snack?”

Little Snack says, “Yeah Cozy?”

Cozy continues, “Um, I’m just uh, trying to live my life now you know? Well er, there’s a lot of pieces and uh, would you please just call me “Cozy?” I don’t really like to think much about my past…” before looking down again.

Little Snack frowns and says, “Oh um, I’m really sorry about that Cozy… I’m excited to meet you and well, the names you were called in class kinda stuck out to me?”

Cozy looks up, widens her eyes, and says, “Okay so the textbook didn’t refer to me as “demonic” or anything like that, but every filly in the classroom does?”

Little Snack replies, “Well after we all got to that section uh, most of us? A few of us thought that you were disturbed or hurt? We thought that you needed help… Yeah the teacher said that we needed to exercise “empathy” with people like you?” She looks at Trixie and says, “Guidance counselor? So, you’re helping her reform?”

Trixie smiles as Cozy looks on and says, “That’s right! I’m giving her therapy and trying to make her better again!”

Cozy interjects again and says, “So tell me Little Snack… Do you think I need help?” She looks down and says, “Golly… You know, after everything, I didn’t really think about it?”

Starshine looks over at Cozy confused and says, “What do you mean Cozy?”

Cozy looks at her and says, “I was hurt Starshine… My world was gone…” She looks down and a tear form in her right eye as she says, “And I was all alone!”

Little Snack widens her eyes as she says, “I didn’t mean to trigger anything Cozy! I’m so sorry!”

Cozy closes her eyes and yells and yells, “I used to be strong! I used to be tough! It never bothered me before!” *

Everypony in the cabin looks at Cozy wide-eyed as Trixie looks at Cozy and says, “You weren’t in touch with how you felt Cozy. It’s a common defense mechanism to detach yourself from your feelings when trauma happens and you’re only just now getting back to how you felt that day…”

Cozy looks at Trixie and says, “Why though? Why now? Why does this all have to hit me now?”

Trixie replies, “Because that’s when you finally started thinking about it Cozy… You’re just now starting to learn how much you were hurt that day…” **

Cozy covers her face in her forehooves and says, “I don’t want to feel this way mom! I don’t like this!”

Just then, Little Snack gets up from her seat and trots to Cozy on the other end of the cabin. She puts her right forehoof under Cozy’s chin and raises her face to hers and says, “Well, they were telling me about empathy in class earlier? Um, do you want to talk about it Cozy?”

Cozy stares at Little Snack wide-eyed and says, “Golly gee, no Little Snack! Um, so what do you do for fun?” before tilting her head to her left and smiling dimly.

“Are you sure Cozy? You don’t look okay to me.” Little Snack says with a piercing look in her eyes.

Cozy straightens her head, smiles more broadly and sincerely at the other filly, and says, “Um, yeah thanks Little Snack… I’ll be okay…”

“Well…okay Cozy, as long as you’re sure…” She lowers her right forehoof back to the ground, nods her head, and continues, “Um, I usually like to play kick ball with my friends in the schoolyard and sometimes I like to swing and play on the playground!”

Cozy excitedly nods her head and smiles as she says, “Golly! I like to play on the playground too!” (Starshine smiles at Cozy)

Little Snack tilts her head to the left and says, “Well uh, maybe I could be your friend now too?”

Cozy smile grows demure as she says, “Thanks, Little Snack… Um, I’d like that…”

Little Snack straightens her head, smiles at Cozy, and nods before saying, “Sure! I mean, meeting people and making friends is what it’s all about right?”

Cozy scratches the back of her neck with her left forehoof and says, “Um, yeah I think so?” She looks over at Trixie who smiles at her and then back at Little Snack before saying, “So uh, where do you live Little Snack? I live with my uh, mom just East of town beyond the meadow.”

“Oh, you mean that little cottage out there? Yeah, I think I’ve seen it, but I didn’t know who lives there. I live on the South end of town to the right of the road. If you reach Sweet Apple Acres, you’ve gone too far!”

“Oh golly! That’s not too far I don’t think. Well, Ponyville isn’t very big!”

“Not really no? I’m sure we can find each other later!”

Cozy’s eyes widen as she says, “Yes! Of course! New friends!”

Trixie asks Cozy, “Are you alright darling?”

Cozy looks at Trixie and says, “Yeah I’m okay mom! It’s just that everything is happening so fast you know. I mean, I’m about to talk to Twilight and Starlight about uh” (she gulps), “what I did and now, I have a new friend!” She looks at Little Snack and says, “R-right!”

“Sure, Cozy Glow!” She then embraces the Pegasus filly in a tight warm hug.

“Everypony keeps hugging me!” Cozy yelps while in the earth pony’s embrace.

Little Snack gets off Cozy quickly and back to her hooves before saying, “Oh uh, I’m sorry Cozy! Did I cross any boundaries?”

Cozy looks down and giggles as she says, “They taught you about that too huh? Well uh…” Cozy glances upward, sighs, and says, “I didn’t really get much love and support before, but now look at me? Golly! Is that all I really needed all along?”

Little Snack twists her mouth, squints her right eye, and says, “Uh, probably?”

Starshine then looks over at Little Snack and asks her, “Hey Little Snack! Can I um…” she looks down, “be your friend too?”

Little Snack looks over at her and smiles as she says, “No!”

Starshine starts and says with a wide-eyed expression, “W-wait! What?”

Little Snack giggles and says, “Just messing with you Starshine! Sure! I’d like that!”

And then all three fillies just break out in giggles.

“Well golly gee! Now there’s three of us!”

Little Snack smiles and says, “Well, sometimes? I mean, I visit my relatives for about a week and then I guess I could come up to go see you? Uh, I don’t really go to the School of Friendship though! I go to Ponyville Elementary, but we can still hang out and do stuff after school?”

“Golly! That’d be swell Little Snack!

Little Snack replies, “Great! So uh, what do you do for fun Cozy?”

Cozy says, “Well I color and put together puzzles a lot when I’m not hanging out with Starshine or talking with my mom. I don’t really get out much!”

Little Snack frowns and says, “Well don’t you like to play outside Cozy?”

“Well golly yes Little Snack! But uh, I’m scared…”

Little Snack tilts her head to the left and has a fascinated look in her eyes as she asks, “What are you scared of Cozy?”

Cozy sniffles and says, “I’m just worried about my past you know? I mean, what if I can never get over it? What if nopony will ever give me a chance because of it?”

Little Snack straightens her head and twists her mouth again and says, “Well, I’m giving you a chance right now? Maybe ponies who don’t give you a chance aren’t worth your time?” ***

Cozy starts and says, “Golly! You know, I never looked at it like that? I mean,” she looks at Trixie, “they won’t hurt me, right? I can just live my life and do the things I need to and maybe it doesn’t matter what they think?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Now you’re getting it Cozy!”

Little Snack says, “Wow! I helped reform a megalomaniacal uh, I’m helping you now!” she smiles dimly.

Cozy giggles and says, “Okay! No more bringing up my past!”

Starshine grins and says, “Yeah! She usually boops me for that!”

Little Snack looks at Starshine and says, “Wait, boops you?”

Starshine says, “Well, that’s when she presses her hoof to my nose and says, “BOOP!””

Little Snack grins and giggles at Cozy as she says, “That’s the most funny and um, adorable thing I’ve ever heard!”

Cozy looks at Starshine and says, “Oh yeah? Well you ambush hug me and it’s not funny!”

Starshine smiles and looks over at the Pegasus as she says, “Oh, but I think it’s hilarious!”

Cozy says, “Well don’t get too comfortable Starshine! I’m gonna get you one of these days! And it’s gonna be bad! REALLY BAD!” as she starts angrily at Starshine.

Starshine giggles and says, “Would you knock it off already Cozy? Nopony is afraid of you and we only think you’re cute when you say that!”

Cozy looks at Starshine fiercely and starts to vibrate when she says, “Oh yeah! Well I’m evil and mean! I’ll uh… I’ll…” Cozy’s eyes then go to a more somber position as she continues, “I uh… Golly! I’m not evil anymore huh?”

Starshine then triumphantly says, “Finally!” and embraces Cozy in a tight warm hug.

The young Pegasus can only sit there in the unicorn filly’s embrace as the unicorn mare and earth filly look on. She finally says, “I just don’t understand this? I mean, I already admitted to you earlier that I wasn’t evil anymore! Why do I keep having this same realization?”

Trixie looks at Cozy and says, “Sometimes it can take awhile Cozy. You should just relax and let it happen…”

“Golly! EEP!” Cozy exclaims as Starshine gives her a tight squeeze before letting her go and Little Snack chuckles. Cozy decides that too, is not important and says lowly, “Um, mom?” she looks at Trixie and continues, “I have to go to the bathroom now. Uh, can Starshine come with me too please?”

Trixie looks at Cozy and says, “Sure Cozy! The restroom is at the other end of the car!” as she points in front of her with her forehoof.

Cozy smiles and says, “Thanks mom!” She turns her head to the unicorn filly, and asks her, “Ready to go Starshine!”

Starshine looks over at Cozy, already aware of what her friend really wants, and says, “Sure Cozy! I’ll take you to the bathroom! Let’s go!”

Both fillies leave the cabin and as soon as Starshine shuts the door, Cozy looks at her and points off to the end of the car away from the engine on her right with her forehoof and whispers, “I need to talk to you!”

Starshine smiles and whispers back, “I know.”

Cozy starts walking the direction she pointed and Starshine follows behind her.

Once Cozy thinks they’re far enough away from the cabin, she turns to Starshine and says, “Why is this going so well? Aren’t ponies supposed to hate and fear me now after everything I did?”

Starshine curves her mouth and says, “Well I don’t hate you. Trixie doesn’t hate you. And Little Snack doesn’t seem to hate you either?”

“Golly! What if the biggest problems I face are all in my head?”

As she raises her eyebrows, Starshine says, “You think?”

“You know, I’m sure glad I have you now Starshine… I um, wasn’t sure about a lot of things when they unfroze me…”

Starshine looks at Cozy somberly and says, “Well, that’s probably why I’m here? Well, that and because you’re my friend and I love you!”

Cozy smiles and says, “I love you too Starshine! Wanna head back now?”

“Well if you’re sure about not needing to go to the bathroom?”

“Starshine, you know me, and you know I just wanted to talk to you alone! Seriously! Anyway, let’s go!” Cozy says before turning to trot back to cabin 3-2. Starshine follows a few hoofsteps behind her and Cozy opens the door when she reaches the cabin and trots in to take her seat on the right as Starshine follows, closes the door, and sits next to her by the window.

“Everything come out okay?” Little Snack asks with a grin on her face as Trixie looks over at her.

“Um, yeah! I’m okay now! Thank you!” Cozy says as she fidgets slightly in her seat and Starshine looks onward.

Then, there’s a silence for a few moments before Little Snack says, “The thing I hate most about train rides is how boring they are! I like to do things!”

Cozy looks at her and asks, “So what else do you like to do Little Snack?”

Little Snack says, “Um, not much more? I mean, I still need to do my homework and study you know? Uh, hey Cozy! Who are you gonna talk to in Canterlot and why are you so nervous about it?”

Cozy says, “Yeah uh, Princess Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer… I uh, kinda have some amends I need to make…”

Little Snack says, “Well yeah! I mean, imprisoning ponies for three days and trying to take over Equestria isn’t exactly proper behavior? I guess they’d want to talk to you about that?”

Cozy giggles nervously and says, “Um, no I don’t think so?” She looks at Trixie who nods at her before back at Little Snack and continues, “I’m scared though… I mean, I was bad! I mean, really bad! Not just regular bad you know? Uh, what if they’re mad at me? What if my apology isn’t good enough?”

Trixie looks at Cozy and says, “Just say what’s in your heart little filly and you’ll do fine. And remember! You have me and Starshine right behind you!”

“And me too now!” chimes in Little Snack.

“Golly Little Snack! You wanna come with me when I go?”

Little Snack says, “Well um, if I can? I mean, I’ll need to talk to my uncle first, but Trixie is a well-known and responsible pony so I’m sure he’ll let me!”

Cozy’s eyes get narrower as she says, “I don’t understand?”

Trixie asks her daughter, “What do you not understand sweetie?”

Cozy looks at Trixie and says, “Well before, I was all alone… I didn’t have this kind of support… Why do I suddenly have it now?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Because we found you and helped you Cozy. We learned what the real issues were and worked through them together. Like true friends do! You gotta admit, you didn’t really do that earlier!”

“Golly no! I just tried to get power because uh…” Cozy looks at Starshine, who looks back at her, “because I thought that’s what I needed to do to make everything better in my life… And now, it’s different… Making things better in my life is different now…”

Starshine says, “What do you mean Cozy?”

Cozy continues, “I mean, making my life better now involves therapy and talking about my problems! I didn’t really do that before and now I am and uh, um, I think I’m getting better?”

“You bet Cozy!” Starshine says as she smiles.

Little Snack then says, “Why are you nervous about talking to them Cozy?”

Cozy looks back over at her and says, “Because of what I did…”

Little Snack smiles and says, “Well honestly Cozy, you got not just one, but two fillies behind you now as well as the guidance counselor at the freaking School of Friendship! I mean, if you can EVER do this, now would be the right time!”

“Golly, you know Little Snack, you got a point there!”

Little Snack says, “Of course I do!” as she smiles even more broadly.

Just then, Starshine looks up at her new friend and says, “Hey Little Snack!”

Little Snack looks over and says, “Yeah Starshine?”

Starshine smiles as she calmly gets off her seat and trots over to Little Snack on the other end. She starts whispering in the ear of the earth filly as she nods and says, “Uh huh?”

Cozy looks at them both on the other side of the cabin and says, “Hey! What are you two doing over there?”

Little Snack looks at Cozy and smiles as Starshine looks back and does the same thing. This unnerves the Pegasus as she stares at them with wide-eyed uncertainty and a confused look on her face.

Then Little Snack gets off her seat and trots towards Cozy while Starshine turns around and does the same. Soon, they’re on either side of the young Pegasus, Starshine on Cozy’s right and Little Snack on Cozy’s left. This wouldn’t be nearly as unsettling to Cozy if they both weren’t smiling ear to ear at her the whole time.

Before Cozy can piece together what’s going on, Starshine says, “NOW!”

Little Snack then tackles Cozy in a tight warm embrace a mere split second before Starshine is hugging two of them in her forelegs! Cozy yelps and says, “THISISN’TFAIR!”

Trixie can only laugh maniacally from her seat on the other side of the cabin at this pile of fillies all hugging and cuddling one another, with a confused and annoyed Pegasus in the middle!

Cozy starts and says, “Please let me go! I promise to be good! I’ll behave myself and do what I’m supposed to! Just stop snuggling me, for the love of Celestia!”

Starshine gives both fillies one final squeeze before going back to her seat and Little Snack then gets off Cozy and looks at her as she says, “Well Starshine said you liked hugs and snuggles, but didn’t like to admit it. She had a point when she said we really need to just give them to you without you asking…”

Cozy starts and says, “This isn’t, uh… (she starts to pant) I just can’t anymore…” before looking down with a demoralized expression on her face.

Starshine looks at Cozy with a puzzled look in her eyes as she says, “What Cozy?”

Cozy looks up at Starshine and says, “Okay! I like hugging and snuggling! You got me! I finally admit it! You broke me Starshine! I’m done for!” as Trixie giggles some more. Cozy then looks at Trixie and asks her, “What’s so funny mom?”

Trixie looks down and composes herself before looking back up at Cozy and saying, “We’ve known this forever Cozy! Really, the only pony who didn’t want to believe you liked hugs and snuggles was you!”

“Well golly no! I wanted to be strong and tough you know? I uh…” she looks at Starshine and says, “I thought I could be alone and be happy… I guess I was wrong huh?”

Starshine smiles and says to Cozy, “You NEED me remember?”

Cozy giggles and says, “Yeah I guess so?” then she turns to Little Snack and asks her, “Little Snack, do you hate and fear me?”

Little Snack scrunches her mouth and says, “No, not really? I mean, you are interesting and I wanna know more about you and I like being your friend so far? But I never thought you were scary or anything.”

Cozy smiles and says, “Right! All in my head!”

Trixie looks at Cozy and asks her, “What do you mean Cozy?”

Cozy says, “Well I was thinking that the biggest problems with this were all in my head earlier… I think I was right…”

Trixie smiles and says, “We’re often our own worst enemies Cozy. The important thing to remember is that it’s YOU saying these things to yourself. Not other ponies. So, it would stand to reason that you’re not necessarily correct you think?”

“Well golly, that does make sense mom! I mean, what if what I think isn’t necessarily the way the world is right?”

Trixie continues, “Right Cozy! You don’t need mean ponies in your life, and you shouldn’t deal with them. Just move on and be true to yourself!”

“Golly! I just…” Cozy looks down with a somber look in her eyes as tears begin to form and she says, “I just… I love you all so much!” she then closes her eyes and Starshine moves over and starts to hold and snuggle her friend.

Little Snack says, “I’ve only known you for a few hours Cozy, but I can already tell you’re not evil… I’ll let my parents know who you are, and you’ll be welcome in our house later okay?”

Cozy looks up at Little Snack with some tears still in her eyes as she sniffles and says, “Th-thanks Little Snack! Um, I’d like that…”

Little Snack smiles and says, “Sure thing Cozy!”

Cozy then gets a big smile on her face as she says, “Golly! This is all so much! Um, thank you everypony! Thank you for being there for me! I love you all!”

Starshine looks at Cozy and says, “No problem Cozy!”

Cozy then glances out the window and says, “Um, we’re past the Everfree Forest and are heading towards Canterlot now. Anypony know how long we’ve been heading East?”

Starshine looks out of her window and says, “Um, Cozy?”

Cozy looks over and says, “Yeah Starshine?”

Starshine continues, “I think I can make out the spires of the castle in Canterlot from here. I think we’re almost there now Cozy…”

“Oh golly! Uh…” The filly starts to fidget as she panics and says, “Will Twilight be meeting us at the station?”

Trixie looks over and says, “Goodness no Cozy Glow! She’s an important princess with things to do! She’ll have an audience with you in the castle shortly after you arrive, and we trot over there.”

Starshine puts her hoof on Cozy’s shoulder and says, “Don’t worry Cozy! You got us now!”

Little Snack looks over, saying, “Yeah! I’m not gonna let my new friend down now! Just give me some time to talk it over with my uncle and I will meet you in front of the castle!” She looks over at Trixie and continues, “That is, um, if you’ll wait on me?”

Trixie looks over at the earth filly and says, “Of course! Little Cozy Glow needs all the support she can get right now!” She looks over at Cozy and says, “Isn’t that right my daughter?”

Cozy looks at Trixie wide-eyed, knowing this delays the confrontation a little bit more as she nods frantically and says, “Golly yes! Of course!”

Starshine looks out the window again and says, “Oh yeah! That’s definitely the spires of Canterlot and I think I can make out the station now!”

“Golly!” Cozy exclaims as she looks outside and sees that everything is starting to move much slower outside their window.


The three fillies and unicorn mare are all standing outside the throne room. Cozy on the left side and Trixie on the right with the two fillies.

Little Snack smiles at Cozy and says, “Well go on in Cozy! You got this!”

“Gee, you think Little Snack? I mean, what do I say?”

Trixie curves her mouth and says, “Well, do you feel bad about what you did now and want to do better?”

“Golly yes mom! Yes, I do!” Cozy says while nodding.

Trixie smiles and says, “Then go with that Cozy! Just say what’s in your heart! It doesn’t have to be perfect! Only sincere! You can do this!”

Starshine smiles at Cozy and says, “After getting over the death of your parents, do you really think a simple apology is too much Cozy?”

Cozy smiles and says, “Golly no Starshine! Maybe you’re all right? Maybe I can do this? Um, okay!” She closes her eyes and primly straightens her face out before opening her eyes with renewed determination, “I think I can do this now! I think I know what to say!” She turns to her left, takes a deep breath, and slowly opens the throne room door with her left forehoof.

Cozy Glow nervously trots to the center of the throne room. She quickly spots Starlight Glimmer just to the right of Princess Twilight Sparkle seated at the center. She can’t take her eyes off Starlight and she gets the suspicion that Starlight is watching her carefully as well. She decides to speak up and says, “Oh uh, hey Starlight Glimmer! Sorry about that whole um, imprisoning you for three days thing! Uh, heh heh…”

Starlight’s frowns and says, “You fed me dog food!”

Cozy’s eyes widen as she suddenly remembers that and says “Uh, sorry about that Starlight!” Then she frowns, looks down at the floor, and sighs before saying, “I know now that what I did was wrong and I’m…” she closes her eyes, “sorry about that Starlight Glimmer…” her shoulders relax as she continues, “I’m really sorry about everything I did…” She keeps her eyes closed as she shudders to herself. A moment later, she hears hoofsteps coming near her. She starts at that moment as she feels forelegs beginning to embrace her in a loving hug. ”EEP! GOLLYWHATTHE!”

“I forgive you Cozy Glow…” was what Starlight whispered in her ear.

Starlight then lets go of Cozy to get back all fours and looks into the eyes of the Pegasus filly.

Just then, both ponies hear Starshine from behind Cozy say, “Hey I’ve never gotten her to make that noise before! You’re gonna have to show me your technique Starlight!”

Cozy’s lip is quivering as she nervously says to her, “Y-you forgive me Starlight?”

Starlight smiles and says, “Trixie has been sending letters to both me and Twilight about you Cozy Glow. We know why you did what you did, and we know you’re not really that filly Cozy.” She then looks deep into the eyes of the Pegasus foal and says, “The truth is, you’re really something special you know that?”

“Uh, w-what?”

“Cozy, you’ve been through a lot and your recovery has been extraordinary!”

“Golly! I don’t think I made THAT much headway, did I?”

Starlight then straightens out, looks deep into the Pegasus’s eyes, and says, “You got over the death of your parents, you recovered from the lies Tirek told you, and you’ve managed to establish and even prove yourself worthy at a new home… I think that’s progress Cozy!” ****

Cozy scratches the back of her neck with her right forehoof and says, “Yeah, I guess that’s all true?”

Princess Twilight Sparkle finally speaks up right before Starlight stands aside to Cozy’s right and says, “Yes Cozy Glow, you are one remarkable filly! But before we continue,” she looks over at Trixie, “Trixie Lulamoon!”

Trixie looks at the princess and says, “Yes Princess?”

Twilight speaks, “You said earlier that you wish to adopt the Pegasus filly known as Cozy Glow. Are you sure about this?”

Trixie smiles and says, “Yes I am Princess Twilight! I love Cozy Glow and I will take care of her!” She looks down at little Cozy who looks back at her and smiles.

Twilight then says, “Very well! By my authority as Princess of Equestria, I now officially give you adoption rights to Cozy Glow. She is your daughter, now and forever!”

Cozy’s turns to face Trixie and her face starts to beam more brightly as she says, “Golly mom! It’s as official as it can be now!”

Trixie smiles while flanked by the two fillies as she says, “Sure is Cozy! I love you my beautiful daughter!”

Cozy then turns around and faces the princess before saying, “So um, what now princess?”

Twilight says while smiling, “Now, we hear what you have to say Cozy Glow… Tell us, in your own words, what you think about this whole experience.”

Cozy starts and says, “Well golly, you know, I just didn’t think I had anything to offer? I thought that it would be better to just use other ponies because that was all I was good at… Um, maybe I could do something else?”

Twilight tilts her head to the left and says, “Well, we can figure that out later Cozy. The important thing now is that you understand that you shouldn’t just use ponies for your own gain! Or any creature for that matter!”

“Well I know that Princess Twilight! That’s not the problem!” Cozy says as she fluffs her wings and looks down. She takes a deep breath before looking up and saying, “You know, I just didn’t think there was anything else I could do?”

Twilight smirks and says, “Well, it’s time to explore other options don’t you think?”

Cozy snickers and widens her eyes as she says, “Way ahead of you Princess Twilight!”

Twilight smiles and looks at Trixie before saying, “Trixie Lulamoon! As her new parent, you are charged with showing Cozy Glow a better way! Do you understand?”

Trixie chuckles and says, “Gee Twilight! What do you think I’ve been doing?”

Twilight frowns and says, “Trixie, this has to be official!”

Trixie straightens herself out and says, “Oh! Right!” before nodding and almost somberly saying, “Yes Princess Twilight! I understand these responsibilities!”

Princess Twilight Sparkle smiles and says, “Very well then!” She then looks at Cozy and says, “Now, I declare you fully redeemed and reformed Cozy Glow! You may continue your studies at the School of Friendship!”

There is only one word Cozy can say at this point and so she says it… “Golly!”

(To be continued in the next story…)