Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship

by redandready45

Beating the Beat (Part 2)

Before the Dazzlings could respond, the buck-toothed boy pulled the trigger.

The three sea creatures barely saw the projectile coming toward them when all of a sudden they felt like they had been punched in the face and knocked across the room.

When they regained their bearings, they were suddenly surrounded by something...orange.

Their eyes widened and their horror grew when they realized they were trapped in some kind of orange anti-magical bubble.

The Dazzlings mood drifted from horror to rage as a smug looking boy approached them.

"LET US OUT OF HERE YOU TWERP!" Aria bellowed in a rage as she banged fruitlessly against the orange prison.

"Yeah, I have to go potty!" Sonata whimpered while rubbing her growling stomach.

Aria looked at her sister with disgust. "You go in here, I swear-,"

"Don't worry," Adagio muttered reaching into her pants pocket, "I'll call Doombringer-," the orange-haired siren paused. "Where's my-", Adagio's face was a mixture of shock and horror, as she saw the ten-year old boy was triumphantly holding up her cell phone.

"Looking for this," Timmy taunted.

"How..." was all she could say, but paused as she realized he must taken it while pretending to be a zombie. Adagio's watched with growing anger as the boy proceeded to stomp the phone to pieces. "NO!" The eldest siren bellowed in hysterical rage. "All my photos of the Dimmsdale Aquarium were on there!"

"Now time to finish you off once and for all!" the human child declared with sheer rage, pulling something else from hisother sleeve.

This was a yellow laser thing with a wand logo on it. The blood of the Dazzlings went cold as he activated it.

"This. Ends. Now!" Timmy declared as the rifle began to activate, its lights lit up, and....

The rifle suddenly sputtered and its lights went out, much to the confusion of both Timmy and the Dazzlings.

"Battery dead," Timmy read on the side of the rifle with frustration. "Darn it, I should've tested the first." He looked back at the trapped sirens with some relief. "Oh well, at least they can't get out."

A nasty smile formed on each of the sirens' faces, much to Timmy's confusion. "What are you-,"

Suddenly, the sirens all let out an earsplitting wail. Cracks formed on the stairwell, much to Timmy's horror. "Oh no," he muttered, before fleeing into a nearby stairwell with a yell.

Timmy looked at his tracker with frenzied desperation.

"Come on, come on," Timmy said with panic in his voice to the tracker. "Where are Cosmo and Wanda?"

"Fairies detected on the first floor," it said.


"Just kidding," the tracker said. "Fairies detected on the fifth floor."

"Rats!" Timmy muttered with anger. He looked out the window and saw that the orange trap he had placed the sirens in was about to give.

He pulled out the bubble rifle, only to see the battery was also drained. He turned it on. It was still working.

"Yes!" But then the battery also died too.

"Rats!" Timmy declared. He went into the pouch of his sweatshirt, and, to his relief, he found another battery. He placed it into the yellow laser.


"Battery needs five minutes to recharge before it can be used again," it said.


Timmy slammed the door to the stairwell, locked it, and decided to scramble up the stairs, his thighs burning with exhaustion. He finally collapsed when he got to the third floor, too tired to run up any more stairs.

It was when he heard a blast. Timmy looked through the window and saw the Dazzlings had broken out of the anti-magic bubble and were using their strength to beat down the door to the stairwell.

Timmy looked back at the laser and saw it still needed some time to reload. Three minutes. It wasn't enough time.

Once the Dazzlings broke the door down, they could easily fly upstairs. And while his earbuds could protect him from their being brainwashed. He wasn't strong enough to battle one of them head on, let alone three of them.

And his laser had only enough power to disable the magic of one of them at a time.

"I'm done for," Timmy muttered to himself, as he fell onto his butt out of a combination of exhaustion and defeat. "I almost won, but lost because of one stupid mistake," he expressed almost on the verge of tears. "It's not like a video game where I have a lot of chances to-," Timmy paused for a minute. "Like a video game," he said to himself, with a more hopeful tone.

He remembered the words of someone.

"Power means nothing," Sunset said, "if you can't master your environment. To win, you need to use the environment to help you."

He looked around the floor and saw something that gave him hope.

Lots of corridors. He ran down one of them and saw some kind of kitchen. A metaphorical lightbulb appeared over his head.

With one last punch, Aria knocked down the door with a mixture of anger and resolve. "When I get that brat-," Aria grumbled.

"Don't worry," Adagio assured her second youngest sister with an angry hiss. "We'll catch the boy."

They flew up to the third floor and saw it was a maze of corridors.

"Split up," Adagio ordered her sisters. "If we seperate, he won't be able to shoot us at once."

The three split up, with Sonata going down a single corridor as she began to search for the godchild with a convinction her sisters demanded of her.

"Timmy," Sonata called out playfully. "Come out, come out wherever you are!" She pouted when Timmy wouldn't. "Pretty please. I promise you that when you become our slave, I'll let you-," Sonata paused when she smelled something. Using her nose, she floated to the source of the scent.

It was taco on a plate which was placed conspiciously in the middle of a hallway, near an open door. Seeing nothing wrong, she floated over to the taco, picked it up, and-

Only to be suddenly bodychecked by something into a cage that was only slightly bigger than a dog kennel, knocking her totally cool pink hat off of her. Before she could do anything, it was slammed shut.

"HELP! HELP!" She wailed, "the taco has betrayed me." She tried to releae a sonic boom, only for it to not work.

"You have been imprisoned in a smoof cage," Timmy gloated to Sonata, taking his pink hat back and putting it proudly on his head.

"Smoof?" Sonata wailed. "Let me out! Please!" the pony-tailed siren cried.Timmy scoffed with disgust, pushed the earplugs back into his ears so he wouldn't hear anymore whining, and slowly pushed the caged Sonata toward the edge of the stairs.

"This is for stealing my hat," Timmy declared before knocking the cage down the stairs.

"OW! OW!" Sonata muttered painfully and she rolled down the stairs.

"I thought I heard something," Timmy heard Aria say. Timmy' felt a smug smile came to his face.

"All according to plan."

Aria was floating around when she heard the frantic wails of Sonata. She followed them and saw a truly pathetic sight.

Timmy lying on the ground, rubbing his foot.

Aria snarled and snorted. The boy looked pitiful, but she had no pity left. This boy had given them too much trouble. And it was time to end it.

"You know, Adagio said this wouldn't be personal," Aria growled meancingly, "but the truth is," she added while baring her fists and she floated toward the boy, "I'm really going to enjoy beating you to a pulp!"

"Please don't hurt me," Timmy said with a cowardly whimper.

"Well you should have thought of that before-," just as Aria dove toward the boy to give him the beating of a lifetime, Timmy smiled viciously and proceeded to kick her viciously in the ankles.

"AHH!" Aria yelled in pain.

"Hey, you taught me how I shouldn't show mercy," Timmy gloated with no small amount of spite. "A hero has to make tough choices." He then proceeded to do a double leg takedown onto her while she was distracted by the pain.

Aria fell to the ground with a painful grunt.

"I can't believe you fell for that," TImmy mocked. "But I'm not surprised. Gilda fell for it too, and she's a hundred times tougher, smarter, and cooler than you'll ever be!"

The mention of her most hated rival, not to mention the humiliation of being felled by some human brat, filled Aria with enormous hate. Her eyes glowing red with rage, and pigtailed siren rose up and floated toward the boy with no small amount of malice. "I'M GONNA TEAR YOUR HAIR OUT!" So consumed was Aria with hate, that she didn't notice Timmy had tied an anti-magical rope around her leg.

Aria tried to use her magic to escape, but found it was no good.

"Anti-magical rope," Timmy said with glee. He used his buck teeth to slice through the rope, causing Aria to fall into a trash can. Timmy mmediately pulled out of his father's trusty bats.

"It's time to get a taste of my dad's Home Defense System," Timmy said ominously. "Patent pending."

He proceeded to beat on the trash can with Aria inside. The vibrations from Timmy pounded on the trash can left Aria horribly disoriented. Once he was done beating on Aria, he knocked the trash can on its side and let it roll down the stairs.

"OW! OW!" Aria yelled as she rolled down the stairs.

"Aria, Sonata, what's going on!" Adagio yelled from the distance. Timmy smiled again.

"Two down, one to go."

Adagio came around the corner, and what she was stunned her.

The boy looking at her smugly from a distance. "Hey Dagi," he gloated, "try and catch me!" He proceeded to waddle away.

"I'm gonna get you, twerp!" Adagio screeched, flying toward the boy. He was moving at a very slow pace.

Timmy smiled as he remembered Rainbow's advice at the track team tryout.

"Conserve your energy. It will fool them," she said.

He then pulled out the trick he had been taught.

He imagined Scootaloo stealing his hat with her smug grin. It was easier to imagine since the Dazzlings had stolen his hat.

He suddenly acclerated and ran like the wind, much to Adagio's shock. He was running faster than she could catch him by floating.

"You can run from me Turner," Adagio declared as her eyes turned red, "but you can't outrun the speed of SOUND!" She took a deep breath unleashed a sonic wave.

Timmy smiled, and remembered Sunset's advice when they were playing the Crash Nebula video game.

"So what now?" Timmy asked Sunset. The Chromebug approached them once more.

"Look around you," Sunset said, as the giant metal beetle came toward them. He saw some crevices in the ground.

"So?" Timmy said. Sunset rolled her eyes and jumped in. Timmy, confused by what Sunset was doing, but fearful of being blasted, jumped into the crevice.

The beetle blasted them...much to Timmy's horror, but to his relief, the blast didn't affect them.

"See," Sunset said with a smile, "we can hide in here from the beetle." Timmy looked and saw how The Chromebug was hanging over them, but its blasts couldn't break through the rocks surrounding the crevice, nor could the beetle reach them in here.

He looked at the nearby emergency hatch he opened and dove into it, landing in some small dark room, dodging Adagio's sonic wail. He smiled as he looked at his anti-magic laser.

The timer on the recharge was down to its last ten seconds.

When Adagio calmed down from her red hot fury, she noticed something.

Instead of being knocked unconscious, the boy had somehow disappeared.

Her eyes narrowed in confusion in shock.

She floated over to where he had run too.

"Where is that boy!" Adagio muttered. She heard a click. She looked down into some dark room, and saw some faint light building up-

"What the-,"


Adagio felt herself being blasted with something that felt even worse than an electric shock. It felt like something that was sucking the magic right out of her and draining her.

With a pained sigh, she collapsed to the floor.

Timmy climbed out of the emergency room using a ladder with the anti-magical laser in his hands. He smiled proudly as Adagio had been neutralized.

"Who's the loser now!" Timmy gloated. "Now time to find Cosmo and Wanda and unwish the wish." He ran back toward the stairs.

He was so determined to save his fairies, he didn't notice the faint, but evil, smile forming on Adagio's mouth.

Timmy got to the fifth floor. The tracker led him to some metal door.

He smiled, until he realized there wasn't a knob or a handle on the door. Instead there was a keypad.

"Darn it," Timmy said, punching the wall, "how am I supposed to-," a noticed a piece of paper on the ground. " 'A clue for Sonata to get into the room' ," it read. " 'What is 9 times 9. And no, you have to figure it out yourself because I keep telling you the code and you keep forgetting it. Signed, Aria'." Timmy threw away the note. "OK Turner, think. What is 9 times 9?!''

He remembered Sunset's tutoring lessons and her trick to teach her multiplication.

We've got your hook.
If you have ten bikes, each in three lots?

How many bikes, do you got?

He remembered what that meant. There were three lots and each of them had ten bikes.

The answer was thirty.

"If there are nine Crimson Chins," Timmy said to himself," for every nine Bronze Kneecaps, the answer is..." Timmy paused as he did the multiplication in his head.

"81!" He realized. He inputed the code. "Access Granted!" it said. The door swung open.

What he saw filled him with immense relief.

"Cosmo, Wanda!"

They were on a table and fine, albeit trapped in a net. Timmy smiled and almost cried tears of joy. "I missed you guys so much!"

"We serve the Dazzlings," Wanda said in a robotic tone.

"All hail Adagio," said Cosmo in a daze.

He frowned, realizing they were in a trance. But it faded, since he was so happy to know they were safe.

"After everything that's happened, I was afraid things weren't going to work out," Timmy said with relief as he strode toward his fairies, "but now that I've found you guys, I know everything's going to be OK-,"

Timmy stepped on some switch, and was horrified when he realized he accidentally set off a trapdoor. "Oh no!" Timmy muttered. He fell down the hole, slid down some slide, and fell to the ground face first, yelling all the way.

Timmy realized he was back on the first floor. Timmy felt a shadow loom over him. With a whimper he turned around and saw the grinning face of Adagio.

"Game over, Turner!"

Timmy felt his blood go cold. "Can't we just talk about-" Adagio unleashed her sonic wail. The force of the wail knocked Timmy head first into the wall, blowing the hat off his head, and knocked him unconscious.

Adagio smiled triumphantly when she noticed footsteps behind her. Adagio turned her head and saw Aria and Sonata painfully limping back toward her. Their painful expressions drifted into sheer anger when they spotted the unconscious boy.

"What happened to you two?" Adagio asked them.

"That brat stuffed me into a trash can, gave me a headache, and sent me rolling down the stairs!" Aria yelled angrily.

"He trapped me in a cage with a taco," Sonata shrieked furiously, "and didn't give me any hot sauce!"

"He got me too," Adagio admitted. "Briefly."

Aria growled in pain and humiliation. "If we didn't need him for magic, I'd grind his bones to-," Aria trailed off when she heard her older sister making some weird breathing noise.

"Adagio," Sonata asked, "are you-,"


Sonata and Aria were confused as Adagio began laughing. Adagio let out snickers, and the occassional evil laugh. But she never chuckled as warmly as she did now. "What's so funny?" Aria asked as Adagio's laughs began to die down. "Your face?" She snarked.

"Think about it you two," Adagio asked her sisters with sheer amusement. "What has this boy done that no other human has done?"

"Have buck teeth the size of Texas?" Aria asked with a bored expression.

"Wore a super cool pink hat?" Sonata offered, picking the pink hat off the floor and putting it back on her own head.

"Think about it you two," Adagio said. "Why did he fire those darts at us?!"

Sonata and Aria gave it serious thought.

"So....he would...make us think he was dumb," Aria said uneasily. But then her eyes widened when she realized what her elder sister meant. "And so that we wouldn't think he was smart enough to do something like wear those earplugs!"

"Exactly," Adagio said with an excited tone of voice. "He knew we were going to underestimate him, and he actually planned for that as part of his strategy. He didn't just attack us. He outsmarted us!"

"Wow!" Aria expressed with amazement, her anger toward the boy twisted into...something she almost never felt for most humans.

Surprise. Astonishment.


It was clear the way Adagio spoke about the boy, and the way she looked at him, that she saw Timmy Turner as a worthy adversary.

Adagio didn't blame her sisters for not getting it at first. Admittedly, it was hard for her to admit that she could feel this way about a human. Let alone some skinny child who couldn't reach the shelves.

There were only a handful of humans in this world whom she felt any respect for. Mainly ambitous humans who built empires and were skilled conquerers.

Genghis Kahn. Napoleon. Carl the Corn Farmer.

Even Adagio had to respect his power over corn.

Despite being beaten by the Rainbooms, she did not at all respect them as adversaries. They had had beaten her through sheer dumb luck.

Instead of gaining their magic through hard work, they had been given their powers by Harmony for being nice. They were like ponies in that regard: the dominion those pathetic land creatures had over Equestria was undeserved, because they had done nothing to earn it. They were a species made weak and dumb by their good fortune.

Sunset Shimmer, the unicorn among them, was the worst of the Rainbrats in that regard.

Adagio seriously considered offering Sunset a chance to join the Dazzlings. Her joining them would not only weaken the Rainbooms, but she seemed like prime recruiting material. The girl was an outcast, had savored power before, and had apparently divided an entire student body under the table.

But then she learned about Sunset's oh-so brilliant plan to brainwash a bunch of magically inexperienced teenagers and use them as an army. She actually thought she could get humans not used to equine bodies or magical abilities to somehow defeat Celestia's army. Even when Sunset lusted for power, she sought it in a very pony like way: expecting everything to work out just because she said so.

And then Sunset tried to confront and intimidate her in the hallway. It was so adorable how tough she thought she was. But like the weak unicorn she was, she crumpled when Adagio and Aria made her question her friendship with the Rainbooms. Even after spending years in this human world, Sunset was still a soft, dumb, and weak little pony at heart. Adagio wasn't going to let a moron like that into her team.

Up until recently, Adagio saw Timmy Turner the same way.

Adagio may have been born into Sirenia's Royal Family, but birth alone was not enough to succeed in Sirenian society. She wasn't allowed to sit around and eat chocolates like a lazy Canterlot noble.

She earned her right to be Crown Princess through her hard work, determination, cunning, and education. She studied day and night. She did combat training. She had to work from dawn to dusk to be strong.

And then comes along some ten year old child who was given guardians who could perform alicorn-levels of magic.

She had been made to work her fins to the scale to even come close to that level of magic, and this human child is just given that power and allowed to waste it on stupid childish nonsense like ice-cream and some shallow crush. What made Adagio especially furious was how even by the pathetic standards of his world, he was loser, as indicated by the Fs on his report cards she had found while snooping through his drawers. The fact that he was so proud of a B minus, he put it on a fridge spoke volumes about how inadequate he was.

But still, he was allowed to wield magic that would make the Princesses tremble, despite being nothing more than a lame-brain brat.

(Then again, most of the blame could be pinned on the idiotic education system of his country. I mean, a school system that let's someone like Crocker teach is not going to be produce the best students).

What was especially infuriarting to Adagio was how he had gotten magic because, in his own words, he was miserable.

That would never do.

That power was meant to be hers and her sisters' alone. They deserved more. It should be natural that superior beings like them who worked hard should wield that power, and put it to its proper use. The boy was weak little brat who earned nothing. It was why she had no problem taking his magic away.

It was also why Adagio abandoned the boy once she got what she wanted from him.

Adagio assumed that bereft of any power or support group, the boy would whimper, cry, and accept defeat. The Canterlot brats, once they learned he no longer had any magic, would desert him once he stopped being useful to them, probably angry at him wishing magic on Sunset. WIth that, Timmy would no longer pose any threat to him.

In her arrogance and contempt, Adagio overlooked the signs of there being more to the kid then met the eye.

The boy had escaped from Doombringer's truck once. But she was more obsessed with his magic to cwell on his admittedly impressive escape. And he was vicious enough to punish the clowns who humiliated him by destroying their truck. Using Aria's training, he had beaten those two spoiled brats unconscious. And while Turner fell for her "cool babysitter act", he still had the strength of will to defy her, even with the Medallion of Manipulation clouding his mind.

But Adagio pointedly ignored those signs, more interested in the power he wielded than with wanting to be part of his development.

When she decided the boy would make a good wish slave, she thought it would simple to sic Doombringer onto him, drag him too her, and bend his mind into obeying her commands.

But somehow he had tamed a massive jungle cat into obedience, sicced it on them, escaped his cuffs, blinded her, tazed her, tackled an adult twice his own size, bamboozled her and her sisters, and even took them down briefly using weapons he apparently stole from Crocker that she missed.

And he had done this without access to magic, or even a support network behind him.

It was...well beyond was expected from him.

He was far from perfect. He had made some critical mistakes, which is why he lost.

But then again, she wasn't all too different when she was his age. She had been a happy-go-lucky fool once. She thought life was all sunshine and kelp.

But then she learned how life was unfair and how power was the only thing that mattered, so she toughened herself to deal with it.

Timmy, when faced with some hardship, had done the same thing: toughened up and learned to use his brains, and not just relied on dumb luck to get his way.

Compared to how disdainfully Adagio thought of him, it was...pretty impressive.

"If he could do this at ten years of age," Adagio mused as she stared at the boy with a respectful gaze, "imagine what he could be in five years under the right...guidance."

"Are you saying you want to...make him one of us for real?" Aria sounded intrigued by the prospect, before suddenly putting on a frowning face. "I mean, he's alright for a dumb twerp." Although Aria tried to hide it, the pigtailed siren was also impressed by Timmy's fighting skill.

Sonata smiled goofily. "Are you saying Timmy can be our best buddy for real!" Sonata had developed a weird affection for the boy. Albeit the way one had love for a pet.

Adagio gave it some serious thought for a few moments, before shaking her head. "No. If the boy shared our goals, I wouldn't mind taking him under my wing and molding him into something...greater. But he just wants to hoard the fairies' magic for himself. As long as his mind his free, he'll spend every moment trying to subvert us. It's too risky." She looked down at the boy with an almost regretful smile. "It's kind of shame to put him under our spell." Her respect faded in favor if a more ambitious smile. "But I can live with that."

Aria and Sonata also began sporting similar smiles. "So, we're gonna just make him our puppet?" The purple-haired siren asked.

Adagio simply nodded. With the sirens strode toward the boy, their eyes red as they began to unleash their song on him.

Aria's excitement grew as she plucked the earplugs from his ears.

"At last," Adagio said in a voice brimming with anticipation. "No more set backs. No more delays. WIth this boy under our spell, this town, Dimmsdale, and the whole world will be...ours."

They picked the boy up and dragged him away, in order to prepare him for a life of eternal servitude to them.

The Dazzlings smiled happily.

They would finally get the power they sought.

And this time...

Nothing would stand in their way.