One Thousand Years Ago

by Scroll

Chapter 8: Pitch Meeting

    “And we’re here,” Rock Steady, the gray earth pony stallion, says as he gestures to the door to the study room. “Your mother and the others await you inside.”

    I know my way around the castle, Cozy is tempted to complain, but instead says, “Thank you.”

    “You’re welcome,” he says back as he knocks on the door. A moment later, a magenta glow envelopes the doorknob and proceeds to open it.

    Cozy trots past the guard into the very familiar study room. Within, she sees that the walls of the room are practically made of bookshelves full of books. Cozy navigates her way to the center of the room which has several pieces of brown leather furniture arranged in a roughly circular pattern. Along the way, Cozy notes that her mother is already here along with Sunset Shimmer. Within the center of the room is somepony she is much less familiar with, at least on a personal basis, but somepony she has read about and seen in some newspapers: Professor Stygian.

    “Have a seat, Cozy,” Princess Twilight bids with a brief wave of a wing to her left. “We’re just about to get started.”

    While Cozy makes her way to sit down as her mother bade, she notices something else interesting. She notes how Professor Stygian’s eyes follow her and regard her with an unusual level of satisfaction considering the fact that this is the first time they met, at least as she can recall.

    “First, let me just express my gratitude to you all for taking the time to meet with me here. I can tell you right now that this makes everypony’s life much simpler, as no one will have to hear anything I have to say secondhoof.

“Now then,” he continues as his magic envelopes a blackboard stored in a satchel at his side. Of course, that blackboard seems entirely too large for so small a container, but it came out and is, sure enough, large enough for a classroom setting. “Princess Twilight Sparkle, you sent me a letter asking whether I recalled the history of King Sombra, to which I of course replied that I had no memories. This answer did not sit well with me - not because it was not honest, it was - because I am virtually certain that I should be remembering King Sombra. Now, I have spent quite a lot of time detailing timelines and studying history, both for my own sake and, at one time, the sake of other ponies’ lives.

“Now, I bring this up because it means that I am rather thorough in keeping notes, charts, and collecting information. I decided, after sending the letter off, that I should take some time to examine my records for anything that does not align with my own memory. I was quite startled to find as much as I did which did not agree with my own memory, including records that tell me I studied alongside King Sombra a long time ago,” Stygian remarks with a touch of enthusiasm as his magic envelopes something else within his satchel. He withdraws the acquired item, a large oil painting depicting Sombra in his younger days, a student at Golden Horn Academy, long-defunct but not lost to history.

“As you can see, King Sombra clearly did exist. He was studious, too, according to my records. Above average in grade and performance, though perhaps this was the result of nepotism. You see, he was an Earl of the nearby dominion, Saddle Chase, I think, which was inherited from an Uncle. I speak less certainly now because this is not found in my records, but having read the words and seen this painting, I did feel a striking recall regarding certain details… Though they are still faint, very much a fog at the edge of my internal perception, as it were,” Stygian said.

For a brief moment, Sunset and Twilight glance at each other with startled recognition, for what Stygian is saying so far seems to go along with their earlier hypothesis.

“Now, I wonder if anypony here is familiar with an ancient artifact called the Memory Stone?” he asks, then looks around the room, noting some recognition in the faces of his audience.

“Ah, yeah,” Sunset confirms with a roll of her eyes. “I’ve encountered something like that.”

“Pardon me? You have encountered the stone?!” he asks in bewilderment and awe.

“Yeah, several years back,” Sunset confirms. “A girl named Wallflower Blush found it and once used it against me to erase all the good memories my friends had of me.

“Actually, it was not just them. Nobody at my entire school recognized me for any of my good deeds, thereby proving that the stone had a substantially wide radius of effect.”

“Plus, the notes I found in the hidden library, written by Clover the Clever, indicated that the stone was able to erase very specific memories,” added Twilight.

Cozy blinks at the two other mares. As usual, she feels left behind somewhat while other intellectuals in the room practically speak another language.

Despite that, Cozy already started to get an idea why she had been invited here. If there was a magical artifact that has the capacity to erase very specific memories, yet it could not affect objects like this painting, then it indicates that Sombra did indeed play a role in history and it simply got forgotten.

Sombra, you might want to pay attention to this,” Cozy internally advises.

I already am, young mare,” Sombra reports back. “Just because I’m not talking to you does not mean I am not paying attention. On the contrary, gathering information can serve as a tactical edge. Rest assured, I do find these new discoveries quite intriguing and relevant.”

“...a girl? How do you mean, Miss…?” He realizes then that he never introduced himself or asked anypony else’s name.

“Oh, I’m sorry!” Twilight apologizes. “I haven’t introduced everypony. Let me take care of that for you right now.” She gestures to herself with a wing. “Now me you know.” She waves a wing over to indicate Sunset. “This is Sunset Shimmer.” Next, she gestures to her daughter. “And this is my daughter, Cozy Glow.”

“I’m pretty sure he’s heard of me,” Cozy figures aloud as her ears droop and she gives a listless expression. “Most ponies I meet can’t wait to harp on this fact.” Her expression turns sharper. “But I’m guessing that you are actually more interested in someone else I’m wearing on my neck. Isn’t that right?”

Stygian stares at Cozy for a moment, “Ah, your reputation does precede you. I must say, if I understand correctly, you have a most impressive aptitude for strategy and deception. I should think you’re rather skilled at chess, as well. Well, someone you’re wearing on your neck, you say?”

“Chess?” Cozy chirps happily. “Oh, I’d love to take you on in a game if you’re any good at it. I’m, ah . . . something of an expert.

“As for what I mean when I say whom I’m wearing on my neck, I assume . . .” Cozy trails off with a blink, then blinks at her mother as she asks her, “He doesn’t know? You didn’t tell him about our new guest?”

Twilight shakes her head at her daughter as she explains, “I saw no need to include that particular detail, for it can be quite alarming for many in my country. However, you have my permission to explain this to him.”

“Ah . . . sure.” Cozy’s eyes shift back to look at Stygian. “The consciousness of your old, forgotten friend, apparently, lingers within this crystal.” Cozy lifts it with a hoof. “Along with the ponified version of my alternate self who is now locked in crystal stasis within this crystal. She’s currently, um . . . not all there in the head right now. She’s sort of unconscious and dreaming about Sombra.” Cozy waves Stygian off. “It’s a long story.”

“Um,” Sunset brings up to gather Stygian’s attention to add one other critical detail, “I should also add that this is a more complete version of Sombra.

“You see, originally, his mind was split into two. The one we know as King Sombra who took over the Crystal Empire and usurped its previous queen was the bad half of him. His good half lingered in a red crystal for centuries until the rise of the Crystal Empire again. It . . .” Sunset trails off when she grows distracted with the sight of Stygian frantically levitating several scrolls and inked quills around him from his satchel in order to frantically jot down a lot of notes.

“I know exactly how you feel!” Twilight tells Stygian cheerfully.

“I have no doubt of that, Princess, as your reputation precedes you as well. . . I believe the term is ‘Twilighting’, correct?” Stygian hadn’t lost focus on his parchment and quills. Each of which began to write notes as he spoke.

“Uh, well. King Sombra… well, I’m not entirely sure he was a friend, to be perfectly frank,” Stygian admitted, “Though I am certain he was very close to being my intellectual equal on campus. I… that sounds far more pretentious than I intend it to.”

Do you recall him?” Cozy asks Sombra inwardly.

No,” Sombra replies the same way. “But if a magic memory erasing stone was indeed involved, that would explain why. The question is . . . why was I erased specifically? Also, were other memories erased as well, and for what purpose?

The sheer idea that it happened to a prestigious student of the Golden Horn Academy is more than mildly disturbing because that Academy produced some of the most talented wizards of our previous age. If any one of them was the target of the user of this stone, what memories were erased specifically? For what purpose? Also, what if I’m not the only one who was affected by this? What if some other pony was erased from everypony’s memories as well?”

Cozy widens her eyes as she realizes, “Golly, that’s a good point! If somepony was targeting you for erasure, then you might not be the only victim.

    “Pardon me, Miss Glow?” Stygian quarries upon noticing that the girl has lost focus.

    “Um . . . yes?” Cozy replies.

    “You seem to have stepped away, mentally, for a moment. Why was that?” Stygian asked.

    “Oh, um . . . I was just talking with him.” Cozy points to her head with her right hoof. “Mentally, that is. This stone was attuned and created for my counterpart, but apparently I have a close enough magical signature to attune to it as well. Since he also dwells within it, I can communicate with him.”

    “I see. And, may I ask, is he aware of his surroundings? Can he hear our conversation?” Stygian asked.

    In reply, Cozy just nods.

    “Ah. Perhaps it would have been more polite to point that out before all conversation began?” Stygian offered.


    Cozy shrugs casually as she says, “Well, I’m not always in the habit of volunteering information, at least true information, unless I stand to benefit. At least you know now, so we can all move forward armed with this knowledge.” She tilted her head at him. “Is there anything you want me to ask him? He can hear you, but only I can tell you what he said.”

Cozy made sure to add that last part in order to explain why she has some leverage in this situation.

“No, that’s quite alright. I doubt very much he has useful information for the task at hoof. I do hope you understand why I asked what I did?” Stygian presses.

This Sombra is not our enemy,” Sunset puts in. “We do, however, need to solve the mystery of his past so that he can rest in peace. If he does, then the other Cozy can come back. That’s actually why I’m here.”

“Um… Thank you?” Stygian supplies, confusion written on his features.

Sunset waves a hoof in a circle as she explains, “You seemed to not trust him, and to an extent, believe me, I know. I just thought you would benefit from more knowledge about our situation. He partially does remember a historical connection to the Pillars and other things, but the memories are jumbled and . . . inconsistent?” She pauses a moment with a confused expression, then shakes her head. “We really don’t know exactly what’s going on. Some Equestrian magic is apparently involved. Magic that her alternate self contacted which, in turn, reached some residual version of Sombra. Later still, the issue was temporarily put to rest but, when he returned, the other Cozy went into a coma.”

Stygian sighs, turning from Cozy to look at Sunset, “Right, well, thank you for all of that. However, I did not say that I don’t trust him. I said I did not feel he would have anything useful to share, and if his memories are as you say, jumbled and inconsistent, then I’m not sure I’m wrong about that, either.

“Of course, that is why I am here now. As you said that Equestrian magic is apparently involved. I may be able to investigate the reasons for this. I believe there is a great deal of history we must understand before we have our answers. This painting, for instance, demonstrates that physically present evidence of memories and history are not affected by the Memory Stone, thus it stands to reason that other such clues remain out there for us to find in order to better understand Sombra’s significance to Equestria history.”

“Of course. That’s how Clover the Clever managed to track down the last user of the stone before Wallflower,” Twilight notes.

“Also, there were other forms of physical evidence in my new world that were not affected by the stone,” Sunset adds. “Pictures and videos, for example.”

“What exactly is it you are proposing, Professor?” Twilight asks Stygian. “Why call this meeting?”

“Please, Princess Twilight, you may address me as simply Stygian… and I called this meeting to propose a journey. If we were to charter an airship, the journey would be made simpler, that we may travel to areas beyond Equestria’s natural borders. We might try first in the Crystal Empire, but after that? We should find our way to my old home, near Saddle Chase. I think our clues await us there.

“Which… might require a Royal stipend, or loan, to be within range of my humble budget anytime soon,” Stygian added.

“That might not be a bad idea,” Sunset agrees with a look to Twilight. “We wanted to unravel the mystery of Sombra’s past anyway in order to free Cozy, and Stygian was personally there in the past. His knowledge and experience may give us a reference point for this mission. He may not remember his relationship with Sombra, if any, but he probably does remember much else. That will give us our measuring stick.” Sunset pointed at Twilight briefly when she adds, “You did say you’d do whatever you can to support this goal.”

Stygian clears his throat before he says, “Actually, we stand to benefit a great deal more than that. And my memories alone aren’t attached to this journey. I have been in touch with an old friend, and he feels it is time he moved on from his current career and joined us. Now, the more we explore our own history… our own past, the more we stand to learn of things we didn’t know, things which might prove useful or critical to improving our understanding of things today. I have personally always wondered just how Ponhenge came to be, where the Elements of Harmony originated from… The Pillars are often credited with planting the tree that resulted in the Elements as we know them, but I am not convinced the history is that simple. Why would Sombra so easily able to destroy it? I think there is more than we know in those pages of history.”

“You bring up some very good points, Profess- . . . ah, I mean Stygian,” Twilight amends mid-sentence. “Not only does this sound exciting, but it sounds important. Were I not busy with my own duties as Princess of Equestria, I would join in on this mission personally. This sounds like the perfect opportunity for a full-scale research paper!” Twilight cries out excitedly. “Besides, human Cozy’s health and Sombra’s sanity are on the line, and you just proposed a plan that might help to solve this problem in addition to a slew of other benefits. Right now, my only question to you is how much funding do you think you’ll need?”

“Well, to hire a vessel of appropriate size and integrity will cost no less than forty thousand bits. That accounts for travel, supplies, crew, and any additional folks that somehow find their way on-board. I imagine it will serve, also, to secure privacy for us. The same price covers any loss to an airship from loss of regular business practice. The question, after that, becomes about finding a suitable crew.”

“Forty thousand bits,” Twilight gawks a bit. “Wow. Um . . . I might have to pause and consider all the options here. Rest assured that I am committed to this project for a multitude of reasons, but that money has to come from the funding devoted to my people. I just want to make sure we consider every possible angle here.” She looks to her left. “Yet I don’t want to wait too long. With human Cozy in crystal stasis and supported by her own magic, I suppose we do have time, but the longer we wait, the longer it takes for us to return her to her family.” She looks over at Sunset. “And you from your friends.”

“I have friends here too,” Sunset reminds, “but it is true I don’t wish to delay too long. Forty thousand is a lot, but I’d commit to fundraising myself if I had to. Nothing is going to stop me from helping out my friends,” Sunset vows.

“Now, setting the issue of funding aside, I wonder if I can discuss something else? It might be the trickier question, particularly for you Princess Twilight,” he says with a slight bow.

Twilight gives Stygian her undivided attention.

“It’s about me and Sombra, isn’t it?” Cozy guesses.

“A credit to your intellect, Miss Glow,” Stygian says with a nod at Cozy before returning his attention to Twilight, “It is about Cozy Glow. It would seem she can communicate with yet another possessor of memories of the past, and while that alone makes her an asset worth considering as an addition to the journey, her own intellect and skill for strategy, as well as her wits for solving puzzles, might also be of use. Of course, there is the benefit of traveling and making new friends as well.”

Twilight stares at Stygian for a moment of silence as she thinks this over, then she asks him, “Forgive me for asking, Stygian, but are you proposing something that might bring a moderate amount of risk to the health and safety of my daughter?”

“Oh no, Princess. I wouldn’t call the amount of risk related to this moderate by any stretch. We’re delving into uncharted territory here, you understand. There are parts of history currently unknown to us. We also do not have an accurate picture of the dangers represented,” Stygian admits plainly and honestly. “Of course, having said that, that funding also goes toward providing a proper protective detail for our party, as well as any appropriate precautions which you, yourself, may provide.”

“Well, I am certainly going!” Sunset says in determination. “I have to look after both Cozys, and I’m the only other one who can communicate with Sombra as long as I use my magic, mind-reading geode.”

“I… I’m sorry, are you saying you have something that allows you to read minds?” Stygian asks in disbelief.

“It used to be just something that could read memories, actually,” Sunset puts in. “With it, if I touch someone in an attempt to answer a question, the stone helps me to read all the relevant memories of the subject about my question.

“I did try to use it on the crystal Sombra’s mind resides in, but apparently my magic has some limitations when it comes to memories that the subject himself seems to have forgotten. If those memories were extracted by artificial means, it’s no wonder what is left is such a jumbled blur.”

“Are you suggesting that your artifact might also be able to read the memories of objects?” Stygian asks.

At first, Sunset looks confused, but then she asks, “Are you referring to the mind of Sombra within the crystal? If so, then yes. I can somewhat read it.”

“No, I am not. I am referring to seeing the inanimate object’s specific history,” Stygian clarified.

“Oh!” Sunset blinks. “Um . . . I suppose I never really tried that.”

“It might be worth a shot,” Twilight encourages. “I have heard of some research that objects can also absorb the emotional and magical impressions of their owners or former owners. If some trace of it is left, it might afford us an opportunity to glimpse into the past and reveal a new angle to this mystery. Plus, if this works, we’ve already established that the memory stone can’t affect objects. That might also include the imprinted memories of objects.”

Sunset looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs, “Well, I suppose it’s worth a try.” She looks over at Cozy. “If this painting that Stygian has brought over is indeed genuine, it might provide extra insight into Sombra’s history, and this time . . . there is less of a chance it got corrupted. If we do this, however, I want to do it with Sombra’s guidance, which means I should touch his crystal as well, and I’ll need you to act as the focus between us.”

“I’m not sure if I quite follow,” Cozy says back with uncertainty.

I do,” Sombra said to Cozy. “You’re the only living vessel that Sunset can directly contact, and you have an attunement to this crystal. You can act as the bridge between us, which means we will require your cooperation as well.”

“Okay,” Cozy says with a blank look on her face. “So . . . what do I have to do?”

“Just be a willing channel,” Sunset instructs. “Just be open. I’ll do the rest.”

“If this works, this gives the expedition more focus,” Twilight reasons aloud. “Since we know that objects couldn’t have been affected by the memory erasure, then we’ll also know that, to uncover more hidden history behind Sombra, all we have to do is find other objects directly connected with his history. In other words, it will give us another resource we can work with, and one that should be reliable.”

“We’re not forcing you into anything, Cozy,” Sunset assures, “but this is related to what we’ve promised. This is why we’re here.”

“What are the risks?” Cozy asks cautiously.

Sunset shrugs as she says, “We won’t know until we try, but to you . . . it is unlikely the risks will be very serious. Honestly, the greatest risk here is nothing at all happening. That, in turn, would leave us close to square one. So, in other words, we stand to gain a lot at very minimal risk. Little to lose, and much to gain.”

Cozy looks down as she thinks about it, then looks back up at Sunset and says, “Okay. Let’s give this a try.”

“Alright. Sit next to me,” Sunset bids. Complying, Cozy gets out of her seat then sits directly adjacent to Sunset. Sunset then nods at Stygian and says, “Okay. Float the painting over to me . . . carefully.”

Stygian nods, and his light blue aura ignites around the frame of the painting and carrying it carefully to Sunset. “As you wish, Miss Shimmer.”

Once it is close, Sunset ignites her own teal aura in order to support half the weight of the painting to secure it in place. Once that is done, she looks to her side and widens her eyes slightly when she notices Cozy’s eyes are small, her ears are down, and she’s literally shivering with fright. Sunset gives Cozy a warm smile as she gently applies a hoof to Cozy’s right shoulder blade. In response, Cozy flinches in such a way that sharply reminds Sunset of human Cozy. Human Cozy was afraid to have her mind scanned, and this one is afraid of magic being used on her.

After being touched, Cozy looks at Sunset and notices Sunset’s soothing, warm smile. This relaxes Cozy’s nerves slightly. She even returns Sunset’s smile a bit then nods to indicate Sunset should proceed.

Sunset nods in return before closing her eyes and reaching up to touch her geode with her other free hoof. She focuses to channel her magic. When she does, she feels the sensation of her magic exploding from her geode and filling her from within. Sunset opens her eyes as they are engulfed with white. A similar shine overcomes Cozy’s eyes before both of their consciousnesses fade away.