A Secret Admirer 2: How to Cuddle Your Dragon

by 1jckuhn

Chapter II: Rarity


Spike and Twilight both yawned simultaniously as they awoke from thier slumber. The second she saw Spike was awake, Twilight immediatly smothered his face with kisses. Whatever sleepiness Spike had woken up with was gone the moment he realized it was time for his good-morning-wake-up call. He sighed and blushed happily as Twilight's lips continued their affectionate assault all over his face. When Twilight pulled away to take a look at the aftermath, she couldn't help but giggle at Spike's blushing, dazed face.

"Good morning, sunshine," she cooed.

"Good morning, cutie-pie," Spike smiled back, stil swooning over the round of kisses he just endured.

"Ready for breakfast?" Twilight asked.

"You know it," replied Spike.

With that Twilight and Spike, reluctantly, broke away from each other. Twilight got up and hoisted Spike onto her back using her magic. Then, the two headed downstairs to go eat. There, they met with Rarity, who was very pleased to see them.

"Good morning, dears," Rarity smiled. "I take it you two enjoyed your night cuddling together?"

"You better believe it," replied Twilight. "Last night, I was a little reluctant to cuddle Spike, because I felt like I was to blame for his injuries because I had chased him and caused him to fall down those stairs. Spike, however, assured me that that he had no ill will towards me for what happened. He then explained to me how he believed that if we didn't chase him, we'd still be getting those letters and we'd all still be friends rather than lovers. I realized that he was right. It amazes me the intelligence that our little Spike holds."

"Well," Spike chuckled. "I learned from the best. When you're around a brainiac, Straight-A pony like Twilight, you can't help but pick up a few very useful things."

Twilight blushed heavily.

"Aww," she cooed "Thanks, Spike. You're such a sweet dragon."

"That's Spikey for you. He's always trying to be as kind and loving as he can to anyone he knows," added Rarity.

Now, it was Spike's turn to blush heavily, making both girls giggle at his adorable reaction.

"Come on, Prince Charming," Rarity smirked. "It's time for your breakfast. You'll be having it with both of us this morning."

"Really? Thanks, girls," Spike said.

"Anytime, Spike," replied Rarity.

With that said, the two ponies and dragon sat down and began to chow down, all the while enjoying the company of one another. During Breakfast, Spike swallowed one of his pain meds and Twilight immediately cast her spell to prevent Spike from getting drowsy for another twelve hours.


Rarity was looking forward to Spike's bedtime tonight. She spent the whole day around him and was ensuring he was feeling loved. Spike did feel appreciated by the first love of his life spending her whole day with him and she even cuddled with him on the couch for a half hour where the two had spent the majority of the day reading Power Ponies comics, talking happily with each other, or trading compliments with each other. The third one eventually flattered both Spike and Rarity to the point where they were passionately kissing on the couch for a solid minute, sometimes two. Other harem members joined them sometimes and they were more than happy to accompany Spike and Rarity on the couch. Spike, although drowsy due to his pain killers, tried his best to stay awake to enjoy that last of his time with the snow-white unicorn. It was now late in the night and Spike was resting against Rarity's side. He was trying to stay conscious so he could enjoy the main snuggle fest in his bed tonight in just a few minutes, but he could barely keep his eyes half open. Rarity had already gotten ready for bed. She'd be usually in bed by 8:30 P.M. Today, however, was different. She knew it was already past her bedtime, but she had never bothered to look at the clock because she didn't care. If bending the rules of her schedule meant that she could spend more time with her Spike, she was all for it.

"Feeling sleepy, Spikey?" Rarity asked.

"Yes," Spike said letting out a yawn. "Very much so. Thanks for keeping me company today. I really appreciate it."

"You're very welcome, Spikey," Rarity said soothingly.

"Hey," Spike asked. "I lost track of what time it is. Do you know?"

Rarity looked around and eventually found the time on the clock on the wall. 8:50 P.M.

"It's ten to nine, dear."

"Oh," Spike said. "Thanks, Rares. I need your help getting upstairs to brush my teeth, so I can go to bed."

"Sounds good, Spike. Come on, then," Rarity responded.

Spike very slowly, but surely, crawled onto Rarity's back. Once he was comfy, she slowly got off the couch and climbed the staircase to the upper-level hallway and trotted toward the bathroom to drop Spike off so he could brush his teeth. Then, once Spike was finished, she walked to his bedroom door. She creaked it open and made her toward his bed at the same pace. Spike had barely gotten comfortable on Rarity's back when his beloved beauty suddenly levitated him off her back and into the air. She pulled back the covers, set Spike down on the bed, and wrapped him in the blankets. She smiled at her little boyfriend all snug in bed. He looked like a little Dragon burrito.

"There you go, Spikey," she announced, although quietly because she didn't want to startle the fatigue-stricken adolesent. "Get comfy because here I come."

"Thanks, Rares," Spike said. His tone seemed a lot softer. No doubt the pain killers were making him more tired by the minute.

Rarity had left the light on so she could see where she was going. The fashionista quickly trotted over to get into bed and join her little Spikey-Wikey in bed, but before she had much of a chance to do anything, Spike stuck both his arms out pleadingly and his facial expression seemed a little sad. His big, Emerald Green eyes locked dead on with her Sapphire Blue eyes.

"Please, Rarity, if it isn't too much to ask, can you cuddle me really tightly?" he asked, his tone almost begging her to say yes.

Rarity felt bad seeing Spike beg her for cuddles like this. Words could not describe how much she loved him and seeing him in such a pitiful state broke her heart.

"Aww, Spike," Rarity said. "You never need to ask me for that."

Without another moment of hesitation, Rarity pulled back the covers and slid into Spike's bed. The second she was in, Spike clamped onto her like a magnet to metal, his head resting against her chest. Rarity scooted toward the center of the bed, never breaking contact with her little lover. Then, once she was settled, Rarity gripped Spike with both her forehooves as tightly as she could, pressing him flush against her body. Like Twilight, however, she was mindful to avoid his fractured wing. She draped her mane over her body and covered Spike's head and upper back with it. Then, she used her magic to pull her tail around her waist and wrapped Spike from his waist to his thighs in it. Finally, to fully seal the bond between them, Rarity wrapped her hind legs around Spike's lower legs and then curled her body fully around his much smaller body. She pulled the covers up to the top of Spike's neck and wrapped them around the top of her shoulders. In the process, Spike's cheeks were also enveloped under the covers. She then used her magic to flick the light switch off and the whole room instantly went pitch black.

Spike felt calm and relaxed as the room became dark. He gave Rarity's angelically soft, warm chest fluff a gentle, loving nuzzle and then buried his face into it. He took in a whiff of her fragrant scent. She smelled of roses. Rarity was always concerned about her appearance. Among the things she wanted to stand out for, smelling nice was always near the top of the list. She would always apply a generous amount of perfume on herself before going out anywhere. The sleepy dragon let out a happy sigh as he felt what little tension that was in his muscles release.

"Comfy?" Rarity asked.

"Yes, very much," Spike said. He let out a yawn. "Thanks, Rarity. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for being one of my marefriends. Thank you for being one the sweetest Ponies in all of Equestria."

"No need to thank me, honey," Rarity smiled warmly. "If anything, I should be thanking you. You've done more for me than anyone else, without even asking for anything in return. Granted, I did give you a few gems and kisses on the cheek here and there, but I still really didn't see any signs that what you felt for me was more than just a simple childhood crush."

"It's nothing, really," Spike said, shrugging weakly. "Just being a good friend."

"You're more than just a good friend, Spikey," Rarity cooed. "I have never met a creature more chivalrous, more generous, and more thoughtful of others than you."

"Well, it's really not hard to see where I get it from," Spike smirked softly. "After all, with you being one of my marefriends, I can't help but pick up a few things about having top-of-the-line manners and being generous, and I'm certainly not complaining about that."

Rarity blushed a deep shade of red.

"Quite the charmer, aren't you?" she asked with a smirk.

"I try," said Spike as he let out yet another yawn.

"Well, you're certainly good at it," chuckled Rarity before she let out a sigh. "I really wish I repaid your feelings for me sooner."

"It's alright, Rarity," Spike assured. "We're together now and that's all that matters to me. Even if you had chosen someone else, I'd respect your decision because as long as you're happy, I'm happy. Remember the Trenderhoof incident? I was heartbroken inside. At the same time, however, I realized that you had finally found the perfect one and I was ready to move on from my crush on you and help you, just because I wanted to see you happy. However, it seemed that fate had other plans in mind. I feel beyond lucky to have you as a marefriend, Rarity. Always remember that I love you."

Rarity smiled and gripped him a little tighter.

"You're such a sweet dragon," she whispered.

"Thanks, Rarity," Spike whispered back. He gave her chest fluff another loving nuzzle.

Rarity responded by lowering her head down to the top of Spike's head and began peppering it all over with light kisses. Then she nuzzled her muzzle into his head crest. The green fins on his head immediately drooped to the side as Rarity nuzzled them and finally settled her head on top of his head. She used her magic to pull the covers up until they were level with his eyebrows, further enveloping her little Drake in a cuddle cocoon. Then, she did two things that pushed Spike right on the edge of falling asleep. She began to hum his favorite lullaby, pulled one of her hooves away from his back, and she used it to gingerly rub his back in a circular motion. The smooth texture of his scales against her soft fur and skin felt so satisfying to her.

Spike felt the last of his consciousness slowly fade away. Listening to the sound of Rarity's heartbeat, her voice humming him to sleep, and the hoof that rubbed his back ever so gently made all his worries melt away.

"Goodnight, Rares," he mumbled out. "Love you."

Rarity, although reluctantly, stopped humming so she could say good night back.

"Sweet dreams, my little Spikey-Wikey," responded Rarity softly and she planted one last kiss on top of his head. "I love you too."

No sooner did Rarity say her last word than did Spike fully close his eyes and fall into a deep, peaceful sleep. Rarity looked down and smiled at the now sleeping dragon that rested against the front of her soft, fluffy torso before she closed her eyes and started to drift off to sleep as well. As it was past her bedtime, Rarity was already tired, but listening to Spike's soft snores provided the fashionista with her own little lullaby. Five minutes later, Spike's soft snores finally led Rarity to join the slumber beside her knight in shining scales. The two lovers both had small smiles playing their lips as they happily dozed the night away in each other's arms.