//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: A Secret Admirer 2: How to Cuddle Your Dragon // by 1jckuhn //------------------------------// FRIENDSHIP CASTLE, TWILIGHT'S BEDROOM. 8:21 A.M. The sun and birds slowly, but surely, woke up Spike and his new harem from their slumber. Spike and his new lovers had spent the last 19 hours and 41 minutes cuddling with each other and ensuring that Spike stayed asleep until the next morning. The new group of girls that thought of the polygamous dragon as more than just a friend consisted of the Element Bearers, Starlight Glimmer, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Gabby, and Smolder. For the past three months, Spike had been under the disguise of a mysterious admirer who was just too quick to catch. Then, one night, Spike, dawning the guise of the admirer, accidentally woke up Twilight and she chased after him, determined not to let him get away again after he had already escaped them once. The other Element Bearers and Starlight were also woken up by the commotion, quickly figured out what was going on, and they too joined the pursuit. It ended when Spike tripped on an uneven rug at the top of a staircase and he ended up tumbling down the stairs. The tumble landed Spike with his right leg broken and a fractured wing on the same side. He needed to wear a cast on his wing for five weeks and a cast on his leg for an indefinate time between six to eight weeks. He'd also be on pain killers for that time, which made him very, very sleepy. At the hospital, Spike was visited by all twelve of his love interests, and he confessed why he loved them all so much. After each of his confessions to them, The Element Bearers and Starlight found themselves falling for him. Smolder, Gabby, and the CMC all had fallen in love with Spike before they had realized he was the admirer. Spike's very first crush was Rarity, but overtime he began to harbor the same feelings towards not just the three fillies, griffon, and dragon, but to the other five Element Bearers and Starlight as well. In the time between when he had confessed to them why he loved them until he was finished, the seven ponies began to recall everything that he had done for them. From changing Fluttershy's opinion on Dragons and sticking by Starlight despite her many screw-ups to helping Twilight and Rarity with the biggest of tasks just to see them happy and trying to cheer up Garble despite their bad chemistry just to please Smolder. Spike let out a yawn as he opened his eyes. To find all twelve of his girls smirking mischeviously at him. "Good morning, sweeties," he mumbled as he rubbed his eyes. "Good morning, Spike," Smolder said. "While you were asleep, we all decided to give you a special "Good-morning-wake-up call"." "Oh," asked Spike. "What would that be?" The girls didn't respond. Instead, they all jumped on top of him and began to kiss his face all over for a solid 30 seconds. When they pulled away, Spike was blushing a bright shade of red. They giggled at his lovestruck, adorable expression. "Does that answer your question?" Smolder smirked. "If not, we'd be more than happy to answer it a second time." She turned to the other girls. "Right?" They nodded. "Yeah," Spike said. "I'm gonna need you to answer that question again. The first time was a little unclear." "If you insist," Smolder grinned. The twelve girls pounced onto him yet again and smothered his face with kisses. This time, a few girls were lucky enough to capture his lips in a quick kiss. When they pulled away, Spike, who was blushing even more, spoke up. "You answered my question perfectly that time, thanks," said the kiss riddled adolesent. "Good," Smiled Smolder. "Oh, also, Spike, do you remember about how you asked if we would be okay with taking turns snuggling you?" asked Twilight. "Yeah," Spike said. "Well, while you were asleep for the last half hour, we decided to come up with a schedule for each night when you go to sleep with one of us," said Twilight. "Sweet," grinned Spike. "Thanks, girls. I would've had trouble coming up with who I wanted to cuddle first. So, what's the schedule?" "Well, I'll be going first tonight," Twilight started. "Rarity goes second, Pinkie Pie goes third, Fluttershy goes fourth, Rainbow Dash goes fifth, Applejack goes sixth, Starlight wanted to go seventh, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders agreed to go together to take the eighth place spot. Gabby was originally going ninth, but she gave that spot to Smolder out of kindness." "Well," grinned Gabby. "I also felt like my desire to cuddle Spike would increase until it was my day." Spike chuckled, before all thirteen of their stomachs let out a loud growl. "Well," Spike said. "Now that we got all the mush out of the way, who's up for breakfast?" "Seems like our stomachs are on board with that idea," Twilight chuckled. "Come on, lets go eat." With that said, Twilight, using her magic, hoisted little Spike onto her back and she led the pack of lovers downstairs for breakfast.