A Secret Admirer 2: How to Cuddle Your Dragon

by 1jckuhn

Chapter I: Twilight


Spike let out a yawn as he grew more drowsy as the last few hours of the day passed. He would've already been asleep in bed if it weren't for a spell that Twilight had found that eliminates the drowsiness of all medications for a full twelve hours. Spike had spent those said twelve hours with Twilight. They read a few books together, talked with each other, and ate lunch and dinner together. Other harem members joined them sometimes, whether it be talking about old, happy memories and milestones or joining in on reading the many books that the library contained. Now, however, almost everyone was already in bed and Twilight's fatigue spell on Spike wearing off fast. Twilight ordinarily would've gone to bed at around 10:30 P.M., but she immediatly threw her usual schedule out the window when she remembered that Spike would be going to bed earlier than she was. She was no rookie when it came to cuddling with Spike. The two would often cuddle from when Spike was still a newborn up until his confession. Now, however, cudding with Spike felt a lot more special to Twilight now that they were more than just friends. She remembered when Shining Armor and Princess Cadance had gotten together, her B.B.B.F.F. had told her all about how cuddling became a lot more special because it was with a someone you love unconditionally. Twilight was skeptical about Shining's statement at first, but now she knew full well his statement was true. Her thoughts were abruptly broken when Spike grunted out a, "Hey, Twi?"

"Yeah, sweetie? What is it?" asked Twilight.

"I'm heading upstairs to brush my teeth and then I'm heading to bed," Spike said, his voice was evident that her spell had expired and the painkillers were already starting to take their toll on Spike's small frame. The pills were the 24 hour kind so Spike would be asleep tonight for at least another 12 hours.

"Oh, okay," Twilight said. "I'll be up right after you."

With that, Spike was hoisted onto Twilight's back and she transported him to the bathroom to brush his teeth. She then walked away to go get ready for bed herself. Then, once he was finished rinsing out his mouth, he was suddenly, but gently, scooped off his feet, into the air, and into a wall of fur. He looked up to see Twilight looking right back at him with a warm smile.

"Oh, silly me," Twilight said innocently. "Did I mention I've already gotten ready for bed and I was just waiting outside for you to finish up?"

"That's my Twilight," Spike smirked. "Always thinking one step ahead."

Twilight giggled before flying out of the bathroom, gently cradling Spike back and forth in her hooves. This act made Spike feel a bit more sleepier. After about 20 seconds of flying, the Alicorn and Dragon arrived at Spike's bedroom door. Twilight used her magic to open the door and turn on the lights. She flew inside and then used her magic once more to pull back the covers before gently setting the drowsy Spike down on the sheets. She landed on the ground, crawled into the bed, slid her hind legs under the covers, and outstretched both her wings. Then she used her magic once again to lift Spike off the bed and high into the air. Spike watched with fatigued eagerness as she slowly began to lower him towards her barrel and belly. After what seemed like forever, he finally came into contact with her soft, silky fur. Twilight wrapped both of her forehooves around Spike rather tightly, careful to avoid his hurt wing, she pulled her mane and tail over Spike's back and leg that didn't have a cast, and wrapped both her outstrectched wings around her little drakefriend. She used her magic to pull the covers back on top of them and again to flick the light switch off.

Spike smiled as he snuggled into her fluffy chest fur and let out a happy sigh. He took in her scent, which seemed to relax him even further. Twilight always smelled of Lavendar, one of Spike's favorite flowers. He listened intently to the sound of her heartbeat and breathing patterns. He was about to fall asleep when Twilight suddenly spoke up.

"Hey, Spike?" she asked.

"Uh, yeah?" Spike mumbled back, pulling his head out of Twilight's chest.

"I'm sorry that I'm bringing this up now, but do you blame me for this?" asked Twilight.

"Blame you for what?" Spike asked, very confused.

"For-For your i-injuries," Twilight sputtered out, she didn't sound like she was going to cry, she was just very hesitant to say the next three words for her response. "If-If I hadn't chased you down, you wouldn't have ended up with a broken leg and a sprained wing."

Spike felt bad listening to Twilight's confession. Some of his fatigue vanished and he cleared his throat so he could speak up.

"While that may be true, let me ask you this," he began. "If you and the girls hadn't chased me, would you and I be in the position we are in now, or would we remain just friends? I'd say the latter would be the case. You'd still be getting those annoying letters and you'd be growing more and more frustrated that you would never be able to catch the admirer. I'm glad I took that tumble because now I was able to finally confess to all of you how much I really loved you and finally get that heavy weight lifted off my chest. Every day when I look at the casts on my body, I am reminded of my confession to you and the others in the hospital room and that memory outweighs any kind of pain I feel physcally. I love you, Twilight Sparkle. Please never forget that," Spike said. He moved his left hand up to caress Twilight's cheek. It took him a few tries as the room was very dark, but he eventually found his mark.

Twilight blushed a dark shade of red and she made her horn glow a moderate shade of magenta so she could see Spike's face. He was smiling sweetly at her as he continued to stroke her cheek. Eventually, Twilight leaned in and captured her lover's lips in a loving kiss. It lasted maybe 15 seconds, but for the Dragon and Alicorn, they felt like they had spent half the night lip-locked. When they broke away, the two lovers looked lovingly at each other before Spike spoke up again.

"Is it okay if you snuggle me a bit tighter than before?" he asked.

"Certainly, sweetie," replied Twilght.

Spike reburied his face into Twilight's fluffy and angelically soft chest fur as Twilight tightened her grip on his body and her wings curled around him a little more. The fatigue that had vanished earlier was resurfacing fast. The soft rise and fall of her chest and the calming lullaby her heartbeat sang to him only turbocharged his drowsiness. Everything slowed down for him as he grew more and more tired as each minute passed.

Twilight suddenly had an idea that she felt Spike would love. She began to hum a tune near his ear. It wasn't just any tune either, it was the tune of Spike's favorite lullaby. It seemed to do the trick as Spike began to feel his fatigue push him into Luna's Dream Relm so much quicker.

"Goodnight, Twilight," he uttered out as his eyes slowly closed. "I love you."

"Goodnight, Spike," said Twilight softly as she began to close her eyes as well. "I love you too."

It was another thirty seconds before Twilight and Spike both fell asleep together. The friendship castle began to settle as the last of its occupants also decided to call it a night.