//------------------------------// // Chapter III: Pinkie Pie // Story: A Secret Admirer 2: How to Cuddle Your Dragon // by 1jckuhn //------------------------------// THE NEXT MORNING, 8:57 A.M. Spike let out a yawn and stretched. He opened his eyes only to find that Rarity wasn't there in his bed with him. He was very confused and felt a little lonely. "That's odd," he said. "Where'd she go?" He pondered for a bit before deciding on his own theory of where she was. "She's probably freshening up in the bathroom," Spike thought aloud. "She'll probably be back in about five minutes." 15 minutes passed and there was still no sign of Rarity. "Where is she?" Spike asked, feeling a little more lonely than before. No sooner did he say his last word, than did the door to his bedroom open, although slowly. Once it was fully opened, Spike was overjoyed to see who was in the doorway. It was Rarity who was levitating a tray with her magic next to her. Behind her was Pinkie Pie, who was next to cuddle the casanova Dragon. Rarity let out a quiet, dissapointed groan when she saw Spike was awake. "Rarity, there you are," beamed Spike. Then he noticed the tray next to her. On top of it was a plate of pancakes drenched in maple syrup with pieces of gems in them. There was also a painkiller pill and a glass of water on the tray. He felt absolutely flattered and touched by Rarity's gesture of kindness. "Wow, Gem Pancakes with extra syrup!" Spike exclaimed. "Thanks, Rarity and Pinkie." "Your welcome, Spikey," Rarity and Pinkie said in unison. They both smiled seeing Spike's whole mood brighten. Spike noticed Rarity looked a little upset and he absolutely refused to let that slide. "Hey, Rarity, what's the matter?" asked Spike. "Oh, um, it's nothing," Rarity lied. Spike, however, wasn't buying it. "Rarity," he said in a slightly firmer tone. The fashionista let out a defeated sigh. "Well, I was hoping you'd still be asleep when I came back with Pinkie because I wanted you to wake up to breakfast in bed." Spike blushed, feeling even more touched and flattered by Rarity's kind gesture. "Aww," Spike said. "It's the thought that counts." "Well, I suppose you are right," Rarity said. She set the tray down and trotted over to Spike's bed. Spike was confused. "Rarity, what are you doing?" he asked. "Spikey, have you not reaized you've not received your good-moring-wake-up call from me?" smirked Rarity. "Oh, yeah," Spike chuckled. "You're right. Come here, Rares." Rarity quickly got into bed with Spike again and began to smother his face with kisses. Less then five seconds in, however, Rarity purposely planted a kiss on his lips and didn't pull away. Spike was a little shocked at first, but melted into the kiss. For the rest of the 30 seconds, the Unicorn and Dragon passionately kissed each other, but broke away, although reluctantly, when they realized their 30 seconds to show their love for one another were up. "Well, now that we've gotten that out of the way, here's your breakfast," Rarity said. She got out of Spike's bed, levitated the tray of pancakes off the ground, and placed it onto Spike's bed. Spike happily chowed down. After that, he downed his painkiller pill with a gulp of water and Rarity uttered the spell that would strip Spike of all his fatigue for a full 12 hours. She was able to fully master the spell no more than three days ago. Once he was done, the little dragon let out a sigh of satisfaction. "Mmm, that was delicious, Rarity and Pinkie," Spike said as her rubbed his belly. "Anytime, Spikey," Rarity and Pinkie said simultaniously. With that, Rarity walked out the door. "Enjoy your time together today, you two," she said. "See you later, Spike. Love you." "See you later, Rarity. Love you too," replied Spike. Rarity blew Spike a kiss then walked out his bedroom door, leaving Spike alone with Pinkie. Pinkie then hoisted Spike onto her back and the two headed downstairs. They were both looking foreward to their day together. As she trotted down the hall and staircase, Pinkie didn't have her usual bounce in her walk. She trotted slowly and carefully as she made her way to the living room. She looked back several times to make sure Spike was comfortable. Ordinaraly, she'd be bouncing off the floor, and possibly the walls. However, she was always very aware of her friends' emotions and knew that she needed to go slow and steady so Spike could relax. He needed to be handled with top-of-the-line care and Pinkie, as well as his 11 other girlfriends, were more than happy to supply him with it. Meanwhile, Spike was busy taking in Pinkie's fragrent scent. Working at a sweets shop all day gave Pinkie a scent of baked sweets. TIME SKIP Throughout the day, Spike and Pinkie spent their time together reading and telling each other stories, laughing about old memories they shared together, and eating lunch and dinner together. At one point, they had run out of ideas for anything to do. That was until Spike and Pinkie simultaneously got the idea to make cupcakes for themselves and the other members of Spike's harem. It helped them kill the last two and a half hours worth of time. Now, however, it was nearing time for Spike to go to bed and Pinkie Pie was very excited. She was always one to cuddle with any of her friends. Sometimes, when she babysat the Cake Twins, Mr. and Mrs. Cake would come home to find a sleeping Pinkie snuggling the Cake Twins, who would also be asleep, on her bed. Pinkie was pulled out of her thoughts when Spike let out a yawn. She looked up at the clock. It was 9:15 P.M. Pinkie grinned, but she was able to keep her excitement to herself as she didn't want to startle her drowsy drakefriend. "That spell must've worn off," Pinkie thought. "Ooooh! I'm gonna give Spike the bestest cuddle time he's ever experienced! I'm super duper excited!" "Hey, Pinkie," Spike mumbled. Pinkie felt reborn again listening to Spike speak to her. She didn't know why, but she always found cuddling so exciting, but relaxing at the same time. "Yes, Spikey?" asked Pinkie in a quiet voice. "I'm ready to go to bed," Spike mumbled. "Can you help me up the stairs and to the bathroom please?" "Certainly, sweetie pie," Pinkie whispered. She very carefully lifted the drowsy dragon off the couch and onto her back. Then she slowly made her way to the upstairs bathroom. Although he was drowsy, Spike noticed Pinkie wasn't her usual self. She didn't bounce around and she seemed as calm as he did. "Pinkie, honey," he yawned. "You're usually so perky, but today, you're so quiet and timid. Is something wrong?" "Oh, heh," Pinkie chuckled. "You noticed, huh? Well, I understood that sometimes you wanted to be calm and relaxed so I decided to take a break from my party antics, because I didn't want to startle you, Spikey. You look so cute when you're relaxed and I didn't want to disrupt that." "Aww," Spike said. "Pinkie, I'm so sorry. If you told me about this earlier, I would've been more than happy to see you throw a little party." "It's fine," Pinkie shrugged casually. "Parties are sometimes stressful and tiring for me to plan and it felt nice to take a break from it for once." "Oh, okay," Spike let out a yawn. "Even so, maybe when you have some free time tommorow when Fluttershy and I hang out together, you could maybe throw us a little party then." "That sounds wonderful, Spikey," Pinkie smiled. "I'll try that tomorrow. In the meantime, let's get those pearly whites of yours brushed so you can get cuddled and off to dreamland." With that said, the Earth Pony and teen Dragon made their way to the bathroom. Spike brushed his teeth and was soon riding on Pinkie's back to his bedroom. Pinkie creaked open the door, turned off the lights with the wall switch, and she trotted a bit quicker to Spike's bed so she could get into bed with him as fast as she could. There wasn't anything obsuring her path from the door to the bed and Spike had left a curtain open. The moon's glow guided the two tired creatures to their resting place. Pinkie pulled the covers back and gently set Spike down on the bed. She then slid into the bed herself and her furry, pink torso came in contact with the entire front of Spike's body. Spike's head came into contact with her soft chest fur and he sighed happily. As he took another whiff of her scent, Spike mentally noted how the Party pony's sweet scent of baked goods was much stronger in this position then when he was riding on her back. The second Spike's body came into contact with hers, Pinkie's forehooves were lightning quick as they wrapped around Spike's back. Pinkie, like Twilight and Rarity, was very careful to avoid his fractured wing as she locked him in a tight embrace. "There you go, cutie," she whispered soothingly into his ear. "Rarity told me how you pleaded with her to grip you tightly last night and I didn't want to see you do that again." "Thanks, sweetie," Spike mumbled as he buried his face into her chest fur. "That was just what I wanted." Pinkie wrapped her hind legs, cotton-candy-shaped mane and cotton-candy-shaped tail around Spike's back and legs. Then she pulled the covers back on top them both, wrapping them both up in a thick cocoon of snuggles. Spike let out a yawn as Pinkie began to pepper his forehead with light kisses. He nuzzled into her chest fur a little more and Pinkie took notice. "You like my soft fur in that spot, don't you?" she playfully teased him. "Yeah," admitted Spike as he yawned again. "It's not just the soft fur, though, I don't know why, but I enjoy listening to the sound of heartbeats and breathing patterns, especially when it's my girlfriends'. It just makes me feel so relaxed and it helps me go to sleep a lot faster.'" Pinkie smiled warmly down at the increasingly sleepy dragon that she was clutching to her abdomen. She didn't know what it was, but Spike's confession to her made feel so warm and fuzzy inside. She then had the perfect idea to push Spike fully into Luna's dream relm. As they were preparing breakfast for Spike that morning, Rarity, in addition to telling Pinkie about Spike begging her to cuddle him tightly, also told her about how humming a lullaby to Spike seemed to put him to sleep in less than three minutes. She quicky began to wrack her brain for a possible song and soon settled on the Cake Twins' favorite lullaby. She nuzzled his head crest lovingly and then began to hum the lullaby. Spike, meanwhile, was getting sleepier from Pinkie's heartbeat singing him to sleep with it's steady, slow pattern of thumping. *Thump* *Thump* *Thump* He felt Pinkie's soft cheek bury itself on the top of his head. He then heard an angelic hum that broke through the silence and made what was left of his consciousness dissapear two times faster. Unlike Rarity's lullaby, though, it ended after a minute and a half rather than going in an endless loop. Regardless, it seemed to have done the trick and Pinkie knew Spike was looking like he was going to fall asleep any second. He wanted to say one last thing before catching some Z's. "Goodnight, Pinkie. I love you," he mumbled, his speech was a little slurred because he was that tired. "Goodnight, Spike," Pinkie whispered back. "I love you too." She planted one last kiss on his head and three seconds later, Spike was finally asleep. His snores were just as soft as they were when he cuddled with Rarity the previous night. "Rarity was right," Pinkie thought as she let out a yawn of her own. "Spike's snoring is pretty calming to listen to. It's already putting me to sleep." Pinkie closed her eyes and soon found herself asleep with her little Spikey. The two lovers looked absolutely peaceful as they slept the night away.