The Darkest Hour

by TheClownPrinceofCrime

Chapter 8: Decepticons Mobilize


“Lord Megatron, we have finally received the coordinates of Equestria. Starscream’s mission has proven to be a success,” reported Shockwave. “Also, he wishes to speak to you.”

“Hmm, it appears he has succeeded in not being a disappointment after all,” said Megatron, impressed. “Put him on the line.”

As Shockwave did so, the monitor screen revealed the Seeker hiding behind the trees in the Everfree Forest. “Megatron, you will be pleased to know that I have discovered Equestria with little effort! I’m sure you got the coordinates I sent you.”

“Yes. Do you know anything about the ponies’ current condition?” Megatron asked.

“Well... they have some new defenses of... some sort,” Starscream replied, embarrassingly looking away. “Still, they won’t stand a chance against our powerful forces. Now, I have kept my end of the bargain. Grant me back my position!”

“Patience, my old backstabbing friend. My loyal servant Shockwave is currently my first lieutenant, so your reinstatement to your former rank will take quite a while. In fact, I might have you as my secondary lieutenant as a reward for your success.”

“You actually... will?”

“Of course... in due time,” Megatron assured, smirking.

“That’s a relief. What should I do now?” Starscream asked.

“Remain in Equestria until we arrive. Do not engage the organics until then,” Megatron commanded. The monitor shut off.

“Shockwave, assemble the army. It is time.”

“With pleasure, my liege,” Shockwave complied, bowing. He left the room after he rose up.

Megatron then turned the monitor back on and viewed the whole Equestrian landscape. He zoomed into various places around the country while glaring at the happy ponies displayed on screen. He hated every being he saw on there and deeply snarled as he remembered well his defeat at the hooves of the Mane Six a year ago. He wanted nothing more than their complete annihilation and their magical power within the elements of harmony.

As he thought of the colorful relics, he scanned the Everfree Forest on screen and spotted the Tree of Harmony. Evilly smirking, he gazed at the shining elements. “I eagerly await to seize such an opportunity.” He turned the monitor back off and left the room afterwards.

He stood back on top of the broken warship and noticed all the Decepticon armada assembled. Smirking still, he proudly raised his right fist as he spoke another speech, “My loyal followers, the time is now. Equestria will be our first target of conquest; together, we will destroy every organic inhabitant and seize what we can find for our greater use. Show no mercy, and let nothing stand in your way. DECEPTICONS, TRANSFORM AND—!”

“Hold on a nano-click!!” a gravelly voice interrupted.

The other Decepticons looked back to see Motormaster pushing his way through the crowd while glaring at Megatron. “Why should we attack that unknown planet without going to Cybertron first?! Your plan makes no darn sense!!”

“How dare you question the wisdom of our glorious leader!” Lugnut chided. “He knows what he is doing, and he always makes sense due to his cunning!”

“Shut your moronic face, Lug-head! I have the right to question any stupid decision!” Motormaster angrily shouted.

“Says the one whose face is shaped like a box! Hehehehe...” Random Blitzwing giggled.

“WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME?!” Motormaster roared.

“Awww, what’s the matter, Motory? Can’t think straight with that rectangle head?” Oil Slick mocked. The Decepticons laughed out loud while some others were rolling on the ground laughing.

Dead End, however, leaned against a wall while crossing his arms in silence. He shook his head in annoyance as he was listening to his fellow ‘Cons bickering with each other.

Enraged, Motormaster grabbed Oil Slick by the neck and pushed him against a wall. “Say that again to my face!”

“Okay. Your head is a rectangle. There, you’re happy now? Is it going to sooth your hurt feelings?” Oil Slick mocked again. “Oh wait, I’m sorry, I was talking to your face. I didn’t know you existed.”

“Why, you smug little—,”


The two Decepticons looked up to see Megatron glare down at them. They immediately stopped fighting and bickering. “As your lord and master, I decide which planet we will invade and which one we will spare. Any one who dares disobey me will suffer grave consequences. Do I make myself... perfectly clear?”

“Yes... yes, of course... boss,” Motormaster yielded, cringing at the last word.

“Good. Now, where was I? Oh yes... DECEPTICONS, TRANSFORM AND RISE UP!” Megatron commanded.

All the Decepticons transformed into their air-bound alt modes and slowly rose up. Megatron himself transformed into his helicopter mode and rose up as well. Then he and all the flying Decepticons flew off from the moon, leaving the damaged warship behind.

“Ummm... he does realize the rest of us can’t fly, right?” Breakdown wondered, arching an optic-brow.

“Eh, we’ll just go to Lockdown’s ship. He can help us get there,” Wildrider replied.

“Hey, where’s Shockwave?” Breakdown asked. He looked up and saw him flying above with his own thrusters.

“Hey, no fair! He’s not even a flyer, and he has those?!” Motormaster whined.

“Lucky. Anyway, we’ll just have to... transform and... roll out?” Breakdown nervously chuckled.

The other ‘Cons stared at him with unamused looks. “Heh... heh... get it? Because we can drive?”

“You suck at jokes, Breakdown,” Oil Slick said.

Back on Cybertron, Rodimus dejectedly sat on the rail entrance of Metroplex Headquarters all by himself. He briefly looked up to the sky before he turned to the ground again. “I’m starting to think this new position just isn’t the one for me. That Decepticon escapee could hurt someone out there, and I have to stop him! If only Ultra Magnus would allow me to leave Cybertron, I could do something to catch that creep.”

“But what if I... end up like Megatron? I can’t let my anger get the best of me during battle. I just have to prove that I’m better than that,” Rodimus monologued.

“Feeling a bit useless there, Rodimus?” a voice spoke. The new lieutenant turned to see Sentinel Prime approach him with a sly, cocky smirk on his face.

“Not now, Sentinel. I’m really not in a mood for your scrap right now.”

“Easy there, lieutenant. I’ve actually come to help you with something,” said Sentinel.

This sparked Rodimus’ curiosity as he rose up. “You have? With what exactly?”

“Well, this is more like your first assessment as the Elite Guard’s new lieutenant. I was thinking that you should go to this... Equestria planet you talk so much about and see if that escaped prisoner may be reaching there.”

“Are you certain he could be arriving there?” Rodimus asked.

“Anything can be possible, Rodimus. Besides, he could be anywhere in the galaxy such as that horse planet. So what do you say? You think you can do this simple task?” Sentinel proposed.

Rodimus then thought about it for a few moments. “Does Ultra Magnus approve of this? He ordered me to stay here.”

“Ultra Magnus knows how much you care about those organics; he told me to tell you that he’s... adjusting your schedule, if you will. Don’t worry, kiddo, you’ll be fine,” Sentinel assured.

“Hmmm, then I’ll be honored to perform this assessment. I’ve been worried about my Equestrian friends for a while now, and it’s about time I visit them! I won’t let that Decepti-creep hurt these ponies!” Rodimus saluted, transforming to Plymouth Barracuda car mode. He left the premises of the headquarters.

Then Sentinel mischievously smirked as he watched Rodimus drive away until he was no longer in sight. “Enjoy your job while it lasts because you just signed a death warrant to your new career.”

Unbeknownst to him, Shockwave overheard the conversation from above the building. He transformed into his Autobot alter ego and carefully landed outside the perimeter.

“It appears I have some work to do,” said Longarm Prime.