//------------------------------// // Chapter X: Gabby // Story: A Secret Admirer 2: How to Cuddle Your Dragon // by 1jckuhn //------------------------------// THE NEXT MORNING, 9:02 A.M. Spike let out a yawn and felt two clawed, scaly hands stroking his cheeks. He opened his eyes to see Smolder smiling warmly at him with Gabby behind her. "Good morning, sweetheart," cooed Smolder. "Gabby's here to have her day with you." "Oh, good," Spike yawned. "However," Smolder smirked. "You didn't get your good-morning-wake up call yet and I'd be remissed if I let that slide." Before Spike or Gabby could say another word, Smolder leaned down and began to assault hos face with another affectionate attack of kisses. She pulled away and chuckled at Spike's blushing face. He looked so much cuter to her when he looked flustered. "Well, he's all yours, Gabby," Smolder said, before nuzzling Spike on the top of Spike's head lovingly one last time. "See you later, Spikey. I love you so much." "I love you too, Smolder," Spike said as he watched Smolder get up and depart from his bedroom. Once she was gone, Gabby wrapped Spike in her arms and pressed him against her feathery abdomen. It felt just as soft as pony fur. "This is going to be the best day ever!" She chirped excitedly. "Always the one to look on the bright side," Spike chuckled at Gabby's eagerness. "Just another reason for me to love you." Gabby blushed heavily. "Come on, Mr. Charmer," Gabby cooed. "It's time to get you downstairs for breakfast." With that said, Gabby loaded Spike onto her back and flew downstairs so the two lovers could eat. LATER THAT NIGHT 9:07 P.M. Spike and Gabby both rested in each other's arms. Their day together was amazing. They had gone on a walk around Ponyville, during which they had gotten milkshakes and ice cream cones, they had a pillow fight in Spike's bedroom, and they had their favorite breakfast food, pancakes, for all three meals of the day. Now, it was night and energy on both sides had been spent completely. They looked up at each other with half open eyes and nodded to each other. Slowly, Gabby got off the couch, picked up her healing drakefriend, placed him on her back, and began to climb up the stairs to their final resting place. Gabby, ordinarily, would be asleep by 8:15 P.M., but she knew that she had about another hour with Spike, although that didn't stop her from getting ready for bed at her regular time because, like the other harem members, she wanted to head straight to Spike's bedroom once he was finished so they could maximize their cuddle time together. Soon, after what seemed like an hour to them, they reached the bathroom and Spike began to brush his teeth. It only took him two-and-a-half minutes, but it felt like ten times that time to Gabby. When the grey griffon was tired, time always felt so slow to her. Once he was finished, Gabby eagerly picked Spike up and carried him off to his bedroom. Gabby opened the door and the two tired creatures stepped into the near pitch-black room. A curtain ws left open and the moon's glow guided the drowsy, lovesick Dragon and Griffon to the bed where they'd be cuddling and sleeping for the night. Gabby pulled the blankets just enough for her little drakefriend to slide into them and then set Spike onto his bed. Spike immediatly got the message and slid into the covers, just as Gabby got into bed with him. The two lovers embraced each other at the dead center of Spike's bed. Their arms shot around each other's sides and backs at lightning-quick speeds and gripping each other as tight as they could once their arms stopped. Spike sighed in relaxation as he buried his face into Gabby's chest feathers and took a whiff of the grey griffon's scent. She smelled of apricots. Gabby then preceeded to wrap her large, dark grey wings around Spike's little body, fully enclosing him in a cocoon of feathers and love. "Thanks, Gabbs," Spike mumbled as her gave her chest feathers another nuzzle. "You don't need to thank me, sweetie," Gabby whispered into his ear, blushing at Spike's cute nickname for her. "You've had this coming for a long time, Spike. You literally will do anything to please somene you know. I'm no exception. You've come to my side to comfort the second you hear I'm even a little sad, you got me out a slump after my break up, and you hang out with me a lot, which made somepony very, very, jealous," she chuckled remembering the mishap when Rarity became more desperate to spend time with Spike and they had a falling out. "You're just an overall, sweet, loving, and innocent soul." Spike blushed heavily. He always felt so warm and fuzzy inside whenever his girlfriends comlimented him on his character. "It's not really hard to see where I get it from," he said. "With a sweet, upbeat girl like you as one of my girlfriends, I can't help but have pick up a few things about being kind. I've heard from the crusaders you always act like a good friend to them. I still remember how I slowly began to fall in love with you as we hung out more and more. You've got optimism that rivals Pinkie's. You also know how to cheer up anyone when they're feeling down. Just more reasons for me to love you, Gabbs." Gabby blushed as red as an apple. She giggled adorably at Spike's sweet words to her. She heard Spike let out a huge yawn and knew that he was nearing dreamland. She rested her chin on top of Spike's head and began to do Spike's favorite thing that every harem member had done for him when they cuddled him on previous nights, Humming him a lullaby. Spike felt Gabby's chin settle onto the top of his head before hearing an angelic hum beginning to leave her body and reach his ears. It was a double lullaby for the drowsy teen because of her heartbeat already slowly chipping away at the last of his consciousness. He let out yawn after yawn as he began to slowly drift off. "Goodnight, Gabbs," he muttered. "I love you." "Goodnight, Spike," Gabby whispered. "I love you too." Gabby closed her eyes to hear Spike beginning to softly snore. "You know," she thought to herself. "The others are beyond right. Spike's snores really do provide you with a comforting, soothing lullaby of your own." Usually, it took three to five minutes for Spike's snores to lull a girl to sleep, but Gabby was asleep within a minute and a half as she was already beyond tired. They both smiled peacefully as they slept the night away, happy knowing that the other was in their tight, loving grasp.