//------------------------------// // Bonus Scene // Story: Falling // by Omegathyst //------------------------------// “I had to find out after I’d sent several search parties to find my sister,” Luna sat at the table inside the coffee shop next to the window, Twilight Sparkle sitting across from her. “That was so typical of her to just up and leave with no warning, but with Discord showing up, I had to make sure she was alright.” “I found out from this letter,” Twilight used her magic to show a long scroll of different hoofwritings nearly overlapping each other. “I lost count of how many times Rainbow Dash put there instead of their, or your instead of you’re. For my marefriend’s sake, there’s frosting stains on the letter!” “It reeks of excessive sugar from here,” Luna’s muzzle scrunched up as she stared at the white and pink stains on the letter. “Did they say anything about a date on there?” “Not yet,” Twilight shook her head. “Fluttershy ended up deciding to give her relationship a year or two to be sure of her decision. Would’ve been nice if I had some time to think it over.” “Well, Tia had full confidence that you’d manage just fine,” Luna told her, using her magic to bring her coffee to her lips before speaking once more. “I don’t suppose you think she made a mistake, did you?” Twilight had her cup of coffee between her hooves as she blushed, reflecting on the memories that she had made with Celestia the past several years and the triumphs she had as the ruler of Equestria. And one day, Fluttershy would get to experience the same gift. With that in mind, Twilight shook her head. “Not at all,” Twilight replied, and with that, the two alicorns enjoyed their coffee as the sun slowly rose with Twilight’s magic.