Flurry Heart's Story: Dream of Alicornication

by AleximusPrime

1. Cozy's Revenge

It was early morning when Zecora awakened to pick berries in the Everfree Forest. The door to her tree hut opened and she walked out gracefully. She took a deep breath of fresh air and then closed the door behind her. She did not bother to lock it since she wouldn’t be far away nor would she take that long to find a good batch of berries.
“Ah, what a lovely morning to behold. The berries grow ripe at this time of year I am told.”
She began her walk and continued to speak to herself in her signature rhyming.
“I shall gather these small fruits and then be out of sight, for I have a tasty concoction in mind tonight.”
After she disappeared beyond the trees in the forest, a small creature in a black hooded robe snuck around through the bushes nearby. It zoomed over to the front door and quietly opened it up to enter Zecora’s domain. This small intruder was none other than Cozy Glow. She was the pegasus filly who assisted Lord Tirek and Queen Chrysalis in an attempt to overthrow Equestria over eight years ago. Cozy immediately began to search for something among Zecora’s belongings. She started by looking inside the large cauldron in the middle of the room. Next she searched some of the boxes and urns on shelves and tables all over the place. After a few minutes of rummaging through all of Zecora’s belongings, she began to lose her patience until she noticed some stairs. She quickly flew up them and found even more items to search. She checked every nook and cranny but could not find what she was looking for until she noticed something peculiar. There was a large tapestry on the wall, but a bookcase was blocking most of it. The naughty little filly pushed against the bookcase with all her might until it crashed onto the ground. It was loud, but she no longer cared if it could be heard or not. She put her hooves against the tapestry and felt around. Her hoof kept pressing against the wall on the other side until it felt as if there was a hole in the wall behind it. She tore the tapestry down. Sure enough there was a hole and inside was a small wooden chest. She reached inside and pulled out the chest, but it had a lock. Thinking quickly, she took a nearby decorative axe next to Zecora’s bed and used it to chop the chest until it broke open. Sitting on the floor before her was the artifact she sought: the Alicorn Amulet!
“There you are,” she whispered.
Suddenly, she heard the door open downstairs. Zecora had returned to her house and already noticed the damage.
“NO! How did I not think to lock! This untidiness gives me quite a shock! Who could have gotten in here?! When I am through with them, it is my wrath they shall fear!!”
Zecora began to pick things up until she heard something upstairs and quietly tiptoed her way up. This room had also been trashed and now she was very angry.
“Reveal yourself, intruder! Do it now! You cannot hide from me! I shall find you somehow!”
“Looking for this, Zecora?” said a sinister voice from the shadows.
Zecora turned around and saw a dark cloaked object with two large wings flapping about. It hovered closer to her until Zecora could see it. Cozy threw back the hood to reveal her head, which now had a large alicorn horn growing from it. She was wearing the amulet and her eyes were glowing red. Already she used the power of the Amulet to turn herself into an alicorn once again. She took off the cloak and began to laugh maniacally.

“NO! Little Cozy Glow! That amulet is far too dangerous for you, you know!” Zecora cried in fear.
“Now that I have what I want, I can finally get on with my plans for ultimate revenge! HAHAHA!!”
“Please do not use it! You know not what you do! It will cause nothing but pain and suffering for you!”
“Oh please. Rhyming? Really? If’ you’d ask me, I’d say it’s time for a change of style!”
Cozy charged up her horn and zapped Zecora with a red bolt of lightning. Zecora’s eyes shone brightly and then she fell to the ground. Nothing seemed to be wrong with her; she was only a bit dizzy from whatever Cozy just did.
“Ugh…huh? You little fool, what have you done! I shall…uh…um…”
“Ooh ooh, let me finish! Run? Fun? Sun? Pun?”
“Hehehe! That’s not all I can take away! With this amulet, nopony will stand in my way now! TIME FOR PAYBACK!”
Cozy zoomed past Zecora like a red glowing bullet and bursted through the wall, creating a large hole with burning edges. She flew on through the forest until she had gotten past the canopy and too far away for Zecora to see where she had gone. Zecora was so worried. She had no choice but to tell Princess Twilight Sparkle.
“This is so terrible! I…I must let the princess know!”
She rushed back downstairs, opened the front door and took off, running to Canterlot.
“I do hope Princess Twilight can help. Otherwise, if Cozy does not give up the amulet, we are all…uh…doomed? Oh that mischievous little filly! I simply must get my ability to rhyme back!”

A few hours later, Ponyville was experiencing an average, beautiful day with ponies out and about. In a small park, Starlight, Sunburst, and Trixie were seated next to a playground, watching as Flurry and her friends had fun. Spike was away on important duties with Twilight in Canterlot and asked the three unicorns if they could watch the kids for the day.
“Gosh, these kids sure grow up fast, don’t they?” Sunburst told Starlight. “Especially Flurry.”
“I still remember back when she was born and all the trouble she caused,” Starlight replied.
“Eh, aside from the jacked-up alicorn powers, she still had more restraint as a baby than that Storm Streak,” Trixie said, sarcastically.
“You’d be surprised at how well Rainbow Dash has handled him,” Starlight replied just as Stormy flew right over them, causing Sunburst’s hat to fall off.
“HA! Told ya you’re too slow, Pound!” Stormy teased as Pound trailed behind him.
“Phew! I give up. Flurry, you wanna take a shot at it?” Pound said, trying to catch his breath.
“Hehe, don’t worry, Pound. I have a plan,” Flurry said, mischievously as her horn began to glow.
Stormy looked behind him and stuck his tongue out, spitting, until he noticed a flash on the ground where Flurry had been standing. He turned his head and saw she was now there instead. She had teleported herself right in front of him. Stormy’s eyes widened and he came to a screeching halt in midair.
“Tag! You’re it!” Flurry said, poking his snout.
“Hey, no alicorn magic! That’s not fair!” Stormy ranted.
Flurry took off, laughing as she went, while Stormy chased her around. The others giggled as they watched from below. Chip and Annie rushed over to a nearby swirly slide and lined each other up. They went down together, whooping with their hooves in the air. When they got to the bottom, Pumpkin was hanging upside down with her magic right in front of them.
“BOO!” she shouted.
“AGH! Darnit, Pumpkin!” Chip said, laughing.
“You and your pranks!” Annie laughed.
As the kids continued to play, the three adult unicorns continued talking amongst each other.
“So what was it Spike needed to do today again?” Trixie asked Starlight.
“Something about scheduling to go meet with King Scorpan,” Starlight answered. “I guess the council at Midnight Kingdom has agreed to lift Tirek’s ban and arrest him once they spot him in their territory. They’ll transfer him safely to the castle prison where he’ll get a proper talking to.”
“That’s gonna be a full-time job,” Trixie said, rolling her eyes and taking a sip out of a smoothie.
“Now are we really sure Tirek doesn’t remember that spell at all?” Sunburst asked.
“Yeah, Discord erased the whole thing. Trixie and I saw him do it. Tirek even admitted he couldn’t remember it right before running off. If he’s still out there in the wild, he’s most likely heading right for the Midnight Kingdom to get revenge like he said he would.”
“Not that the ‘Great and Powerful Trixie’ is prone to such nonsense anymore, but if I were out for revenge, Scorpan would be the place to start,” Trixie added. “I’ve never met Scorpan before, but I’m hoping he’s ready for his brother.”
“Well at least Tirek’s in his hands now,” Starlight said, cautiously. “We still have an evil changeling queen out there with an army and a kid with seemingly no responsible parents and a bad attit-“
“RUUUUUUNNN!!!” shouted a random mare, rushing by the playground at full speed.
“SHE’S BAAAACK!!” shouted a stallion after her.
“What the hay is everyone squawking about?” Stormy said, watching as several more ponies ran by.
“Did they just say she is back?” Flurry said, concerned.
“Oh no, please don’t tell me it’s Chrysalis!” Starlight said as she, Sunburst and Trixie turned around to look in the direction the ponies were all coming from.
At first they could see nothing until a few of the running ponies were out of the way. They were expecting to see Chrysalis and army of changelings, but thankfully there was no sign of them. At some point, they looked harder and noticed a little peach pink filly with blue curly hair walking along. It immediately hit them that this was Cozy Glow. She had her alicorn wings and horn back, but the worst part was that she was wearing the Alicorn Amulet. She kept walking while smirking devilishly. To her left was a tall, beige mare with purple hair, sporting a silver royal collar and anklets. She wore a crown that resembled a queen chess piece. The even taller stallion on Cozy’s other side was spring green with light blue hair and a moustache and beard. His royal regalia was golden and his crown resembled a king chess piece. Both of them had unusually long horns for unicorns, but suddenly they opened up a large set of wings along with Cozy. They all stopped walking and the two alicorns next to Cozy turned to the side to allow their cutie marks to be shown. The stallion had a king chess piece while the mare had a queen. Starlight, Sunburst and Trixie’s worst fear had come true: Cozy had returned and she had brought her parents!

“Cozy Glow?” Sunburst exclaimed. “How…how did you…are those your parents?”
“And is that the Alicorn Amulet?” said Trixie, even more horrified than the other two.
“Golly it’s great to see you losers again!” Cozy pompously told them.
“Greetings, peasants,” said the stallion in a snobbish, high-class accent. “Yes, we are her parents. I am King Kriegspiel, and this is my lovely wife Queen Kriegspiel.”
“So good to see you,” the queen said in a very deep and sultry voice. “Cozy Glow, darling, are these the other ponies who turned you into stone?”
“No Mother. They aren’t exactly on my side either, but we need not bother with them. Besides, I have a strong feeling Chrysalis is going to want Starlight over there.
Starlight took a big gulp and laughed nervously as she looked back and forth at Sunburst and Trixie. Flurry and her friends rushed in next to the unicorns to see what was happening.
“Who are these guys?” Pumpkin asked.
“How many alicorns are there in Equestria exactly?” Pound said, noticing the apparent royal family before him.
“That’s…that’s Cozy Glow?!” Flurry shouted as she began to leaf through the pages of her Journal of Friendship to a spot that had photographs of Cozy when she was first arrested.
“Aw, you’ll have to excuse me, princess,” Cozy said in a fake apologetic tone. “When we first met, you were just a baby. We’ll I’m actually supposed to be a full grown adult now…that is, if it weren’t for these two jerk-faces!!”
Cozy’s face went from mischievous to angry as her horn glowed red and two flashes of light appeared over her. Everyone looked up to see two bubbles in the air with alicorn fillies inside of them. The first one was white with pink wavy hair and the other was blue with lighter blue hair. They both had the cutie marks of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna respectively.

“WHAT?!” Starlight shouted as her glasses fell off without her noticing.
“Celestia?! Luna?!” Flurry said, terrified.
“Flurry! Everypony, get away from her! She’s too powerful!” said Celestia in a very young female voice that no one was accustomed to hearing her speak in.
“FOUL AND UNGRATEFUL WELP!! PUT US DOWN THIS VERY INSTANT OR THOU SHALT SUFFER THE WRATH OF THE PRINCESS OF THE NIGHT!!!!!” shouted Luna in her ‘Royal Canterlot Voice.’ Unfortunately she could not make her voice sound low and booming; she just sounded like a whiney little girl throwing a temper tantrum.
“SHHHH! Luna stop! Do you wanna get zapped aga-AAAAAGH!!”
Two bolts of lightning shot at the princesses. Their bodies flashed with their skeletons visible underneath until they were black and cindered. King and Queen Kriegspiel laughed wickedly as Cozy blew on her horn.
“You have no idea how good that feels,” she said.
“Cozy! You can’t just…that amulet, you need to take it off!” Trixie said, bravely stepping forward. “Seriously, I put it on once and it turned me into a pony I never thought I’d be! Please!”
“I put it on once and bla-bla-blah pony I never wanted to be!” Cozy said, speaking in a mocking tone. “Gosh you ponies are no fun!”
“Watch your tone, pathetic little worm!” bellowed the king, putting his large wing around his daughter. “Our daughter is more capable than anypony in all the land of handling this amulet!”
“Just because you may have failed to wear that amulet properly does not mean our precious little Cozy Glow cannot do it!” said the queen, getting up in Trixie’s face as she backed away.
“What I want to know is where these two came from!” Sunburst added. “You two were alicorns this entire time and no one knew about this?!”
“I’m the one who’s been an alicorn this entire time, fool,” the king explained. “My queen used to be a unicorn. She earned her right to be an alicorn just like our daughter did.”
Just then, little Storm Streak completely lost his head.
“But I thought only good ponies could become alicorns,” he interjected.
“STORMY!!!!” shouted all his friends in unison as they surrounded him.
“What?!? Isn’t that what Princess Twilight and your mom did, Flurry?”
Flurry then landed next to him and covered his mouth with her hoof as she looked back at Cozy and her parents with a big, nervous smile on her face. King and Queen Kriegspiel growled like angry dogs until Cozy stopped them.
“Now Mother, now Father. Let’s not worry about this mouthy little colt. After all, he didn’t turn me into stone now, did he?” Cozy said before turning back to Stormy, “Let me guess: Rainbow Dash’s son?”
“Yeah, you got a problem with that, Faker?!” Stormy said as he broke free of Flurry and flew over to meet Cozy face-to-face with his snout pressed firmly against hers.

“Listen pipsqueak, I suggest you bugger off…or I’ll TURN YOU INTO A NEWT!!!”
Cozy hollered loudly right into Stormy’s face. He went from angry and determined to intimidated. He took a gulp, and zoomed back behind Flurry, shivering in fear.
“Anyone else wanna back-talk your new royal empress?!” Cozy asked everypony else as they backed away.
“Cozy, we’re just trying to help!” Starlight said, frantically.
“Yeah, that things gonna get to your head before you know it!” Trixie added. “I swear, when I put it on, I wasn’t planning on taking over Ponyville and enslaving the entire population, I just wanted a rematch with Twilight after the first time we met!”
“Well it’s a good thing I’m not as much of a loser as you, Trixie,” Cozy said, smugly before walking back to her parents.
“What are we going to do, Starlight?!” Trixie said, grabbing her friend and shaking her a little.
“I have no idea, Trix. We’re gonna have to just leave her alone for now. Maybe we can talk some sense into her later if we just-“
Starlight stopped as a bright orb began to shine over her. Everyone aside from Cozy and her parents scattered. The light burst and the Lord of Chaos himself, Discord appeared with his arms crossed. There was fire surrounding him and he stood taller than normal to look intimidating. He stared Cozy down with a very serious look on his face. The flames finally died out.
“Cozy Glow,” He said, menacingly.
“Discord!” Cozy responded.
“It’s him!” shouted the queen. “He’s the other one who cursed our beloved daughter!”
“Oh, why that brute!” the king added. “Have at him, Cozy!”
“I see you’ve found your parents,” Discord told Cozy.
“Yeah, took some time but they’re finally here,” Cozy said, proudly. “I’ve been looking for you, you BIG, DUMB, SNAGGLED-TOOTHED, HORSE-HEADED, BAT-WINGED, GOAT-LEGGED JERK!”
“Discord, run!” Celestia shouted in her bubble.
“We didn’t stand a chance!” Luna added.
“Tia, Luna, don’t worry. I’ve got this.”