//------------------------------// // Magic in Maretime Bay // Story: Inspiration in Maretime Bay // by StormLuna //------------------------------// A new morning had arrived and things were much different than they were just a month ago for not just Izzy Moonbow, but for all of Equestria. Magic had returned to the land as the tribes had reunited and harmony was the norm again. For Izzy, it was different because she had relocated to Maretime Bay to live with her beloved marefriend, Sunny Starscout. No longer was Izzy living all alone and being an oddball in Bridlewood, she had happiness, companionship and love in her new home. The day started out like most every other day did for Izzy and Sunny, Sunny was woken up by Izzy's singing. It was something that Sunny definitely had to get used to after living in a quiet home for all of her life but she'd be lying if she said that it wasn't part of Izzy that she adored. Once Izzy quit singing Sunny asked, "Izzy, I'm wanting to go through some of my dad's old artifacts today, wanna help?" Izzy threw her hooves around Sunny and exclaimed, "Of course I will silly! You don't have to ask y'know!" The two got up and headed into the kitchen to fix themselves some breakfast, well it was more Sunny going to fix them some breakfast since she didn't exactly trust Izzy to use her stove yet and Izzy couldn't help but wonder why. "Sunny," Izzy questioned "when are you ever going to let me fix us breakfast?" Sunny knew that Izzy was wanting to help and do something for her and wasn't quite sure how to tell her without hurting her feelings. After a good half-minute of thinking she finally came up with something, "Well it is just that you're still having strange magical bursts...." Izzy would be quick to counter, "Well you are too, it isn't just me!" Sunny sighed, "Point taken. Tell you what, you can help with supper tonight." "Alright, sounds like a plan!" After breakfast the two headed into her father's old study where he kept all his artifacts. In the closet were numerous artifacts from ancient Equestria along with various papers going into detail over them. Despite being an Alicorn, Sunny was still picking the items up the earth pony way while Izzy was floating things to herself and checking them out like it was natural for her. The first thing she grabbed was a bell. She asked, "Sunny, what was this used for?" Sunny had the paper that went into detail about it and began, "Be careful with that, it predates Equestria. It is the artifact that gave the necromancer Grogar his powers." Izzy had no idea what a necromancer was but the bell seemed bland and boring to her so she set it down and grabbed a red book decorated in gold. She read the cover, "Inspiration Manifestation: Instantly Brings Ideas to Life." She paused for a moment before adding, "Huh, I wonder what that's all about?" She opened the book and ran across a spell. Almost immediately she had a feeling that this would be a good spell, a spell that she just had to cast! After all, it would make unicycling much easier and more fun. She then recited the spell, "From in the head to out in the world, every thought to action. Hold close this book and through its spell, you'll start a chain reaction, projecting forth whatever beauty you see. Only when true words are spoken will you finally be set free." A green mist then flowed up into her horn and her eyes flashed green before returning to normal. Izzy had the magic now and wanted to try it out so badly! She did know though that if she did anything to any of Sunny's stuff that she would not be happy and it could harm their relationship, if not end it entirely. She wanted to cast the spell so badly though so she threw in a suggestion, "Hey Sunny, whatd'ya say we go down into town later today?" Going down into town wasn't something that Sunny had planned for that day but could tell it was something Izzy was wanting to do. "Alright," she replied "how about we go into town for lunch?" "That sounds grrrreat!" The two then continued to go through Argyle's artifacts, most of which Izzy found bland and boring. Sunny didn't notice her lack of interest in a majority of them as she was lost in analyzing every single detail of them. She ran across a black and red one that had to be locked away at one time, one that she really hoped Izzy wouldn't pay much attention to given its powers. She knew how Izzy was with things like that, she'd want to put it on and then who knows what would happen. It was ten minutes before noon when the two had gone through all of them. Sunny then noticed the spell book close to her marefriend and asked, "Izzy, did you take a look in this?" Izzy froze at the question. She knew she had to tell the truth but didn't dare tell her that she had absorbed its magic so she lied, "Yeah, there is a spell in there. I don't know what it does though." Sunny grabbed the book and immediately knew what it was. She replied, "Well the spell in it involves dark magic, one of the Guardians of Harmony used it one time and caused quite a few problems." Izzy asked, "What kinda problems?" "Oh she turned one building into solid crystal, trapping the ponies inside, she turned trees to crystal...." She saw Izzy getting a smile on her face and continued, "No Izzy, you can't read this and start turning everything into crystal." She saw Izzy's face drop and continued, "Izzy, you know I love you but I also know how much unicorns love crystals and you'd make a lot of ponies upset if you did that here." Izzy sighed, "I know, I know." This did cause Izzy some concern but she began to think that maybe they wouldn't be overly upset. She then began to think about other things that were still pretty but didn't involve crystals. "Glitter!" she thought to herself, "Ponies shouldn't get too upset over glitter!" Finally noon arrived and the two readied themselves to get going. Despite still catching a few odd looks here and there, Izzy enjoyed going down into town as she wasn't the type of pony who liked shutting herself in, especially since most everypony wasn't scared of her anymore. One thing that Sunny learned is that unicorns tend to like to hold hooves with their special somepony while they were out and about and while it felt strange to her, she held hooves with her so that she wouldn't think that maybe she didn't love her or was ashamed to be in a relationship with her. When the two got down into town they were catching a lot of strange looks because unicorns were the only of the three tribes to show affection in public like that. While the earth ponies would hug their special somepony out in public, hoof holding was something that they simply didn't do. Most ponies didn't say anything but one did, Hitch. He gave the two a smile and commented, "Hoof holding, I've never seen anypony do that before." Before Sunny could respond Izzy replied, "Well it is what unicorns do with their special somepony when they're out and about, it is how others know we love one another." Sunny added, "Yeah, since I've been with Izzy I've learned so much about unicorns, fascinating things." Hitch replied, "Well you always wanted to know more about them and what better way than to have one as your special somepony?" Both nodded in agreement as Sunny said, "Well Izzy and I are going down to the cafe for lunch, maybe we can talk later." "That would be nice if we could." As they were walking through town, Izzy began to look at things and thought of so many things that could look beautiful and not so bland. She wanted so badly to transform something into crystal but then something else crossed her mind, with the way the spell was worded, she could simply create a crystal. She figured that nopony would get upset over an additional decoration! They were passing by a mailbox and Izzy got an idea, it could use a companion, a companion made of crystal! She flared up her horn, fired energy at the ground next to the mailbox and suddenly there were two mailboxes, one made out of a crystal that matched her coat perfectly. They heard one pony yell, "What the hay, a crystal mailbox?" Sunny looked over towards Izzy and noticed that where there was usually just one mailbox, there were two. Izzy had a mischievous grin on her face. Sunny gasped, "Izzy, you lied to me! You read that spell didn't you?" Izzy replied, "I'm sorry Sunny, I did. I said I didn't so you wouldn't get mad at me." Sunny was irritated that Izzy would lie to her but she knew enough about Izzy that she had no bad intentions and it wasn't like she turned something else into crystal. She was going to let Izzy know about her displeasure over the lie though, "Izzy sweetie, I know you didn't want me getting mad but lying about something is much worse. I'll admit, I'm displeased but that crystal mailbox is pretty." Izzy was relieved that Sunny didn't seem all that upset despite her lie and thankfully, she was still holding her hoof as they walked so she mustn't be too upset. As they continued to walk, they soon reached the sheriff's office. The two knew that Hitch was out on the other end of town so Sprout would be there, watching. They had a feeling that he would come out and question them over the yell. Sure enough Sprout came out and approached them, "What was that yell about?" His gaze then narrowed in on Izzy as he continued, "I'm betting whatever it was, you were behind it. You unicorns are always up to something and it is never anything good." Sunny flared up her horn and snapped, "That is not true Sprout, Izzy would never do anything bad to anypony!" Izzy began to snicker as something began to cross her mind, something that would embarrass Sprout, a lot. She flared up her horn and fired a bolt of energy at Sprout. The next thing he knew, he was in a tight yet elegant gown. He screamed, "What did you do Izzy? What did you do?" After the incident involving him damaging Sunny's light house, he wasn't exactly the most favored pony in town. Other ponies began to laugh and point at him, with Izzy laughing so hard that she fell forward and was pounding her hooves on the ground. Sunny was in a state of shock over the situation but did find it funny too. She pointed at him and laughed, "What's up with the gown Sprout? I wouldn't think a colt like you would dress like a mare." One pony helped Izzy up and congratulated her, "Way to go Izzy, you showed him!" Another patted Izzy on the back, "Wow Izzy, that was awesome!" Izzy gave the two a smile, "Thanks. After what he did to everypony and especially Sunny's house, he deserves it." A third was more curious, "Izzy, how did you do that anyway? I know you guys got your magic back but I didn't know you had that kind of power!" Sprout did his best to approach them and yelled, "She probably found some crazy spell book that Sunny's dad had and learned it! Those unicorns are sneaky, horribly....." Izzy corrected him, "Oh, I'm only medium sneaky!" Finally Hitch returned to the station to find a rather strange situation, one that everypony present seemed to be enjoying. He approached Sprout and laughed, "What in the world? Why are you in a gown, an elegant gown?" Sprout again accused Izzy of learning a spell that came from a spell book that Sunny's dad had. He turned to Sunny and asked, "Is this true? Did she get a hold of some spell book?" Sunny sighed, "She did. It is a spell where the one who casts it can create anything she wants. So far all she has done is create a crystal mailbox and then embarrass Sprout by putting him in a gown." Hitch laughed, "Well at least she provided everypony with a few laughs but you need to break the spell because you know how Izzy is, who knows what she'll do next?" Sunny sighed as she knew that she had to speak the truth to break the spell and her marefriend may be hurt by it. "Izzy, I know you had fun making that mailbox and putting our deputy in a gown but you've become dangerous. I should have said that after the mailbox incident but I didn't because I wanted to be a good marefriend." "Dangerous?" Green magic then exited Izzy's eyes and she shook her head and was disoriented. She asked, "Ugh, what happened." Sunny knew enough about what happened when Spike told Rarity the truth that she didn't feel the need to go into too much detail, "Izzy, you read that spell from that book and the dark magic overtook you. I was able to free you from it by telling you the truth." Izzy hugged her marefriend, "Thanks Sunny, I'm still sorry for lying to you." She then took a look at Sprout and broke down laughing again, "Wait a minute, I'm responsible for that?" Hitch laughed, "You are but don't worry everypony, the spell has been broken. She won't be doing anything else like this." The crowd began to cheer but they began to do something that not that long ago would have been unheard of, they began to chant Izzy's name and everypony approached her and congratulated her over putting the previously power mad deputy in his place. Very quickly the ponies lifted Izzy up and were carrying her through downtown in celebration. Once they had Izzy out of earshot Hitch suggested, "I think you need to hide that book from Izzy. Next time may not be so good." Sunny replied, "Agreed but this is something I never thought we'd see, the ponies here carrying a unicorn around like this!" She then began to follow the crowd and added, "I'm going to go join them and I think you should get your deputy to stop looking like a mare!" Hitch laughed, "Oh I'll try, I think Izzy got that thing on him really good." As she was being carried around, Izzy felt truly happy and finally felt like she belonged. She knew how Maretime Bay had been for ages but here they were, carrying a unicorn around in happiness for embarrassing one of their own. She did know one thing, Pipp and Zipp were going to find it hilarious.