How A Realist Saved The Show

by Mare Of Mystery

Chapter 4: Job at Cloudsdale

I've been attending classes at friendship school for nearly a month now, and there's still no sign of any Manehattan Assignment from Fluttershy; telling her would raise suspicion. I'll keep a low profile until the time is right. No classes on weekends gives me time to practice a bit more on my powers. I may have been sneaking in town in broad daylight and using time rush and time dodge to steal a few bits from ponies and stores these past few weeks, but I've made sure I stay away from large crowds. I should be able to get away with small targets every few days to avoid real suspicion. Plus, I'm trying to gain some villainy points for the long run when I potentially run into Chrysalis; She's my second favorite character.

The bell rang for lunch as many students congested the halls like ongoing traffic to line up for their meals. Mobius was just situated in part of the line followed by the six from behind him. They were quietly passing down little bits of chatting as they marched one by one to the front of the cafeteria.

"Yo, Mobius!" Peeked Gallus just cutting in front of Sandbar, to which he didn't mind in the slightest. "What did you get on question 5 on that quiz?"

We've just finished a quiz in Professor Dash's class about her excellent feats. I thought it would be super-easy, but it was a bit difficult as most of her quiz questions are about herself. Luckily. Gallus asked for the answer to the question I think I've got right.

"I've chosen 'B: Mach 10'" Mobius relayed the answer. Gallus smacks himself on the face with his talon.

"Crap! I've put 'Mach 2'"

Sandbar reassured his buddy, patting him on the shoulder. "it's gonna be fine Gallus. Professor Dash is chill with bad grades.

Next in line was Mobius, levitating tray from the stack on the foldable table and sliding over at the vast menu options. He always chose the safest food options like soup, salad, or simple side dishes. James couldn't feel like he's up to the challenge of devouring pony-based cuisine; Dandelion sandwiches, hayburgers, and the apparent corn dogs made of carrots all made him gag on the inside.

Over on the other side, Pinkie Pie was the one maintaining the portions of the students' meal. Wearing a hair net to keep her mane off the food as she surprised Mobius from below.

"Hey, Mobius! Wanna try today's special?!" She offered upon him, playing around with the utensils to scoop up food.

"Sure, what's on the menu?" He smiled back, curious as ever to try out what the school has in store.

"We've got a signature favorite straight out of Hippogriff Territory; fish sticks!"

Fishsticks!? The only type of meat in Equestria? Finally, no more of these vegetarian choices.

"Oooo! Fishsticks! They're my all-time fav!" Cried Silver stream from a feet creatures behind him.

"That sounds amazing; I'll take them!" Nodded Mobius, making Pinkie Pie ready the tray of Fishsticks.

"Wow! Never seen a pony who eats fish before; luckily it comes with a nice heaping portion of mac-and-cheese! So ooey and gooey!" She placed 6 Fishsticks on his tray and plopped a big scoop full of Mac and cheese right on the other potion of his tray.

Alongside getting a side of apple juice, a fine cupcake for dessert, and sliced apples as he made his tray full, he decided to wait until the rest of the gang to get their meals ready. He reserved a part of the table just for them as they finally reach the end of the station. But soon as he sat at the table, Mobius felt something tap on his shoulders to the left. Turning to the source of the gesture, it revealed to be Headmare Twilight carting a tray of her food. His heart fluttered and his back went straight and his eyes dazed.

"H-Headmare! Good to see you on this fine evening!" He greeted with a grin, "Is something t-the matter?"

She shook her head at him. "Nothing's wrong persay, starting next week, we're hosting tryouts for an important play in Princess Celestia's life; how she began her reign as ruler of Equestria. Thought you would give it shot?"

Oh... so we're closing in on that episode? I thought that Celestia was a really bad actor, but after that whole thing a few weeks ago; I don't even know anymore. I shouldn't get carried away with that, It doesn't serve me any good being in the play.

He replied by shaking his head at her offer, "Sorry Headmare, I usually dedicate myself to studying on weekends..."

"That's alright, I won't force you or anything..." she sounded disappointed quickly turning the subject around, "I've noticed you've got a perfect score on Professors Dash's class."

"Don't sweat it. All I do is just remember the stuff she said to me and just used it on the quiz," Mobius replied, preparing to activate his charming stare. "But I always wanted to learn magic from you, Headmare Twilight."

The rest of the gang were huddled together, seeing Mobius and the Headmare sharing a fine chat. All looking quite suspicious over him creating small talk around their circle.

"Sadly, I wouldn't want to bother you with your position as headmare... you're the most talented spell caster I ever knew!" He finished his sentence with a great big smile. Alongside making Twilight show a faint blush on her cheeks.

"Oh my! Nopony has ever come to me to teach them magic before," giggled Twilight, "I've known for a while you wanted to study at the magic school for gifted unicorns. I'll consider teaching you some tricks the next time I have a free schedule; that good?"

The eccentric James contained his excitement as much as he can when he pulled the classic one-liner from students everywhere, "Sounds like a date then..."

Realizing that her wording was a tad off made the mare blush bright red as her cheeks and eyes turned away to the happy colt. Twilight could never be the pony to date somepony, let alone their student from her school. "I mean! not like a d-date! That would spell disaster! I'm a different life ahead of you and you're also my student! Which would be a bad wrap from all my friends and even the public."

James couldn't believe he's seeing the signature Twilight Sparkle cringe face up close; he could just die of happiness right now. He had to cut her off just to recollect herself, "J-just joking, I wouldn't want that to happen either..."

"Yes, now gotta go over there!" she pulled her signature cringe smile as she trotted away still in that particular pose.

The gang later filled the empty areas of the lunch table and plopped their trays alongside the spots they were sitting at. The boys sat on one end while the girls were on the other side. Just like the typical segregation in high school as James would recall. They were focused on chowing down on their meals, but some did some chatting as Smolder, Ocellus, Yona, and Silverstream turned their attention to Mobius.

"Listen here Mobius!" Smolder pointed to him like he did something wrong to her, "You can't hide from us anymore."

"Oh? Hide what exactly?" He was genuinely confused at their odd behavior towards them.

"Yona find pony-friend suspicious from start!" The yak was reiterated in the third person.

Sweat beads started to appear on the back of Mobius' neck when he soon believe he was about to be exposed. Did he manage to slip up? He made sure not to reveal his phone out in the open and revert to the most discrete locations. He had to wait if they were talking about his true identity. But Ocellus was the one who immediately call out to his attention.

"Yes. There is something strange about you; my changeling senses are tingling around you."

Shit! Shit! Shit! Have I slipped up? I knew I shouldn't mess around stealing! I'm surrounded by creatures; transforming back is a huge risk for me! Please Discord, save me from this predicament!

"You've gotta crush on Headmare Twilight!" His moment of panic came to end when Silverstream came up bursting and leaned towards him in the process. Pointing a talon over at the silent unicorn.

The girl's side of the table snickered in unison poking fun at James' out-of-this-world crush on Twilight Sparkle. He doesn't blame him, he had his eyes on her for the past 10 years watching the show. Alas, the season 9 finale didn't do her justice, or as James would call it. He felt like she could be so more after her abysmal performance in season 8. Televising the season 10 comics won't make it better because that whole series was utterly useless to him.

"Told ya! I knew from the beginning!" perked Gallus right next to Sandbar, taking a bite out of his sandwich.

"Oh! That sounds so cute of you Mobius!" Cooed Ocellus from her seat swaying her head. "My sense tells me you make the perfect couple together."

"Oh r-really?" He sighed heavily, seeing that his crisis on his true it made him act nervous, "I thought I came too strong on her when I asked her about learning magic."

"Good for you buddy, But I don't think Headmare would wanna date one of her students." Gallus had to break the news to him, "She's the princess of friendship after all,"

"Oh geez! You better not be attending this school just to see her!" Smolder sighed, picking up a huge gem on her tray to bite into it. The cracking and crunching noise made the gang discomfort.

"How do you eat that stuff? Those will shred my teeth," the concerned-sounding Sandbar piqued interest at the dragon's unusual appetite.

She muffles her every word while chewing on the pieces of gems. "Focus on your dietary chooses and I'll focus on mine!"

Over at the faculty table where all of the teachers and staff, twilight's closest friends, came and dined together just on the left-hand corner of the cafeteria. Pinkie Pie was still managing the station, so they were one mare short. Each of them was doing less eating and more gossiping soon as Twilight came and sat at the head of the table. To her surprise, all of them including Spike aimed their sights directly at her making grins all around.

Dumbfounded by their strange behavior, Twilight began to break the silence in the table ."Hello girls... fine lunch we're having?"

Giggling noise came out of the five mares' mouths as they made Twilight uncomfortable and confused at their odd gestures.

"Umm, what seems to be the problem here, Rarity?" she poked at Rarity making a sly face at the clueless princess.

"Twi-darling! I never expected you to have... such sway with the younglings. It's bound to happen, you are one of the most sought-after mares in all of Equestria. You place 4th in the top 10 eligible bachelorettes in my fashion magazine "

Twilight gulped when she dug for more answers from her. "S-sway?"

"It's alright Twilight, don't be ashamed of yourself," Fluttershy eases her with her calming nature, "Everycolt his age goes through some feelings in their body; it's just that Mobius had his eyes laid on you the first. It's best to not overthink it and pass it on as usual."

"W-what are you talking about Fluttershy!?"

When it came to Starlight's turn, she scooched over to her left muttering out to her ears, "I always knew you had it in ya! Still, private magic lessons from you? In more ways than one..."

She was genuinely creeped out by her friend's strange behavior, cringing through their whole conversation. But was all cut short when somepony with the nick of sense stopped this whole thing.

"For crying out loud! That kid Mobius has the hots for you!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash by slamming both her hooves on the table. "Dump him, he isn't worth it!"

"W-what!?" cheeks turned red, Twilight got completely flustered by the outrageous accusation. "No-no-no! That part of asking for private lessons for a date was just simply-"

Gasping on sight, Rarity covered her mouth while keeping a faint blush on her cheeks, "Oh my! A date already!? What kind of colt is he that made you head over heels for him?"

"No! It was JUST a joke he says!" iterated Twilight, keeping her raging emotions intact. "He wanted to learn at magic school, so I promised him to teach him a few spells of mine when I have the free time."

Chuckling from across Starlight, Applejack kept a cool head. "Okay, we'll leave it at that everypony. Although, that their Mobius does find you the good-lookin' one.."

Twilight buried her face with her forelegs as she muffled her agonizing scream from within. "Celestia... please help me"

The final bell rang for the day and all classes for the rest of the week as the weekend break arises. A majority stayed at the campus, studying, using the facilities, or just hanging out. For Mobius, he parted ways with his schoolmates ready to leave for their homelands for the weekend. Left him to walk over towards his usual discrete spot; The Everfree Forest. Pulling out his phone to change back to his original self and prepared to change into a brand new identity. His battery level was at 50%, so it would mean one extra transformation.

"I should use this extra time to get used to my pegasus form to pass the time," he muttered to himself, preparing to hover over at the pegasus button, "Here goes nothing!"

At a tap of the phone, his transformation began as usual surrounding himself in the green ring and transforming him back to a pony. Or so James thought noticing subtle differences distinguishing his unicorn self. He had tan-colored fur as a base this time. Checking out the camera app on his phone is a pair of green eyes rather than his heterochromia pair. He was the same age and height as his unicorn self, but he felt lighter and more alert in his mind. From the side, he was a pegasus colt with his wingspan tucked inside his back. His mane was now brown and frilly as he brushes the top with a foreleg.

"So this is a pegasus body? It's quite different than unicorns than I imagined." he carefully spoke to himself turning over to see what his cutie mark is this time, "Now that's interesting..."

The cutie mark that appeared this time was a blue infinity symbol, with distinctive blue streaks of lighting creating the whole thing. He still had a satchel bag on him, must've been the coat that changed form again but with a smaller strap to accommodate the wings of pegasi. Putting away his phone in the bag proved difficult without the use of magic, but James managed to do so biting the edge with his mouth and tossing it in the air to land in the safety of the bag. His next goal was learning how to fly as he prepared to expand his wingspan and get a feel for the air. Miraculously, he started strong, zipping through the forests at high speeds already; just the slightest yaw from his body made him maneuver past the dense trees, and controlling his altitude was no problem for him.

It seems that each form pre-loads my brain with the knowledge of basic skill sets like magic and flying. I can pretty much fly to Cloudsdale from here if I wanted to. I wonder what an Earthpony brings to the table?

Going above the village to catch a glimpse at the whereabouts of Cloudsdale, he spotted a great chunky of clouds gathered pretty far from his location. It was about time he sees the wonders of Cloudsdale from upclose as he zoomed above cloud level and a straight shot into the city center. Just to his surprise, the city looked quite large than the show's depiction. Only showing an overview and bits of it like the weather factory and a few houses. Hovering a few feet above the clouds just like the other pegasi minding their businesses. James wanted to just take out his phone and take a few snaps, but it would be a risk to not only himself but for his precious phone. What if it breaks? He doesn't know if it can float on clouds.

Gently, he simply just hovered around the city to marvel at its structure and other architectures. It was a mixture of old roman-like buildings with a hint of modernized housing, and rainbows flowing everywhere like waterfalls.

I wonder what a rainbow tastes like? Not like skittles...maybe one lick wouldn't hurt-

"Hey, kid!" A screech called out Behind James, which he quickly reacted by looking at his back. The pegasus was a stallion, looking to be a few years older than him. He had pale blue fur with a dark blue mane and tail and emerald green eyes. This was a no-brainer to him, it was Soarin of the Wonderbolts. Every pegasus knows who they are in Ponyville, so this was convenient for him as well.

"Wow! Soarin of the Wonderbolts just called out to me!" James knew he wasn't into the Wonderbolts that much, but it was a nice little extra to be seeing one in person, "What can I help you with?"

"Maybe you can start with your name first?" he casually greeted himself, "Yes, I'm Soarin! Must be a big fan of mine!"

"Oh yes, my name..." thinking something out of the blue was James' signature talent as he immediately found a perfect name. "I'm Figure Eight! A pleasure meeting you!"

"Figure Eight huh?" Soarin made a thinking pose as he stood still on top of some clouds. "What a strange name indeed. So, I was thinking if you could be interested in some easy bits?"

"Easy bits how?" replied Figure Eight, genuinely curious of this job offer as he landed softly in front of him.

Soarin proceeds to elaborate further. "Indeed, we're doing an open house at the Academy where pegasi can come in and see what it takes to be a Wonderbolt. We'll be offering tours, flight demonstrations, and a chance to meet the members upclose. We won't begin until next week, so the academy made these flyers for any pegasi who are interested in attending. We've been wanting to ask you if you're willing to post them around Cloudsdale and Ponyville."

"Flyer run huh?" he replied to him, seeing the pile of flyers on Soarin's bag.

"I would do it myself, But I need to do some drills very soon; think you're up to it?"

Making a few bits could prove useful and I shouldn't just rely on stealing from others, eventually, I'll get caught.

"S-sure! I've got free time!" Figure Eight nodded, accepting the large stack of flyers and carefully packing it in his bag.

"Good! Meet you back here little man!"

With that, Soarin zipped out above the skies, leaving a trail of wind pushing from Figure Eights' face. Looks like a perfect opportunity to check around Cloudsdale while he's here.

20 minutes later, I've been locating hotspots and lively places to post as many flyers as possible. Flying makes it so easy to maneuver around; Going to point A to point B was a breeze. Just as I was scanning the city for any other possible spots, I realized that I need enough for Ponyville. A place where youthful pegasi mostly gather around. I think I know exactly where to go!

Figure Eight pierced through the cloud and began his descent down to Ponyville; screaming along the way like he's in some roller coaster ride. Roughly landing nearby a business, he first stuck flyers around Sugarcube Corner and the doors on some business. His main target of the School of Friendship, zipping above everypony at surface level and landing just outside the doors. James' first idea was to go to Headmare Twilight's office and tell her about the Wonderbolts youthful division, but his mind stopped him from moving as he realized something.

Hang on, I'm not Mobius this time. This form doesn't know where Headmare Twilight's office is, or the school. I needed to play the part of a clueless pony to keep suspicion away from creatures.

He panned around the main hall checking to see if a family face could guide him to Headmares Twilight's office. Over at the corner was Sandbar, preparing his bags to leave the campus as it looks. Figure Eight carefully hovered towards him catching him off guard when he jumped out of fright.

"Woah Dude! You almost scared me!" Sandbar caught his breath, seeing the pegasus with a bunch of flyers from his bag. " I don't think I've seen you around."

"S-sorry, I'm just having trouble finding Headmares Twilight's office! I wanted to pass out flyers around the school, but I want to ask permission from her before I do." Figure Eight casually explains to Sandbar, acting as if they're strangers.

Sandbar, like the kind colt he is, replied. "Oh, well her office is just down—"

"Excuse me, I don't believe I've seen you around here before?"

A voice called out to Sandbar and James, seeing a soft-spoken pegasus hovering towards them. It was Professor Fluttershy, and her presence alone made Sandbar pretentious as he stood straight up and happily greeted, "Professor Fluttershy! I wasn't doing anything wrong; this pegasus needed to ask permission to hand out flyers."

"Flyers for what exactly?" She caught Figure Eights' suspicious presence in the school when she tilts her head over at his bag.

"Flyers for the Wonderbolts Academy open house. Mr. Soarin asked me to post them around Ponyville and I had an idea to post some around the hallways and bulletins around here," he answered back, making Fluttershy smile back.

"That sounds wonderful! My friend is in the Wonderbolts, you might know her as"

"Yes! Ms. Rainbow Dash!" interrupted James. "Big fan of her too!"

It's great to meet somepony who is a fan of her friend, but something bugged Fluttershy that she had to ask him. "My-my, I don't recall ever seeing you here around the school of friendship. Are you out of town?"

"My apologies, it's Figure Eight!" James casually greeted her by offering a hoof shake, "Pleased to meet you!"

Observing their conversation, Sandbar intervened for a bit. "I have never seen you around here; you new?"

"Oh, no..." he shook his head, figuring out something that seems believable, "I live far away from here, somewhere in...Fillydelphia."

"A city colt huh?" smiled Sandbar, trying to get more out of him, "And you came to this school specifically?"

"Not exactly; I needed to do an errand at Cloudsdale when Soarin met me. He said to post some flyers around the city and in Ponyville." James couldn't believe the amount of exaggeration he's pulling from his noggin, "Then somepony from town suggested I go to Twilight's School of Friendship. A unicorn with two different colored eyes; kinda freaked me out."

"You must mean Mobius," added Fluttershy, "He said something of visiting his home back at Sire Hallow's, so he's the one that told you to come here."

"Yes..." knowing that he's lying to Fluttershy made him sad, but Figure Eight brushed off his thoughts.

When Fluttershy understood where he came from, she turned over to him and made a suggestion. "I'm going to see Headmare Twilight myself, follow me and I'll take you to her."


The two pegasi hovered around the halls, keeping a respectable distance from each other; Figure Eight pretending that it's his first time here. Reaching the huge doors and coming to a stop as Fluttershy gave two gentle knocks with her foreleg. The voice of the headmare behind the doors echoed.

"You can come right in!"

Giving her a hoof to push open the doors revealed Twilight at her desk seemingly signing important documents from a medium stack of parchment to her left and a larger stack to the right. Using a quill and a few ink bottles to sign the bottom of them with a signature as James assumed it. He stayed silent, trying not to bother her as much to let the adults talk.

"Good evening Twilight!" greeted Fluttershy, attempting to break her from her concentration, "I have a-"

"A pegasus?" she broke her focus on the signatures and now towards Figure Eight, observing his strange presence in the school, "Is he a new student ready to learn friendship!?"

"N-not exactly..." muttered Figure Eight, trying to act all shy around her, "I just wanted permission to"

"Oh Fluttershy, I just got those optional assignments ready for you for Monday's class!" he was interrupted by school duties, "Here they are!"

Fluttershy hovered her attention to three purple manila folders on the center of her desk, already in reach of her. Trying not to take a peek to respect their privacy, James did glance at one of the labels on one on top: Manehatten...

Manehatten! That's where Cozy Glow is supposedly located, and it's for Monday's class? That gives few a few days to prepare for it. No matter what, I need to take that assignment!

"Why thank you so much Twilight!" Fluttershy was grateful that she finally got those folders in her possession. She quickly greeted Figure Eight in response, "This here is Figure Eight! He comes to post some flyers around the school for the Wonderbolts open house."

As expected by James, she graciously accepted the idea at no extra thought. "That's wonderful; we have so many pegasi students. They would love to attend this open house! You don't even need to do It yourself, I can have my friend Rainbow Dash posts these in lickety-split."

"Saves me the trouble, thanks!" Figure Eight sighed happily, placing the rest of the flyers on the headmares desk, and proceeded to wave goodbye when he approached the doors behind him. Just as soon as he was about to touch the door, a purple baby dragon was doing a jog towards Twilight's desk. James knew it was Spike all along, but it felt weird seeing his original self.

Spike hasn't grown a pair yet? I wonder why he was running towards her urgently?

"Twilight! Starlight needs to see you in her office." he panted as he tried to keep his short legs propping himself up.

"In a minute Spike, I've just finished reading these letters of recommendations for future students." she went back to her usual business. He nodded before falling flat on the floor, possibly due to exhaustion.

Whatever it was it doesn't sound good... but I can't do anything about it; just gotta go back to Cloudsdale and get paid...

The trip back to Cloudsdale wasn't too bad the second time, it was tiring for James as he was just getting used to his newfound stamina in this new body. The location he agreed to meet back with Soarin was just outside a store entrance. He was patiently waiting for the colt to arrive as Figure Eight flew past him.

"Hey it's me!" he reminded the stallion about his presence as he landed softly on the cloud surface, "I've done what you've asked and posted flyers around town,"

"That sounds amazing my little dude!" of course Soarin was perky into hearing his success, "As promised, here's your pay just for that."

The stallion reached out for his bag and showed him a sack of what appears to be 30 bits total, which seemed to be enough food for a whole week or more if spent wisely. James couldn't be so happy receiving his first pay as an individual. Figure Eight accepted the bits he had laying on his hoof and grabbed it by his mouth to place it in the safety of his bag.

"Thanks, Mr. Soarin! I'm honored to be working for a Wonderbolt!" Figure Eight did a saluting gesture as if he was part of the Wonderbolts himself. Soarin simply chuckled from his mouth.

"No sweat it kid, you seem like you can hold on your own; how about you do some odd-jobs here in Cloudsdale?"

Soarin's offer piqued James' interest as he asked to elaborate further, "Odd-jobs like?"

"You know, simple tasks; Clearing away clouds, tourist guide assistant, and some mundane tasks here and there." added Soarin, going down the list of jobs, "Think of them like commissions; they can be found on the bulletins around the city."

Is this the part in the tutorial where I can do side-quests? I do need money to survive, and stealing from helpless ponies isn't going to put me on the nice list. I guess I can use this form to make money for myself.

"That sounds like an ideal job for me!" nodded Figure Eight, thinking about the possibilities of many other jobs.

"Great! You can find a list of stuff that ponies need to be done near storefronts in Cloudsdale; Even in the town hall in Ponyville." Soarin gave out a brief explanation for Figure Eight's benefit, "Careful now, some jobs require serious hard work or the use of magic. It's best to avoid those..."

That won't be an issue for me...

When he was just about done with his explanation, he noticed the sun about to be lowering to a shimmering sunset. Soarin immediately went airborne and gave Figure Eight some parting words before dashing out to the sky.

"Shoot! I'm late! Spitfire is going to kill me!"

It was that time James too decided to go back to the dorms and change back to Mobius, carefully flying down to Cloudsdale to the Everfree forest. Situating himself behind a tree before he pulled out his phone and miraculously switched to his human self with a tap of his hoof. The back pain James use to get was no longer a problem as he got custom to living his life as a pony. The battery level reads 20%, so this would be the last time he could transform in a while. Sighing, he pressed on the unicorn button and transformed back to Mobius. Reminding himself about that commission's board in town, he decided to check it out tomorrow and decided to head back to campus. But while James was already heading to town, he levitated the sack of bits he got from Soarin over at his eyes and carefully pondered.

Maybe this calls for a celebration? Time to see what this hayburger is all about...


Counselor Starlight was just finishing up her last student before she was greeted by Twilight hanging around at the doors. The student put up a big smile as he left satisfied with his visit from Starlight. Taking a seat just in front of her desk space, Twilight curiously asked about her reason for being summoned here.

"I've arrived just like Spike said, fid a friendship problem arise?" she asked herself some paranoid afterthoughts as Starlight shook her head.

"Not exactly, I received several theft reports from students making it the 5th time this week." her concerned stared almost gave Twilight chills down her spine as this seems like a serious matter at hoof.

"Theft? What kinds of stuff was stolen?"

"All of the reports were just bits; No books or any personal items. The strangest thing is that the students do know the reason for the disappearance. They had the bits in one second, and the next it disappears!" answered Starlight, "Also, similar reports have been going on in town,"

"The same crimes around Ponyville? Do you have any leads on the culprit; what do they look like?"

"A student in the newspaper club was taking photos for this week's article, and she spotted this strange figure behind all the students here."

The photos laid on Starlight's desk were separate headshots of students and their activities, but it was clear that something in the background felt off for Twilight. It was figure bearing all-black and surprisingly wasn't an ordinary creature she recognized. What made this more elusive is that the figure in question was slightly faded and blurry like it was traveling at high speeds.

"I've seen these somewhere..." Twilight carefully inspected the photos showing the anatomy that held the sack of bits, "Like I've had experience with them... they're hands!"

"Hands? As in those things from the world Sunset Shimmer resides in? Those hands?"

The alicorn nodded her head as she examined the photos in more detail with a magnifying glass she alleviated from thin air, "Yes, I think this could be the work of a human that managed to make its way in Equestria. But how? Equestrian magic should transform them into a pony. I should probably write to Sunset about anyone that might've used the portal somehow."

"Whoever this stranger is probably didn't travel from world-to-world just to make quick dough. There must be something more sinister at stake," Starlight rubbed her chin as she throws out theories about this strange being.

"Have any creature seen these photos outside of school?" reached out to Twilight, still inside her zone examining the photos.

Starlight replied. "No, only the one who took the photos saw them and she never showed it to anypony."

"Good, I don't want this to leak around Ponyville and cause a panic." It was time that Twilight used her magic to make a folder appear to her and placed them inside as classified information, "Let's just hope that all this creature does is steal money and not someone trying to change the fate of Equestria forever. I may have to report to Princess Celestia about this..."

Mobius was just inside the stallion's restroom inside the hayburger restaurant, seemingly occupied at a stall vomiting out green substance in the toilet. His face all discolored by his greenish cheeks and teary eyes.

AHHH! Who the fuck eats hay for a hamburger!?