//------------------------------// // Chapter 10: Hearts and Hooves Hullabaloo, Part 2 // Story: How A Realist Saved The Show // by Mare Of Mystery //------------------------------// With Cozy Glow making her way to her home, she slowly opened the door as to not disturb her father's day off from work. The last thing she remembered on the top of her head was receiving a love letter with Mobius' signature and the next thing she knew, she was laying on top of a hay bale in Appleblooms Barnhouse with painful sensation coming from her left cheeks. Applebloom mentioned she was in some trance as she was spewing nonsense at them while Scootaloo slapped her silly out of it. Closing the door from behind and entering the living room when she noticed that her father was all alone sitting at the table enjoying a box of chocolates opened up with the heart-shaped lid on the side. "Hello sweetie, how was your first Hearts and Hooves day in Ponyville doing?" Checkmate moved his head to see her all flushed on something as he peeked t the letter held with her mouth. "Oh? Is that a card I see?" She nodded, grabbing the envelope with her forelegs when she started to hover in the air. Checkmate chuckled as he finished another piece of chocolate. "That's wonderful, I expected somepony from your class will write to you. You're such a bright young mare!" "W-where did you get those?" she pointed at the box on the table noticing a notecard on the table. "Is it...from mom?!" He nodded silently. "She couldn't make it today, but she will be able to see you first thing tomorrow. The grace period for her visitation rights ends that day. " "That's amazing! And..." her happiest had come to a halt when she looked at the envelope on her hooves. "This card wasn't given to me by a classmate." "Well, who can..." before he could guess the identity of his daughter's secret admirer, Checkmate gasped as he thought of a possible candidate. "...Now way...him!?" "Y—Yes... Mobius..." Checkmate raised a brow over the confirmation on the pony who wrote the notecard to her. This was expected to happen, Cozy Glow couldn't possibly be the only one to figure out the colt's odd behavior towards her; treating her with snacks, playing games of chess together, and having a good time together. She predicts her dad coming up to the poor colt and giving him a little lesson on trying to steal his daughter away from him. "So he went ahead a did it huh?" "What?" She scratched her head at what her father said. "Don't worry about a thing Cozy, I'll make sure I'll give him the talk of the century!" his phrasing made it sound like being a protective father about to go after the one making moves on his daughter. To retaliate, Cozy quickly flew towards him and restrained one of his legs. "No! Don't hurt him! I don't want anypony to get hurt because of me!" she pleaded her farther not to beat He soon realized how his phrasing was a tad off when he laughed at her assumption. "No-No! Sweetie! I don't mean to harm the fellow, just need to give him a nice little talk stallion-to-stallion." "D-Dad? Are you saying?" Checkmate nodded. "Yes, dear...time to end your friendship with him once and for all!" "No! No! NOOOO! Why did I ever write two letters at all?! I could have easily spoken to the Cozy anytime about it! And now, I'm wrapped up in the most ridiculous cliche ever! GAHHHHH!" Inside his dorm room, Mobius screamed out of his lungs slamming his head with a book in quick succession. Followed by the dreaded feeling that Cozy might start gunning for him, he shut himself from the outside world to figure out some way to get out of this scotch-free. "I know, I can ask Ocellus to drain all the love out of her!" he suggested out loud, only to redact that idea. "No, I would never force her into anything, and they don't do that anymore. I know! I can revert to human form, create a conscious of Mobius and stage a foalnapping scenario with myself! But, what does a human have to do with any of this?!" He knew full aware that the best course of action would be to talk to Cozy and Twilight about the whole mix-up. However, Mobius might be afraid that it would break Cozy's heart to get her hopes up and Twilight already made it clear that she accepted the letter. Things were going tough around until a figurative light bulb popped above his head. "That's right...he appears in this episode! Maybe my only chance here!" Trotting past the students and citizens, Mobius made his way into a lively part of Ponyville to look past all the buildings and creatures in the way. He doesn't know when, but Discord should appear just walking about the streets. It took him about 5 minutes spotting him from the distance casually walking and talking amongst himself. He ran up to the draconequus, seeing him surprised by his sudden appearance. "Discord! You've got to help me!" Mobius pleaded with his knees to the ground. "I've messed up badly and I seriously need some magic!" But, Discord raised a brow on him, acting as he has never seen him in his entire life. "hmm? Excuse me, kind sir, I do believe we haven't met. What's your name, boy?" "That's right, he'll assume we're total strangers when we bump into each other in this world. Alright, I'll play along for now..." "...I'm Mobius..." "Well, then Mobius, a pleasure to meet you on this fine day! The name is Discord, king of chaos! At your service!" he greeted the colt in return with a paw shake lasting a few seconds. "I'm in a hurry helping a broken-hearted pony, so If you" "Alright, cut the act, Discord! I've got a real big problem right here!" "Did you accidentally cause a tear in the fabric of reality?" Discord assumed the worse possible outcome, but only to be dejected by a head shake. "Well, what could be worse than that?" "I sent Twilight and Cozy Glow the wrong letters on Hearts and Hooves day!" Mobius responded with a mutter, keeping the flush face away from him. "Ugh! That is rather problematic," he mulled over what Mobius had done as he came up with a quick solution. "Just a simple heart-to-heart chat will do the trick" "No! I couldn't!" Mobius refused his first suggestion replied. "Can you just give me the power the reverse time like to this morning?! Give me the spell or something!" Discord sadly shook his head. "Unfortunately for you 'Mobius', Equestrian time magic is far from stable and could cause a paradox that could collapse every timeline. Also, your unique time powers can only affect present time, and can't be used to go back." "What about my time reversal skill?" "That only works if you suffer from major injuries, you will revert to the state before impact and mend any wounds." answered the draconequus. "Plus, I specifically said that I'm only giving you one chance to change things— whatever else you do is up to you. You can easily diffuse this conundrum like any old episode!" "But...I just...I can't!" Paralyzed by fear and regret, Mobius started to have a minor panic attack in the broad daylight. Discord never thought he would be in this situation, dragging his paw across his face trying to cope with Mobius' whimper. "Alright look, I can't help you with your little problem, but maybe she can..." "She?" Discord showed signs of great concern when his lips started to curl up like he's been hiding something secret from him. "You might get something out of her, but..." "Who?!" "Unfortunately, she didn't get the memo of your presence and reason for being here." he ignored Mobius' question and went on rambling. "Tell me, darn it! Who are you talking about?!" Mobius shouted, making Discord pay attention as he soon responded. "I'm referring to The Tree of Harmony of course!" The colt gawked when he heard that name. "The tree of harmony? How would she help?" "I don't know, but as far as I know, she's completely powerless to stop your actions. So don't worry about getting blasted to smithereens." chuckled Discord, keeping the joyful tears away with a flick of his claw. "She can't stop me? Why?" he never imagined that the Tree of Harmony is powerless against his actions, asking about how that was possible. "Her powers are only limited to beings that lack in the beliefs in friendship. Since you have intentions of friendship and not seeking to conquer Equestria, you're off her radar," he answered back. "That's a relief, I probably won't worry about being blasted by a magical rainbow beam or melt like a candle." "Luckily, I've placed a marker in the map that will transport you into the cave beneath the library." Discord nudged him on the shoulder. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to be heading over to Big Mac right about now!" With a snap of his fingers, Discord vanished out of sight, leaving Mobius all alone to contemplate on his next course of action. He would have to go to the crystal cavern and speak with the Tree of Harmony. Taking his time to walk to the forest and making sure that the coast was clear, Mobius spawned in his phone and began to start to warp to the cave. He drag the map to where the school was located and found the marker labeled 'Cavern Underneath Library'. Before he could tap the button to confirm, he muttered to himself. "I hope she can help me on this one..." The portal opened before his eyes, and he took a step in without hesitation when the next thing he sees was nothing but bright blue crystal formations pulsating a white light on the walls and ground. Checking around the cave, he was sure enough to be beneath the library. The eerie silence mixed with the ambiance it gave out gave him goosebumps. "I'm here," he spoke softly admiring the crystal formations on the ground. ", now if only I could find-" "Who goes there?" a familiar voice came echoing within the deepest part of the crystal cave. It sounded almost robotic as the tone and her iteration felt off when she stared into his head. The entity walking towards Mobius' appeared to be Twilight Sparkle in some transparent state. But he knew it wasn't Twilight, but a consciousness of the Tree of Harmony appearing as her. Assuming that Twilight is the Princess of Magic, the tree took the form of the bearer as well. "Hello there..." pretending that he's clueless as to who the entity was, Mobius cringed before her, seeing the tree of harmony examining every inch of his body. "Interesting," she seemed to be quite astonished by his appearance when Mobius kept his cringy smile on him. "You are not native to this place, I see..." "Oh crap! Has she figured me out already?!" "Yes...I am from a faraway place." Mobius answered as ambiguous as possible, making sure that her wisdom doesn't see through his disguise keeping the biggest poker face he ever made. She sincerely gave him a dearing smile. "When I gaze upon you I see that you're speaking 100% the truth. But there's something about you that's even more of a fascination." "She's onto me, I need to think of something quick. Before that, I need to see exactly where is this going." He heard her loud and clear when he responded. "What do you mean?" "You seem to have no issues about the magic of friendship, and even excelling in the teachings by the bearers of harmony." the tree couldn't look so happy with her smile. "Therefore, there is nothing I can do for you to—" "—Wait! I need your help on something really important!" As much as he was relived by the Tree of Harmony not trying to destroy him for changing the timeline, Mobius still needed something from her as he paused her mid-sentence. "You see I need to solve an issue I have—" "—Unfortunately, can't help you with any problems you may have." she sincerely apologized to him. "I am not a physical being, just a conscious manifestation of the tree of harmony. My powers can't help with your troubles unless it threatens the balance of harmony and chaos." "Look, you don't understand! I seriously need help with a little issue!" he once again begged him for the tree's assistance. "Please! I need you to change the past for me." "I'm sorry, that's far from my jurisdiction." once more, the tree of harmony turned him down. "Bullshit, I know that the tree can do so much more than just be a plot device that moves the story further. Maybe If I show her exactly who I truly am, I could convince her to help me. But I'm risking my whole identity and true intentions to a literal tree spirit. Well, if it will solve my issues, so be it." He spawned out his phone from thin air as he slowly walked over to the spirit, curious about the strange slab he lifted with his horn. The tree had to ask. "Hmm? What is this curious-looking artifact you got there?" "Just, don't get all freaked out when I show you this," Mobius assured the tree that when he showed her the screen of his homepage. "This is a phone, and it holds the ability to communicate from afar, capture photos as a memento of stuff, and contains vast knowledge from around the world." He explains the basics like to some senile person who hasn't touched a piece of technology in their lifetime, but he has to take baby steps if the tree wanted to understand the situation he's in. The tree nodded profusely as she's beginning to understand the device. "Truly a remarkable talisman indeed..." mesmerized by the 'artifact' shown the Mobius, the tree slowly moved her foreleg to touch the screen. "It's like a view glass filled with—" As soon as her hoof made contact with the glass display, the phone made a small vacuum space that seemed to have sucked up the tree of harmony's hoof inside the phone's screen. She gasped when she clearly didn't understand what was happening. "H—hey! what's the meaning of this?! Stops this at once!" "Huh?! This wasn't part of my powers... Mobius tried to pull the phone away from her, only it made the suction much stronger as most of her left foreleg was somehow through the screen. "Sorry! I...just don't...know how...to..." He tugged so hard with his magic trying to free the spirit from whatever the hell his phone his doing to her. This entire experience was brand new to Mobius when the next thing he knew, half of the tree's body was missing with her head and one foreleg hanging onto the outside part of the phone. "GAAAAHHHHHHH!" Was the last thing she screamed out when she was fully sucked up inside James' phone. This reaction caused Mobius to quickly drop his phone from the air and let it drop a few feet onto the solid crystal ground. Luckily, his phone didn't receive any cracks or dents as it was enchanted by Discords magic. All he could see was a pinkish light emitting off of the screen in a slow, pulsating pattern for a few seconds when suddenly his body started to morph back into his original self, he was James again. "I-I didn't hit the revert button. What happened?" he got his bearings together crouching down to pick up his phone. "What happened to the tree of harmony? and what's with this loading bar"? The screen displayed was only a white background and a pink bar quickly reaching across the screen. As he waited for the phone to boot up to the home menu, it seemed that everything was ordinary; the layout was all the same, the apps from Discord seemed to work fine as James quickly went back to Mobius and back to his human self, and all of his files were still intact. "Man, if only I could tell her that I was from another world," James muttered out loud, as he lost hope in trying to seek help from her, "Maybe then I would get her to noti—" "You're from another world!? Why didn't you say so!?" "—Gah!" James jumped out from the voice sounding the same vein as Twilight. "Hang on, I didn't call someone! Is that you Twilight!?" "I'm not Twilight you Twilight-obsessed Brony! I'm the Tree of Harmony!" "Brony? But Discord didn't tell anything " "Wait just a minute, why do you know what a Brony is? And how did you know my obsession with Twilight?!" "I don't know! You tell me! After I was gobbled up by your 'phone' I entered some realm that has access to all of your files. I then took the liberty to use magic to absorb all the knowledge and information from this 'google chrome' app, then I was assaulted with vast knowledge about these humans that know this realm!" "Oh...OH! You saw them...did you?" James slowly stared upon space as the tree of harmony somehow delve into his files containing some unsavory imagery. "Yes I have, and you have problems..." James took a big gulp, as ashamed of himself for storing his images on his phone without any encryption or password protection whatsoever. Not only that, some tree spirit somehow got inside his phone and has access to everything on it. "Maybe getting killed by Cozy's dad isn't that bad after all..." He shook his head to go back into the important details. "Alright-alright! Let's put that aside from now, how are you speaking like the real Twilight? You sounded so unnatural when I spoke to you here!" "I don't know, and I don't care! What's more important is why a person with knowledge of Equestria is doing here!? You were a pony!" "Um, well...you see..." He took his time to explain everything to her; his homeworld, his parents leaving him all by himself, the contract he signed with Discord, and all of his unique powers to control time pacing back and forth to pass the time. The tree of harmony sound both amazed and utter shock as she made gasped noise from the phone's speakers. "Ugh! It's always him that causes all this trouble! But you don't have a single drop of evil intentions in you? So, you plan to 'fix' Equestria's future by teaching four fiends the power of friendship?" "That's correct ma'am, and I already dealt with Cozy Glow by reuniting her with her father!" he boast on his first victory. "Also, where are you anyway? I've been trying to find you in one of the apps, but you don't seem to appear anywhere." "Hang on! Give me a sec!" From the homepage of his phone, James could see something appearing from the top left of the screen, it was the Tree of Harmony. She appeared as Twilight shrunk down to widget size that flew around his home page seeing the apps. She stared at the three in particular that he uses for the map. Landing on top of his bottom bar, she placed a hoof on her chin to observe them. "This digital world, it is fascinating seeing vast knowledge right in front of—" Just as she was finishing her question, James gracefully used his pointer finger to grab the tree of harmony and flicked her up from the bottom. She made an audible grunt as she bonked her head from the top part of his screen and dropped down in agonizing pain. "S—Stop it! That hurts! And I can't seem to get out of this stupid phone!" "I have the tree of harmony inside my phone!? This is a wonderful discovery, but what can she do to help me on my mission?" "Hey...uh...tree?" he cringed when calling her by that name. "So you can't seem to get out of my phone, huh?" "YES!" Something curious popped into James' head as he push down the power button for a few seconds, making the power down menu appear on top of the phone. The tree soon realized the homepage went dim as she stared deeply at the white text box saying 'Power OFF' "W—WAIT! You don't know what that does to me if you shut this phone off! Hey! Listen to—" It was a blunt move from the start, but James pushed the power off button ignoring the tree's plead has the phone shut off completely. Did he just kill the Tree of Harmony? If that's so, that will add 100 extra villian points to his street cred. But he soon quickly realized his big mistake as he booted the device on to see if she would still be alive inside his homepage. Seconds waiting, and he input his passcode and there was the Tree in the semblance of Twilight, hyperventilating as she was rocking back and forth in a fetal position on the bottom of the screen shivering alongside. "Hello?! Are you alright in there?" he tried to calm the spirit down when she moved her head over to the screen to respond. "N—Nothing but d-d-darkness..." "Oh boy...this is going to be a hassle..." He thought it was going to be a simple in and out meeting with the tree of harmony, but James visit took a wild turn as the spirit somehow got trapped inside his phone, managed to learn tons of knowledge on the internet, and saw his 'images' in his files. He now sat on the floor telling stories about how he discovered the show and got hooked on it. "...I was just browsing the channels on my T.V. when a random episode from the pop-up. I think it was that one where Twilight's future self comes to warn her about something and she freaked out and started to find out what it was..." he rambled on with his story, keeping the tree quite interested, "I thought it was just some little girls show, but then I started to watch the rest. Until I discovered it was a marathon playing the whole first season." "It's...hard to believe that my entire existence, and Equestrias too, are just imaginary beings used for entertainment purposes...I think I'm having an existential crisis here..." He chuckled back as to hold back his heavy laughter, "Well it's not all bad, the show made me go through tough times, and that goes for the millions of Bronies like me that made it into a cult following." "All of this seems amazing, but if you want to teach these fiends the true meaning of friendship, you should've just asked." "This is a surprise, I thought you'll say something like 'It will cause a significant change in the balance' or something." "Well while in this new form, I've come to realize that I could learn so much more than just some tree spirit who shows up in like a few episodes. I will try to figure out how to escape this place when the time's right, until then..." From the homepage, the tree lit her horn up and blasted a magical beam of light to a space of the homepage. The blast seemed to have materialized another icon next to the transformation app, in the shape of a crystal door. The tree of harmony flew up to the door and opened it like in some hotel room. "I shall seek shelter in this nice little space. This app will act as a hub for me as I figure out how to get out. Don't worry, I won't interfere with you until you call for me and I won't be prying into your files anymore. There's just...TOO much to take in." "Yeah, tree, that's wonderful of you." James sarcastically thanked the spirit, only to be weirded out even more. "Alright, I need to come up with a better name to call you, how about Twilight?" "Hay no! I may look like Twilight, but I'm a different being than her!" "Okay, what about Harmony? It's plain, simple, and describes you perfectly." he threw out another name, to which she slowly nodded in agreement. "That seems fitting for me, alright. I will do more research on my certain situation, you can do whatever you need to to change Chrysalis' heart on friendship; as long as you don't go take over Equestria with her. Feel free to give me a " "Thanks..." just when he was finished with her, James immediately went back to his plead on rewinding time, "So I have mistakenly given the wrong hearts and hooves day cards to the wrong ponies, isn't there anything you can do to change that event?" "Nope. Sorry bud, please speak to the Tree of Love located underneath the Crystal Empire palace." "MOTHER FU—" Meanwhile, at the school of friendship, Sandbar was preparing to do some leisurely reading to himself as he invested his time in the latest issue of Power Ponies comic borrowed by Spike. He sat inside the library couch to get a comfortable read until he was interpreted by a large bovine who plopped herself next to the little guy. He flushed up realizing that it was Yona who sat next to him. "Y—Yona!" he stammered. "Did you get anything for hearts and hooves day?" The yak huffed out of her muzzle in response to his question as she answered. "Yona don't understand pony love day! She didn't receive anything!" Sandbar set his comic book aside, see Yona sitting a few inches away from them. "I know it's difficult on your first hearts and hooves day, but who knows? There might be some creature here who's willing to get you something special next year." "Hmmph, first Yona hears strange noises underneath the library, and now she has to wait?!" Yona grunted as she made a sour-looking face. "Worst pony love day...ever!" "Noises underneath the library?" he raised his brow on her first remark. "What are you—" "—Hey you two! Happy Hearts and Hooves day!" a perky voice came out from behind them, "Did you get her anything, Sandbar?" The one that gave them a scare was Ocellus, appearing from behind them as she was followed by Smolder who was interestingly close to her at all times. "Ocellus!" he greeted back to his dear friend, seeing the big heart-shaped box she held onto. "I see you have a huge box of treats, I wonder who gave it to you? Perhaps some creature we know?" Flushed as ever, Smolder raised her left arm to confirm Sandbar's question. "You're looking straight at her." He soon had the shock of his life seeing Smolder and Ocellus keeping each other warm as the dragon wrapped her right arm around the changeling and the two blushed. Sandbar gulped as his mouth started to form a smile, "That's so sweet of you, Smolder. I didn't know you had it in you." "I didn't know I had it in me too." shrugged Smolder. "I thought you or Mobius would be the ones to give something out during this day. Where is he by the way?" "Well, I prefer not to rush into things..." Sandbars grin almost looked like a cringe, scooting a few inches away from Yona. "Say, where is Mobius by the way? Have anyone of you seen him?" "I haven't seen him in a while, maybe he's spending time with you know who" answered Ocellus, taking a lucky guess on the special somepony he was with. "Now? Good for him!" When the gang was snickering about their friend's potential Hearts and Hooves date, Headmare Twilight walked over to them lifting a stack of books she was organizing into the nearby shelves. Poking in their conversation when she greeted. "Hello everyone! Happy hearts and hooves to all of you!" Her sudden appearance in the library made Ocellus, Smolder, and the rest scratched their heads seeing Twilight by herself in the library on this special day. It only took a few seconds to realize Mobius wasn't with her at all times. "Headmare?" this confused Ocellus as she could've sworn Mobius had an interest in her and wrote her a letter according to the letters he wrote just this morning. She turned her head to ask. "I thought you received a special letter to a special pony on this special day." Twilight took initiative over the changeling's curiousness, answering as she placed the books in their intended placements. "Oh yeah, if you're talking about Mobius. I had to respect what he said in his letter and decided not to date him." "WHAT!?" "Shh! This is a library every creature!" hushed the Headmare with her foreleg to her lips. "He's the brightest student I've got, maybe even my top one. However, he still has a bright future ahead of him, and I don't want our age differences to be the end of him. I am the Princess of Friendship that needs to be a role model to everypony for the future. Do you understand?" The group slowly nodded in unison as the logic behind her explanation was understandable at best. Twilight left them be walking over to the opposite end of the corner to finish the book sorting. This left Ocellus is distraught by this, jaw-dropping and everything. "So, I guess Mobius isn't seeing her after all?" Sandbar could only be bummed out by his friend's decision not to make moves on the Headmare. "I completely understand their reasoning, and I respect his decision. Still though, what happened to Gallus?" Over at the cafeteria, Gallis was sitting by himself with nothing but his heart-shaped box with goodies opened up with the lid underneath. One by one, he scarfed down the chocolate pieces as his beak was smeared with the stuff. Seeing a few other students sharing a seat across from each other and spoon-feeding their significant others. He let out a huge disappointing sigh at his side of the table before muttering. "I knew I should've bought those magazines on sale today..." Alot has happened in the past 30 minutes being inside the crystal cavern underneath the library, Mobius had returned to the forest he appeared in and made his way into town as the area seemed still active with lovey-dovey ponies. How he managed to trap the tree of harmony inside his phone and got transformed into some advanced personal assistance in the form of Twilight is far from strange. He already has time powers, portal casting, transformations, and his knowledge of Equestria and its ponies. But none of that seemed to matter as he went for a straight shot to the school. "Alright, I'm close to the school now, I just passed Twilight's castle and everypony seems to be with their—" "—Hey boy!" a masculine voice sounding quite older called out for him behind his back. "It's Checkmate, I need to speak with you for a moment." The colt made a sudden halt like a cop caught him committing a crime in broad daylight. Mobius had sweat beads forming on his forehead already, clenching his teeth as he came to believe his time in Equestria had officially come to an end. "Well, it was fun while it lasted, I hope Cozy enjoys a wonderful and the rest may vary. I hope I could reincarnate into a creature in this realm; maybe a dragon would be pretty cool..." He had a face of pure acceptance as Mobius looked behind him deadpanned. Slowly, walking back from his trail seeing Checkmate all serious as he approached him as well. Cozy Glow was just behind him biting her bottom lip to show a sense of dread at what has yet to come. When the two ponies met face-to-face, all that Mobius could do was take a huge gulp in his throat and greet the adult. "H—Hello, Mr. Checkmate. How's working at Ponyville doing you?" he tried to stall his inevitable death with a casual question. "It's going well, but that's not why I'm here." Checkmate had to bring it up to him as he made Mobius whimper. "Do you know why I called you here?" "N—No..." Checkmate slowly relayed his reasoning. "Because you've wrote that love poem for Cozy Glow. I took a glance at it myself, and I was completely shocked..." "Alright, how should I take this? Hoof to the face? Or maybe a nice big apple buck to the stomach?" It was already too late to say that the letter wasn't addressed to her, as It would cause more issues if he breaks Cozy's heart. Mobius already accepted his fate, he's just waiting to get the perfect moment for the final blow. "I—I know it might sound..." "I'm speaking here! Boy!" he firmly stood his ground interrupting Mobius with his raised voice to keep him quiet. "For now on, you and Cozy Glow are NO longer friends!" Cozy broke her silence as she pushed her father aside to reveal her tears running down her cheeks. "Daddy! You can't just do that! You can't just declare somepony—" "—Because now, you have my full-on blessing kid..." he finished his sentence, letting out a caring smile to Mobius. "B-blessing?" Mobius scratched his chin, visibly confused at this huge turn on him. "For what?" "What else? My blessing to date my daughter, of course!" Checkmate gave him a little noogie with his foreleg rustling his mane. To her surprise, Checkmate wasn't going into 'protective father' mode when he laughed off his serious behavior into the caring dad she always knew. Like a dream coming true, Cozy Glow couldn't be so relieved and excited for her father willing to accept Mobius as her special somepony. Imagining happy moments together as she bounces on her dad's torso and gave him a nice big hug. "Oh! Thank you-thank you-thank you daddy!" she squealed to the top of her lungs. Mobius didn't quite know what to feel; happy that his life is being spared, afraid that her father is declaring them lovers, disappointed that Twilight rejected him in a professional matter. All these emotions mixed can only leave the unicorn sitting still, mulling over what the future may hold for him. "I...I...I don't know what to say..." he spoke out loud. "I don't understand..." Checkmate was the first to comfort him, placing his foreleg on his shoulders to give him his reasoning. "Look Mobius, It's not that you wrote to my little girl on this special day. It's the fact that you were there when I was about to let her go as an orphan— gave me the kick in the flank to keep me going as a father, and even made great friends with her in Ponyville. She's quite the smart and mature one for her age. Heck, she even helps me with my taxes!" "Equestria has taxes?" "So if you want to decline my offer and remain friends with her, that's fine by me," he continued, "but just realize that you're the only pony around here that saved her from the delusion she believed that caused our divorce. It if weren't for you, she would stay in that orphanage for the rest of her life." He retracted his foreleg resting on Mobius' shoulder as he backed up to await his answer. Mobius was now in the clear when he heard him saying he can remain friends with her. This would the perfect moment to give him that answer when something came to him in his mind. "I could easily say that I want to remain friends with her, and that would be the end of my huge problem. But then again..." Cozy slowly walked over to him, looking all flushed as she tried to make eye contact with him to give her opinion. "I know it's up to you Mobius, but you're the pony that did save my future, and you're the one that makes me feel joy being around. I bet there's no other pony out there that could replicate those same feelings I have for you now. I know it must be hard because of our peer groups, but it all leads up to you to decide. I'll be happy either way." "God she's adorable; what's gotten into me? Why am I feeling things? Is it the curls!? It's got to be her curls! She's completely changed into a calm and caring being. But what if somepony sees...wait...why am I the one to be embarrassed by all of this? I've placed Twilight in the same position as I am, and she's like twice my age! A princess figure like her would be ashamed of being around somepony like me. She doesn't have time for romance, I bet she was already going to reject me regardless of the letter. I guess, there's nothing to be ashamed of anymore. Sorry, Chrysalis— you'll just have to find somepony else to be with." Clearing up his throat, Mobius carefully let out his answer in front of Checkmate. "I...I accept your blessing to be your daughter's coltfriend..."