Flurry Heart's Story: Dream of Alicornication

by AleximusPrime

6. Cozy Glow vs Flurry Heart

Cozy and her parents continued to wreck havoc in Ponyville turning more buildings into giant chess pieces and placing “COZY GLOW IS WATCHING YOU” posters on doors and poles. Everypony was running around, screaming and crying except for two of Twilight’s guards that had been waiting outside.
“By the orders of Princess Twilight Sparkle, we demand that you cease all magical activity at once!” shouted one of them.
“Oh no! Mommy, Daddy, it’s the powice! I’m vewy scawed! NOT!!” Cozy said as she shot both guards and transformed them into knight chess pieces with heads that could still move and talk.
“HEY! You’ll pay for this, child!” shouted the other guard.
“Ah, ponies turned into knight pieces! Very nice touch, daughter!” said King Kriegspiel.
“Why thank you, Father!” Cozy said, flipping her hair. “I figured if some ponies don’t wanna be kids again, they can just stand there and be part of the whole game! Get it?!”
She and her parents both laughed maniacally until something interrupted them.
“COZY GLOW!!” shouted Flurry.
“Oh not this little brat again!” groaned the queen.
“Cozy, this has to stop now!” Flurry told her.
“Princess! I thought I told you to not stand in my way!” Cozy said, flying in front of her parents. “Mom, Dad, why don’t you go down and keep some order. Just remember to not use too much magic.”
“Squash that little insect for us, daughter!” the king cheered on as he and his wife flew down to roam the streets of Ponyville.
“Now where, was I? Oh yes. SCRAM!!!” Cozy barked as she shot a small beam at Flurry.
The beam zoomed forward, but before it could land a hit on Flurry, it met an invisible shield that automatically turned into a bubble of pink energy in front of her and the offensive beam turned into a small spark upon impact. Flurry closed her eyes at first, afraid of the possibility of the bracelet not working, but she opened them to see that Cozy’s attacks had no effect.

“What the hay?!” Cozy shouted. “How did you do that?! Nothing stops the amulet’s power!”
Cozy then shot an even more powerful beam at Flurry and it only had the same effect. Flurry smirked mischievously.
“Seriously, how are you doing that?! It can’t be that ugly thing around your hoof can it?”
“This thing will stop all your attacks, Cozy. You can’t hurt me.”
“All my attacks huh? We’ll see about that!”
Cozy flew forward at high speeds and attempted to tackle Flurry, but instead she hit the shield and flattened out in front of her. She slowly peeled herself off and shook her head around.
“GRRRR! You know what, forget you, Princess!” Cozy said as she teleported elsewhere.
“Oh great, now where’d she go?!” Flurry said.

Meanwhile, Starlight, Sunburst, and Trixie rushed the Cake Twins to Sugarcube Corner. They were about to make it inside until the entire building was transformed into a giant rook made out of candy.
“NOOOOO!” Pound shouted. “Mom, Dad, please tell me you guys are alright in there!!”
“Over here, dear!” shouted Mrs. Cake off to the side.
Pound and Pumpkin turned their heads to see both of their parents and rushed over to them.
“Sorry, I thought you were goners there for a second!” Pound said, hugging them.
“We’re alright, Pound, but we decided to abandon ship rather than risk getting trapped inside one of those things!” Mr. Cake said.
“We’ll get the house fixed later hopefully, but right now we all need to get out of here!” said Mrs. Cake.
“Aw, did I do that?” said Cozy behind them.
“Cozy, stand back!” Starlight said, angrily, as she, Trixie and Sunburst stood, ready to fight.
“Really?” Cozy said sarcastically before shooting all three of them with beams and turning them into children.
“COZY STOP!!!” screamed Starlight.
“Cozy come on! I didn’t even go quite this far when I was wearing that thing!” Trixie told the naughty little filly.
“Think maybe that’s cuz you didn’t dare to try a little harder?” Cozy teased.
Suddenly, Flurry flew in and dove for Cozy. Cozy was stuck on the bubble shield once again.
“YOU AGAIN?! Can you seriously take a hint?!” she shouted as she flew off of the shield and angrily started firing more beams at Flurry.
“I’m not letting you out of my sight, Cozy!” Flurry called back.
“You’re gonna wish you were never born if you keep this up!”
Cozy then fired a very powerful beam at Flurry. The beam was not damaging Flurry, but it was pushing her down towards the earth and she couldn’t fly out of the way. Flurry tried using her own magic to push hard against the beam, but it did no good. Finally, Cozy increased her magical output and blasted Flurry into the ground. Flurry had a feeling the shield wouldn’t protect her from the ground since it could only work on Cozy’s magic, so she used her own magic to protect herself. Unfortunately, the beam and the ground pushed hard against both ends of Flurry’s shield and knocked her out. She lay unconscious on the ground inside a circular crater.
“FLURRY!” shouted Pumpkin as she rushed over to the crater and tried to wake her up. “Flurry, come on! You gotta get up!”
Pumpkin then looked up to the sky to see Cozy readying another beam. Pumpkin rushed over to Flurry, removed the bracelet and put it on her own hoof. Cozy fired the beam and watched as there was a large explosion of energy below. She wiped her nose and began to giggle.
“Hehehe, that wasn’t so hard. Wait…WHAT?!”
The dust settled and she saw that Pumpkin was now using the bracelet to protect them both. As Flurry began to wake up, Cozy fired another beam. After the dust settled again, she noticed they were no longer there. She looked around until she just saw the two of them flying in towards her before she was flattened along the shield again. As they kept flying, Cozy slowly slid off of it until she blew away like a paper in the wind. Pumpkin used her magic to keep herself afloat and Flurry flew along with her until they both got far enough away.
“WOOOOOH! That was awesome!” shouted Pumpkin.
“Thanks Pumpkin.” Flurry said as she hugged her.
“Here, this belongs to you,” Pumpkin said, giving the bracelet back to Flurry.
When Flurry put the bracelet on, it started to glow and in a few seconds, it went from being course and bronze to smooth and silver. Flurry and Pumpkin stared in amazement at it.

“What…just…happened?” Pumpkin asked.
“It’s just like Starswirl said! It’s changing and growing stronger!”
“You think you got this now?”
“Oh I’ve got this Pumpkin!”
“PUMPKIN CAKE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP THERE?!” shouted Mrs. Cake from a hundred feet below.
“MOM, DAD, GUESS WHAT I JUST DID!” Pumpkin called back as she used her magic to bring herself down to her family.
Flurry meanwhile kept looking at the bracelet and wondered what else changed about it besides its appearance.
“So now what. Can it do more than just make a shield?”
Cozy then came up behind her and shot another beam. The shield was now much bigger than last time and could cover about five times more in radius. Flurry didn’t even notice Cozy was behind her until after the blast made a sound against her shield. The shield also seemed to work now even if she wasn’t paying attention which meant she wouldn’t have to worry about getting hurt if unconscious and could probably even protect a building from being destroyed or transformed. Flurry turned herself around to face Cozy.
“UUUUGH! Where did you get that thing?!” Cozy asked.
“Let’s not worry about that right now, Cozy. Let’s just say this bracelet is more powerful than you think.”
“Well then why don’t you fight back?!”
“I don’t have to and I don’t want to, so I’m just asking right now that you please take off the amulet and surrender.”
Cozy dove for Flurry, but this time with more force. Now that she knew how the shield worked, she knew she had to be careful interacting with it so she created her own shield from the magic of the amulet. This had the effect of two balls of indestructible energy constantly bouncing at each other. It didn’t hurt either one of them, but Cozy tried to see if she could push Flurry enough to have her knocked out again, but the shield had clearly grown stronger now. Cozy kept pushing it around while Flurry tried to figure out what to do next. Cozy finally stopped and was panting after being so tired from all the flying she was doing. She used a quick spell from the amulet to recover some of her energy and then tried blasting more beams. She experimented with different types of spells and attacks to see if it could wear out the shield, but to no avail.

On the other side of town, Zecora ran through the streets of Ponyville with Discord, Celestia, and Luna, trying to keep quiet and not alert Cozy. She knew if Cozy saw those three out of the school, she would immediately go after them for escaping their capture. Zecora had to unfortunately get through Ponyville in order to get to the Everfree Forest and Cozy and Flurry had already flown over them several times.
“Quickly, children!” she called to them as they rushed into a back alley to avoid being seen by Cozy. “If she sees us, I cannot forgive myself for what she may do!”
“So Zecora, what happened to your rhyming?” Celestia asked.
“Let’s just say I was the first victim of Cozy’s mischief.” Zecora replied.
“Can’t be half as bad as what happened to us.” Discord added.
Suddenly, a beam of magic shot the ground and zoomed past them, just barely missing Luna as she made it into the alley. They all shimmied up against the wall as Flurry and Cozy flew over again.
“That was too close!” Luna said.
“We’re almost to the entrance to Everfree. Come!” Zecora whispered.
They rushed on past more buildings that had already been transformed and could finally see the Everfree Forest. They kept running until another beam carved a huge ditch right along the path that was several hundred yards wide and as far as the eye could see.
“Great. Now what? We can’t fly over it or she’ll see us and we won’t have Zecora anyway!” Discord said, pulling his eyelids down.
“I know another way! Follow me!” Zecora said as she ran back and lead them to an alternate path.
They tried staying behind buildings to not be seen, until they bumped into Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Spike, and Starswirl.
“Zecora, why are you guys still out here?!” Twilight asked.
“I’m sorry Twilight,” Zecora responded. “We have had a hard time getting to Everfree. Look, the path is blocked!”
“Great. Well here, let me take them. I’ll teleport them across the chasm.”
Suddenly there was an explosion that rocked them all around and knocked Twilight into the wall of another building.
“TWILIGHT!” called all her friends at once.
They went over to help her up, but unfortunately she was unconscious.
“Just our luck,” said Rainbow Dash.
“I’ll do it,” said Starswirl. “Come with me-AGGH!”
Starswirl started floating in the air with a red aura around him. Everyone else was about to shout his name until white magic appeared around their lips to keep them quiet so they would not give themselves away. Starswirl floated over to Cozy who had just spotted him. Thankfully she didn’t seem to notice Discord, Celestia, or Luna.
“So, you’re the great Starswirl the Bearded, eh?” Cozy asked, bringing Starswirl to her. “I’m guessing you’re the one who gave her that stupid bracelet?!”
“Maybe I am,” he replied. “She’s already gaining the upper hoof I see.”
“Hey…I’M GOING TO BEAT HER!” Cozy yelled in his face.
Starswirl looked back at her with a smirk before speaking.
“Pride comes before the fall, little one.”
Starswirl then disappeared and left a flashing light that disoriented Cozy momentarily. She looked around but could not see him.
“HEY! Why, that no-good, old coot!”
“Let’s keep this between the two of us, Cozy.”
Cozy then turned around, getting angrier and angrier and continued her fight with Flurry. Starswirl was safely away from Cozy, but now he had to get back to Discord and the princesses. He rushed back to them but was then stopped in his tracks by King and Queen Kriegspiel.
“Ah ah ah! You’re not going anywhere, wizard!” said the queen.
“You must be the parents,” Starswirl replied.
“We are her parents, and proud of it!” said the king.
“Well just because you are both alicorns does not mean you can stop me. You forget who you’re dealing with.”
“We call the shots now, not you!” said the queen as she and her husband blasted him with magic.
Starswirl created a shield of energy to protect himself, but he also noticed something peculiar as it happened. While they were blasting him with energy, Cozy Glow’s energy seemed to die down and weaken. Cozy noticed this and turned angrily to her parents.
“MOM, DAD, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” she hollered.
“Oh, Cozy, we were just teaching this old crone a lesson!” the queen replied.
“What did I say about using up my…er, your magic?!”
“Many apologies, dear! It won’t happen again!” the king said, bowing his head in respect.
“They’re sharing magic,” Starswirl said to himself. “These two don’t have any magic, they only take away two thirds of Cozy’s energy when they use some!”
Starswirl then shot his own beam at the suspicious royals and they quickly put up their own shields. Cozy’s magic weakened again. Flurry noticed what Starswirl was doing and took the chance to catch Cozy off guard and use her shield to push her on to the ground. Cozy landed on top of Discord, Celestia, and Luna in a heap on the ground. They all groaned in pain until Cozy realized who they were.
“You three!” she said, menacingly.
They were all speechless until Discord spoke up.
“Uh…hey. We’ll go back to the school now if you’d like,” he said nervously.
“You’re not going ANYWHERE!!”
Cozy flew into the air and zapped all three of them. Electricity appeared all around them as a greyish material crept up their bodies and froze them into place. A large pedestal that resembled the one that Cozy spent over eight years on appeared beneath them. They were all turned into stone just like Cozy had been.

“DISCORD! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!” shouted Fluttershy with tears streaming down her face as she ran to the statue.
“Hehehe, and here I thought this day was going bad,” Cozy said, wickedly.
“HOW COULD YOU?!?” Fluttershy whimpered as she turned to Cozy.
“Alright Cozy, that’s it! Playtime’s over!” shouted Gallus as he and the rest of the teachers appeared with their Element of Harmony necklaces.