//------------------------------// // Yes I'll Be Your Marefriend! // Story: Hidden Crushes // by StormLuna //------------------------------// Twilight Sparkle had just ascended to being an Alicorn after rewriting Starswirl's spell to fix her friends' cutie marks. For her, this was something that she never imagined would happen. It wasn't so much her fixing the spell that she didn't see herself doing, it was Celestia ascending her over it. Twilight knew that she was going to have a coronation ceremony up in Canterlot in a couple of days but for that night, she simply wanted to stay home and rest. Most of her friends agreed with her and headed off towards home, save one. Fluttershy had her eyes glued on Twilight and that evening she was feeling a bit more confident. She decided that she was going to approach Twilight over joining her in her cottage for a while. "Uhm Twilight, congratulations on getting your wings but I wanted to ask you a question." Twilight was a bit shocked because she was picking up something different from Fluttershy. Normally she wouldn't go doing something like this but here she seemed more assertive, not mean like she was with the Iron Will fiasco but more confident. She replied, "What is it Fluttershy?" Normally Fluttershy would back out of it and say it was nothing but this time was different. She had the confidence to do this now and she wasn't going to let it slip by. She asked, "Twilight, I was wondering if you'd like to spend some time with me in my cottage." This was so unlike Fluttershy and another thing that was unlike her was the look in her eyes. She did not have a nervous look in her eyes, she had a look of desire! Twilight hesitated at first before replying, "Sure, I'll spend some time with you Fluttershy." Fluttershy put her wing around her as the two began to walk towards her cottage. At that moment Twilight knew what it was that Fluttershy wanted, she wanted something special between them. This was one thing that Twilight had never admitted to anypony but she always had found Fluttershy beautiful and hoped that something like this would happen. As they were walking with Fluttershy's wing around her, it felt so good to her. She was giddy inside that the most beautiful pony in Ponyville had her wing around her! Once they arrived at Fluttershy's cottage, the two headed in and Fluttershy immediately asked, "Twilight, is there something you'd like to eat?" Twilight knew what sort of food that Fluttershy liked and had similar tastes, "Yeah, I think a daffodil and daisy sandwich sounds good." Fluttershy gave her a smile, "Alright, how about you go in and sit on the couch while I fix our sandwiches." Twilight headed into the living room and plopped down on Fluttershy's couch. One thing she noticed though that it was rather small for a couch, it was more of a love seat than anything else. She got a huge smile on her face and thought to herself, "Oh my, Fluttershy wants us to sit close together! Maybe she wants something special!" A few minutes later Fluttershy returned with their sandwiches, giving Twilight a loving smile. She gave Twilight her sandwich before plopping right down next to her. Twilight had so many thoughts running through her mind. Should she put her wing around Fluttershy, should she wait for her to put hers around her or what. Twilight could tell that Fluttershy had more confidence than normal and figured that it would be best if she showed the same confidence so she scooted closer to Fluttershy and put her wing around her. Fluttershy giggled and blushed deeply, "Um Twilight, are you trying to tell me something?" Twilight too had a blush on her face, "Mayyybeee!" The two then went silent and placed their sandwiches on a table before gazing lovingly into one another's eyes. They pulled one another closer until Twilight pulled Fluttershy on top of her. Fluttershy wrapped her legs around Twilight and could feel her heart beating at a rather fast pace. She giggled, "Somepony's nervous isn't she?" When Fluttershy asked this, Twilight became more nervous and her heart beat sped up further, "Uh maybe!" Fluttershy lowered her head down and pulled Twilight into a kiss. When their lips met, it was like fireworks were going off for both mares. For Twilight, she felt like her dream was coming true. For so long this was something that she had only fantasized about, never daring to even think that one day she would be kissing Fluttershy. She was certain of one thing, she was falling in love with the pegasus. She was thinking about so much more with her than just friendship. Fluttershy wrapped her legs around Twilight, pulling her in closer and deepening the kiss. Fluttershy felt truly happy as she and the newly ascended Alicorn were kissing. Ever since they had defeated Nightmare Moon, Fluttershy had found Twilight incredibly attractive and felt a special energy coming from her. She was unsure as to how long she should continue to kiss Twilight but wanted to keep it up so she'd have enough time to think about how she should share her feelings with Twilight. After ten minutes of kissing, Fluttershy finally broke the kiss and pulled Twilight up. She had a smile on her face and said, "Twilight, there is something I really need to tell you." Twilight had a feeling as to what it was but signaled for Fluttershy to continue, "Twilight, ever since we defeated Nightmare Moon I have felt something from you. I have felt such a special energy coming from you and I'm going to admit, I find you incredibly attractive. Let me rephrase that, I find you incredibly sexy!" Twilight's eyes grew wide as she asked, "Really, you do?" Fluttershy continued, "I do and whenever we are together, I feel my heart skip a beat. You have no idea how much I wish that you and I could be more than friends. A lot of times I will lay in bed at night and imagine a time when we will be in bed together, holding one another close, kissing one another and" she blushed deeply before finishing, "and rubbing our 'you know' together." Twilight's heart melted when she heard this. Everything that Fluttershy had fantasized about at night was very similar to what she had fantasized about. She had a blush on her face as she added, "I fantasize about that about that too but I also think about us eating our 'you know.'" That was all the more Fluttershy needed to hear to know that the time had come. She gave Twilight a smile and asked, "Twilight, now that I know all this I have a question for you. Would you be my marefriend?" Twilight kissed Fluttershy before exclaiming, "Yes Fluttershy yes, yes I'll be your marefriend!" The two again engaged in a kiss before Fluttershy pulled Twilight up. She gave her a smile and suggested, "You know those fantasies we have Twilight?" Twilight gave her a smile, "You're wanting us to live those out, aren't you?" Fluttershy giggled, "Of course I am, the thoughts of us eating each other is making me so hot!" The two joined hooves and headed up to Fluttershy's bedroom. Fluttershy had long wanted Twilight as a marefriend and now she had her. She wasn't quite sure where they would go from there but knew one thing, it would be filled full of love and plenty of raunchy fun.