//------------------------------// // 15) Fight Fighters // Story: The Power of the Gravity Falls // by Gfmlp //------------------------------// In Gravity Falls, a few days ago Chrysalis had an idea, but she needed Old Man McGucket's help again to build her something. Unfortunately in all those days he couldn't find it and couldn't ask where it was, because he didn't want to attract attention and asking about Old Man McGucket would attract a lot of attention, because many would find it strange that someone asked about him. ... In the present, Soos showed the Mane 6, the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Stan the Arcade of Gravity Falls . “This is it dudes, my favorite place in Gravity Falls. Everything I know, I learned right here. A frog taught me how to cross a street. When my house was haunted, I learned how toe at ghosts," Soos said. Twilight, Rarity and Applejack upon hearing that last, looked at Soos with many doubts. “And this thing taught me how to dance,” says Soos showing off the dance machine called the Ho-Down Hero. And on that machine Old Man McGucket was dancing. “Woo-hoo-hoo! I’ve been jiggin’ here for seven days straight!” said Old Man McGucket cheerfully. “Soos, look at this?” Twilight asked very concerned, showing the plug of the dance machine. They all looked at the screen of the dance machine and saw that it said Out of Order. "This thing is out of order," said Rarity somewhat concerned. "Let him have this," Soos told the others. Stan was looking at the games out there and one of them was a new game called 'Insert Token!' Stan decides to insert a coin into that game. “Congratulations! You Win!” says the Insert Token juice which cheers Stan up a bit. "Brilliant! You won!” Pinkie says happily. But right after he says insert token again, making Stan upset about the scam, but Pinkie didn't notice. "This game is a total scam," says Applejack with much disgust. ... While in another part of the arcade, Dipper and Wendy were playing a Fight Fighters game, while Spike watched them. Dipper was playing with Rumble and Wendy with DR. Karate, Dipper manages to beat Wendy. "I'm gonna punch the ref," Wendy asked. The game announces a second round. "Let's gang up on him," says Dipper. Dipper and Wendy are futilely trying to hit the referee, but are interrupted by Spike. "Dipper, I know you're having fun, but you told me you were going to let me play now," Spike said a little impatient to play Fight Fighters. "Sorry Spike, but I forgot," Dipper said giving Spike permission to play. Spike was just playing with Wendy when suddenly Robbie appeared putting up posters of her band called 'ROBBIE V AND TOMBSTONES' and seeing Wendy, he decided to approach her. “Wendy! What's up, babe? Yeah, just putting up some flyers for my band. I'm playing lead guitar. No biggie,” Robbie said gloating. “I don't think anyone in Equestria would want to see you if they only see your poster,” says Spike looking at the poster for Robbie's band. "I'm going to play music Gravity Falls, I'm not going to play music wherever that this Ekestra", Robbie said a Dipper and Spike. Dipper hearing that realized that Robbie seemed like he didn't know anything about Equestria. Then he decided to see Robbie's band poster of him. "Are you wearing a mask?" Dipper said with some doubts when seeing the poster of his band. "Uh, it's eye-paint for men," says Robbie trying to defend himself against what Dipper said. "Hey Robbie, Dipper was just showing me this great game and now I'm playing Spike," says Wendy. “Haa, yeah, sweet, sweet,” Robbie says, then brushes aside Spike and says to Dipper and Spike. “Hey, how about you sit this one out, okay champ?” "But Spike had just started playing," Dipper said somewhat angrily. "He's telling the truth, Dipper," says Spike, annoyed with Robbie. “Whoa, whoa, hey! Relax you two, I'm just trying to spend a little time with my girlfriend, alright?" Robbie said confidently making Dipper and Spike more upset with him. "It'll just be one round," Wendy says to Dipper and Spike. Wendy and Robbie start playing and Wendy says something important to Robbie. "So hey, I'm gonna go camping tomorrow with my dad so, I won't be around," says Wendy. “Oh cool cool watch out!” said Robbie. "Robbie, did you hear what Wendy said?" Spike asked at the answer he gave him. “Of course I heard her, she's my girlfriend!” said Robbie. Seeing all this, Spike decided to talk to Dipper. "Dipper how about we get out of here, I don't like being anywhere near Robbie one bit," Spike said. "You're right, let's get out of here," Dipper said. And the two left the Arcade. ... The next day at the Mystery Shack and Dipper decides to clarify a doubt that he had. “Applejack and Apple Bloom I have a question for you two, hasn't Wendy ever mentioned Equestria to Robbie, because Robbie doesn't seem to know anything about Equestria?” Dipper asked. "I've never been interested in knowing about Robbie, but from what I understand Wendy tells Robbie about Equestria," Applejack said. "I heard from Wendy, that she told him several times about Equestria," said Apple Bloom. "By the way, why didn't you go camping with Wendy and her family?" Spike asked. "These days I have to take care of the apple trees and I don't have enough time to go out for a few days, I also don't like that Apple Bloom goes camping with Wendy's father and without me, not after the last time and I'm sure Rarity thinks the same", Applejack said. Suddenly, an electric guitar was heard outside the Mystery Shack. "Dude, I think I'm picking up a radio station inside my head," Soos said. Twilight listened to that sound to know what it was. “That sound is from an electric guitar,” Twilight said. They then hear Robbie singing the word Wendy along with the sound of the electric guitar. "Ugh, sounds like Robbie," Dipper says with much disgust. “Robby? Is he that jerky twerp I see making goo-goo eyes at Wendy all the time?” Stan said. "Yeah, that's it," Spike said. "He called me 'Big Dude' eleven. I mean, I know I'm a big dude, but it kinda hurt," says Soos. "I'm going to go talk to him," said Dipper already tired of listening to Robbie. Hearing that Twilight, Applejack and Spike decided to follow Dipper, they saw that Robbie was still singing. “Wendy! Wendy, Wendy!” Robbie sang, but seeing that he never left the Mystery Shack, he started yelling at her. “Wendy! C'mon out, girl! C'mon down!” But seeing Dipper, Twilight, Applejack, and Spike leaving the Mystery Shack, he decided to talk to Applejack. “You mare with a hat, I know you live with Wendy, why don't you bring Wendy outside? I was outside her house for more than an hour singing this same song, until I realized that no one was home, "said Robbie with a smug and irritated tone because Wendy had not yet left the Mystery Shack, then kept singing. Applejack didn't know how to feel, on the one hand she was very angry to be called that by Robbie, but on the other hand she felt very happy knowing that Robbie was outside her house for more than an hour wasting time and she also felt relieved to decide to hang out at the Mystery Shack, because thanks to that he didn't meet Robbie at the house. "One question Robbie, do you know what is Equestria?" Twilight asked to see how much Robbie was listening to Wendy. "It's the first time I've heard that name," Robbie said, continuing to sing. Everyone hearing this realized that Robbie was barely listening to Wendy. "You realize she's not here, right?" Dipper said. "Yes!... What?" Robbie said. "She's out camping with her family today," Dipper said. "I didn't go because I didn't have enough time to go camping these days," Applejack said. "Wait a minute, that means Wendy told everyone but me, her own boyfriend of hers," said Robbie rather annoyed. "Actually, Dipper and I heard it in the Arcade when Wendy told you about it," Spike said. "I wonder if you ever listen to Wendy," said Dipper. "I think the real question is whether she pays attention to anyone," Twilight said. “What was that?!” Robbie said. "I just said she's not here!" Dipper said somewhat annoyed. Immediately after Dipper said that, Apple Bloom left the Mystery Shack to see what was going on. "No no no! You want to get red it, huh? Lest ge red it, kid! You think I don't know what's been going on, huh? It's obvious you've got a thing for my girlfriend, don't you? Don't you?!" Robbie said angrily. "Que? No!” Dipper said somewhat confused as to why Robbie believed that. Hearing that, Applejack immediately looked at Twilight to see if she was angry, but she only seemed annoyed by Robbie's attitude, not by what she had just said. Twilight doesn't seem to take what Robbie says seriously because of his attitude, Applejack thought. "And I'm sure you guys want me to stop being Wendy's boyfriend," Robbie said. Everyone upon hearing that agreed on what he had just said. Robbie came up with an idea to annoy Dipper more and started looking for his cell phone. "Dipper how about we go to the Arcade to play," Spike said because he had a feeling that something bad would happen if they stayed here. "I think staying away from Robbie is the best option, since he doesn't listen to us," Dipper said. "It'll be better if I go see Fluttershy who's on a picnic with her new animal friends," Twilight said. "Apple Bloom we're going to Rarity's store, to see what he's doing Rarity, Sweetie Belle and Pacifica," said Applejack. They all left the place, shortly after they left Robbie took out his cell phone to call Wendy and spoke to Dipper without realizing that Dipper wasn't there, because he was just looking at his cell phone. “Yeah, I’m sure she’s just DYING to ask out a 12-years old kid who wears the exact same shorts every day. Hey, here's an idea: why don't I call her right now and see if she wants to go out on a date with you?" Robbie sarcastically told Dipper. Then at last he looked at everyone who was talking to him and realized that he was talking completely alone. Robbie decided to sing again, because he didn't believe them that she wasn't at the Mystery Shack. ... Elsewhere, a few minutes before Robbie arrived at the Mystery Shack, Chrysalis was finally able to find Old Man McGucket, who was walking into the woods. The first thing she did was use his shapeshifting ability to take on a form of an ordinary adult woman with a very different appearance and voice from the form known as Chrys. “Do you know Bill Cipher?” Chrysalis asked. "I never heard that name," Old Man McGucket said, still moving forward. "Well never mind," Chrysalis said and left immediately when she realized that she was going to meet Fluttershy. Chrysalis decided to just ask the name and also decided not to take on that appearance again so as not to arouse suspicion. He also wanted Old Man McGucket to build him a machine, but he didn't because he was going to use Chrys's form for it and he was going to do it later, because he saw that he had met with Fluttershy. ... Later when Dipper, Spike and Soos arrived at the Arcade they saw that Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo were playing racing games, but noticing them they decided to stop their game to talk. "What are you doing here? I thought they were going to spend the day at the Mystery Shack,” Rainbow Dash asked when she realized they had arrived at the Arcade. "Robbie is at the Mystery Shack singing a song for Wendy because he thinks she's there and he doesn't know that Wendy is out camping with her dad and her brothers," Dipper said. "Didn't Wendy tell Robbie that she was going camping?" Scootaloo asked. "And more importantly, didn't you guys tell her that Wendy wasn't in town, for Roobie to go away of the Mystery Shack?" Rainbow Dash said. "Dipper and I were there when Wendy told Robbie and he didn't listen, Robbie also thought we were lying, that's why Twilight decided to go see Fluttershy, Applejack and Apple Bloom went to Rarity's store to meet her and Sweetie Belle and we decided to go to the Arcade," Spike said. "Thanks for letting us know, the two of us were going to the Mystery Shack after finishing the next game," says Rainbow Dash. Spike and Dipper decided to play Fight Fighters, Soos chose to play a game called NORT, shortly after Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo went to Rarity's store. "Spike, why did you want us to leave the Mystery Shack right away?" Dipper asked. "Because Robbie kept trying to provoke everyone and it seemed like he was just trying to find an excuse to fight," Spike said. "With Robbie's personality I think he would have ended up going through something that would have made him angry," Dipper said. “In addition, Robbie is a teenager and teenagers are dangerous. Those hormones turn them into like, killing machines!” said Soos joining the conversation. "R-Really?" Dipper said with some fear. “Oh yeah, dude. My cousin Reggie got in a fight with a teen eleven. The guy broke like, all his arms from him, all his legs from him, and I think, killed him or something, do not know. Me and Reggie were just talking about it," Soos said. Soos after saying that she realized that Dipper and Spike were a little scared thanks to what she said, because they were completely sure that Robbie was just teasing them to find an excuse to have a fight. ”Relax, Dipper and Spike. Just try not to think about Robbie”, said Soos trying to calm them down. Dipper and Spike look around to calm down, but they were a little startled when they saw that one wall was covered with posters of Robbie's band. "Why are so many posters to promote a band stuck on the same wall?" Spike wondered. "This is where Robbie realized that Wendy was, while he was pasting the posters of his band and it seems that he pasted all the ones he had on that wall to spend more time with Wendy", Dipper said annoyed. Dipper and Spike decided it was best to keep playing. ... Elsewhere Twilight, Pinkie and Fluttershy were in the woods walking back to town. "Fluttershy, your picnic was so nice," Twilight said. "I wanted to have a field day with my new animal friends, Twilight, sorry I was going to invite them, but I found out that they were going to spend the day at the Mystery Shack or Rarity's store or also at the Arcade and the only one available was Pinkie" Fluttershy said. "I was a little surprised who you had tea with," Twilight said. "It's not surprising that Fluttershy likes to have tea with animals," Pinkie said, she thought a little about what Twilight was saying and began to speak with great fear. "Are you talking about me? Do I give the impression that I don't like spending time with my friends? "Calm down Pinkie, I don't mean that, what surprised me was that you invited Multi-Bear, Schmebulock and Mr. McGucket, because I hadn't realized that you two became friends with them," said Twilight. "Multi-Bear, Schemebulock, and Mr. McGucket are very kind," Pinkie said. "And also Schemebulock and Mr. McGucket have proven to be very smart," said Fluttershy. "McGucket told us he was going to let us know if he built a giant robot and Schmebulock told us he'd let us know if he found out the Gnomes were trying to kidnap someone again to make her their queen," Pinkie said. "I still can't believe I forgot about how dangerous Gnomes and Mr. McGucket can be, I was also surprised that you two can understand what Schmebulock is saying," Twilight said. "Twilight, I wish you could understand a Schmebulock because is a very smart Gnome," Pinkie said. “So how's Multi-bear been?” Twilight asked. "The Multi-Bear is someone very kind," said Pinkie. "And I warned the Manotaurs never to harm the Multi-Bear and another living thing just to prove his manhood," Fluttershy said angrily. "From what Dipper told me, the Manotaurs were very good friends and he helped them a lot in the problem he had, until they gave him that mission to kill the Multi-Bear," Twilight said, remembering what Dipper had said about the Manotaurs. "Ember said they were pretty nice, too," Pinkie said. “Speaking of Ember, where is she?” Twilight asked. "Ember said she was going to judge some pageants the Manotaurs were having", Pinkie said. "I also glad we found yesterday Mr. McGucket was that I hadn't seen him for days," Fluttershy said as she was a bit surprised to learn that Old Man McGucket was dancing on a broken machine. ... At the Mystery Shack, Robbie was very angry that Wendy didn't come out of the Mystery Shack, because when Dipper and Spike told them that she wasn't at the Mystery Shack, he thought she was lying to them so she would leave and not be found with Wendy. Robbie, after realizing that they left him talking to himself, decided to sing for Wendy to come out of the Mystery Shack, but seeing that she didn't come out, he decided to just yell at her, until Stan angrily left. “Why do you keep singing?! Didn't Dipper or Spike or any of the others tell you that Wendy wasn't here?!” Stan came out of the Mystery Shack very angrily. "They said Wendy was out camping and why should she trust what they say," Robbie said. “Because I'm alone in the Mystery Shack and everyone else is gone!” Stan yelled. Robbie was surprised to learn that only Stan was at the Mystery Shack. Stan seeing Robbie's expression realized everything that happened. “It seems that they realized that you were an idiot and that it was useless to try to talk to you and decided to leave this place”, Stan said laughing when he realized that Robbie was wasting his time singing. "What?!" Robbie asked very angry realizing everything that was happening thanks to Stan. Robbie decided to go look for Dipper, because he was very angry about what happened now, he wanted to know where Wendy was because he still didn't believe them that she wasn't in the city and also because Stan, who now couldn't stop laughing at Robbie, had left of the Mystery Shack with a baseball bat and he was sure he was going to use it against him. Shortly after Robbie left the Mystery Shack, Stan calmed down a bit and stopped laughing at Robbie for how stupid he was. "Wait a minute, I was going to use this opportunity to hit him," Stan said. Stan decided to go back to the Mystery Shack to watch TV and remembered how angry Robbie was when he left. "That idiot I think will look for Dipper to ask him where Wendy is, but I don't think he's stupid enough to fight Dipper, because they have many friends with magical abilities and obviously they would defend him if he's in danger", Stan said remembering abilities the Manes 6. ... Meanwhile at the Arcade, Soos is playing NORT. “Man, I wonder what it would be like to go inside a real video game!” Soos wondered. Right after Soos said that, she started unscrewing an arcade game. “I should have thought of this years ago!” Soos says and immediately started to get into the arcade game on the part she had unscrewed. As Dipper and Spike continued to play, Dipper's coin fell out and he decided to pick it up, but Dipper noticed a code written on the side of the Fight Fighters game. "Look Spike there's a code written here and it says 'To unleash ultimate power?'" Dipper said as he read what was written. “And what does that code do?” Spike asks. "Spike I don't know what the code does," says Dipper "That code might reveal a technique or a character," Spike said excitedly. “Let's try it, besides Spike I like things to the fullest. Back, back, hold, forward, back, forward, down, hold, quarter circle, forward, triple punch!” Dipper said as he applied those techniques to the Fight Fighters game. Upon completion of applying the code in the Fight Fighters arcade game, the game and nearby lights turned off. “The code doesn't seem to do anything,” Spike said a bit dejectedly. The Arcade began to shake. "Uhhh Soos?" Dipper says somewhat scared thinking he's going to explode. Immediately after saying that, a large light came out from the Arcade screen. “SELET YOUR CHARACTER!!!”, Says the voice of the game Fight Fighters. “Uhhh… Rumble McSkirmish?” Dipper says hesitantly. Saying that from the game, Rumble McSkirmish left the game, Spike seeing this was completely amazed. “Whoah! You're real?" Dipper asked. “Obviously it has to be real,” says Spike. Dipper looks closely at Rumble McSkirmish. “HIGHT FIVE!” say Dipper and Rumble McSkirmish at the same time, clapping their hands together. “Ow! Your pixels are really sharp! Ugh!” Dipper said looking at his hand which hurt. “GREETING, CHILD BOY! I AM RUMBLE MCSKIRMISH, FROM THE U.S.A.! PUNCH! KICK! PUNCH! KICK!!”, Says Rumble McSkirmish and with his last pink kick Dipper's face. “Ow! Cooool!” Dipper said touching his face that was delicate from the touch of Rumble McSkirmish's kick. “Rumble, you should be careful where you show off your skills,” Spike says, worried by the brush of his kick towards Dipper. “CHANGE MACHINE! CHANGE ME INTO A POWERFUL WOLF!! HWAAAA!!!!”, says Rumble McSkirmish crushing the change machine. "That machine doesn't work like that," Spike says, then looks at Dipper and speaks to him. "Dipper seems that Rumble lacks a bit of common sense" “I need power ups!” says Rumble McSkirmish looking a bit tired and blinking red. “This is so amazing! I gotta show Soos!” Dipper says excitedly. "Don't you want to introduce them to the others?" Spike asked. "Spike, of course I'm going to introduce him to the others, but I'm going to introduce Soos first, because she's here," Dipper said, looking around. “Where is Soos?” "She should be here because I'm sure she didn't come out of the Arcade," Spike said as he started looking for him. At that time, a person approached the game called NORT and when he saw Soos's face that was inside that game on the screen, he was scared when he saw it. "Help, I'm trapped in the game! It was cool in theory but in practice it was really boring," Soos said. The person screams and runs out of the Arcade. "It's not just a game anymore!" Soos said. Spike noticed the person running out of the arcade and saw on the NORT game screen that Soos was inside the game. "Soos is in that game," Spike said. Dipper realizing where Soos was, went to the game to talk to him. "Soos, how did get into that game?" Dipper asked. "I only opened part of the game, to finally know what it would be like to be inside a video game," Soos said. "I'm serious," Dipper said upon hearing that and immediately afterward began helping Soos out of that game. Meanwhile, a little further away in the Arcade, was Spike and Rumble McSkirmish. Rumble McSkirmish started to look around him and noticed the posters of Robbie's gang. “Who is the person on the posters?” asked Rumble McSkirmish believing they were Wanted posters. Spike was helping Dipper get Soos out of the arcade game. "That person's name is Robbie and he's a complete idiot," Dipper said. “Dipper, he's right, he's completely unbearable,” Spike said. After saying that they left the Arcade towards the Mystery Shack, but he decided to play some more. ... In the kitchen of the Mystery Shack, there were Dipper, Spike, and Rumble McSkirmish. "Well, we don't have any traditional power ups: turkey legs, pizza boxes, or gold rings," Dipper said as he looked at the refrigerator. “How about... half a taco?” "Place it, on the floor," said Rumble McSkirmish. Dipper puts the taco on the floor, Rumble McSkirmish looks at it, it disappears and then reappears in his power-ups menu. “I wish I could do that!” says Dipper. "Dipper, you're right, that was amazing," Spike said. "Now I must defeat the world's greatest fight-fighters. Take me to the Soviet Union,” says Rumble McSkirmish. "That's gonna be tought... for number of reason," said Dipper thoughtfully. "Spike I think it would be better if we wait for the others here" Dipper decided to wait at the Mystery Shack for everyone else to introduce Rumble McSkirmish. Right after that, they heard something outside and saw the Mane 6 and the Cutie Mark Crusaders outside the Mystery Shack, realizing this, Dipper and Spike decided to leave the Mystery Shack and tell him about Rumble McSkirmish. After they explained everything about Rumble McSkirmish to her a bit away from the Mystery Shack so as not to attract attention, Twilight was the first to speak. "Dipper and also Spike, I can understand that they think it's great to bring Rumble to this world, but I think it's very dangerous for Rumble to be in this world, because in that game they solved any problem with violence," Twilight said, remembering that it was a fighting game. Hearing that everyone got worried, Fluttershy began to tremble as she imagined a world where everything was resolved by harming others. "That's why he brought him to the Mystery Shack because there's nothing going on here that makes him fight someone," Dipper said. Suddenly, Soos is heard speaking in the room at the entrance of the Mystery Shack where Rumble McSkirmish was, but they could not understand what he was saying and immediately afterwards Rumble is heard shouting something that was not understood and Rumble McSkirmish runs out of the Mystery Shack. “I'm going to destroy Robbie!” said Rumble McSkirmish, as he ran. “What just happened?” Twilight asks. After saying that, they see Soos leaving the Mystery Shack and decide to find out why she wanted to destroy Robbie. “Soos, what happened in there?” Twilight asked. “I saw Robbie very angry in Circle Park and it seemed that he was looking for you, seeing this I went into the Mystery Shack saying: 'Robbie is in Circle Park and he seems to be very angry' thinking that Dipper was in the Mystery Shack or any of you, but only Rumble was there and hearing that came out," Soos said. Hearing that, everyone present wondered why Rumble wanted to fight Robbie. “Soos you heard what Rumble said after he heard you say that,” Dipper said. “He said something about Robbie being a highly wanted criminal with a bunch of wanted signs,” Soos said. Dipper and Spike were the first to realize what Rumble McSkirmish was referring to. "Rumble misunderstood everything," Spike said with great fear, then he continued speaking. "We have to get to Circle Park, before something very bad happens." Dipper explained to everyone that Robbie had put up a bunch of posters of his band, Rumble must have mistaken them for wanted posters. ... Meanwhile, Chrysalis decided to find OldMan McGucket to build something for her, because she was sure she was no longer near those ponies, but she suddenly heard screams of a teenager and explosions. Chrysalis went to find out what was going on, she saw Robbie being chased by Rumble McSkirmish. Immediately after, Dipper, Mane 6, Spike and the Cutie Mark Crusaders appeared. "Dipper, what the hell is going on here?" Chrysalis said referring to Rumble McSkirmish. "In short, thanks to a code I found in an Arcade fighting game I was able to summon to this world one of his characters named Rumble McSkirmish, but seeing all the posters of Robbie's gang he thought Robbie was a wanted criminal that needs to be removed,” Dipper said. Dipper and Spike tried to explain to Rumble McSkirmish that Robbie wasn't a criminal, but that only made him think that they were the villains who tried to manipulate him, but before Rumble McSkirmish got close enough to attack them, Twilight appeared and used teleportation, to prevent him from harming them. ... In a nearby place where Rumble McSkirmish is, but somewhat hidden they were all to see how to stop Rumble McSkirmish. “Twilight, you were right, bringing Rumble into this world was a very bad idea,” Dipper said. "Dipper, I didn't expect him to be that stupid either," said Twilight. "The main problem now is how to stop him, maybe i can make force fields and use magic, but from what I just saw, he's too fast and too strong", said Twilight. “That's not counting collateral damage,” Rarity said. "I have an idea, Rumble at all times applied the laws of the video game to this world," Dipper says, then explains his plan to everyone. "That plan is completely stupid, it's literally letting them hurt you," Twilight said very much against that plan, but deep down she believed it would work, but she didn't want Dipper to try to make that plan putting her own life in danger. When Chrysalis heard the plan, she thought it would be better to leave here, but she realized that it was not convenient for the Mane 6 to happen to them and she also did not want something to happen to Dipper because the taste of their love was very delicious. “I think the first thing is for you to tell us all about that muscle-brain jerk and also tell us how the hell he got here,” Chrysalis said. Dipper realized that Chrys was right, if they were going to try to stop Rumble, everyone had to know as much about him as possible. Dipper told everyone that he summoned Rumble from a game called Fight Fighters inside the Arcade using a code that was on the side of that game, after putting the code the game asked what character he wanted and Dipper chose Rumble, he also told them that his father had died thanks to another video game character named Dr. Karate. "Yes, the Arcade where Mr. McGucket was dancing for a whole week," Pinkie said. After Chrysalis heard that, she understood why she couldn't find Old Man McGucket and also came up with a plan to stop Rumble McSkirmish. "I have an idea to weaken Rumble and if your idea works Dipper is going to stop him, but I need you to lure him to the Arcade and before they arrive you have to tell me to carry out the plan", Chrysalis said and went ahead to get there first Arcade. ... They, then all decided to trust Chrys and decided to come up with a plan to lure Rumble McSkirmish into the Arcade. Rainbow Dash taunted him by flying in front of him to come to her, because she was the only one fast enough to dodge all of Rumble's attacks. They all finally made it to the Arcade and everyone was relieved to realize that they were here and hoping that Chrys's plan would work. ... Meanwhile, Chrysalis was inside the Arcade, waiting to be told that when Rumble McSkirmish was near the Arcade and heard some noises outside the Arcade, then she realized that they just took Rumble to the Arcade and didn't tell him before he arrived. Realizing that, he immediately started making the plan he had. ... Suddenly, Soos climbs a tree and tries to lower the health bar by trying to touch it, because she realized that Rumble was going to use powerful attacks. "Well, it was wroth a shot," Soos said, noticing that her hand was only going through the health bar. Rainbow Dash flies on top of Rumble, because they had arrived at the Arcade. "NOT! I HAVE NOT LOOKING UP! ANIMATION!” says Rumble trying to look up, then falls to the ground and screams. “AAAAAAAAAAAA...” Everyone present, seeing Rumble McSkirmish on the ground, came closer and began to laugh, especially Rainbow Dash. "So, what should I do, roll him up and put him on my wall?" Dipper said mocking Rumble. “Dude, we should rock paper, scissor for him!” Soos said. "Wait a minute, let's choose another way, because I want to have it too," Rainbow Dash said. “FIST... PUNCH... RAAAAAIIIINNNN !!!!!!”, Rumble yells angrily as he uses an ability. That ability to harm everyone present, but Twilight and Rarity realized what Rumble was going to do and used their magic to create a force field to protect everyone and they were both very exhausted after having used their magic to protect them. “NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THAT I HAVE PUNCHES!!!” said Rumble McSkirmish. Rumble raising his right arm and his whole body began to burn, Dipper realized that he was going to use his most powerful attack, so Dipper stood in front of Rumble McSkirmish so that his friends would not be hurt, but just before he launched his attack Chrys's voice was heard. “Rumble, there is someone here who wants to fight you”, said Chrysalis who had just left the Arcade. Rumble turned to see what he meant by that and suddenly saw Dr. Karate walking out of the Arcade. “Rumble I'm going to kill you like I did your father!” Dr. Karate yelled. Rumble McSkirmish, realizing that Dr. Karate was here, decided to use the technique he was going to use on the others on him. "SUPER POWER NINJA TURBO NEO ULTRA HYPER MEGA EXTRA UBER PREFIX..." Rumble said using that technique on Dr. Karate. “COMBO!!!”, says the Game Announcer. That attack took more than half of Dr. Karate's health, but Dr. Karate decided to continue fighting. Chrysalis joined the others to watch the fight. “I have to admit, you had a really good idea, Chrys,” Twilight said. “I have a question Chrys, why didn't you summoned out Dr. Karate earlier?” Rainbow Dash asked as she was a bit excited watching the fight. “Because they were supposed to tell me before they got to the Arcade and at that point I'd summoned Dr. Karate out of the game,” Chrysalis said. “Why didn't you have it out earlier, while you waited for all of us”, said Applejack who was also watching the fight. "If Rumble who is the hero of the video game is so unstable, I wanted to spend as little time as possible with the villain of the game," Chrysalis said, continuing to speak. "When I summoned him and told him that Rumble was outside, knowing this he wanted to fight Rumble immediately." Pinkie who was the most attentive to the fight, she thought of a question while she continued to watch the fight, while she ate some popcorn and had 3D glasses. “I have a question, who are we rooting for in this fight?” Pinkie asked everyone. Everyone upon hearing this question, looked at each other with many doubts. "All I want is for them to defeat each other," Chrysalis said. Although many of those who heard what Chris said were a bit cruel words, deep down they all agreed with what she said. After that, everyone saw that Rumble McSkirmish managed to defeat Dr. Karate and completely disintegrated, although Dr. Karate lost and managed to take more than half of the life that Rumble McSkirmish had. "You, sir, truly are champion of champions," Dipper said quite calmly. Everyone was just looking at Rumble because everyone was sure that Dipper's plan was going to work. “RUMBLE WINS!” says the Game Announcer. "WINNERS DON'T LOSE!" Said Rumble McSkirmish very proud. "I wouldn't be too sure about that, man," Dipper said. "GAME OVER," said Game Announcer. "Que? Do not! NOT! NOOOOOOO!!!” yells Rumble as he disintegrates. "Game over, old friend," says Dipper. Then everyone realizes that THANK YOUR FOR PLAYING was written in the air and below that it was written AAA to put their initials and Dipper takes the opportunity to place DIP. “Hey! Nice one, dude!” says Soos. Rainbow Dash when she saw what Dipper just did, I'm sorry I didn't realize that earlier. “What the hell was that guy? And also, why did he want to kill me?” asked Robbie who had just reached everyone present. Robbie remembered that he was going to ask them where Wendy was because he still didn't believe them that Wendy had told him and he didn't remember before he could ask that question someone appeared. Just when Dipper was going to explain about Rumble when Wendy appeared and her family was also a few meters away. “Hey guys! I heard some crazy screaming back here,” Wendy said. "You're back!" Spike said. “The way camp was, me and Spike didn't know when you'd be back,” Dipper said so Robbie would realize that he and Spike had told him the truth. "Sorry I didn't tell you two directly when I got back, because I was sure you heard me when I told Robbie," Wendy said. "We heard you were going out, but we didn't hear when you came back and I think we didn't hear when you came back because after you told Robbie you were going out, we went to buy candies," Spike said. "That explains it," Wendy said and started looking around and commenting. “Whoah! What the heck happened here? Freak tornado or something? "In short, I ended up accidentally summoning a character from a video game and he thought Robbie was a criminal, but we managed to bring him back into his world," Dipper said. "Wow, I wish I had been there, but seeing all this Twilight chaos, I think you should think better about what to do with your magic," Wendy said, believing that character had been summoned by Twilight. "I didn't summon him and like Dipper said I accidentally summoned him using a code in a video game," Twilight said. "Chrys, thank you so much for helping us," Pinkie said. "Your plan was very good," Twilight said, very grateful for having helped them, because she was sure that Dipper would sacrifice himself so that her friends wouldn't get hurt. "Well, I'm getting out of here, because I have to do something important by myself," Chrysalis said. Everyone wondered what Chrys was going to do. “What do you think Chrys is going to do?” Twilight wondered. "I bet she's going to have a machine built to get a lot of information from Gravity Falls," Pinkie said. "Pinkie, I don't think that's it, and I can't think of any machine that can do that," Twilight said. ... Later in the day while Soos was sleeping and dreaming that they were all in a video game, Chrysalis finally found Old Man McGucket. “I need you to build a machine for me,” Chrysalis said as he explained that he wanted her to build him a machine to see writing through smudges. Chrysalis knew that the hidden information in Journal 3 was divided into 3 as far as she understood. The first was in code, the second was on pages that had been torn out, and the third was hidden in inkblots. Chrysalis had the idea that Old Man McGucket create a machine to see what the author had written on the pages with ink stains. "It sounds easy enough to do, but it's going to take longer than the other machines I've created for you, because the yellow pegasus has invited me many times to her meetings with her animals so I don't have much time," said Old Man McGucket. Chrysalis got a little mad at Fluttershy, but she calmed down right away, because she knew she couldn't do anything without drawing a lot of attention. "Come to think of it, the yellow pegasus told me to let her know if she created a dangerous robot and I forgot to mention all the machines she creates for you," said Old Man McGucket thoughtfully. "None of the machines that you created for me are dangerous and also the machine that I want you to make now, so it shouldn't be a problem if you don't tell him," said Chrysalis trying to that Old Man McGucket didn't do it. “You're right, I'll let you know when the machine is ready”, said Old Man McGucket and went to his house. Although Chrysalis was very angry that she was going to take so long to create it, she was also happy that if that machine ended up working she would know more about Journal 3 than Dipper and those ponies.