//------------------------------// // Chapter 7 // Story: The Ultimate Enemy 3: Past, Present and Future? // by LoganRyder //------------------------------// Dark Spike was in the mirror world, walking around the city of Canterlot. As he did, he looked and saw there both buildings and people similar to those in Equestria. As Dark Spike continued to walk, he saw a few familar figures near a van putting some things away. "Wait....Are those....?" Dark Spike thought He took a close look and gave a look of surprise at who they were. Dark Spike remembered them all to well. He realized they were Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk., also known as the Dazzlings! "I guess this must be what happened after the Battle of the Bands." Dark Spike said As the three sirens had been loading stuff in the van, they closed the door and it drove off. "I better follow them....quietly." Dark Spike said. He quietly walked to the direction the van drove away in, then turned to an alleyway and disappeared in a shadowy, green flash. (With Spike) Spike was in the Principal's office with Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna. They only began giving him unreadable looks as Spike sweated in fear. "So. What's the problem?" Spike asked "Well Spike, I have begun to notice that during your time in CHS, you have never exactly left the building and whenever you do, you have bruises all over you. Is something wrong?" Celestia asked concerned "Yes." Spike said However, the looks on both Principal's faces show that they were clearly not buying what he said. "Look, I assure you two. I'm fine." Spike said. "Really? Then why is it that everytime you come to school, it's too early?" Luna asked "And whenever you do, you seem to look worse or hurt." Celestia added Spike only backed away a bit and tried to leave, but was stopped by Luna saying "Don't even try Spike." "Well, you see....it's kinda....personal." Spike said, not wanting to tell his secret "Then tell us at least." Celestia asked "I don't think you'll believe me." Spike replied "Please Spike, tell us." Celestia repeated. Unbeknownst to Spike, the conversation was being overheard by Sunset Shimmer. "Well, I mean....the truth is I had a home...but it wasn't exactly.....healthy." Spike answered "What do you mean healthy?" Celestia asked "Well....I...lived...somewhere big...but my adoptive parents and I....didn't really connect as much." Spike said While it was true he lived in Equestria, he couldn't exactly tell them of the predicament he had with Twilight, the girls or the other ponies. He only could hope that he can push away the memories he went through to find a sense of closure. Both women gave looks of shock and horror "Oh my." Celestia said with her hand on her mouth "And the worst part is, I had to go through it all without ever having anyone in my life. I never even got to know my biological parents. I had friends, but they didn't treat me equally." Spike said this with some tears, but he let it out slowly. Sunset even gave a gasp of pity at hearing him talk. "Spike, I am so sorry you went through alot of turmoil." Luna said in remorse. "Look, you two don't have to worry about me. I don't want to be a burden to you both. I'll be on my way." Spike was about to leave the office, but Celestia said "Not so fast." Spike was about to leave, but the Principals again stopped him. "You may be a student here, but you certainly don't deserve to suffer this much." Celestia said "W-What?" Spike asked "Follow us." Luna said Spike, despite his reluctance complied and followed the two sisters, with Sunset Shimmer watching the events (In Equestria) Twilight was pacing back and forth in her room, right now she was thinking how to find Spike. The girls also happened to be there. "It doesn't make sense! Where could Spike be?!" Twilight said in frustration As she did, the girls tried to calm her down "Twi, calm down, he must be somewhere in Equestria." Rainbow Dash said "And plus, he couldn't have just disappeared." Starlight said "But he did! We checked the Everfree Forest, we searched the Dragon Lands, we visited the Changeling Kingdom and other places in Equestria, yet Spike isn't there!" Twilight shouted in anger and distress. The state of the lavender alicorn only further concerned the ponies as Applejack went over to her and said while calmly rubbing her shoulder "Twilight calm down." Twilight began to slowly breathe in and out and let out a sigh of relief. She turned to Applejack and said with a smile of gratitude "Thanks Applejack." Applejack nodded and smiled back as Twilight said "Now let's think. Where would Spike go to aside from any of the places in Equestria?" The girls began to think, until Fluttershy asked "Um Twilight? Are you sure you should keep doing this?" The girls looked at her confused. "What do you mean Fluttershy?" Rarity asked "Well, Celestia forbid us and herself to find him and I don't want to anger her or Spike even more." "Fluttershy! Are you forgetting this is Spike we're talking about?!" Pinkie reminded "No. But I rather not hurt him more then we have already before when he helped us and saved Equestria and our futures." Fluttershy pointed out "She's got an point. I mean with how we all treated him, he pretty much deserves every reason to hurt us or hate us." Rainbow Dash said "Girls. I know we screwed up, but I want to at least apologize to him. I hurt him just as much as you all and I never acknowledged Spike as friend or family. Please, I have to make things right! And I'm pretty sure you each do as well." The girls looked at each other and slowly began to nod, until Starlight Glimmer said "Wait Twilight! What if Spike isn't here?" "What do you mean Starlight?" Starlight then said "What if he's in another...world?" Twilight was initially confused, but then it clicked and she caught on to what Starlight meant. "The Magic Mirror!" Twilight said in realization She rushed out her room and to the mirror. As soon as she reached it, she said "Spike, please come back to me." She entered the mirror, intent on bringing Spike back (With Dark Spike) Dark Spike was meanwhile, following the Dazzlings van and it stopped at an concert area with rural like qualities. He saw the 3 getting ready and a line forming to meet them with a bouncer guarding the line-up.. "How do I reach them more quicker without drawing attention?" Dark Spike said As he looked around for ideas, he saw an ticket booth saying "VIP Tickets and Tags.". Using his magic, Dark Spike conjured up exact replicas of the tickets and tag with proper ID. As soon as it was his turn, the bouncer said "VIP huh? You must really be a big fan." "You don't know the half of it." Dark Spike replied The bouncer let him through and Dark Spike began to see the 3 girls come out and begin singing. He only watched the performance with a small smirk and waited for them to finish. "Well, it looks like they may have lost their power, but not their voices." Dark Spike thought After a few hours, the Dazzlings had finished their performance and walked back to the stage, WITH Dark Spike following the bouncer to the girls. "Remember no funny business." The bouncer said "No problem. No funny business." Dark Spike said with a smile. The bouncer let him through and Dark Spike saw the gorls in question in different uniforms. As soon as they noticed him, they headed over to him. "Well, it looks like we have a VIP in our hands girls." Adagio said "Let's hope he isn't a complete bonehead like those other two from before." Aria said, annoyed "Wow! He looks so dark and cool!" Sonata said at Dark Spike's more dark and red clothing. Dark Spike only raised an eyebrow, but shrugged it off. He only said "Hey um. Is it ok if I say something to you girls alone. One to three?" Dark Spike asked, using his younger voice. The Dazzlings looked at each other and Adagio said "Follow me." She and the other two Dazzlings led the evil future doppelganger of Spike to their van. After they reached it, Adagio sat down and said "So dear? What do you need from us?" "Let's get to the point. I know who you 3 are." Dark Spike replied "Yeah! We're the Dazzlings." Sonata said "I meant where your from...Equestria?" Dark Spike said This surprised the three siren turned humans as Aria said angrily "Who told you?!" "Nobody did, because I am too. But I'm here to talk terms, not attack or fight." Dark Spike clarified The girls looked at each other intrigued and Aria asked "What do you want?" "Do you have your amulets?" Dark Spike asked The three pulled out their amulets shattered remains and showed Dark Spike. He then put hus hand over them and his eyes glowed red and black. A dark pulsing shadow of magic began to reform their amulets, but instead of red, they were now shadowy black and glowing red. "What did you do?!" Aria asked "Ensure my first goal. " Dark Spike replied He then uses his magic to knock out the Dazzlings and make them pass out. Dark Spike grabbed them one by one and tied them up on chairs with ropes and gagged their mouths. Using his dark abilities, he created 6 shadow clones of them and said to the first 3. "You three deal with the concert! I have unfinished business to take care of." They nodded and left the van as Dark Spike gave the dark amulets to the Dark Dazzlings. He turned to them and said "Help me with these three. Knowing how altruistic my younger self is, I'll lure him out with these three as bait." The dark clones did so and aided Dark Spike by carrying the tied up Dazzlings out the van. Rrasy to help in his plan.