The Ultimate Enemy 3: Past, Present and Future?

by LoganRyder

Chapter 9

Spike gave a look of shock as to who was in front of him. Twilight Sparkle from Equestria. The two walked to each other, face to face.

"Spike?! What are you doing here?" Twilight said

"What am I doing here?! What the HAY are you doing here?!" Spike angrily replied

Twilight backed away as the students were watching, shocked at the situation.

"Spike, how are you human? I thought you were a dog?" Twilight asked first

"Remember my dark self? He fused the amulet in me and I have his powers." Spike notified.

"But that doesn't change the fact you have to come back home." Twilight said

"I. am. home ." Spike said in defiance.

Twilight only looked at Spike's disgusted look and said "Spike, please. We need you back in Equestria to help us with the Friendship School."

"Oh, there's a "we" now all of the sudden? You mean like how you "needed" me to clean up your messes, fix your mistakes, get hurt, abused, verbally and physically neglected or have to almost die for your own selfish needs?" Spike asked with disdain.

Twilight was left shocked, with Sunset even giving a look of anger to her.

"And don't bother trying to guilt trip me or him into coming back Twilight. He told me and showed me everything. He stuck his neck out for you, he loved you and your friends and wanted to help and be friends with you all and this is you repay him? YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED!" Sunset angrily replied, pointing an accusing finger at her.

The words of Sunset shocked the entire cafeteria, who gave looks of disbelief and shock at how she yelled at Twilight. Twilight herself even backed away in fear at Sunset's furious remark.

"Spike, I was wrong to treat you that way! The girls were wrong too! But please! We need you!" Twilight begged.

"Not even if you paid me." Spike said in disgust and left the cafeteria in disgust.

Twilight seeing Spike leave, ran after him. "Spike, wait!"

Spike was leaving the school and was outside. Twilight had continued to run after him to talk to him.

"Spike! Just hear me out!" Twilight said

"Forget it Twilight!" Spike refused

"Please! Equestria needs you!" Twilight said

"No it doesn't! In fact, if it needed me, why did you all abuse me or leave me behind all the time?" Spike asked in response

Twilight was left silent as his answer, Spike had really changed from the battle with his dark future self and already knew that Twilight and her friends were at fault for both of them going through so much. Twilight only shed tears in regret and said to Spike

"Please Spike. I need you. Mom and Dad need you. Shining, Celestia, Luna and Cadance miss you. Princess Celestia was devastated, and Luna could barely sleep when she was helping other ponies."

Spike was taken aback at what she said, but he only said to her "Forget it Princess, she lied to me, you USED me, Luna and Cadance never cared about me! If anything, I would rather be happy you fail at this rate."

Twilight saw that Spike was firm on staying in the mirror world and how much her actions had affected him. With a sigh of guilt, she said

"I'm sorry Spike, but Equestria needs you back."

She placed her Element crown on her head and began to transform, but when she neared her pony human form, it stopped.

"What, what happened? Why didn't I transform?" Twilight asked

"Because Princess of Friendship, the Elements of Harmony don't just help bring people at command or do things for selfish reasons or goals like you are right now. They bring peace and prosperity and allow others to see the light and love in their hearts like it did with me when the Alicorn Amulet almost corrupted me and helped me use it's dark powers for good and save Equestria."

Twilight was surprised at his words. Not only was Spike right about the Elements, but they each had indeed prevented his dark future Dark Spike wanted and purified the evil in the Alicorn amulet to help him regain his love and morality. Sunset also came out and having witnessed everything, said

"That's right! And what you're doing is not only going against Friendship, but also to the Elements of Harmony! They help bring balance and peace to others and Equestria!, not just do what you wish against their wishes!"

Twilight was left shocked at Sunset's words, the person she helped seek out Friendship, was now rightfully telling her what she did was wrong.

"Maybe one day I can forgive you and the others. But not today, especially with what you just tried to do now." Spike said turning away from Twilight.

With a look of disbelief, Twilight only nodded silently and went through the portal in the statue.

Spike only walked through the halls and felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Sunset, who gave him a concerned look.

"Will you be ok?" Sunset asked

Spike nodded and said with a smile

"I'll be ok. You each helped me realize that I may have an evil, uncontrollable power, but I'm not alone and I can choose to wield it for good."

Sunset smiled back and hugged Spike with relief and happiness at his words.

"Come on, let's go." Spike said

Sunset nodded and followed him back to the cafeteria. They sat back with the girls and the girls gave looks of concern and worry about the situation.

"Everything ok?" Applejack asked

"Yeah. I'm good." Spike said

The girls were a bit reluctant to believe him, but he said with a firm tone.

"I have a home here now. And I'm going to protect it. "

The girls smiled at his dedication, with Spike smiling back. As they talked, Venom said to Spike in his thoughts.

"Will you be okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I have Sunset and her friends to help me get better." Spike said in his thoughts.

Spike continued to converse with the girls about the events. As he did, he blushed at the sight of Rarity, but shook his head and looked at Sunset, blushing more. Noticing this with a mischievous grin, Rainbow Dash said

"So Spike, you got a crush on anybody?"

"Nooooooo....?" Spike said sheepishly with a forced grin to avoid being embarrassed.

However, Applejack gave a look of clear unconvinced curiosity, as did the other girls.

"AWWWWWW! Spikey likes someone!" Pinkie said giddily.

Spike only blushed and walked away saying "Nope."

"Oh no ya don't!" Applejack said

"Tell us!" Rainbow demanded with a smirk.

Spike only ran out, with Rainbow Dash in pursuit.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Spike screamed.

"TELL ME WHO IT IS!" Rainbow shouted as she chased Spike in the hallways.

"NEVER!" Spike shouted back

Some students gave looks of confusion and Rainbow Dash eventually caught up to Spike and sat on his back. He still refused to say who it was.

Sunset only gave a giggle at their antics and how she remembered Spike having a crush on Rarity, unaware it was secretly her that he started to like more due to the recent events.

(In Equestria)

Twilight was back in the castle with a shattered look on her face. The girls ran over to her with hopeful looks.

"Well Twi?" Rainbow asked

Twilight only shook her head saying "He made his choice. He's not with us anymore."

The girls only looked down in guilt as Starlight said with a tone that shook her heart.

"Will he forgive us?"

"He said he would one day. But today he won't." Twilight said

The girls only gave looks of guilt at her response and silently left her alone. Twilight meanwhile, went to her room and looked out the window into the night sky.

"Spike, I hope you find happiness I couldn't give you. You are the true embodiment and representation of the Elements of Harmony then me or any of the other girls ever were." Twilight said in guilt

She then went to her bed and silently cried, regretting the actions she did in the mirror world.

(In the mirror world)

Dark Spike was holding the Dazzlings hostage, gagged and tied up in their van, which he hijacked to drive back to Canterlot City, specifically CHS. The dark clones of them he created only watched them carefully to ensure they wouldn't try to escape.

"MMMHHHH!!!MMMMPPHHHH!!!! (When I get out of this, I'll KILL YOU!)" Aria said muffled in her gag angrily as she struggled against her restraints.

"MMMPHHHHMMMPPHHHHMMMPPHHHHH!!!! (Please! Let us go!)" Sonata begged in a muffled tone as she tried to escape.

"Shut up! Before I make you wish your throats were taken instead of your pendants!" Dark Spike threatened with a dark black and red eye flaring at them in the window.

The van eventually reached a nearby parking lot in Canterlot City.

"Finally!" Dark Spike said in relief.

He parked the car in a parking space and began to pull out the key. Dark Spike sat up and began to leave the van.

"Well, looks like my so-called younger self has some new digs. I guess I need to lure him out first."

He turned to the Dazzlings and said with a smirk "And I think I know how."

He went over to Adagio's bag and pulled out her phone and began to text his fingers on it with a devious expression. He then put the phone back and grabbed the real Sonata.

"MMMMPPHHHHMMMPHPHHMMPHPHP?!?! (Hey, what are you doing?!?!)" Sonata cried through her gagged mouth fearfully

"Baiting you. Make sure those two don't try anything." Dark Spike said to Sonata then the Dark Dazzlings.

He left the van carrying Sonata on his shoulders as the other two struggled to escape.