//------------------------------// // Chapter 14 // Story: The Ultimate Enemy 3: Past, Present and Future? // by LoganRyder //------------------------------// As Spike was asleep in his bed, the door to his bedroom was knocked on. "Spike?" Spike got up slowly and went to the door. He opened it and saw it was one of his adoptive guardians, Principal Celestia. "What's the matter?" Spike asked "There was no answer from your room and the door didn't open. Is everything ok?" Principal Celestia asked in concern. "Yeah mom. It's fine." Spike said He got up and gave a look of reassurance. Spike then began to get ready and get changed. As Spike got ready, he began to head downstairs and get ready to eat breakfast. After he finished, he went outside and left the house. (In Canterlot City) Spike was walking around the city and was looking at the sights. From stores to restaurants abd other shops. As Spike looked around, he muttered to himself "Wow, this place is like Canterlot, without the royals." As Spike was walking around, he saw different stores similar to the ones he saw in Ponyville. "Hey Spike!" A female voice said Spike turned and saw it was Sunset Shimmer. Shw had a happy smile on her face. "Hey Sunset. What's up?" Spike asked "Oh, me and Twilight were just going out to hang at the Sweet Snacks cafe. Do you wanna come?" Sunset asked "Well, I have nothing else to do so sure." Spike agreed. "Alright follow me." Sunset said Spike followed Sunset as she walked to their destination. As they did, Spike was blushing lightly due to his slight crush on her, but shrugged it off. (At Sweet Snacks Cafe) The two reached the cafe and entered. Spike gave a look of surprise and said "Whoa! This place looks cool!" Sunset gave a nod with an amused smile and said "I'm glad you like it." "Sunset! Spike! Over here!" The two turned and saw Sci-Twi and Flash Sentry sitting at one of the tables . They went over and sat on the other chairs at the opposite side. "Hey Twilight. Hi Flash." Sunset said "What's up?" Flash greeted with smile. Spike sat next to Sunset and Spike asked "So...anything happen?" Sunset, Sci-Twi and Flash shrugged as Flash said "Not much." "Well, aside from doing some work. Nothing to say really." Sci-Twi also added "Same here. What about you Spike?" "Yeah man. I heard about you getting hurt a few days before. You ok?" Flash Sentry asked with concern "I'm fine. Don't worry." Spike reassured. The 4 teens only waited around until a voice was heard. "Hello. May I take your order?" Spike turned and it was Pinkie Pie in a waitress like outfit. "Pinkie Pie? You work here?" Spike asked "Yuppers Spikey! That way I can get alot of sugary sweets in my tummy!" Pinkie replied with glee. This left the 4 a bit dumbfounded, but they ignored it as they began to choose their orders. After a few minutes, their orders had arrived and the 4 had begun to eat. (Outside the city) Dark Spike (clone) was walking around the city and taking in the sights. As he walked, he continued to look for his younger self, but could not find him. "Where could he be?" Dark Spike (clone) asked. As he walked, he continued to look around in search of his younger self. As he did, he had no luck and did not find him anywhere. "Wait. What if I don't have to look by seeing him? Maybe I can lure him out?" Dark Spike (clone) said with an evil smirk. The dark dragon teen then began to walk away and walked away from the city. He was reaching the place he was looking for: Canterlot High. "Since this happened to Sunset, it's time I give it a little try." Dark Spike (clone) said He approached the entrance of the school. He tried to open the doors, but they were locked. Turning his fingernails into claws, Dark Spike lockpicked the doors and entered. He walked his way through the empty and quiet halls and reached the library entrance. "Well, let's begin." Dark Spike (clone) said Sonata was walking through the halls, she had a recent study session with a tutor named Micro Chips to help her with math. She progressed, but struggled still. "Well, at least my math is getting better." Sonata said As she walked, she noticed someone heading to the other corridor leading up to the library. "Huh? Who's that?" Sonata said. She hid by some lockers and looked and saw it was Spike. Or specifically, his evil future self. This was evidenced by his more taller appearance and dark green hair. "Wait. Isn't that Spike's evil mean twin?" Sonata said. She took out her phone and took a picture as he entered. She then saw him open the doors and head to a computer. Sonata began to record on her phone as Dark Spike said "Well Anon-a-Miss, looks like your time has come again." Sonata's eyes widened slightly as she recorded him using the computer. After a few minutes, she stopped recording and sent it to her sisters and then put her phone in her pocket. "Anon-a-Miss? I have to tell Sunset and Spike." Sonata said with hurry and fear. However as she ran, she hit someone. It was Dark Spike. "Well well, what do we have here?" Dark Spike said with an evil grin. Sonata gulped as Dark Spike menacingly approached her. Spike, Sci-Twi, Flash and Sunset were in the park and they had been having a picnic with each other. As they ate food from a picnic basket, Spike said with a smile. "Well, today is a good day." "You got that right dude." Flash said "I hope we can make the most of it." Sci-Twi said "And let's make sure to have a good time." Sunset said The three nodded and continued to eat or talk. As they did, Flash asked "Hey Spike, I've been meanong to ask you something." "What is it?" Spike asked "Remember when you sang that love song in the music room?" Flash asked with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah....?" Spike replied "Was there anybody you sang or thought about?" Flash asked Spike immidiently blushed with embarrassment, not because Flash knew about the event where he transformed while singing, but also because he sang the song secretly due to his growing feelings for Sunset Shimmer. "Well.....you see. I mean...." Spike stammered. "Spike, what's the matter?" Sunset said "It's kinda....weird and embarrassing." "Come on Spike, tell us. We won't laugh" Sci-Twi said "Well..um..." Spike said He looked at Sunset Shimmer, who was giving a concerned and confused look as Spike struggled on how to tell her he sang the song about her. "Spike?" Sunset asked, worried about him. "Ok...I sang the song....about....you Sunset." Spike said This surprised the other 3 as Sunset pointed at herself. "Me? Why?" Sunset said curiously "Well, it happened before we encountered Sonata. Ever since you, Twilight and Flash helped me cope when I arrived. It was mostly you that helped me get my trust and faith in friendship again. When I was in Equestria, I felt betrayed after everything that happened. I know it sounds weird but....I just didn't know how to tell you bevause I was embarrassed. You taught me to help others I care about and...that's you. I do care about the girls, Flash and Celestia and Luna! But...it was you who made me realize what I can choose to be in my path and why friendship is needed." Spike confessed, with his cheeks blushing. Sunset and Spike were heavily blushing as Sci-Twi and Flash gave looks of amusement at their predicament. "Spike. I...I'm flattered but...." Sunset spoke, but was cut off. "I know! I know! It's weird, but this was before we met Sonata and I was just confused about what was happening at the time." Spike confessed once more. "I guess that makes sense. I'm not saying I hated it. I mean it's touching you thought about me that way, and I don't judge you! But I just don't want you to suffer so much heartbreak." Sunset said The two smiled and hugged with Flash and Sci-Twi only giving smiles of happiness at the two. They then resumed their picnic and continued to eat and talk with each other. (In Equestria) Jungle Guardian/Dark Spike was walking through Ponyville and had a simple blank look as he approached. As he was trotting his way to Twilight's castle, a few ponies gave looks of surprise at an alicorn being present in Ponyville, let alone a colt. Jungle Guardian/Dark Spike continued to make his way to the castle and as he did, he said "Time to go to work." His eyes flashed blood red for a short moment before they returned to green and he approached the castle entrance, ready to talk to the Princess of Friendship: Twilight Sparkle.