//------------------------------// // The Counting House // Story: Equestria Ninja Girls in a Christmas Carol // by WarriorofFaith18 //------------------------------// As Scrooge walked in the Counting house, he passed a couple bookkeepers. One had black hair (Keno), Another had blue hair (Flash Sentry), and the third on a higher chair was a turtle with a blue mask (Leonardo) and they all frightfully made sure they were working. Scrooge then saw a yellow gecko (Mondo) gulping as he looked up. Scrooge then spoke up. “Bob Cratchit.” The turtle in the mask looked up. “Yes, Mr. Scrooge?” “Who is this?” Scrooge pointed his cane at the gecko. “Oh, That’s Mr. Applegate, sir. He’s here to talk to you about his mortgage.” Cratchit answered. As Scrooge hung up his hat and coat, Applegate began pleading. “Please, Mr. Scrooge, I didn’t mean to fall behind on the payments, what with it being Christmas and all. And I understand if you wanna shout at me, I understand. Of course, it’s not exactly good conditions to yell. The doctor takes his toll.” As the gecko continued to ramble, Scrooge grabbed him by the collar and carried him to the door. “So I totally understand if you wish to not raise your voice. This kind of weather could really hurt your lungs, and that’s the TRUUUUTH!” He finished as Scrooge threw him out. “Thank you for not shouting, Dude, I mean Sir!” Scrooge then closed the door as the bookkeepers quickly went back to work. “Let us prepare the eviction notice papers for tomorrow, Cratchit.” “But sir, tomorrow’s Christmas.” Cratchit pointed out nervously. “Very well. You may gift wrap them.” Scrooge handed him a huge stack of papers. Cratchit grunted as he took them. “There sure are a lot of them, sir.” “Here. Let me take them, Mr. Cratchit.” The black-haired bookkeeper got up and took them for Cratchit. Scrooge sat at his desk and began writing as he spoke. “Christmas is a busy time for us, Cratchit. People preparing feasts, giving parties, spending mortgage money on frivolities. One might say December is the foreclosure season.” He looked up with a smirk. “Harvest time for the money lenders.” As Cratchit nodded nervously, the black-haired bookkeeper struggled to place the papers on the desk but was successful. As he took a breather, something rolled underneath him. “Uh oh.” Scrooge got up and stomped up to pick up a piece of coal. “What is this? Trying to steal my coal, are we?” Cratchit hurried between them. “F-for the fireplace, sir. It is so damp and chilly in here.” Had to sneak it in lump by lump and pop it the furnace while the old buzzard’s back was turned. Brr! “Next thing you know, you’ll be picking my pockets!” Scrooge scolded before he went back to his desk. “Back to work!” The bookkeepers and Cratchit all hurried back to their seats and went back to writing. Then, who should appear but Nephew Fred, Scrooge’s only living relative. At that very moment, a young blonde man (Zach) walked to the door and knocked. “Hello! Uncle?” As Fred entered, Gamer hurried in with Charles and Karai not far behind. “Hey, I think it’s colder in here!” “Merry Christmas!” “And a merry Christmas to you, Master Fred.” Cratchit greeted. Scrooge however scowled as he returned to his work. “Bah. Humbug.” “A merriest of Christmas to you, Uncle Scrooge!” Fred bowed. Scrooge stood up. “What’s so merry about it? I’ll tell you what Christmas is! It’s just another workday! And any fool who thinks else should be boiled in his own pudding!” Everyone cringed at the thought. “Depends on the pudding.” Charles and Karai looked confused at Gamer’s remark. “Just saying.” Fred scoffed at his uncle’s words. “Christmas a humbug? Nay, Uncle. Christmas is a time for friends, family, and loved ones.” The bookkeepers cheered to Fred before Scrooge raised his voice. “How does one celebrate Christmas in the UNEMPLOYMENT LINE?” It was enough for the bookkeepers to be quiet and continue their work as Scrooge turned back to his nephew. “What do you want, Nephew?” Fred held up a wreath. “I came to give you this wreath and an invitation to join Clara and me to dine with us tomorrow.” “What a repugnant revolting idea! Why did you marry anyway?” Scrooge sneered. “Because I fell in love, dear uncle. Give her a chance.” “You keep Christmas in your way and I’ll keep it in mine! Anyway, don’t you have business of your own to attend to, Nephew?” “Sadly, I do. At least, give it some thought.” “Humbug.” Scrooge then began leading Fred to the door as his nephew continued. “I pity you, Uncle. I may not be as rich as you, but I will go to my grave wishing a Merry Christmas.” Scrooge politely opened the door. “Good day.” “A wonderful Christmas!” “Good day!” Scrooge encouraged, but Fred continued. “A magnificent Christmas!” At last, Scrooge lost his patience and pushed his nephew out the door. “GOOD DAY!” After he slammed the door shut, Scrooge stomped back to his desk when- “Merry Christmas!” Fred popped in and hung his wreath near the door before leaving again. “And a Bah Humbug to you!” Scrooge yelled back. Over to the furnace, Gamer was blowing on a small flame in hopes to get it warmer as he and Karai tried to warm their hands while Charles narrated. Now in these times, it was customary on Christmas Eve for well being folks to call upon businesses collecting donations for the poor and homeless. At that very moment, the opened, revealing a turtle wearing a purple vest and mask under a coat and hat (Donatello) and a girl in a yellow dress and bonnet (April) as they entered. “Mr. Scrooge, I presume?” the turtle greeted. Scrooge looked up. “Who are you?” “We’re from the Order of the Victoria charity foundation.” The girl introduced. “We would like to speak to you about a donation.” The turtle smiled, holding up a cup for donations. Scrooge looked uninterested as they walked up to his desk as the girl continued. “At this festive time of year, Mr. Scrooge, some of us feel we must take care of our poor and homeless.” “Absolutely.” The Turtle agreed. “But are there no prisons or poorhouses?” Scrooge raised his brow. “Oh, there are plenty of those.” The girl assured. “Good. For a moment, I was worried.” Scrooge went back to his work. “Some of us are in jeopardy to raise a fund for the poor and homeless.” The turtle explained. “So, what might I put you down for?” “Nothing.” “You wish to remain anonymous?” the girl raised her brow. “I wish to be left alone.” Scrooge stated. “I do not make merry myself a Christmas. I know how to treat the poor. My taxes go the prisons and poorhouses. They must go there.” He began walking to the door. “B-but some would rather die!” the girl protested. “If they’d rather die, then they better well do it! And decrease the surplus population!” Scrooge yelled. “Why you!” the girl lunged at Scrooge before the turtle grabbed her, not wanting to make a scene. “Oh dear.” Scrooge opened the door. “Here’s the door. You may use it!” Seeing Scrooge wasn’t going to help, the turtle dragged the girl out. “Cmon, April. I think we’ve taken enough of Scrooge’s time!” After they left, Scrooge slammed the door, having enough of the interruptions. He was heading back to his desk when he heard singing. “Good King Wenceslas looked out On the Feast of Stephen When the snow lay round about Deep and crisp and even” Angrily, Scrooge opened the door and saw a teen boy with patched up coat and hat and glasses (Steve Urkel) singing. “Brightly shone the moon that night.” The boy stopped to see Scrooge glaring at him. “Wuh oh.” “What do you want?” Scrooge growled. Nervously, the boy held out his hat. “Um, penny for the song, Governor?” Scrooge responded by slamming the door on him. He then turned to the wreath Nephew Fred gave him and grabbed it. The boy was walking away before Scrooge opened the door and he turn just as he was nailed by the wreath that was thrown at him. “Ow!” And with that, Scrooge went to his desk and went back to work. To Be Continued