//------------------------------// // Chapter 16 // Story: The Ultimate Enemy 3: Past, Present and Future? // by LoganRyder //------------------------------// Spike was making his way through the city to the warehouse his dark self was in. As he made his way there, he only began to think of what would come and how it would affect his life. He began to close in on the abandoned warehouse and only felt the snowy weather around him as he approached the entrance. Spike began to slowly open the doir and entered. It was dark and there was no source of light anywhere. Spike only continued to search for the the three missing pre-teens and Sonata. As Spike looked around from room to room, he heard some shuffling from the far end. "What was that?" Spike said Spike walked to the source of the sound and began to head to the far end of the hallway. As soon as he did, he reached a door blocked by a padlock. Seeing the lock, Spike lit his hand up in green flames and touched the lock, burning it into ashes. With a skow push, the door opened. The 4 captive girls were inside. Spike approached and freed the 4 girls and said "Are you all ok?" The 3 crusaders fearfully nodded yes while Sonata nodded and gave a happy smile. "Thanks for saving us." Sonata said "Yes, very well done." A familiar voice said The girls and Spike looked and saw Dark Spike teleport in dark green flames in front of them. Spike nodded and said "Hurry, get to safety!" They girls nodded and ran out as the two faced each other. They only looked and walked in a circle as the two looked at the other. "So. I take it you came here to hear what I want?" Dark Spike asked "Yeah. And I came alone too if your wondering." Spike responded. Dark Spike only looked at him for a few seconds and said "Good. Now that your here, we can talk. Follow me." Dark Spike walked out of the room and Spike followed. As they walked, Spike asked. "Where are we even going?" Dark Spike only replied "A fragment of our past." As they walked, they managed to reach their destination: Canterlot High. As they entered the school, some students in the hall gave looks of shock as their eyes widened upon seeing the two. "There's two of him?!" "Are they brothers?" "I can't believe he was telling the truth!" "Wow, it's like him but more edgy." Dark Spike and Spike reached the auditorium and the moment they entered, the girls and teachers gave looks of surprise. The Dazzlings and Flash also were there and glared at Dark Spike. The two walked around as Dark Spike stopped at the gym stage. He formed a dark green forcefield that blocked the students and teachers out and motioned for Spike to follow him in. Spike did so and looked at Dark Spike, his hands and eyes then glowed dark green and stopped after a few seconds. As they entered, some students came to observe what was happening. "What did you do?" Spike asked "A hearing spell. Only Sunset, her friends and the three sirens can hear us." Dark Spike replied "Why?" Spike asked "To let them have a say in the matter." Dark Spike reasoned Spike only glared before clearing his throat and preaparing to speak. "Alright. Talk." Spike said to his dark self. Dark Spike only walked to the gym and laid his index finger on the stage. He lifted it up with an smile of remembrance. "Brings back memories huh?" Dark Spike said "Depends on what you mean." Spike replied "Well for one thing. There was Sunset Shimmer's she-demon event with you and Twilight. Even I can agree she was a complete fool over Celestia not giving her more. I earned my power through training and experience and it's enough to erase an alicorn with an snap of my claws. All for what? A crown that wielded magic yet made us victims of false hope from it's wielders hypocrisy?" Dark Spike said mockingly. This statement only made Sunset taken aback with remorse at her past being remembered when Twilight helped her see friendship. The girls however reassured her with Fluttershy, Pinkie and Sci-Twi hugging her to Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity giving her smiles of reassurance. They then glared at Dark Spike as he continued. "Or the time those three fools tried to brainwash all on this world and take you and those recolors out?" Dark Spike further added. The Dazzlings were left offended as Spike asked "What's your point?" "My point?" Dark Spike asked He only walked in a circle around Spike and first turned to Adagio. "My point is my offer still stands. Join us and conquer not just your old home, but this world as well." He then shifted into Sunset and said "Think of it. Your future, where no one will try to hurt you again. No hypocrisy nor abuse of your own friendships and not to mention no more pain and suffering. We can conquer this world and make all suffer as we had suffered." Spike only glared and gave an unreadable look as Dark Spike turned to his normal human form as the girls waited on his decision. "C'mon Spike! Don't do it!" Rainbow Dash said "Please sugarcube! Don't do this!" Applejack pleaded. "C'mon Spikey, I may have been a bit rude, but I'd never hurt you that way!" Pinkie said "Please Spike! This isn't the way." Sunset begged. Spike only said "Your right." The girls gasped at his words, fearing for the decision he will make. "I may have it out on those who wronged me, used me, left me and made me feel I was worthless to the world and to myself. But I realized that I shouldn't care what others think or want. I know I'm better with myself now that I moved on from the past. Not only that, but your right about another thing." Spike said "And that is...?" Dark Spike asked with curiosity. "It's like Sunset taught me. The past shouldn't define who you are and what you should choose to be. The only thing that matters is what you choose to be now that matters for the future. I was so scared on how when you came to exist, that I would be just like you. But I now realize that I have to learn from the past. I may not forgive Twilight, the girls, Celestia or anyone else in Equestria, but...I can one day. One day. Sunset and her friends helped me see the good in myself and saved me in my darkest moments. They helped me reignite my love and friendship with others. " Spike said in happiness with a grateful smile The words Spike said left the Rainbooms touched and hearts warming with care as Spike spoke so caring and highly of them. They each smiled with good will and acknowledged the young dragon turned human with nods of acceptance. "What about the three sirens? Surely you must hate those three posers." Dark Spike asked in response. "I never said I hated them. I said I was still angry at why they did those things. After I realized they didn't do it because they wanted to, but because they needed to in order to survive. They each taught me something too. When you have to choose, what would you rather be? What you are? Or what you can become. For the better? Or for the worse?" This left the Dazzlings touched at his words. Adagio even gave a smile, Sonata happily nodded with a wide grin while Aria gave a thumbs up. Dark Spike said with a cold smile. "Wow. And in all this time, you and those hypocrites learned nothing." "Wrong. I learned EVERYTHING!. Not only are you still stuck in the past, but you keep on disregarding the fact that what you did only has a higher price to pay in your future. And you already crossed it, especially when you didn't choose to give friendship a chance and let your heart feel happiness or love like I did." Spike replied. Dark Spike only scowled as he removed the forcefield. He then walked in circles around Spike. "You still care about them? Why?" Dark Spike asked Spike was about to speak, until Fluttershy said with confidence. "Because he's our friend!" They turned toward the shy animal lover, who continued to speak. "He helped me when I was down and when nobody would help me at the animal shelter. Spike shows from that he has a kind and pure heart compared to a imposter like you!" This surprised the other Rainbooms, until Sci-Twi said with defiance. "Fluttershy's right! Spike always helps anyone here in CHS and he would never hurt anybody like you! He helped me a bunch of times and the girls and the teachers! I may not know you fully, but if anything, it's YOU that learned nothing! Especially with this Anon-A-Miss stunt!" This only made Dark Spike irate more, with Rarity saying with a equally defiant and heartwarming tone. "That's right! And you not only learned nothing, you lack the good heart and love our darling Spikey-Wikey here shows us every day you ruffian! Your future is only a black hole of destruction and lies! You had a choice like Spike told us and you refused it for your own gain! Even when he offered to help you!" Spike was happy that his friends were here to support him and shed a tear. Applejack stood up and remarked with a look of determination. "Yeah! Plus Spike would never lie ta us and he's helped me on the farm and me and tha gals along with other students here in Canterlot High! He's got a good, honest heart unlike you ya no good cheatin varmint! He's doing this for his friends and family! Yer only doing it for yerself!" Sunset then said to Dark Spike with defiance, disappointment, pity and fury. "And Spike may not have always been with us. But that doesn't mean we don't care about him. He's the rock that held Twilight and her friends together and he's doing it for us as well. I may understand your reasons and loss, but that doesn't excuse the fact you could have been more had you accepted a new future from Spike and us and let go of the past. You even remind me of myself back when I was a bully the first time I met Twilight and Spike. You had a chance and you rejected it for revenge when you could have reformed and gave yourself a meaning with friendship again! If anything, Spike's not only learned everything, he's fighting for us and his friends and family. Your fighting for revenge that won't lead to anything but yourself!" Dark Spike only gave a further annoyed look as the students became defiant and angry and agreed with The Rainbooms and glared at Dark Spike. "That's it? A whole speech? What a complete cliche." Dark Spike said unamused. Spike only glared and replied "As is your obsession for revenge for something that's not even existent or relevant? Including yourself?" Dark Spike became angry and infuriated when Spike mentioned his delayed future and said angrily. "Oh yeah?!" He grabbed Spike and the two began to fight. As they punched or kicked. A red orb formed around then and they were teleported away from the area in dark red energy. The two then fell on the ground. It was night time and the school was full of students in formal wear. The school however, look trashed and half demolished. Spike got up, saw he was still in human form and dusted himself off and said "Where am I?" He looked around and saw Dark Spike slowly getting up and heard a loud sound behind him. "What the?!" Spike turned and gave a look of surprise. It was night and they were still in Canterlot High but the students had blue eyes and acted like zombies. Spike gave a look of recognition especially what he saw next. At the center of it all, it was Twilight. His Twilight! And the Rainbooms were there to help her against a very familiar demon girl. "Wait. I'm back in time again!Before Sunset was reformed!" Spike said with realization. "And this is where I'll make sure I am INEVITABLE!" Dark Spike said as he rushed to the scene where the fight took place. "Oh no you don't!" Spike said as he rushed in pursuit of his dark self.