//------------------------------// // Chapter 19 // Story: The Ultimate Enemy 3: Past, Present and Future? // by LoganRyder //------------------------------// A few days later, Spike was now out of the hospital. He began to leave the building and walk out. As he walked, there was more snow around and Spike had felt a chilly cold air in his body. "Man, it must be more cold out here." Spike said Spike only continued his way to the school and as he walked, he began to think to himself. "I hope the girls and mom and aunt Luna are ok after what I did." As he continued to walk, he managed to reach the school and only gave a breath of caution. "Well, here goes." Spike said Spike reached the entrance of the school and opened the doors. As soon as he entered, he saw the halls were empty, but continued. "Princess! PRINCESS!" A royal guard shouted in fear. The guard was running to Princess Celestia and Luna, who sat on their thrones, but as he reached them, a green flame hit him, immolating him and burning him in ashes, shocking the sisters. "What the hay?!" Princess Luna said The doors to the castle opened and the attacker was revealed to be none other then Spike, but he looked drastically different. He had the Alicorn Amulet on him, his eyes were red and his green head spikes were sharpened. "SPIKE?!?!" The sisters shouted in shock at who the intruder was. The shock of Spike being the attacker was shocking to the two Princesses. The little dragon they cared for was always happy yet here he was, glaring at them with murderous rage. Spike's eyes began to flare a brighter red and he flew in the air with ease thanks to the amulet's power. Green sparks of fire and flames emitted from his body while his eyes flared with a glowed blood red as the castle began to shake. "YOUNG SPIKE STOP PLEASE!!!!!" Luna pleaded in horror "SPIKE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?! YOU'LL KILL HURT SOMEPONY!!!" Celestia tried to reason with fright But Spike only said with anger as the green flames intensity increased "My revenge." With an enraged roar, Spike's power and the flames he emitted grew and became more unstable in uncontrollable numbers and a large green blast wave destroyed the castle, disintegrating the guards and causing destruction to the castle. ".....Jungle?...... ...."Jungle?......JUNGLE!" Jungle Guardian/Dark Spike woke up and saw it was Twilight in his room "Huh? Princess Twilight?" Twilight looked with concern at the colt and said "I knocked on your room door because classes were starting soon, but you didn't answer." "Oh. I guess I might have overslept. Sorry." Jungle said Twilight only nodded and said "It's ok. But try not to make it into a habit." Twilight then left the room and let Jungle Guardian/Dark Spike get ready. Jungle only got up from his bed and proceeded to wash up and ready for the classes he had. After a few minutes in the bathroom, he came out and left his room, grabbing his bag along the way. Before he left, he noticed wasn't wearing his cloak, which covered his wings to hide his alicorn form, Jungle then said "Nah." He left the room. After a few seconds, he opened his room door and grabbed the cloak put it on his back to cover his wings and left his room. (In mirror world) Spike was walking around the halls and looked around for any of the girls or principals, but they were nowhere to be found. They weren't in the gym, classrooms or the cafeteria. "Well, I guess they must be at their homes." Spike said Spike then went to the stairs and went up to the top floor, reaching the roof door entrance. After opening the door, he reached the roof and sat near the edge. Spike looked at the snowflakes and area of Canterlot as he said in his thoughts. "I can't believe it's been this far. I mean, with how much I went through trying to stop that evil me from destroying Equestria and Canterlot High. I mean I get that I managed to help Sunset and her friends protect their home, but it doesn't change the fact that compared to her, Celestia, Luna Twilight and the girls that it's my fault my evil self is here. " As Spike debated, he felt something in his pocket, he pulled out his phone and it said New message. Spike clicked the message and saw it was from Principal Celestia. "Spike? Are you alright? we we're told you've been discharged from the hospital." "It's ok, I'm fine. Where are you?" "We're at the mall, do you need a ride there?" "That's ok." Spike then put his phone in his pocket and left the roof to get to the mall. As he left the building, he began to think of what would happen. (A few minutes later....) Spike had managed to reach the mall and saw it was crowded with a lot of people, both from CHS or across the city. As Spike managed to enter the mall, he walked around and looked at the stores. "Man, this place is huge." "Indeed it is young Spike. Are you ok?" Venom asked "Yeah Venom, I'm fine. Anyway, what should I get for the girls?" "Well, given how the holidays in their world is coming, what is it they each want?" Spike only gave a look of confusion as to what he should get. (With the Rainbooms) The girls were in the food court area hanging out and eating. They were talking with one another and hanging with one another. Spike had seen the girls hanging out, but decided to not speak to them for the time being. He began to focus on heading into different stores in the mall and look for what to get them. "So girls, what are your plans for the holidays?" "So far, just the same old stuff." Rainbow said "Same as Dashie." Pinkie added. "Hey, isn't that Spike over there?" Applejack pointed. The girls looked at where she was pointing and saw the Spike was heading into a nearby store. "I wonder what he's doing?" Pinkie asked "I'm gonna go follow him." Rainbow said "Are you sure Dash? I don't think you should invade his privacy." Applejack said "Well, I know it's been days since Spike....you know, but I just wanna see if the little dude's ok." Rainbow Dash said with concern Having said that, the rainbow haired athlete began to follow the young dragon turned human. (WIth the Dazzlings) The Dazzlings were in a clothing shop looking at some coats. "Remind me again why we're here?" Aria asked "Because Aria, we need to at least get some winter clothing in case the snow either gets more colder or increases. Plus our other winter clothes were ripped after last year." Adagio responded "Dagi's right Aria, plus there's also the fact that our home doesn't have a proper heating system to keep us warm." Sonata added Aria only rolled her eyes in dismay and continued to help the two shop. As they did, they were watched by two unknown figures. "...When should we attack?" "Soon...they will pay for foiling our masters plan....along with that younger foolish version of him." (With Spike) Spike was meanwhile in a store buying some things for the girls. As he did, he said to himself "Hmm, what would the girls want for the Holidays?" As he continued to look around, he began to look around the aisles in the store in order to find out what he could find that would be able to make the girls happy. As Spike looked, he found some interesting materials. "Looking for something?" A male voice said behind Spike Spike turned and saw a younger blonde teen with a white shirt and black pants. "Um yeah, I'm looking for a gift of some friends of mine." Spike said "Is that so little dude? Well then follow me!" The teen said Spike did so and followed him as he was shown different kinds of objects such as radios, toys and instruments. Spike only looked around and said in his thoughts. "Man, how am I gonna find a good gift for the girls when I don't know what they want?" As Zephyr led Spike, he showed him different types of objects in the shop, with Spike giving a look of curiosity and confusion at what was on the shelves. "Hey!" Spike turned and saw Rainbow Dash approaching. Zephyr only gave a look of infatuated satisfaction while Spike backed away and said "Rainbow Dash? What are you doing here?" "I just came to check on you dude. Are you ok?" Rainbow Dash replied "Yeah, I-" "Rainbow! Whatcha doin here?" Zephyr said with a smile. Rainbow Dash only groaned and gave a look of dismay and said "Not in the mood Zephyr." Spike turned and gave a mixed look of amusement and dismay and said "Hmmm, just like back in Equestria. I guess the more things try to change, the more they stay same." "You come here to get something or someone~?" Zephyr flirted. "In your dreams Zephyr. The day I date you is the day I actually like dressing up with Rarity." Rainbow Dash sarcastically remarked. "Are ya sure Rainbow~?" Zephyr asked again "Shut it Zephyr, I'm here to talk to him, not you." Rainbow Dash said, as she turned and looked at Spike. "Ok then. Call me if you need me~" Zephyr Breeze said before he left to continue working "Uggghhhhh." Rainbow Dash groaned in annoyance at his antics. Turning to Spike, who walked to look at one of the shelves of objects, Rainbow next turned to face Spike. "Anyway. Spike, is everything ok?" Rainbow Dash asked "Yeah. I'm fine. Why?" "After what happened the day before, me and the girls have been concerned about you. Are you doing ok dude?" Rainbow Dash asked with concern "I'm ok. You don't have to worry about me." Spike answered Rainbow Dash gave a look of questionable suspicion at him as Spike continued to look around the store, but she let him be and left the store. Returning to the girls, they noticed the rainbow haired athlete. "So, is Spike ok?" Sunset asked "Yeah, but I think we should keep an eye on him." Rainbow said "No offense Dash, but I don't think we should bother Spike that much." Sci-Twi said 'Seriously Twilight?! After what he did to himself?!" Rainbow called her out in dismay "Plus, I know we're all worried, but we shouldn't pry into his personal life." Sunset added "No offense girls, but Dash may have a point. You saw what happened to the poor darling before he came here, not to mention he tried to take his own life out of fear of our safety from the retched future version of him." Rarity brought up. The mention of Spike's confession had only made the girls frown with guilt or grief. With how Spike had nearly took his own life, they couldn't risk him hurting himself another time. "Ok, maybe we should try to keep watch for him. And if possible talk to him." Sunset agreed in a somewhat agreeing yet reluctant tone. The others nodded and began to talk to one another over the matter....