Empress Cozy Glow

by Betty_Starlight

Chapter 3: Confessions

You know, I had been sitting on my haunches in bed staring at that weird purple crystal for about 45 minutes or so… At least I think it was? I know the clock on my wall said 8:22 now anyway, and I knew it was the morning…

Such a strange crystal… It had six sides and was a vibrant purple color... It was roughly five and half inches tall and four and a half inches wide, or so I’d say… And it just sat on top of the ornate wooden dresser I kept in my large walk-in closet…

I finally realized that that crystal has done all it’s meant to do before removing myself to the air with my wings as I flew over to the dresser within the closet to get my crown next to the amethyst…

I stared at it very carefully in my forehooves as I began to wonder about what it truly meant and I started to think about a lot of things…


I sat at my throne… I left my crown on the floor next to it… I didn’t feel much like wearing it at the moment… When suddenly, my violet alicorn assistant opens the front door with her right forehoof to the room to appear into view before she begins trotting towards me…

I gaze at her face carefully and can’t help but notice an almost invisible smirk there right on her lips…

I decide to ignore it, “Report Twilight! How was your morning?” before noticing I’m extra official all of a sudden…

She stops to stand at attention and officially states back, “Well, I woke up in my room and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast! I know how you like to sleep in and decided to check in the throne room later, since you weren’t there earlier!”

I nod when thinking to myself that this actually makes sense, “Right! You’re dismissed, Twilight!”

Her eyes widen, “Did you want your morning report?”

I know this is when we usually do it, so I can understand how this might confuse her, “N-no Twilight! Not yet! I uh…” I shake my head. “need some more time to wake up! Yes!”

She looks at me expectantly, “Would you like me to fetch you some juice from the kitchen, your majesty?”

I stare at her blankly when I think that I haven’t done anything nice yet, today, “Yes Twilight! That would be really swell! Thank you!” when I widen my view and realize that I just thanked my assistant!

She smiles, “Very well, Your Highness! I shall go get it presently!” before turning to trot out of the throne room…

I’m left alone with my thoughts… Why do I suddenly think that’s a bad thing? I think about the changes in me that I’ve suddenly began to notice and I wonder why I didn’t see them earlier? Do I really not pay that much attention to myself?

Okay, yesterday! What did I do? Well, I had breakfast and the usual morning report... There was that thingy with the farmer pony later on after Twilight… There she is again! I blink when I suddenly start to think that she probably knows more than she’s letting on?

Okay, so it brought out the good in me… Where was that good before, anyway? Did I just not want it? Wait, if I don’t want to be good, then that means…

I blink… Is the amethyst forcing me, now? No, it’s just bringing out good that was already inside me… R-right? Is the bad still there though? Wasn’t I evil once upon a time?

My eyes widen, That could only mean that the good became more powerful! It must be, because it can now overpower the bad! I mean, I’m apparently giving out liver transplants now!

I shake my head when I think that I’m starting to think like a crazy pony!

Soon, a purple alicorn appears in the doorway to the throne room while carrying a glass of orange juice on her snout.

I look at it and widen my eyes before forcing the glass to glow white and raise off her muzzle, “I have the juice now! You may lift your neck!”

She lifts her head to a regular stance and smiles at me as my cup soars across the throne room, “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

I begin to ponder on the true meaning of those words as the glass floats into my waiting forehooves. I greedily grasp it and bring it to my muzzle for a mighty swig!

“Oh, golly, yes!” I stare at her. “You know, I didn’t realize just how thirsty I really was!”

She smiles and nods…

I begin to wonder just why she’s smiling? Is she thinking about what the amethyst thinks? She couldn’t be my f-friend, right? I mean, I have lots of friends! But her?

“Would you like your morning report now, Your Highness?” Her voice startles me out of deep thought.

I shake my head again, “Uh, golly right! Go on, Twilight?”

She nods, “Of course, Your Highness! The farmers near Ghastly Gorge say that the dam project is coming along nicely and that the temporary irrigation system you suggested is working well for right now, but they’re worried it might not be enough.”

I nod back, “Very well then! Get somepony out there to do a report on the situation and learn what they need!”

She nods again, “Right, Your Majesty!”

“What else?”

“Well, the unions in Fillydelphia are still technically on strike, but they seem to want a resolution just as bad as we do?”

My eyes widen, “Then what the hay is taking so long?”

Her own view enlarges, “Uh, I have no idea!”

I nod and sigh, “Oh, golly!” and adjust my view to her. “Fine! Get somepony else on that one, too and report back to me tomorrow to let me know what’s going on!”

She nods, “Of course, Your Majesty!” her view raises. “Would you like breakfast, now?”

I frown when I realize I haven’t eaten yet! “Uh, yes Twilight! Bring me juice, fruit, and toast with jam! You know what I like! I’ll be in my dining room!”

She smiles again, “Yes, Your Majesty!” before nodding and turning to trot out of my throne room…

I’m once again, alone with my thoughts…

I suddenly found it very interesting that Twilight would be concerned about me eating breakfast. It’s almost like she cares about me?

You know what I like! Those words enter my mind… She knows me well at this stage… Almost like…


I look at my plate of fruit on the purple table in front of me and look up from my big purple chair to the smaller purple chair on the other side of the table, where a certain purple alicorn sat…

I think to myself that I can either start this conversation or begin eating? And so, I immediately grab a large red apple from the top of the bowl with my forehooves and bite into the succulent juicy fruit as juice begins to drip down out of my mouth…

She smiles at me brightly as I chew the morsel in my snout and swallow to eventually bring it down my throat. I stare at her and wipe my face before finally asking, “What are you so happy about?”

Her eyes widen, “Well, I just like seeing you eat because I know you need food to live and it makes me glad to know that you’re getting that!”

I frown at this bizarre response, “Twilight?”

She looks at me expectantly, “Yes, my liege?”

I eyeball the former princess carefully… “Do you care about me?”

Her eyes soften and she begins to smile again, “Why, of course I do, Your Highness!”

“I’m a bad filly though!”

She frowns as her eyes widen, “What?”

“I’m the bad filly who took over Equestria! Why do you care about me?”

She looks at me carefully, “What if I told you that I don’t believe you’re a bad filly?”

I stare at her carefully, “Then I’d call you a moron! I took over Equestria, overthrew the existing monarchy, and imprisoned you and your friends in Tartarus! Why wouldn’t I be a bad filly?”

“You’re just confused!”

I begin to bark, “NO! I believe it is you who are the one who is confused! Now, go back to your room! I’ll call you if I need you!”

Her face grows solemn before she nods courteously, “Yes, Your Highness!” before scooting her chair back and turning to trot out of the dining room…

I’m once again alone with my thoughts… You know, this is almost as bad as talking to her! Uh, almost! Oh, golly! I really should get somepony else to talk with in here!

I blink before getting up off my chair and then, taking off to fly up to the small window on the other end of the dining room, over the other entrance… Nopony knows about that and I like to hide there when life gets stressful!

I crawl through the window and land on the wooden floor and I then trot over to the lamp and turn on the burner before igniting so it now illuminates the small room…

It is roughly 10 feet by 12, I’d say and I keep a big pile of faded green blankets in the corner with my big brown teddy bear and a small green novel I was reading… It was about a unicorn wizard who befriends a dragon!

I set the lamp into it’s holder in the middle of the ceiling where it sits on a metal hook and I then go back to all fours and trot underneath it to the pile…

I sigh when I think about what she said… She cares about me? Idiot! I think to myself as I get settled in my little blanket pile where I grasp the book in my forehooves and begin reading my story…

I need this to unwind now! There’s simply too many questions in my head right now! I think to myself as I read the same passage about the wizard entering the cave for the third time…

I blink, So hard to concentrate! Twilight Sparkle! Even as my prisoner, she continues to be a thorn in my side! Maybe I should get rid of her after all?

I blink again before slowly nodding off…


“Empress Cozy Glow?” I hear a feminine voice say from a mere 5 feet away from me in the tiny wooden room…

I open my eyes and see that I’m lovingly holding my teddy bear to my chest floof as I stared up at her with a wide view as she slowly comes into focus as it gets less blurry “Uh! Hey! How do you know about this place?”

She frowns, “Really? It’s right on the other side of your chair in the dining room and over the door! Everypony knows about this small window room!”

I grimace, “OKAY FINE!” before recomposing myself to look at her. “What do you want?”

Her view raises slightly, “Well, when you weren’t there for lunch, I grew a tad concerned and thought I should check on you!”

I grow indignant, “There it is again! You caring about me! STOP THAT! I’m a bad filly!”


I snap at her, “WHAT?”

She smiles again, “I love you!”

I stare at her with a piercing glare, “Twilight, leave me alone! Don’t talk to me again until tomorrow!”

“My liege?”

“GO! Get out of here and leave me be! I’ll be fine!”

(To be continued…)