The Owl House: Friendship Forever

by TheClownPrinceofCrime

The Friendship of Evil

“Quickly! In here!” Luz urged, pointing at the tunnel.

Luz and the Equestrian gang entered the tunnel while Scorpan still carried the weakened witches. Once they found a safe spot, the gargoyle gently placed the witches on the ground before he grabbed a boulder and closed the entrance with it.

“We should be safe for now,” said Scorpan.

“I can’t believe this is happening. This is just…,” Luz mumbled, holding Amity’s hand.

“Take it easy there, miss. They’re gonna be fine,” comforted Rusty.

“How? That creep just stole their magic!” Luz yelled.

“Allow me to remedy that,” Scorpan volunteered, opening his mouth.

He breathed out three magical orbs; they flew around and touched upon the bodies of her friends. At that point, Amity, Hunter, Willow, and Gus woke up with their newfound magic and energy.

“Ugh…huh? Hey, we’re powered up now!” Gus said, getting up.

“What…are you?” asked Hunter.

“I’m just a friend here to assist. We’re all here for you, younglings,” replied Scorpan.

“Thanks, Mr. Scorpan,” smiled Amity.

“Anytime. Right now, we must lay low until we come up with a plan for our next course of action.”

As Scorpan gathered some wood and stones, Luz took a good look at the Treacherous Trio who were at a corner minding their own business. Curious, she walked toward them with an awkward smile.

“Uh…hey?” she waved.

“What do you want?” Tirek coldly responded.

“Well, you guys are obviously new here so I figured I would give you a—,”

“Oh, enough with this friendship nonsense already!” Chrysalis snapped. “We have no interest in befriending you or your insignificant friends, so leave us be!”

“Hold on now, Chrysie. Luz is my new friend, so why don’t we give her a chance? After all, we do go to school together,” convinced Cozy.

Chrysalis glared daggers at the filly. “Don’t you ever call me that! It’s CHRYSALIS!! Not ‘Chrysie’!”

“Sure thing…Chrisy-Wisy,” Cozy smirked. Chrysalis growled in fury before she sat back down.

“Soooo…you three. How long have you all known each other? And…how did you become criminals in the first place?” Luz asked.

“It’s a long story,” replied Tirek. “And frankly, I’m too exhausted to even share mine.”

“Likewise. And why do you care anyway?”

“Umm…’cause I’m always curious? Come on, don’t you wanna share why you guys embraced your villainy? Don’t worry, I won’t judge!”



“Ladies first,” Tirek said, looking at Chrysalis.

“Well, my story isn’t exactly pleasant. I remember the time my mother was always harsh on me growing up, but I eventually realized she meant well. I was taught to punish disobedience, absorb love, and harvest the emotions of anyone who’s weak enough to face the Changelings,” she shared.

“I may not appear so ‘kind’ or ‘generous’ as those ponies preach so much about, but I care deeply about my subjects—well, former subjects. Without love, I’ll starve.”

“Really? You use love as a source of…food?”

“Yes. It’s the only food we—um, I eat.”

Luz and Amity looked at each other surprised and decided to keep themselves at a distance from Chrysalis.

“Remind me to never invite her to our dates,” Amity whispered.

“Yup,” Luz agreed.

“Aaaaand…what about you, Cozy?” Gus asked.

“For me, it’s a bit complicated. I…well…” Cozy looked back at Rusty who gave her a warming smile and a nod. “…my own family never showed me much affection or care all that much. All I ever wanted was…friendship.”

“Is that so?” Luz replied, showing a look of interest.

Cozy then thought of an idea. She wore puppy dog eyes and a sad expression saying, “Uh-huh, and I was led astray by Tirek and Chrysalis into a path of evil. I had no choice, and I never had a chance at redemption. It would mean so much if you can help me get back to Equestria safely so I can atone for my mistakes and—,”

“Wait, wait, wait, hold on, hold on. If you’re trying to manipulate me with that innocent-like tone, you’ll have to do a lot better than that,” Luz interrupted, unamused.

Cozy’s pupils shrunk as she was dumbfounded. “WHAT??”

Rusty quietly chuckled to himself after seeing Cozy’s reaction. Cozy’s ears then fell limp in defeat. “Ugh, fiiiine! You win.”

“Come on, Cozy, there had to be something that made you this way—especially being this young,” said Luz.

“Does it really matter?! I don’t have to tell you everything, human! I’m just a power-hungry filly ‘cause it’s fun!” Cozy shouted, evilly laughing.

Luz facepalmed herself with an annoyed expression. “I have no words.”

“Looks like you guys have a greater evil to deal with now,” said Gus. “And seeing you have no magic of your own, you might need us to stop that wacko psycho.”

Tirek scoffed at the idea. “I think not, youngling. Scorpan is more than enough to assist our problem…as much as I hate to admit it. We don’t need you.”

“You sure about that, tough guy?” challenged Willow. “If I were to take a wild guess, you think teaming up with good guys will affect your villainous reputation?”

“Wrong. We don’t collaborate with weaklings,” Chrysalis sneered.

“Ouch…I hope that didn’t hurt your feelings, Cozy,” Rusty jokingly remarked.

“SHUT UP!” Cozy yelled.

“Weaklings, huh? Well, I’m here to tell you that we faced much bigger threats before, so this Jacob guy is no different than the ones we faced,” Hunter chimed in.

“Yeah, let us help you. With our combined power, that creep won’t stand a chance!” Amity added.

“Ha, I doubt it.”

“Hold on, brother. Perhaps you should listen to them,” advised Scorpan. “These are magical bipedal creatures you’re talking to, so they may know certain tricks that can help us.”

Tirek then growled in anger. “You always do this…”

“Do what?”

“Never taking my side! First, you listen to Starswirl, and now these creatures?! Are you trying to make yourself look better?! That’s what you’ve been doing all along—pretending to be so righteous just to make me look like a fool!”

“Tirek, this is not the time! We have more serious issues at our hands.”

“Don’t even dare play that game! All that I ever wanted was to rule Equestria with you by my side, and you ruined that!!”

“Is that why you favor the company of these two? You think they’re your true friends?” Scorpan asked.

The centaur looked at his compatriots who gave different reactions to the gargoyle’s question: Chrysalis turned her face to hide her blush, and Cozy’s face beamed with happiness.

Tirek sighed deeply. “It’s hard to say. But in spite of our conflicting agendas, we all share one thing and one thing only: we hate the magic of friendship.”

Hunter listened closely to their argument. He looked on with surprise and sadness, recognizing a similar situation he knows about.

“I thought you would understand. I thought you would be happier by welcoming ponies as your new friends,” Scorpan replied, disappointed.

“You thought WRONG!!!” Tirek bellowed.

“Wow…talk about déjà vu,” mumbled Hunter. He stepped in between the two brothers and pushed them back from each other.

“Guys, STOP! Arguing is not gonna save us!”

“This doesn’t concern you, young creature. Move out of my way,” Tirek threateningly snarled.

“You know, you’re not the first person I’ve met who holds grudges; I’ve seen how it affects people,” replied Hunter.

This got the interest of both brothers. “Huh?”

“I knew a man who used to have a brother; his brother loved him and raised him. They did…a lot of stuff together, but when his brother found love, he…was never the same,” narrated Hunter, trying not to rethink the horrific story.

“What happened to him?” Scorpan asked.

“His hatred consumed him,” Hunter replied. “It’s that same hatred that’s gonna destroy us all if we don’t work together to save the Boiling Isles.”

Tirek was silent as he stared back at Scorpan. As he reflected on his early life and everything he had done, his angry expression soon faded.

Then he looked back at his comrades, Chrysalis and Cozy. Just as he was about to say something, a sudden realization hit him. He remembered how Twilight Sparkle often emphasized the crucial role the Magic of Friendship played in the salvation of Equestria.

Then he remembered how they were easily defeated at the hooves of Twilight, her friends, and all Equestria. He scrutinized his weak, thin arms and his own chest; seeing exactly what was missing, he grew a massively evil smile.

“That’s it…THAT’S IT!!!” he exclaimed.

“What? What’s it?” Cozy asked.

“How have I not realized this sooner?! It solves everything!”

“Quit testing our patience and spit it out already!” yelled Chrysalis.

“Remember when Discord pretended to be Grogar and recruited us? What was the one thing he constantly reminded us?”

“Toooooooo……work together??” Cozy guessed.

“Yes! And when we planned to betray him, I remember vividly saying that after we have accomplished our goals, we’ll go back to destroying each other,” Tirek reminded.

“What exactly are you getting at?” Chrysalis asked.

Scorpan and Rusty both smiled in anticipation as they realized what he was gonna say.

“Listen, all this time, we’ve only managed to work as a team, but we still hated each other’s guts,” replied Tirek. “Twilight and her friends always had it easy for them because they never hated each other. That’s why they have far more powerful magic than we do—even greater than that of Grogar’s bell.”

Cozy gasped so loud it echoed throughout the whole tunnel. “Are you…saying…?”

“I’m saying that…perhaps we need to be honest with ourselves,” suggested Tirek. He laid his eyes on Chrysalis who instinctively went a few steps backwards from him. “Chrysalis, when we first met you in Grogar’s cavern…I thought you would be annoying like Cozy. But the moment you actually addressed me by my title…that’s when I knew you were someone special.”

Chrysalis slightly blushed for a second. “Well…*clears throat*…I suppose I could say something…positive. You’re the only creature I trust to share all my feelings and burdens with. You listen to me, and you never hesitate to tell me what I need to hear. That’s why I was generous enough to let you lead us in this journey.”

As they were talking, a bright red aurora radiated off their bodies. The Hexsquad looked on with confusion.

“What’s happening?”

“Are they…?”

“Are they about to power up?!” Willow exclaimed.

“It’s…actually happening…!” Scorpan muttered, amazed.

“Professor Fluttershy always said that kindness is the key to true happiness,” said Cozy. She smiled at both her older compatriots as they finally held hands/hooves together. “I guess that’s something I never had.”

“But what use is our friendship if we can’t remain loyal to each other?” asked Chrysalis. “If we must win, our bond must be permanent!”

“I can’t believe we’ve been defeated so many times,” scoffed Tirek. “It almost makes me want to laugh.”

Tirek slowly regained all of his muscular strength as the red aurora grew more and more bright.

“I was so wrong before. The magic of friendship isn’t an imprisonment. It binds us together so we can be even more powerful. And with this power, we become…THE FRIENDSHIP OF EVIL!!!

The aurora then engulfed the trio into a massive ball of energy, outwardly changing their appearance. Tirek grew into his third form; Chrysalis regained her royal attire and a crown on her head; Cozy Glow regained her flight and her horn. But to her surprise…she’s much bigger than before.

“What the…?! I’m not a filly anymore!”

“Yes!! Our magic is back!!”

“Ahhhh, I thought I would never see these babies again!” Tirek proudly spoke, kissing his biceps.

Scorpan facepalmed himself. “Still evil….great.”

“Whoa! You guys…look robust!” said Luz, gazing at the villains.

“Indeed. And this time, we will never lose again—as long as the three of us are friends,” said Tirek.

“But remember, we’re STILL villains. Although I can finally admit that maybe friendship isn’t…all that bad, that doesn’t me I’ll be a soft, worthless sap. But friendship can be beneficial if put to good use,” added Chrysalis.

“Yeeeeeeeeee!! Being a grownup is the best thing ever! I can stay up late, go out drinking, and do whatever else grownups do!” Cozy shouted, flying all over the place.

“Not without our permission, young pony,” said Tirek, wagging his finger.

“Ugh, you’re not my dad, Tirek!”

“Listen to Lord Tirek, Cozy. You should know better than to back talk,” scolded Chrysalis.

After a few seconds of silence, the trio heartily laughed out loud.

“Well, what do you know? I guess these guys aren’t all that bad,” said Hunter.

“Maybe. But I have a feeling they’re gonna betray us later,” replied Willow.

“Haha, wouldn’t be surprised if they did,” chuckled Hunter.

Then Tirek noticed Scorpan look at him with a smug expression. Rolling his eyes, he scratched the back of his neck. “Seems you were…sort of right all along. I…forgive you.”

Scorpan’s smugness instantly disappeared once he heard that. “Umm…that’s not what I expected to hear…but alright. At least you finally admit that friendship is magic.”

“Hehe, indeed. But it’s even better if it’s used for world domination! Now, THAT’S true power!” Tirek exclaimed.

“Of course you would say that,” Scorpan sighed.

“Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go save the world!” Amity said.

“Very well. But once our common foe is dwelt with, you’ll have to deal with us as your new enemies,” Chrysalis replied.

“Called it,” Willow whispered to Hunter.

“Wow. You guys won’t change at all, huh?”said Gus.

“Nope!” replied Cozy.

“Before we go, we need to know what to do first. Luckily for us, I’ve already formulated a plan,” Tirek smirked.