Souls Apart

by GnollReader

Chapter 13: Challenge of wisdom

"Welcome..." the robed figure said with a deep voice, "To the challenge of wisdom."

Princess Celestia raised an eyebrow. Before her stood a small imp in a dark robe, and it looked ridiculous. Behind the imp however, a long stair went up and into the dark, and on each step stood a similar imp with a big wooden paddle in their little hands.

"The challenge... of wisdom?" she replied with a slightly amused voice.

"The challenge of wisdom." the imp repeated solemnly, "To attain true wisdom one must ascend the path of knowledge and understanding. Each step represents another burden you must take upon yourself to truly be wise..."

"And the paddles?" she asked

"They represent the striking force of realization as you take each step."

"Are they really necessary?"

The imp nodded, "They are obligatory. Also..." it held out a small cherry, "You must carry this between your bottom cheeks."

She stared at the cherry in disbelief, "And what is that supposed to represent?"

"Nothing, actually... we just think it highly amusing. And what is wisdom without laughter?" the imp replied with a dead-serious voice.

She gave the imp a stern view, "And if I refuse to take this challenge?"

The imp pointed towards a door, "Then you may leave..." the door swung open to reveal another set of stairs with more imps, "And descend the path of ignorance... while holding a cherry with your bottom cheeks."

"It is exactly the same!" she gave the imp an angered glare.

"It is not." it replied, "The path of knowledge and understanding leads up, the path of ignorance down. Also, the path of ignorance has double as many steps and many turns and dead ends."

Celestia eyed the imp for a moment, debating with herself whether she should simply blast a hole into one of the walls. A thought passed her mind, "What is the prize should I complete this challenge?"

"Since the challenge of wisdom is a high tier challenge, the necromancer will be at your command for a whole day should you complete it."


"This isn't so bad..." the paladin mumbled as she took another bite from her cotton candy, "He's never had fun challenges before."

"I admit, this challenge is not against my tastes." Luna replied and chucked down another roasted nut, "But it is slightly worrying, or is it not?"

The paladin looked around herself. She and princess Luna were on a huge country fair, countless small stalls with foods, games and fun rides waiting to be tried out. Every stall or ride was operated by the imps, and they worked feverishly to keep everything running. When they had entered, a small imp had given them a card with a single message; 'Enjoy yourselves.'

"I don't know, normally I'd agree with you, but I'm starting to think he's finally snapped so I wouldn't be surprised."

"That doesn't exactly put my worries aside..." Luna said as she chewed another nut, "These nuts are fabulous though!"

The paladin turned to one of the imps, "So... how long do we have to enjoy ourselves before we pass the challenge?"

A brief smile passed over the imp's face, "The challenge? Hasn't started yet, but it shouldn't take much longer."

"What the hell is that supposed to..." she stopped as Luna gave off a groan next to her. Calindria turned around to see Luna shake on her knees as a grumble escaped her belly.

"Princess! Are you..." she froze as she felt her own stomach churn, "Oh god!" she went to her knees as a wave of agony washed over her. She looked up at the imp, "What did you do?!"

The imp got out a small letter, cleared its throat, and started to read.

"Welcome, to the challenge of hastened steps. The food you have been consuming so happily is heavily laced with a strong laxative, as you are probably starting to notice at this moment." a loud gurgle from the paladin's stomach sounded in confirmation, "There is, one lavatory somewhere among the stalls. The challenge is simple, find it and do so without spoiling yourself or look like an idiot doing so." the imp closed the letter, "Have fun."


Celestia walked through the corridor, her behind bright red and burning with each step, her sense of dignity considerably lessened. It had taken much commitment to eat the cherry at the end, but she had what she wanted; a golden ticket that would entitle him to be her servant for a full day... And she would use it.

She reached a big door, and once she had stepped through she was surprised to find herself on a big country fair. What surprised her even more though, was to see her sister and the paladin hobble along the stall at a maddened pace.

"There!" the paladin shouted and started to waddle towards a small green stall at a frantic pace.

The two of them reached the stall, and immediately started to squabble wildly about who should enter first.

"I'm calling dibs!" the paladin shouted but was thrown backwards by Luna's magic.

"Princesses always have the honor!" Luna shouted before storming inside and locking the door.

"Damn you!" Calindria shouted and looked around wildly before storming to a stall with a large kettle.

Celestia watched the scene in wonder, not comprehending at first what the fuzz was about, but taking a shocked step backwards as she heard the both of them unload themselves in a series of mind-wracking sounds and sobs.

"There's no toilet paper!" Luna shouted from inside the stall in agony.

Celestia gave an annoyed sigh, she had enough of the necromancer's games for one day. She flared up her magic and aimed for one of the walls.


"Let's see now..." the necromancer shifted his vision through the countless rooms and challenges, "Few wins here and there... but all dropped out eventually. Seems that everyone enjoyed themselves." he chuckled, "What a perfect start! I'm sure they..." he stopped as the door to his chambers was pushed open and a tiny foal stepped inside.

"Hello?" the foal said through a wooden sword clenched in its teeth, "Is anyone here?" he spotted the baffled necromancer and his eyes became big, "I made it! I actually made it! This is so great!"

The necromancer stared at the foal, "Who are you?"

"I'm Pipsqueak, Sir." he answered as he put down the sword.

He waved his hand and a scroll appeared before him, "Let's see... Pipsqueak. There it is... Completed the challenge of bones, completed the challenge of the labyrinth..." he eyed the little foal with disbelief, "And you completed the challenge of the ogre? I say... I'm impressed! What did you win?"

"This sword that never breaks..." he held up the wooden sword, "Also, this cap that always fits..." he showed the necromancer the little cap on his head, "And this bouncy ball that glows in the dark, but I think I lost it."

"A shame..." the necromancer replied.

"Do I get a wish now?" Pipsqueak asked with excitement.

Neither he or the necromancer noticed that three others had entered through a separate door.

"Of course!" the necromancer flexed his fingers, "What can I do for you?"

"Can you make me brave?"

The necromancer stalled, "What?"

Pipsqueak looked at his hooves, "Well... I get scared really easy, and I just want to be brave so that the others won't laugh at me..."

For a moment, the necromancer just stared at him, "You just battled a horde of skeletons, passed a labyrinth full of booby traps and you searched a haunted mansion for an ogre. How could I make you any braver than that?"

Pipsqueak returned his stare, "Oh... so I'm... brave?" the necromancer nodded, "I'm brave!"

"So..." the necromancer interrupted him, "What's your wish?"

Pipsqueak's face blanked, "I don't know... I guess I already have what I wanted..."

"Tell you what..." the necromancer started and a small, golden ticket appeared in his hand, "Take this. If you make up your mind, or if you ever need my help, just call for me and I'll come straight to you." he handed the ticket over to Pipsqueak with a big smile.

"Wow! Thanks!" Pipsqueak took the ticket with gleaming eyes before turning his head, "Oh, hello princess Luna!"

The necromancer froze, "She's behind me, isn't she?"

Pipsqueak nodded, "Princess Celestia and a funny looking creature in armor as well."

The necromancer cringed visibly, "You better leave, kid. I think things are about to get ugly. Take the door to the right, it'll lead you straight out."

"Okay. Thank you! I really had a lot of fun!" Pipsqueak replied before running off.

"My pleasure, kid." he took a deep breath before turning around, "So... I take it you blasted your way here?"

"Indeed we did." Celestia replied with a raised eyebrow, "And were it not for that kind gesture just now, I would be tempted to blast you as well."

"I'm still tempted." the paladin replied with a grim face.

"As am I." Luna added.

The necromancer grinned, "Well... you know what they say..." he snapped his fingers, and another trapdoor opened beneath him, "You'll never take me alive!" he shouted as he fell into the darkness.

For a moment the three just stared at the hole, cursing silently to themselves that he had gotten away. But then, a voice could be heard from the hole, "Blasted hells, I think I... I think I'm stuck! Who designed this piece of crap?!" one of the imps present made a nervous face and quickly retreated from the room.

Celestia approached the hole with a small smile on her face and looked down into the necromancer's.

"Heh... fancy meeting you here... care to give me a hand?"

"Do you know, what this is?" Celestia levitated the golden ticket before his face, watching happily as he turned very pale.

"You ate the cherry?!"

"Indeed I did, for the path to wisdom may be hard, but endurance and determination are always rewarded." she spoke with a motherly voice, "I expect your presence an hour before sunrise. Your day of service starts then."

"Aww... crap."