//------------------------------// // Part 12: "What did you say...?" // Story: They Grow Up... // by overlord-flinx //------------------------------// War, bloodshed, disputes... They are always started by one thing. Ego. However, ego is not a bad thing at all. Ego drives everyone to do better and to support themselves through all odds. A little ego can go a long way. Yet, it may go too far. That's how wars and disputes get started in the first place. No matter who you are, everyone's ego can be turned against them in a moment's notice. From the kindest soul to the most devilish of minds... All it ever takes is just that one, little, inexcusable phrase... The small bin in the corner of the room still billowed out the putrid odder of sewer sludge and much the same as Diamond Tiara looked at it. Contemplation rang true within her eyes as she sat there, looking at her last attempt at winning 'the boy' over. Was any boy worth this sort of treatment? She couldn't stomp her hoof on it at all; and that alone made her want to rip her mane out on the spot. But, no. She practiced and honed in on her mediation classes her father forced her towards. Calm was key to piecing this problem together. Amidst her soul-searching, her mother sauntered over to a nearby window in her room and turned from her daughter. Fleur's expression itself was very much mirroring her daughter's. Deep in thought, masking another emotion, yet with a certain air of cockiness about it. As a mother, she wanted the best for her daughter. Yet, as a member of a upper-class family who clawed its way to the top through whatever it took... "You know..." Fleur spoke, "Your uncle Fancy got to where he is through knowing what was ahead before it ever happened." Diamond Tiara looked to her mother, a bit confused to what her point was. "And your father? Well, your father rode on the back of his father's own success. Except he made it his own and built on it..." It was at that point that Fluer looked back to Diamond Tiara, eyes challenging her daughter with a fire brimming in them despite her calm demeanor. "Because of those two men in your life... It doesn't surprise me that you would cower in front of a challenge..." "What did you say...?" Diamond Tiara whispered, her own eyes now flaring with a new fuel. "Prove me wrong, Tiara," Fluer turned to face her daughter, towering over her and raising her head high and proud, "Show mommy that a colt won't send her baby shying away." Diamond Tiara huffed once and clopped her hooves against the carpet as she shot to all four. Her head swung low and she looked up at her mother like an enraged bull; yet she also held a slight cocky smirk now as she readied herself under her mother's 'encouraging words'. "I'll make you soooo proud mommy!" Tiara went out of her mother's room and proceeded to charge down the stairs of the house. Seconds after she left, Fluer saw her daughter come back up the stairs and walk pass Fluer's room. "Right after I take a bath..." Fluer made out from Diamond Tiara as she shuffled down the hall towards that bathroom. "Knock-knock," the ridicule would never end... "Why, who is there?" it just kept going and going... "Twist!" like a train pileup just getting bigger and bigger... "'Twist' who?" only more painful and with a lot less metal flying through the air... "Twist my leg and call me Twist, Twist twisted it up again!" The Cake twins just burst out laughing again and again as they exchanged their jokes at Twist's expanse. Twist on the other hand slumped against herself and just hung herself over the counter in Sugarcube Corner within her horizon of looming despair. Pound and Pumpkin continued laughing as they looked at Twist. Then chuckling. Then snickering. Then frowning and giving one another a shamed look. "H-Hey, come on. We're just joking..." Pumpkin said. "Yeah. Totally. You did... You did good..." Pound scratched the back of his neck with one hoof, not believing what he said himself. No matter what they said, Twist just slumped over the counter with the longest face they had ever seen. It was heartbreaking for the twins as they looked at her; just horrible. The two wracked their brains to try and bring some sort of hope to the girl... At least enough to get her off the counter and to stop smudging the display case. "So... Uh... Twist?" Pumpkin tried for a second time, "How'a'bout Pound and I actually help you?" Pound shot his eyes wide and brightened up at the sound of this idea. "Oh! Yeah! Fully! You know we were just poking at you. But we'll REALLY help you this time. Full-on. No strings attached." The two waited and watched Twist for a reaction... But got nothing at all. "...We're sorry..." they both said with bowed, almost as sad expressions as Twist had. When they both turned to go up to their rooms, seeing no further reason to stick around with Twist the way she was, they heard a small shuffle from the counter followed by a familiar voice. "What was that? You're... sorry? Mean it?" The twins' smiles could not have been bigger when they heard Twist at that moment. "So... Guess we just wait for Sweetie Belle?" Scootaloo surmised as she landed herself safely against the streets of Ponyville. "May as well. We go on with out her, she'll throw us 'gain!" Apple Bloom spouted as she slid off of Scootaloo's back. Scootaloo laughed a little and put her front leg around Apple Bloom's neck, pulling her close. "Heh, yeah. 'Cept, this time she'd throw me after you so I can't catch you," Scootaloo continued to laugh as she let Apple Bloom go. Apple Bloom smiled and allowed herself a small chuckle and smile as she thought of that situation. "Righ'?" The two stood in the town street, looking about and enjoying a good laugh, "Ehh... But I wouldn't worry too much 'bout it if'n that happened." "Why's that?" Scootaloo asked, expecting for a continuation of the jokes. "Cause I know you'll catch me," Apple Bloom's smile shifted a bit, "Yer' always th---ahhh..." Apple Bloom stopped herself and staggered where she stood, receiving a quick shocked stare from Scootaloo. "What'd you just say...!?" "Shoo! Where the hay's Sweetie Belle, am ah' righ'?" Apple Bloom awkwardly laughed to herself, looking down the street away from Scootaloo entirely. It was clearly going to be a long wait... "Pip!" 'Crystal' called for the young colt as she spotted him walking into town with a piece of wood on his back. The moment Pip spotted the black mare, he gave a kind smile and a small bow; being careful as to not let the wood fall of his back in the process. "Crystal. Nice to see ya'. You need anythin'?" "As a matter of fact, I do." Now... It's time to put the plan into action... "You see, I am fairly new in town. But, you know that. So, I was wondering... Could you perhaps show me one of your famous 'trick shots'?" Pip seemed taken back by the question on many levels. "Famous? Never 'eard anyone call one of me tricks famous... Right didn' know anyone knew I 'ad any tricks to begin with..." A little too forward... "But, 'eck! Not like I don' mind the notice for it." But, thank the Makers he's not bright enough to question it... "But... Sorry... Me sister always told me ta' never show off in public... She also said to watch out for black mares too, but ya' seem nice." Darn you, Shimmer... I raised you too well. "Sorry..." "...I guess it's true then." 'Crystal' sighed. "What's true?" Hook... "Oh... It's nothing..." she turned away, still sighing her words. "No. Tell me. Please?" Line... "It's just that I heard the colts of Ponyville had no skills in the ways of adventuring..." "...What did ya' jus' say?" ...And sold...