The Diamond's Eyes

by Dainty Blaze

Chapter 5

I turned back to my cider after the chill of a lifetime had run its marathon down my spine. Shot pulled more bottles out and started dusting them off while PIp looked deeply into his own drink. I think he was trying to find the answers to life in that martini. Suddenly Shot spoke up.

"I'm guessing they have a bad history?"

"Yep," I said as I took a soothing sip. "When they were fillies she tortured her and her friends. From what they used to tell me she was the school bully."

"Damn straight," Pip cut in with a snort," Her and the Silver Tool. They were vicious to anyone that crossed their path. Then high school came around and the pair found themselves dethroned by a filly by the name of Quid-pro Quo." He chuckled in a sinister, moustache-twirling kind of way. "Diamond was betrayed by her quote on quote 'bestie' and wound up at the bottom of the food chain." He laughed out loud," Ah karma you righteous bitch!"

I remembered that day. I never went to school mind you, I was home-schooled, and when I say home-schooled I mean I had knowledge beat into my with dusty, ancient tomes by a compulsive psycho of a sister. Love her to death but lets be honest here. The day I met Diamond was a strange day I'll admit. But it sparked some of the happiest years of my life.

"Alright that's all of them," I said quite proud of myself. The new castle library was all organized, clean, and over-all quite pleasing to the eye of a certain OCD mare. I had to admit I was skeptical at first when we had moved into this gaudy crystal mass of a castle but it was kind growing on me after all these years. My tiny wings fluttered as I surveyed my work. My chest swelled with pride at a job well done. Just then Twilight walked in a book held at her side.

"Good job Spike," she said with a nod of approval," It looks great."

"Thanks," I beamed, then cocked an eyebrow," Next time though don't go all hardcore student mode. The place looked like Discord had a field day in here."

"It did not!" she said, indignantly. It always irked her when I compared her to the draconequus. "Besides it was organized chaos. Not," she shuddered," chaos, chaos."

"UH huh," I said with a customary roll of the eyes. So much denial. "Sure."

"Oh hush," she grumbled as she set her book back in its right place. "Well nothing really needs to be done right now so I guess your free the rest of the day." She pulled a few tomes out and set them at a nearby table with her magic.

I pumped a fist. "Yes!" I made for the entrance way then skidded to a halt. "Oh and keep the maids out of here. Last time they 'cleaned' in here most of the books were out of order." The servants were a nice addition to the castle, meant I didn't have to clean the entire castle, and let me tell you its a lot bigger on the inside. But when it comes to library maintenance they were base amateurs at best.

"Will do," Twilight said with a giggle. "Don't be back too late."

"No promises," I said with a devil-may-care grin and ran out of there before she could protest.

Ponyville was alive with activity, as per the usual. It was your typical sunny day. Though for this town it meant anything but. A disaster was always around the corner, trust me. Thankfully today there were no stampedes, eldritch demons, or ageless villains to deal with. I stolled down the path toward Sugercube Corner, the town's most successful, an only, bakery. It was built to resemble a gingerbread house, even smelled like it too. Don't taste it though...bad idea.

Inside Pinkie was running from table to table taking orders. The pink mare wore a frilly apron and had several pens stuffed into her bright pink, puffy mane. The place was swamped with customers. Ever since Twilight's castle made its appearance a couple years back Ponyville had became a tourist hotspot, thanks to that Sugercube Corner and most of the other shops, found business to be booming. The once tiny bakery was now a full blown café.

"Heya Spike!" Pinkie appeared beside me, nearly giving a heart attack in the process, and pulled me into a hug. I don't know how she accomplishes nearly breaking my diamond hard back every time she hugs me but she sure as heck comes close. "Just take your usual place and I'll be back with your sapphire cupcake and hot cocoa." Just as she appeared she was gone. I struggled between breathing and calming my dangerously fast heart rate. I swear that mare was gonna kill me one of these days.

As per usual I took my place in the back away from prying eyes. Most of the locals never so much as bat an eye at me anymore but tourists were another story. They didn't fear me you know but well I've come to loathe the click of a camera. Speaking of sounds, my era-fins twitched as I heard a strange noise. It sounded like crying.

I turned to look at the table behind me and lo and behold there was a pink filly sitting there crying quietly into her hooves. Her pink and white swirled mane was in a mess, and her coat was ruffled in more than a few places. ON her head sat a small tiara with small twinkling diamonds in it, they looked delicious too. I stared at her for a few minutes wondering how the heck this got past the party pony herself.

She looked up at me, as if sensing my presence. "What are you looking at scaly?!" she snapped, or tried to. Really it came out as more of a whimper. Her eyes were an almost enchanting shade of blue, this effect was only amplified by her tears. The attitude shattered it though. Pity levels have reached zero captain. How do we respond? Quick snide on full, go!

"I'm not the one crying here," I deadpanned. This resulted in renewed sobs, and some incoherent blubbering. Good going Spike! Shut it conscious she started it! Well fix it you jerk! After quite the reaming from my conscious I spoke up.

"Hey," I said softly," Sorry that wasn't nice. What's your name?" Gotta start somewhere.

"What do you care?" she snapped, again. And again came out a whimper. Okay this filly was starting to irk me.

Deep breathes dragon. "Because," I said with some effort," I've been taught when a lady is crying you comfort them." Besides if Twilight, or Rarity for that matter, ever found out I didn't respond in a gentle-dragon way to this I'd be turned into a purse. Ending up a fashion accessory doesn't sound like a fun way to go, not to mention humiliating. Imagine the story you'd have to give in the afterlife. No thank you.
"So what's eating you?"

"Y-you think I'm a Lady?" she asked, the water works temporarily stopping.

Wait I said lady didn't I? My heart nearly stopped in my chest at the look she gave me. Goddess she was pretty. "Umm," I fumbled for words," Yeah I guess."

"You guess?" she said, in a rather forceful tone.

"Alright Spike here you go!" Pinkie appeared out of thin air, again giving me a near heart attack, to which the mare in pink a table away started snickering at despite her tears. Pinkie set my cupcake down and a mug of hot cocoa. Ah yes that is the stuff. I glanced back at the filly. "Hey Pinkie think you can get her something too. Put it on my bill."

"Okey-dokey-lo-" the pink mare stopped in her tracks when she noticed the filly's sullen look. With a gasp she jumped into the air a solid six feet. "Omygoshyou'recryingandIdid'tevennoticethisisacheesecakeemergencyberightback!" With that she zoomed off. A second later she appeared with a whole cheesecake and a large glass of chocolate milk. She settled in next to the bewildered filly. "Tell Auntie Pinkie aaaalll about it."

"Hey," one of the nearby customers shouted," Can I get some service here?"

"Hold yer humans," she shouted back, in a Boltimare accent no less. "Can't ya see I'm turnin' a frown upside down here?"

"Go ahead Pinkie," I said," I got this."

"I leave it in your claws then," she nodded sagely before twirling on a hoof. "So what ya want ya mook!?"

Now mind this all happened in the span of forty seconds leaving the filly feeling a resounding whiplash from what her facial expression told me. "I grew up in this town and I'm still not used to that."

"Pinkie has that effect on ponies," I said with a chuckle. I transported my precious cargo to the filly's table. I took a bite out of my cupcake and asked," So why so glum chum?"

"None of your business," she grumbled before scooping some cheesecake up. Wow this girl was rude. At least the water works had stopped.

"How about your name then," I almost growled out. Stay civil Spike.

"Fine," she said," Diamond Tiara." Wait this is that rich brat Applebloom and Scootaloo always go on about? At least we're getting somewhere.


"Spike," she said cutting me off," I know. You're Princess Twilight's assistant. We've met, briefly a few years back."

Wait when-oh that Twilight time incident. She remembered that? Wow. "You actually remember me from then?" I asked, feeling so smart with that question.

"Kinda hard to forget a dragon," she shrugged and scooped up more cheesecake. Man she likes cheesecake.

"True," I replied. "So why were you crying?"

"Why do-"

I cut her off, it was my turn after all. "And before you ask, yes I do because I'm nice like that."

"You're going to keep bugging me until I tell you aren't you?"

I nodded and took another bite out of the heavenly confectionary in my claws.

She sighed and rubbed away some tears that had accumulated at the corners of her eyes. "I was betrayed by someone I thought was my friend alright."

"That sucks," I said. Smooth guy. "I mean well ah heck with it that just sucks."

"And the pony she ditched me for is a complete tool!" And the rant began. "I mean who helped her get that dye out of her hair when she accidently turned it brown, or lied for her when she accidently broke that vase. That thing cost me three month's allowance for Celestia's sake. And who stuck by her when her dad wanted to take her to that stupid comic book convention?"

"Hey what's wrong with comic books?" I asked, quite the offended dragon.

"Umm they're lame," she said, in a matter-of-factly tone. Blasphemy!

"They are not," I said with a frown.

"Are so!"

"Are not!"

"Are so!"

"That's it!" I slammed down a bag of bits, picked out enough to pay the tab and tip Pinkie. Then I grabbed Diamond by the hoof and started leading her out.

"H-hey what are you doing!?" she gasped.

"Showing you the wonders of comics," I said, dead serious. I led her to the comic book store. A small black building that stood near Quills and Sofas. Inside was nerdvana, my safe haven, my happy place. Stacks of comic books sat on shelves, carefully arranged by date released and genre. Figurines, statuettes, and action figures of all kinds sat in pristine condition atop counters and shelves lined with manga and sat in the back. Diamond just stared ahead.

"Yes take in the awesome," I beamed.

"Still lame," she shot back after a moment.

"Tis a challenge you put down is it," I said and pulled her to the comics. I riffled through a few before picking out a Power Ponies Issue #1.

"Read it and weep," I beamed. Amazingly she humored me before setting back.

"Lame," she stuck her nose up in the air. She did the same to several other comics. Each shot down like the many stallions that tried to ask Rarity out. Okay then lets try a new approach.

"Stay right here." I went for the manga, grabbed the right one and ran back. I set it before her," Eat your words madam."

She rolled her eyes, cracked it open, and started reading. A few pages in she giggled. She froze and looked at me from over the book. I'll be one hundred percent honest, the scene was adorable. Though I wasn't ashamed to say I was wearing my 'I win' grin. She shut the book, set it down, and looked away. "This proves nothing."

"Yeah sure," I said before singing," Denial~"

"Shut up."

"Got you to laugh though," I said," You've got a nice laugh."

"R-really?" Her cheeks went a shade pinker.

Crap. Didn't even think before talking. I scratched the back of my head. "Well yeah." Change the subject quick!

"Hey Spike."

I looked over and Button Mash was coming out from the back, a small box perched on his back. Saved by the video game addict. The dark brown colt was all lanky limbs, wore a ridiculous propeller hat on his head. Heck a stiff wind would topple him over. He was more Pipsqueak's friend than mine but we were fellow nerds, so a bond did form. Even if he was a drama queen.

"What's up Mash?" I asked as I walked over and traded a fist-bump with him.

"Not much," he said and set the box down," Oh hey a new Shatter Company came in today." He held up the glorious comic and I snatched it up.

"Aw sweet!"

That's when Button noticed Diamond, who was again nose deep in the book I'd given her. He nudged me in the side. "Am I hallucinating or is that Diamond Tiara," he said.

"Um yeah why?" I asked.

"You sure," he said then began to panic," Oh crap this is an alternate reality! I knew it!" He grabbed me by the shoulders. "Quick I need to get back to my reality! We need a waffle iron, a golf club and an microwave, stat. Wait that's what they want me to get. You didn't see me!" He ran for the back. Like I said, drama queen. This was a common occurrence. If there was one pony that came close to beating Pinkie in the weird department it was that colt.

"What's that spaz's problem?" Diamond asked.

"Hey be nice," I chided," But you pose an interesting question. I've opted for no real grip on reality, but he insists his mother had him checked." That's when I noticed how close to me she was. Why was I suddenly so nervous? She was clutching the book to her chest. "H-hey want me to buy that for you?"


"The book," I said," Want me to buy it for you?"


"Cause you seem to like it." Really its not magical theory. "You know what, I'm buying it anyway." I grabbed the book.

"Hey I didn't say I wanted it!" She took off after me as I made for the counter. Heavy Stack came out of the back a few seconds later, after I rang the bell. Diamond was trying to get the book from me but standing on my hind legs put me twice at about twice her height.

"My assistant had another episode I see," the tan unicorn said with a chuckle.

"That is correct."

"Give it back," the pick filly cried as she jumped up trying in vain to get the book.

"Hey Stack I want to buy this for her," I said quickly, explaining the situation. The unicorn smiled knowingly.

"Just discovering the wonders of manga I see."

I nodded. He grabbed the book from my claw with his magic and rang it up. He gave me the price and I paid it. Diamond had given up by this point, realizing the futility in her attempts to stop me. She had the cutest little pout going too.

"That never happened," she said, still pouting.

We were walking through the market district, each of us carrying a small plastic bag with our cargo. No idea where we were going but it was nice just to walk around sometimes, just pony watching. The crowd had thinned out since the lunch rush had just ended. Now it was just a few tourists here and there surveying the many wares.

"Sure it didn't," I said," Don't worry your secret's safe with me."

We carried on in comfortable silence. Our walk took us into the park, and we settled upon a bench to rest our feet, well my feet, her hooves. It was peaceful here. The trees rustled from the gentle, warm breeze. A few foals were playing not far from us, filling the air with their laughter as they played tag. I noticed a few of the leaves in the trees were just starting to change colors. Fall wasn't far off. I liked the calm of this place, so different from the chaos of everyday life.

"S-so," she said, breaking the silence," Where did you live before coming here?"

"Oh, Canterlot." She perked up at that. I held up a claw. "Trust me the city is great to visit but living in it another story. Going out every day is a risk on your life. Well not really but it is crowded, and loud. We lived in the castle most of the time though."

A pair of pink hooves grabbed my shoulders and my world encompassed a pair of bright blue eyes. "You lived in the castle. As is Princess Celestia's Castle?"

I pulled back and said, carefully," Yeah."

"OMG!" She gasped," Tell me everything." A massive grin broke out across her petite muzzle and she was staring at me intently.

"It was alright I guess. It's a maze though, and the guards are next to useless in giving you directions. They're like breathing statues really. The Royal Cook's nuts though. I went in there once and he started throwing knives at me and shouting in Nieghponese. Never went in there again." I sighed. "It was lonely though when Twilight was at school. Even then all she wanted to do when she was there, was study."

"Things were like that for me before I met Silver," Diamond said, understand sparking in her eyes. "All Daddy would do was stay in his office and work. Whenever I wanted to play it was always 'Later dear,' or 'I have this portfolio to arrange honey.' Even then he was rarely at home, just Chives and I." A small smile graced her muzzle. "When Silver's family moved here Daddy wanted to welcome them to Ponyville, mainly because they were going to be business partners. Silver and I hit it off from day one."

"Sorry," I said," I didn't mean to bring it up."

She shrugged, "I'll be alright. It still hurts yeah but..." She looked up at me. "Thank you." There was a sincerity there that just hit me.

"N-no problem," I said, suddenly feeling really warm.

Suddenly an off-white blur nearly knocked me out of my seat trying to get under the bench.

"Hide me mate!"

I looked at the cowering pile of earth pony under my seat, irked. "What are you doing?"

"I'm looking for bloody gold," Pip groaned," I'm hiding from her." He pointed to the white filly coming our way. She was svelte, had a curly red mane, and blinding smile. She was pretty, and exuded the aura of a crazy-mare.

"Hey have you two-" she started as she approached us. She recognized Diamond and frowned. "Diamond."

"Twist," she responded coldly.

"How's that friend of-" she stopped and giggled cruelly. "Oh that's right you have no friends."

"Hey back off!" I snapped. Wow that came out angrier than I meant. She turned a glare at me, and I just stared right back. I've seen the incarnation of hatred girl, you do not scare me.

"Whatever," she scoffed, breaking eye contact. "Listen, either of you seen Pip."

"No," I said," Now shoo fly you're bothering me."

With a huff she walked away. Diamond slumped in her seat, her face was devoid of emotion, like she was trying to hide them.

"Thanks mate," Pip said as he crawled out from under the bench.

"Why was she chasing you in the first place?" I turned my attention to the colt.

"Cause she wants me to take her out," Pip squeezed in between us much to my chagrin. "You know on a date."

"I knew what you meant," I said in a flat tone. I mean come on I discovered fillies long before most of the colts in this town ever did.

Pip leaned over and whispered," So why you hanging out with the dragon lady?"

"Pip," I said with a scowl beginning to form. "I wouldn't hit that mad-mare for her mouth because I don't hit fillies. You on the other claw are not. As well I consider you my best friend and I've learned a skirmish between friends is healthy." I raised up a set of razor sharp claws. "And five bits says claws trump hooves." He got the message real quick. "Besides lay off she's had a rough day."

"Whatever you say mate." He glanced at Diamond. I saw the wheels in that head of his try to turn.

"What?" she asked.

"Nothing," Pip said before giving me a meaning nod as if to say 'good luck' then took off. Probably to find another hiding spot.

"You're friends with him?"

"Yep," I said with a smirk," Every one needs a lackey right?"

She giggled at that and said," Sure. But why him. You're alright but he's well Pip."

"True on both accounts," I said, basking in the complement. "But me and Pip have been friends for a couple of years. He was my first real friend among the colts anyway. Actually it was after that Twilight Time incident that we started hanging out. He's an alright guy."

"So do you hang out with the Crusaders too?" She asked, wincing at the term.

"Yeah. Though my life expectancy has decreased significantly since I started hanging out with those three. I swear they're are better at creating chaos than Discord himself." A thought popped in my head. "So why were you so mean to them in grade-school?"

"They told you about that?"

"Your reputation precedes you," I said with a chuckle. A scared look flashed across her face. "Don't worry I won't hold any grudges. Besides I've seen worst. Heck I've seen straight up villains before." I patted her shoulder. "Besides they can get annoying. And goddess do they grate on the nerves but they're not all bad. They're kind of sweet once you get to know them."

"I really don't know why I was so mean to them," she said with a shrug. "I mean I just- I don't know. I just couldn't help myself. I would look at them and I just got so angry. I needed to make them miserable. Prove I was better than them." She looked down, tears starting to form in her eyes. "No, I know why I was mean to them. They had everything I didn't. They had families that had time for them, made time for them. Then they had each other. And no matter what I did they still stuck together. I think that's why I was so mad. It only got worse when those three got their Cutie Marks. Even I know their going to go far in life." She glanced back at the tiara on her flank. It matched the one on her head perfectly. "I got this the day I got my tiara. What does that even mean anyway? Big whoop I can wear a piece of fancy jewelry." She pulled her tiara off her head and scowled at it. "Is that my purpose in life? To parade this thing around!?"

"Twilight once told me that Cutie Marks don't dictate what you do with your life. They show the world what you are at your core. Who you really are." I looked at her and I saw what anyone else would see. I saw someone who was hurting but too proud to really admit it. But above all that I saw an inner beauty that just needed to be nurtured. "Diamonds are one of the hardest gems in the world, and one of the prettiest when cared for the right way. And the tiara is a symbol of authority, of accomplishment for those that earn it. I think the day you got that you realized you were destined for greatness. You just need to find that greatness. Your future is what you make it." I gently picked the piece of jewelry from between her hooves and placed it on her head. "Don't resign yourself to thinking your Cutie Mark means nothing because it does. The hardest part is not getting it. It's realizing what it really means."

What she did next surprised, delighted , and scared the stuffing out of me all at once. She hugged me. My mind shut down as I felt her soft fur. It smelled a little like strawberries I noticed. We stayed like that for a while. People stared at us as they passed. Not that I cared my brain was fried, pleasantly so. She pulled away and looked up at me. "Thank you," she whispered," No one's ever been this nice to me before."

"Any time," I mumbled. I was lucky to know what my name was at this point. "Thanks for opening up to me." My wits were beginning to come back online and I figured since she confided in me. "Hey want to know a secret? Remember how that really big dragon that attacked Ponyville a couple years back?" She nodded. "This guy." I pointed a claw at myself.

She gasped. "That was you?"

"Yep." I chuckled. "Still trying to figure out how no one's made the connection yet. I mean there aren't that many dragons out there with purple scales and green fins." I smoothed out said fins. "Or quite so handsome." She giggled at that. That giggle was starting to become addicting to listen to.

"So can you do that at will or something?" she asked.

"Nope. Only when I start hoarding. I have to be careful or it'll slip. Besides I never want to go back to that. I nearly hurt the people I cared about. If it wasn't for Rarity I never would have come out of it." It still hurt to think about it. "I was like some mindless beast."

"I'm sorry." Diamond placed a hoof over my claw.

"Its alright. Not really your fault. Just messed up instincts. Besides its pretty easy to keep under control. At first I thought it meant I was going to stay a shrimp for ever. Then we realized my diet needed fixing. Can't grow on gems alone."

"Then what else do you eat?"

"Promise not to freak out?" She nodded. "Alright, meat. Any kind will do. Not pony meat mind you. Just chicken every now and then or fish."

"Ok." Wait. 'Ok.' That's it? No freak out or anything?

"What?" she asked, reading my shocked expression. "You honestly thought that would creep me out?"

"Umm yeah?" I expected you to at least pale at the thought.

She barked out a laugh. " Please. You've never been to Canieghda before have you. Daddy has a couple of stores in the griffin towns up there. I went with him once and even had to taste some of their cuisine. It was okay. They really like jerky though."

"You've had meat before?" The only pony I knew that had, and liked it, was Rainbow Dash. Mare was crazy about sushi. "That is more than a little surprising."

"Meh." She shrugged. "I'm never against trying new things." I looked up at the sky and realized it was almost sundown.

"Hey do you want to come over?" I asked. "I'm making eggplant lasagna. Trust me it is the bomb."

"I'd like that," she said. We jumped off the bench and made for the tree-castle.