> The Price of Cider > by StormLuna > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Larger Sweet Apple Acres > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a calm day in Ponyville. The skies were sunny, the wind was calm and nothing was out of the ordinary. Over at Sweet Apple Acres Applejack and Big Mac were getting ready to start apple bucking as cider season was not too far away. Applejack looked over at her brother and said, "You ready for another apple bucking season Big Mac?" Big Mac replied, "Yep!" Applejack said, "Well let's get to it!" After about an hour Applejack saw a figure flying in from the west. She initially though ti was Celestia coming to town to see Twilight but she very quickly noticed that the figure was darker, that it was Princess Luna. She thought to herself, "Now what the hay would Luna be doing up at this time of day?" Luna landed in front of her and asked, "Hello dear Applejack, how is your day treating you?" Applejack replied, "Well it's going good. Just bucking apples to get ready for cider season. I want to make sure that we will have enough cider for everypony this year without having to engage in a cider making competition." Luna asked, "Applejack, have you ever wished that you had a larger orchard?" Applejack replied, "Well I never really thought about it." Granny Smith saw the two talking and walked over to join the conversation. "Howdy Princess Luna!" said Granny Smith "So what brings you here today?" Luna replied, "Well I am wondering if the Apple Family would be interested in expanding their borders and increasing the size of their orchard. You guys grow the best apples in Equestria and your cider is the best in Equestria." Applejack said, "Well shucks your Majesty, I don't know if I would go that far." Luna presented to them a proposal that would allow them to expand Sweet Apple Acres and increase the size of their orchard significantly. Granny Smith looked at Luna with an odd look and asked, "That seems nice your Majesty but how are we supposed to afford all that extra land? We aren't wealthy you know!" Luna replied, "There is a lot of empty land off to the west of your farm, which is owned by the country and I am going to give it to you guys free of charge. I believe that with that much more room for orchards, not only would you have enough apples and cider for Ponyville, but all of Equestria could taste how good your apples and cider are." Applejack asked, "Will there be any sort of extra taxes on this? Despite us being friends, Celestia does still make us pay property taxes. Speaking of Celestia, does she approve of you just giving us that land?" Luna replied, "Celestia has been tied up in so many things and traveling abroad so much she probably wouldn't even notice. Oh, and regarding the taxes, I am designating Sweet Apple Acres as tax exempt. I think of you as a friend and a friend of royalty should not be paying taxes. So what do you think, would you want to increase the size of the farm free of charge?" Applejack and Granny Smith huddled together to discuss things for a minute. Granny Smith said, "You know Applejack, this just sounds too good to be true. You don't think she is trying to set us up for anything do you?" Applejack replied, "Granny, I know you get paranoid but I know Luna very well and she is the last pony that would try to stab us in the back." Granny nodded and they walked up to Luna. Applejack replied, "Yes your Majesty, we would love to increase the size of the farm. It might be a couple of years until the seeds we plant will turn into apple trees that can produce fruit." Luna smiled and said, "Don't worry Applejack, I know of a spell that will cause the trees to grow to full size immediately, all you have to do is plant the seeds and I can take care of things." Granny Smith looked kind of suspicious as she did not trust magic being used in any part of the apple growing process but Applejack had a good feeling about this. She knew that if they could grow more apples and make more cider, that perhaps they could finally get Granny's hip fixed. Applejack replied, "Alright your Majesty. I will gather the seeds and my brother and I will go out and plant the seeds." Luna interrupted, "I can help you as well Applejack. Don't tell Twilight or any of the rest of your friends this, but out of all of you, you are my favorite because you have the strongest work ethic and are the most down to earth." Applejack blushed and said, "Why thank you your Majesty. You are my favorite of all of Equestria's royalty as well." That afternoon Applejack, Big Mac and Luna built the fence out to the property line of the increased farm and then planted two thousand seeds, which Luna used her magic to have grow into full grown apple trees with apples ready to harvest on them. Applejack looked in amazement and said, "Thank you your Majesty but just one question, how the hay are Big Mac and I supposed to buck our way through this large of an orchard?" Luna replied, "If you would not be opposed to it I will send my royal guard down here to help you harvest them or if you wish, I could levitate the apples off of the trees for you." Applejack said, "Well I appreciate your offer to levitate them but I would prefer if you sent your royal guard down to help us out. I hope that won't inconvenience you any?" Luna replied, "It won't convenience me one bit! I would not have offered them for apple bucking if it would have." Before Luna headed back up to Canterlot Applejack asked, "Your Majesty, I am wondering, how are we going to be able to go around Equestria to sell that much cider? We don't even have enough barrels for that much of it." Luna replied, "I have contacted the Equestrian Fruit Beverage Company already. I can provide plenty of extra barrels and the company will be paying you market value for each barrel of cider." Applejack had an unsure look on her face and asked, "And what is the market value for a barrel of cider?" Luna replied, "Right now it is 120 bits per barrel. The price does fluctuate because it is a commodity that trades on the Manehattan Commodities Exchange. Don't worry, the price of cider generally varies just within a 115-130 bits per barrel price so you shouldn't worry about losing money." Applejack asked, "Alright your Majesty, when can we expect those barrels and when can we expect a visit from the head of the beverage company?" Luna replied, "I will have 5,000 barrels shipped to Ponyville tomorrow on the freight train. Given the size of your orchard now, that should be enough for you to put all your cider in and you will have extra barrels after that. After you have your first batch shipped out, I will have more barrels shipped to you as I am not sure how long it will take you to get those barrels back after they have been washed out and ready to re-use." Applejack said, "Wow your Majesty, you really have this planned out don't you?" Luna replied, "Yes, I do. After all, I think everypony should be able to taste your apples and cider. I am heading back to Canterlot now. Within a few hours six of my royal guards should arrive to assist you in apple bucking. If you see bat ponies flying in, don't worry or be scared because my royal guard consists of bat ponies." Applejack said, "Alright your Majesty and thanks again!" Luna nodded and sped off towards Canterlot. Applejack said to Granny Smith, "Wow, I didn't know cider was that expensive of a commodity. We could have been making plenty of money a long time ago." Granny replied, "Well as long as we don't sacrifice our cider's quality, I am fine with it. But if our quality starts to go down, we are going back to being a small farm, you got that Applejack?" Applejack said, "Ok Granny, but you do know that if this works, we will be able to help our relatives make profits on their own farms as well." Granny grunted but she knew that Applejack spoke the truth. What they didn't know is that two former foes of theirs would soon resurface and make life a nightmare for every cider maker in Equestria. > The First Huge Harvest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Late in the afternoon Applejack looks off to the west and sees six pegasi flying in. She looks harder and notices that they are bat ponies and that they are Luna's royal guardsponies. Finally the six bat ponies landed in front of Applejack. Applejack asked, "I take it that the six of you are Luna's royal guard?" Purple Mane replied, "Yes ma'am. Our Princess of the Night has sent us to help you with apple bucking since your orchard has grown so much." Applejack said, "That is wonderful news. I am Applejack. What are your names? I do think we should all at least know one another's names." Purple Mane replied, "Agreed. I am Purple Mane, next to me in the order they are standing are Gray Wings, Dark Forest, Yellow Eyes, Dark Moon and Purple Hooves." Applejack motioned her head at her new help and said, "Come on over to the barn. I want y'all to meet the rest of my family, well my family that lives here anyway." They all headed over to the barn and were greeted by Granny Smith, Big Mac and Apple Bloom. Applejack said, "Alright guys, standing from left to right is Big Mac, Granny Smith and Apple Bloom." Dark Forest said, "Hi everypony, we want you to know what a pleasure it is to meet you and that we will work hard to make sure that you get every single apple harvested." Granny replied, "Well we sure hope so. We have a lot more trees now!" Purple Mane said, "Well guys, let's get out there and do some apple bucking!" Applejack interrupted him and asked, "Wait Purple Mane. I know you guys are ready and raring to go but let's wait until morning. You don't have to be back in Canterlot tonight do you?" Gray Wings replied, "Nope, we have been ordered to stay here until after all the apples have been harvested and all the cider has been produced." Applejack led them over to the barn and said, "I'm sorry we don't have extra bedrooms or anything but y'all will have to stay in here. I hope that is ok." Purple Mane replied, "Of course it is fine!" The night passed without anything out of the ordinary going on and the following morning the Lunar Royal Guard was ready to go out apple bucking. After breakfast they met Applejack and Big Mac out in the south field. Applejack said, "Alright guys, I don't know if any of you have done any apple bucking but I want to show you how to do it because if you don't buck just right, you could sprain a hoof and then you wouldn't be much of any use here on the farm." Applejack and Big Mac started bucking apples and the lunar royal guard was standing there watching. Applejack and Big Mac stopped. Applejack said, "Alright, I saw you guys watching us. Now you go give it a try." The six started bucking apples, clearing each tree with one kick and cleared out the whole south field before noon since they could fly from tree to tree. Applejack was stunned when she saw this. She said, "Wow guys, that is amazing. With the eight of us out here working, we should be able to harvest every single apple in just a couple of days." Dark Moon replied, "That is great news, shall we get started?" Applejack replied, "You six go ahead and get started. Big Mac and I need to go to the train station and pick up all those barrels Luna is sending." Applejack and Big Mac arrived at the train station and saw the freight train pulling into the station and ran into Luna, who was waiting for it as well. "Howdy your Majesty," said Applejack "I take it you are here to make sure that we get the barrels?" Luna replied, "Yes dear Applejack, I am here to make sure you get them. Transporting 5,000 barrels to your farm will not be easy so I am going to levitate them over there." Big Mac said, "Well I....." Applejack interrupted, "Thank you princess. Big Mac is very strong but I do think that having you levitate them will be for the best, don't you think so Big Mac?" Applejack glared at her brother and nudged him. He then looked at Luna with a smile and said, "Eeyep." The train arrived and Luna levitated all 5,000 barrels over to Sweet Apple Acres effortlessly. Applejack said, "Wow princess, with as heavy as that is, I bet you could levitate anything." Luna replied, "Well being a princess, I can levitate much heavier objects." When they arrived back at Sweet Apple Acres Applejack was stunned to see how quickly Luna's royal guard was clearing the trees at an unprecedented pace. Luna saw this and shouted, "You guys are doing great, come over here for a minute." Her guardsponies flew over to Luna and Applejack. Purple Mane asked, "Yes your Majesty? What is it that you want to discuss?" Luna replied, "Alright, I need you to help Applejack and Big Mac get all the apples harvested and get however much cider Applejack wants produced taken care of by Thursday." Applejack asked, "Why Thursday?" Luna replied, "That is when Juice Bottle will be arriving from Manehattan to buy the cider from you. How much are you wanting to sell at this point?" Applejack said, "Well I was thinking around a thousand barrels. That way there will still be plenty left here for us to sell. After all, we certainly don't want to disappoint any of the ponies here, especially Rainbow Dash." Luna nodded her head and told Applejack that she will show up early on Thursday morning so that she could levitate the cider barrels to the freight train and also make sure that Juice Bottle did pay them market value for the cider. After she told Applejack this she sped off towards Canterlot. Applejack looked at the lunar royal guard and said, "Alright, did y'all hear the princess, we need to have everything done by Wednesday night so we will be ready on Thursday. It is Sunday right now, I want us to get all the apples harvested by the end of tomorrow. With there being eight of us, we should be able to produce a thousand barrels by Wednesday night. Think we can do this?" Purple Mane replied, "Of course we can. Come on guys, let's get back to work!" The next three days were filled with frantic activity. They were able to get all the apples harvested by Monday night and on Tuesday and Wednesday they produced the cider out of their harvest. By Wednesday night everypony was exhausted but they had a thousand barrels of cider produced. Applejack, Big Mac and the lunar royal guard gathered before they turned in for the night. Applejack addressed them, "I want to thank y'all for helping us out with this. We couldn't have done this without you. We need to be up early tomorrow morning because Luna will be showing up early to make sure that the head of the juice bottling company doesn't try to swindle us." Yellow Eyes replied, "Yes ma'am. We will be up extra early!" Applejack said, "You don't have to call me ma'am. You can just address us by our names." After eating supper they turned in for the night. The Apple Family hoped that things would work out the way Luna told them it would. Granny Smith said, "Well maybe after tomorrow we can go to that surgeon in Fillydelphia and get my hip replaced." Applejack replied, "I hope so too!" > Rich Apples > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning the Apple Family and the Lunar Royal Guard were awoken by the crow of the rooster. They had just got sat down to breakfast and they heard a knock on the door. Applejack said, "Certainly Juice Bottle isn't here already." Applejack went and got the door and was greeted by Princess Luna. "Good morning princess, how is your morning treating you?" asked Applejack Luna replied, "We are doing good dear Applejack. How are you doing?" Applejack replied, "Well I'm a bit nervous about this Juice Bottle guy paying us market value for our cider." Luna said, "Well that is why I am here, to make sure he doesn't try any funny stuff. He knows me and he knows that if he tries to cheat you guys that I will banish him to the sun." Granny Smith shouted, "Come on in princess! You must be hungry after that flight here from Canterlot." Luna replied, "I am hungry and I know that you guys serve food that is far better than that garbage Celestia has the cooks make." Apple Bloom said, "You betcha princess. We're having eggs, bacon, toast, oats and of course cider this morning!" Luna licked her chops and said, "That sounds delicious!" They had a good breakfast and shared a few laughs before there was another knock on the door. This time it was Juice Bottle. Juice Bottle was looking around and was thinking that he should be able to get a good deal for the cider. He was thinking to himself, "This is going to be a piece of cake. I can probably only pay them 10% of market value and they will think that they are getting paid well." Applejack answered the door and said, "Howdy! You must be Juice Bottle." Juice Bottle replied, "Yep, I'm Juice Bottle." He looked in there and saw that they were just finishing breakfast and said, "I'm sorry if I caught you at a bad time." Applejack said, "No, we're just getting finished with breakfast. Come on in and we can discuss this cider sale and relax over a nice mug of cider." Juice Bottle went in and saw Luna was there as well. His joyful face suddenly turned somber as he knew that the princess would make sure that he paid market value for the cider. He said, "Oh hi your Majesty, how are you doing?" Luna replied, "I am doing alright." Luna gave him an odd look and asked, "Juice Bottle, you looked so happy when you first got here and now you look like you lost your best friend. What is wrong?" Juice Bottle started to cough and then replied, "Well I just realized that I forgot to have someone watch over the office." Luna could tell he was lying. She asked, "You do have other employees there don't you? I highly doubt that the office will fall apart without you there." Juice Bottle knew he better not try any funny stuff given how Luna was watching him like a hawk. They sat down to discuss the sale. Juice Bottle asked, "So when did you get your cider made and how many barrels do you plan on selling?" Applejack replied, "Well we just finished producing it last night, so it is plenty fresh and we have 1,000 barrels to sell." Juice Bottle said, "Well let me pull out this morning's newspaper to check the price of cider." He looked in the financial section and said, "Well right now cider is trading at 12.1..." he looked up and saw Luna with a scowl on her face as she knew he was lying. He continued, "Oops, I mean it is trading at 121 bits per barrel. That is worth 1,210,000 bits." Applejack had a stunned look on her face and asked, "Really? I didn't know cider was that valuable of a commodity." Juice Bottle replied, "Yep, it is." He then asked, "So who do I make the check out to? Do I make it out to you Applejack?" Granny Smith interrupted, "Make it out to Sweet Apple Acres since this is a business transaction." Juice Bottle had a sick look on his face as he whipped the company checkbook out and wrote a check out to Sweet Apple Acres for 1,210,000 bits. Luna saw this and asked, "Juice Bottle, you look like you have an upset stomach. Are you getting sick?" Juice Bottle replied, "Oh I'm just not feeling all that good. I probably should get going. Let's get the cider on the freight train to the bottling plant up in Manehattan." They headed out to the south field where the cider was stacked neatly. Juice Bottle was looking at it hard and counted it to make sure there were a thousand barrels there. Luna's eyes started to shine a bright white as she shouted, "Juice Bottle, don't worry, there are a thousand barrels there. I know the Apple Family very well and they are as honest as they come." Juice Bottle saw this and got a lump in his throat and replied, "O-Ok your Majesty." Luna levitated the barrels to the freight train and it headed off to Manehattan. She accompanied the Apple Family back to Sweet Apple Acres while Juice Bottle headed to the cafe for a mid morning snack before catching the train back to Manehattan. He was approached by Flim and Flam, who had seen Luna levitating cider barrels from Sweet Apple Acres onto the train. They could tell he was sad and upset. Flim asked, "Why the long face sir?" Juice Bottle growled, "Who the hay are you and what does it matter?" Flam replied, "Because we are a couple of friendly former cider makers and we are thinking about getting back into the business." Juice Bottle said, "Oh, it is you, the Flim Flam Brothers, the boys who sell the nastiest cider on the face of the planet. Well if you plan on it, don't contact me. No one wants to drink cider with rocks, dirt and tree branches in it. No wonder you two are FORMER cider makers." Flim asked, "But Juice Bottle, times change! Just because our cider used to have rocks, dirt and tree branches in it doesn't mean that it will now! How much did you pay Sweet Apple Acres for that cider anyway?" Juice Bottle was getting agitated. He shouted, "OVER A MILLION FREAKING BITS. WOULD YOU TWO JUST LEAVE ME ALONE. TWO OVERLY JOYOUS TWIN STALLIONS IS THE LAST THING I NEED TO PUT UP WITH RIGHT NOW!" Flam replied, "Well alright then. No need to be such a grump!" Flim and Flam headed over to the park to discuss what they found out. Flam asked, "How the hay did he have over a million bits to pay to Sweet Apple Acres for all that cider?" Flim replied, "Didn't you notice that was Juice Bottle, the CEO of the Equestrian Fruit Beverage Company?" Flam put his hoof up to his face and replied, "Oh how could I have forgotten. He was the pony who told us our cider was terrible and that he would never buy anything from us." Flim got a grin on his face and started rubbing his hooves together. Flam asked, "Flim, what is running through your mind? Whatever it is it must be sneaky." Flim replied, "Well, if he won't buy cider from us ever again how about we find somepony with connections to the commodity exchange and have them cause the price of cider to plunge. Then we can put Sweet Apple Acres out of business and they will have to sell to us just to survive!" Flam asked, "Now wait a minute brother, where the hay are we going to find this pony?" Flim replied, "Oh I have an idea of who can do it. I know where his office is. Follow me." The two headed over to the office of a very influential businesspony that Flim is certain that could help them bring down Sweet Apple Acres. Flam seemed unsure of this but wanted to do anything he could to break the Apple family. > Sinister Plans > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At Sweet Apple Acres the Apple family is celebrating their new found wealth. Applejack said, "Y'all know what everypony, this has to be the best day in the history of the entire Apple family." Granny Smith replied, "Well we need to go put that check in the bank before we can officially celebrate and I think you and Big Mac need to go do that now. Then we can celebrate!" Applejack asked, "Big Mac, are you ready to go. We need to get this put in the bank." Big Mac replied, "Eeyep!" While Applejack and Big Mac headed off to the bank to deposit the check Flim and Flam headed into Barnyard Bargains to speak with Filthy Rich. The two headed in and were greeted by Filthy. Filthy looked at them and said, "You know, you two look familiar. It seems like I have seen you here in Ponyville before." Flam replied, "You probably have. I don't remember if you remember that cider season when Sweet Apple Acres couldn't produce enough cider but we were here when that happened." Filthy remembered how awful their cider was and just the thoughts of it made him gag. He looked up and said, "Oh yes, you two are the ones who served the cider with dirt, rocks and tree branches in it." Flim rolled his eyes and said, "Oh come on, it wasn't that bad! It was just a different style of cider, something more natural!" Filthy asked, "Now what brings you two here? I have a feeling that you two aren't here to buy anything." Flim looked back towards Filthy's office. Filthy saw this and said, "I take it you boys are wanting to talk about something business related. Follow me to the back." They headed back to Filthy's office. Flim and Flam were dead set on bringing down Sweet Apple Acres but what they didn't know was that getting Filthy to help them out would not be as easy as they thought it would be. Filthy sat in his chair and told the brothers to sit down. He asked, "So, what kind of business are you wanting to talk? I have a feeling it is going to be something that will cause everypony grief." Flim replied, "Why Mr. Rich, why would you think that. We don't mean anypony any harm." Filthy said, "Yeah, uh huh. I know how you boys........wait a minute, did you just call me Mr. Rich instead of Filthy?" Flim smiled and replied, "Yep, I did. I do not think it is very nice to go calling somepony, especially someone as influential as you by their first name." This really impressed Filthy. While he knew that the pair was probably up to no good, he was thinking to himself that he should at least humor them. Filthy said, "Well I a glad to know that someponies still have respect. Now what is it that you wish to discuss?" Flim replied, "Well, I don't know if you heard about this or not, but Juice Bottle, the CEO of the Equestrian Juice Beverage Company came into town today and purchased 1,000 barrels of cider for over a million bits." Filthy was stunned. He was so stunned that he got choked on his coffee and he was coughing so loud that it caused his daughter to come running into his office. She asked, "Daddy, I heard you coughing really loud. Are you ok?" Filthy replied, "Diamond Tiara, I am fine, could you go out and watch the store. Can't you see daddy is busy?" Diamond Tiara whined, "But daddy, Silver Spoon and I were going to go to Sugarcube Corner this afternoon." Filthy was not thrilled. He gave her a look that could kill. He replied, "Either you watch the store or you are grounded for a month and you will only see Silver Spoon at school." Diamond Tiara pouted, "But daddy, nopony has even came in today. Couldn't we just lock up for a while?" Filthy replied, "Fine. No need to be open right now if these two are the only ones who have came in today." Filthy headed out to lock up while Diamond Tiara stayed in the back. She recognized Flim and Flam and realized that they must be there to try to talk her dad into doing something that would hurt Sweet Apple Acres. She figured she could use her charm on her dad to get him to work with them. Filthy got back and told Diamond Tiara that she needed to leave so that he could talk with the brothers. She would not have any of it. She wanted to stay back there and gave her dad puppy dog eyes and he finally caved and let her stay back there. Filthy asked, "Well finally, now we can talk. So the Apple family made over a million bits off of their cider. Good for them, after everything they do for my family's business I am happy for them. You know if it weren't for Granny Smith my grandfather would have never been able to start Barnyard Bargains." Flim and Flam looked at each other with nervous smiles and said in unison "Seriously?" Filthy continued, "Yep. Granny Smith discovered those zapapples in the Everfree Forest and decided to make jam out of them. Well my grandfather bought some from the Apple family and was able to sell it and made enough that we could open up shop. Ever since then, us and the Apple family have done business with one another. We buy the zapapple jam from them which aids them tremendously and of course the money we make off of selling that jam always ensures that we have a profit." Diamond Tiara interrupted, "Daddy, I know that but Apple Bloom and her friends are always showing me up at school. They get better grades than me and Cheerilee hates me because I don't get good grades." Filthy asked, "And how is this relevant to anything?" Flim decided to tell Filthy about his plan. He asked, "Mr. Rich, I know you have close ties with the Manehattan Commodities Exchange and I know that cousins of yours own property abroad. We are wondering if you would help us cause the price of cider to crash so we could force the Apple family to sell out to us?" Filthy got very angry. He asked, "Did you not just hear how it is the Apple Family who has helped our family with our business. I would never do anything to hurt them." Diamond looked up to her dad with puppy dog eyes and asked, "But daddy, remember how I told you that Cheerilee doesn't like me because of Apple Bloom and her friends?" Flam smiled and said, "You're daughter does make a point." Filthy was grinding his teeth and glared at his daughter. He yelled, "Look Diamond, I know you don't like Apple Bloom and want her and her family to suffer but you know what? If it weren't for them, we would not be all that well off. I would probably be working construction and you probably would have never been born. So get over it." Diamond started to cry, "Please daddy, help these fine businessponies. Don't you want to see the enemy of your precious daughter suffer for always showing me up. Remember how it was Apple Bloom who caused me to lose my post as editor in chief of the school newspaper." Diamond Tiara again gave her dad teary puppy dog eyes. Finally Filthy caved in to his daughter. He asked Flim and Flam, "So how is it you want me to crash cider prices?" Flim replied, "Well given that you have family abroad who owns property, you could always send a false report to the Neigh York times that your family will be sending a tanker with three billion barrels of cider on board to be introduced into the Equestrian cider market." Filthy put his hoof to his face and said, "Are you two nuts? No one in my family owns any apple orchards and the property they own is in Saddle Arabia, which doesn't even have the proper climate to grow apples." Flam asked, "Well what about Neigh Zealand? I know they grow apples." Filthy sighed and rolled his eyes. He replied, "I don't have family that lives down there." Flim laughed and said, "But they don't need to know that. I'm betting you wouldn't even have to tell anypony who you are! I bet if you just sent a rumor to the commodities exchange they would believe it and the price of cider would crash!" Filthy was tapping his hoof on his desk and asked, "So, when do you boys want me to do this?" Flam replied, "Eleven months from now. By then the Apple family will have went through all that money and then they will have nothing after the next sale and will have to sell out to us! Don't worry, we will produce the same high quality jam to you!" Filthy replied, "Fine, consider it done." Diamond Tiara started jumping up and down shouting, "Yay! Thank you daddy! I love you daddy!" Flim and Flam left the store and returned to their home in Vanhoover thinking about nothing but owning Sweet Apple Acres while Diamond Tiara was giddy over the fact that Apple Bloom may not be living there within a year. Filthy seemed a bit unsure about this and felt bad but knew that a deal was a deal. > The Great Cider Selloff > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eleven months had passed and Filthy Rich realized the time had come. He was at his desk chugging down coffee and tapping his hoof on his desk nervously. He had broken into a cold sweat when Diamond Tiara ran into his office. She was jumping up and down asking, "Daddy, have you sent that false report to Manehattan yet?" Filthy replied, "You know Diamond, this just doesn't feel right. It just feels wrong to stab the very family who is responsible for me having our store in the back." His daughter began to cry and whine. She gave Filthy those puppy dog eyes and cried, "But daddy, you promised Flim and Flam that you would do this for them. Remember how Miss Cheerilee likes Apple Bloom more than me?" Filthy threw his hooves up in the air and shouted, "FINE! YOU KNOW I'M ONLY DOING THIS FOR YOU!" As Filthy began to write the letter his daughter was jumping up and down shouting "Yay, thank you daddy! I love you daddy!" Within a couple of minutes Filthy had finished the letter. It read, "The CEO of Global Juices, Inc., Juice Box, has announced that a tanker with three billion barrels of cider will be shipped to Vanhoover for introduction into Equestria. He said in a press conference that he believed that the high quality cider will sell very well in Equestria and that the company's profits will explode." He read the letter to his daughter and she got this sinister grin on her face and replied, "Yay! This will bring Apple Bloom and her family down for sure!" Filthy put the letter in an envelope, put a stamp on it and addressed it to the financial section of The Neigh York Times. He was sitting at his desk in a cold sweat and he just couldn't bring himself to mail the letter. Before he could do anything though, Diamond Tiara grabbed the letter and took it to the post office. As she ran out of the door Filthy followed her and shouted, "Diamond Tiara, you bring that letter back right now or you're grounded for a month!" Diamond Tiara didn't care though. She got it to the post office right as the mail was leaving. They got it on the mail cart and it took off. Filthy was fuming mad. He shouted at his daughter, "Alright Diamond Tiara, go to your room. You are grounded for two months! I'll have Miss Cheerilee bring me your homework so you won't be seeing Silver Spoon at all." Diamond Tiara sulked but went to her room without any problems. She figured that two months confined to her room would be worth it if that meant bringing down Sweet Apple Acres. Two days later the letter arrived at the office of the Neigh York Times. It was immediately sent up to the financial news department. Money News, the editor of the financial news section read over the letter and thought it seemed suspicious. He said to himself, "A tanker carrying three billion barrels of cider? Are there even any tankers that big and where the hay did all this cider come from?" Money News also knew that Equestria only consumes 20 million barrels of cider per year, at most. This made him even more suspicious of the letter. It was late in the afternoon and the editor of the paper rushed up to his office and shouted, "Money News, there is still a blank section in your section of the paper. I need something in there, NOW! Get something in there or you're fired!" Money News replied, "Yes sir. I received a letter regarding news of a cider shipment. I will get it put in there now." Money News took the letter to the printers and it was put in there. The next day's newspaper was ready for mass production and was distributed the next morning. Money News knew that cider prices were going to drop yet he had no idea that it would cause a catastrophic collapse and wipe out not just millions, but hundreds of billions of bits in cider company stock and in revenue for cider producers. The following morning arrived and traders were arriving at the commodities exchange. They were reading through the paper when the news of the cider shipment hit the news wire. What was looking to be a rather slow day at the exchange turned into a frantic sell off of not just the price of cider, but also juice company stocks as it spilled over into the stock market and stock prices of domestic juice companies cratered. The value of the stock prices of a couple companies cratered to zero causing them to go bankrupt and shut down. Other companies' stocks lost over 95% of their value. Over two days the price of cider plunged from 130.22 bits per barrel to 0.61 bits per barrel and the stock price of the Equestrian Fruit Beverage Company collapsed by over 90%. Investors all across Equestria took hits to their portfolios. A week after the sell off the Apple Family received a letter from Juice Bottle. It read, "Dear Apple Family, I am sorry but due to a catastrophic collapse in the cider market along with our stock price cratering, we will not be able to purchase any cider from Sweet Apple Acres this year. I hope you understand. Sincerely, Juice Bottle, CEO of the Equestrian Fruit Beverage Company." Applejack began to cry realizing that Sweet Apple Acres could go under because of this. Apple Bloom went into the kitchen and asked, "Applejack, why are you crying?" Applejack replied, "Apple Bloom, could you go and get everypony else in the family. We really need to discuss something important." Granny Smith came running into the kitchen after reading the newspaper. She shouted, "Applejack, what are we going to do? The price of cider collapsed to under 1 bit per barrel." Applejack replied, "I know Granny. We got a letter in the mail today from Juice Bottle saying that because the company's stocks crashed that they will not be able to purchase any cider from us this year." Applejack continued to cry while Granny Smith went into a rage. She shouted, "In the newspaper it said something about a tanker delivering three billion barrels of cider to Vanhoover. There is no tanker that can carry that much cider. I think this is a lie!" Applejack replied, "You really think so?" Granny said, "Yes, I do!" Meanwhile up in Canterlot the news reached Celestia and Luna. Celestia asked, "Wow, I wonder who shipped that much cider to Vanhoover and where they found a carrier to deliver that much cider?" Luna was very angry and Celestia could tell it. Luna's eyes began to shine white as she shouted, "CELESTIA, I THINK THIS WAS A FALSE REPORT SENT TO THE PAPER TO PURPOSELY CRASH CIDER PRICES!" Celestia laughed, "There you go with your paranoia again Luna. I'm sure it just happened. I feel sorry for all the ponies that were hurt because of this but that is what happens when the supply far exceeds demand." Luna shouted, "Well I am going to get to the bottom of this. Just you wait big sister, I smell a rat." Luna took off towards Ponyville because she knew that the Apple family would really be hurting because of this. About an hour later the Apple family heard a knock on their door. Applejack said, "I wonder who that could be? Company is the last thing we need right now." Applejack opened the door to see a worried Princess Luna. Luna asked, "I got the bad news. Are you guys ok?" Applejack hugged Luna and began to cry. She said, "No your Majesty, we are not ok. We got the bad news in the newspaper and we got a letter from Juice Bottle telling us about what happened and that he would not be able to buy any cider from us." Luna replied, "He won't be able to buy cider from anypony this year. I just wish I knew what caused this to happen." Applejack said, "Well I remember last year when Big Mac and I headed to the bank to deposit the check we saw Flim and Flam sneaking around. Before we got back to the farm we saw them going into Barnyard Bargains, didn't we Big Mac?" Big Mac replied, "Eeyep!" Luna said, "Hmmm.....I am wondering if those two convinced Filthy Rich to do something to manipulate cider prices. I know how much those two hate you guys." Applejack replied, "I don't think Filthy would do anything like that to us because if it weren't for our family, his family would have never become wealthy." Luna said, "Well I just have this weird feeling. I am going to head over to Barnyard Bargains. I am going to get to the bottom of this. I smell a rat, well three rats to be exact." Luna left Sweet Apple Acres bound and determined to find out what caused the crash. Filthy was in at the counter of his store with a smile on his face helping customers. He had no clue that his world was about to be turned upside down. > Troublemaker Roundup > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- That afternoon up in Vanhoover Flim and Flam had just got back from a vacation in The Equine Empire. There were several newspapers laying at their door. They took them in with them and on the front page of one of the papers it mentioned the collapse of cider prices and the failure of a couple juice bottling companies. Flam said, "Wow brother, this worked out even better than we could have ever imagined. Sweet Apple Acres will go under for sure now and they will have to sell to us!" Flim added, "This is going to be perfect! We can use the money we make from our strawberry fields down in Stallifornia to buy Sweet Apple Acres. Revenge is sweet!" Flam replied, "Even better, strawberry prices have increased by 40% since the cider crash. How sweet victory is!" Flim and Flam decided to go out to supper that night to celebrate their triumph in destroying the cider industry. They had no clue that their happiness would soon become a nightmare. In Ponyville Luna headed into Barnyard Bargains where she was greeted by Filthy. Filthy asked, "Welcome to Barnyard Bargains your Majesty. So what brings you in today?" Luna glared at him and replied, "Lock up the store for a while. I need to speak to you in your office now." Filthy asked, "Well couldn't my daughter watch things out here for a while?" Luna growled, "No. I need her back there as well. Find her and bring her back. This involves BOTH OF YOU!" Filthy ran to the house and got Diamond Tiara. She was whining, "But daddy, I wanted to play in the pool." Filthy replied, "Diamond Tiara, first you are grounded so you will not be doing that. Second, Princess Luna is here and needs to speak with us. I have a bad feeling about this because she is in a very bad mood." Filthy led Diamond into the store. Filthy locked up shop as the three headed to his office. They sat down and Filthy asked, "So what is it you wish to discuss your Majesty?" Luna glared at him and replied, "Oh I think you know what this is about. Don't play stupid with me." Before Filthy could say anything Diamond Tiara said, "Oh hi your Majesty! I think you are so totally awesome! I guess that visit we had from Flim and Flam last year was worth it because we get to talk to the princess!" Filthy put his hoof up to his face and replied, "I'm sorry your Majesty. I don't know what she is talking about. She has a very overactive imagination." Luna asked, "If that is the case, then why did she bring up two of Equestria's biggest swindlers by name? I think this is much more than a matter of a child's overactive imagination. Explain this further Mr. Rich." Filthy replied, "Well we were visited by them last year. They wanted me to lie about a shipment of cider but I told them that I would not do that because it was the Apple Family who helped my family open Barnyard Bargains." Diamond Tiara added, "But remember what you said after that daddy?" Filthy shouted, "Shut up Diamond Tiara or you will be grounded until you become a full grown mare!" Luna interrupted, "Let the child speak. So Diamond Tiara, tell me more about what happened since it is obvious that you know so much." Diamond Tiara began to speak but her father interrupted, "Look Luna, she will not speak unless she is in a formal court proceeding, got it?" Luna's eyes began to shine a bright white and using the loudest form of the Royal Canterlot Voice she shouted, "YOU ADDRESS ME AS YOUR MAJESTY FILTHY." She continued, "You and your daughter are coming up to Canterlot with me, NOW!" Before either one could say anything Luna picked them up and levitated them all the way to Canterlot. When they got there Luna was still levitating them and ordered one of her royal guardsponies to put them in a holding cell and to guard them at all costs. Celestia saw and heard this and shouted, "Luna, you can not just lock ponies up who have not been charged with a crime, especially a school filly! Guard, release them now." Luna's eyes began to shine brightly and she shouted, "Look big sister, I am the one who handles affairs such as this. You are the one who sits up there on your throne and looks pretty while I am the pony who handles legal affairs, got it?" Celestia sneered, "Ok little sister. I won't mess with this. Excuse me while I go back and look pretty on my throne." Luna asked, "Filthy, where do Flim and Flam live?" Filthy replied, "They live in Vanhoover. I don't know what you want with them. They never did anything to anypony." Luna shouted, "Yeah right Filthy. Guards, lock them in the dungeon until the court proceeding. I have to go and get the other two rats." Yellow Eyes replied, "Consider it done your Majesty." Yellow Eyes locked Diamond Tiara and Filthy Rich in the dungeon while Luna sped off to the north towards Vanhoover. It was almost midnight when she got there. She was flying around the city and saw Flim and Flam walking home from the cafe. She swooped down and landed in front of them. Neither one of them knew who she was. Flim asked, "Could you get out of our way? We are trying to make our way home." Luna shouted, "I am Princess Luna. You address me as your Majesty." Flam asked, "Well what are you doing here your Majesty and why did you swoop down right in front of us?" Luna replied, "That can wait until later." Luna picked them up and levitated them all the way to Canterlot. They were shouting and asking where Luna was taking them the whole way there but Luna ignored them. Finally they got to Canterlot and Luna took them down to the dungeon and put them in a cell herself. Luna was very tired after this flight and took a short catnap before it was time to lower the moon. Celestia woke her up and said, "Sister, it is time to lower the moon." Luna replied, "Ugh, I am so tired. Ok, I will get up and lower it but just let me rest for a little while afterwards, alright." Celestia grunted. She said, "Ok but I do think you need to do something about the four ponies you have locked up as soon as possible." Luna replied, "Yeah, yeah. After I get some rest I will go down to Ponyville and get the Apple Family. I also need to send a letter to Manehattan to notify Juice Bottle that he needs to come here to testify against the defendants." Luna lowered the moon and then went back to sleep for a couple of hours before she got up to eat some breakfast and head down to Sweet Apple Acres. > Preparing for Justice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna had just finished her breakfast and Celestia continued to pester her. Celestia asked, "Little sister, when are you going to go and get the Apple Family and when are you going to send that letter to Manehattan?" Luna growled, "I am heading to Ponyville now. I will send a letter to Manehattan express from the post office down there so it will get there tomorrow. I will be staying with the Apples until Juice Bottle gets to Ponyville and then we will all come up here together. Now if you will excuse me I have to get going." Before Luna could get out of the throne room Celestia asked, "So Luna, who will be raising and lowering the moon while you are down there?" Luna gave her sister a scowl and replied, "I will do it from down there. I know what time it needs to be raised and when it needs to be lowered." Luna stormed out the door and headed to the Ponyville Post Office with a letter to be sent to Juice Bottle regarding the current situation. Luna walked in and said, "Hey, I need to send this letter express to Manehattan." Postman Yellow Mane asked, "Princess Luna? Is that you your Majesty?" Luna replied, "Yes, I am Princess Luna." Yellow Mane replied, "I will make sure that this gets there extra quick because anything you would be sending is obviously extremely important." Yellow Mane placed the letter in the express box and it was carried to Juice Bottle directly via Pegasus mail. Luna headed over to Sweet Apple Acres. She saw a devastated Applejack sitting over by the barn. She approached her and said, "Hello dear Applejack, I have some good news. We have tracked down the culprits who crashed the cider prices and we will get things set straight." Applejack's ears perked up as she ran to Luna and said, "Your Majesty, I'm so glad to hear that!" Luna said, "I will be staying here until Juice Bottle gets here from Manehattan and then we will all head up to Canterlot for the court proceedings." Applejack asked, "Who is going to be the judge? Is it going to be Celestia?" Luna replied, "No, I am the one who has authority over all court proceedings." This made Applejack breathe a sigh of relief. She then asked, "Who are the culprits and where are they right now?" Luna replied, "The culprits are Flim and Flam, which doesn't surprise me and the other two are Filthy Rich and his daughter, Diamond Tiara." Apple Bloom heard this and she ran over and asked, "Your Majesty, did you say that Diamond Tiara was one of the ponies involved in this mess? Are you going to throw her in the dungeon forever?" Luna replied, "I think she is one of the culprits and once Juice Bottle gets here we will all go up to Canterlot and the hearing will be held. I can't guarantee that they will be convicted but I will make the best decision regarding what happened." Applejack asked, "So they have already been convicted?" Luna replied, "Well no they haven't and there is no guarantee that they will be. It is just a matter of me thinking that they are guilty. I will have to go over the evidence and hear everypony's testimony." Applejack asked, "Well Your Majesty, since you are going to be staying here until Juice Bottle gets here, where do you plan on staying?" Luna asked, "I was wondering if you had anywhere I could stay? I just feel so at home here at Sweet Apple Acres." Applejack replied, "Well we really don't have a guest room but we could make room for you." Luna said, "Thank you dear Applejack. I greatly appreciate it." Two days later Juice Bottle arrived in Ponyville and headed over to Sweet Apple Acres in the morning. He arrived right as Luna and the Apple family were finishing breakfast. He knocked on the door and was greeted by Applejack. Applejack asked, "Howdy Juice Bottle, so how was your trip here?" Juice Bottle replied, "Well it was good. It seemed like it took forever. I'm sure you are just as ready as I am to confront those who have wronged not just us, but the whole nation." Applejack replied, "Yep, I am." Luna interrupted, "Alright everypony, let's get going. The train should be leaving here within ten minutes." Applejack asked, "Now do you just want me to go up with you or do you want all four of us?" Luna replied, "I want all of you to come up there with me. Let's get going." Applejack said, "You hear that Apples, let's get going!" Princess Luna, Juice Bottle and the whole Apple family arrived at the train station right as the train was leaving. The trip took around 35 minutes. Once they arrived they headed to the throne room. Celestia asked, "Luna, don't you think it is a bit unfair for the judge to also be good friends with the plaintiffs?" Luna asked, "First off, no I don't. Second, if I don't preside over this trial, who the hay is going to?" Celestia replied, "I could do it. Yes I am a friend of Applejack's as well but I'm not as close of a friend as you are to her." Luna slammed her hoof on the floor and shouted, "Look big sister, you are not a judge. How much do you know about Equestrian law regarding fraud in the commodities market?" Celestia replied, "Well I don't know anything about it." Celestia sneered as she continued, "Oh but wait, I forgot that all I do is sit on my throne and look pretty while you handle all the legal issues here in Equestria." Celestia stormed out of the throne room into the dining hall to have a snack. Celestia was fuming mad because she felt that Luna was simply using her legal power, which she could not challenge, to run a kangaroo court in which the defendants would be found guilty no matter what. > The Testimony of Applejack > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Luna headed into her chambers while the defendants were brought up from the dungeon and everything was situated. Finally Luna came out of her chambers. The bailiff, Purple Mane, said, "All rise. Court is now in session in the case of Equestria v Flim, Flam, Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara." Luna gets to the bench and says, "You may be seated. Prosecutor, why has this been brought before the court?" Gray Wings replied, "This has been brought to court because it is believed that the four defendants all each played a role in the recent crash in cider prices which not only caused many cider producers to go bankrupt but also caused the stock prices of cider bottling companies to crater, which resulted in two companies having to shut down." Luna asked, "Does the defense have anything to add?" Ivory Tower, the public defender replied, "Not at this time your honor." Luna said, "Well I believe that we need to hear testimony from the individuals involved." The prosecutor called Applejack up to the stand. She looked nervous and saw Luna motion for her to go up to the stand. Applejack headed up to the stand. Luna asked, "Applejack, do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth under penalty of perjury?" "I do your honor." replied Applejack Gray Wings, the prosecutor, asked, "Applejack, what do you think might have caused this situation to come to be?" Applejack replied, "Well the first time that I even met Flim and Flam was two years ago when we were unable to produce enough cider for everypony in Ponyville all at once for a day. Well they arrived with this Super Cider Squeezy 6000 machine that they used to make cider at a much faster pace than my family could doing it the old fashioned way. They challenged us to a cider making contest in which the winner would be the sole provider of cider in Ponyville." Gray Wings asked, "Applejack, how did this contest turn out?" Applejack continued, "Well at first we were not doing so well. They were greatly outpacing us but then we asked if my friends, who are like family to me, could help us. Flim and Flam agreed that having them help would not violate contest rules. Once they started to help, we began to outpace them. They then fixed this setting on their machine that caused it to suck whole trees into their device and turned off the quality control scanner. This caused all apples, good or rotten to be converted into cider. Given that they sucked whole trees in, naturally branches, rocks and dirt wound up in the cider." Gray Wings replied, "Please continue." Applejack continued, "Well once they did this they were greatly outpacing my family. When the hour was up they had outproduced us significantly. We had lost and were getting ready to pack up and leave town when ponies started to taste their cider. It was horrible and they were ran out of town which allowed us to continue to sell our cider in Ponyville." Flam shouted, "YOU KNOW WE WON THAT CONTEST FAIR AND SQUARE. HAD IT NOT BEEN FOR THOSE UNGRATEFUL PONYVILLE PONIES WE WOULD HAVE RAN YOU OUT OF BUSINESS!" Luna shouted, "ORDER IN THE COURT. Applejack, please continue." Applejack replied, "Well after that I figured that Flim and Flam probably hated us for that and we were always leery about them maybe returning." Gray Wings asked, "Did you know that Flim and Flam were in Ponyville on the day that Juice Bottle payed Sweet Apple Acres in excess of a million bits for 1,000 barrels of cider?" Applejack replied, "Well I didn't know until we saw them walking around town when we got out of the bank after depositing the check. As we headed home we saw them headed to Barnyard Bargains. We didn't even think anything about it until we received the news of the cider price crash nearly a year ago." Gray Wings asked, "So what was your reaction when you learned of the cider crash and the fact that you would not be able to sell any cider?" Applejack replied, "Well naturally I was devastated and I was scared that we would lose the farm. At first all I was concerned about was us keeping the farm but then I remembered seeing Flim and Flam about a year ago when we deposited our check. I thought maybe they had something to do with it but I wasn't sure. Now I am pretty sure that they did indeed pay Mr. Rich a visit and convinced him to help them in crashing cider prices to bring down my farm." Gray Wings said, "Your Honor, I am done questioning the plaintiff." Luna asked, "Does the defense with to cross-examine?" Ivory Tower replied, "Of course we do!" Ivory Tower walked up to Applejack and asked, "So you thought you saw Flim and Flam going to Barnyard Bargains. What would make you think that they would want to do anything to crash cider prices?" Applejack replied, "I think this because of how upset they were when they were chased out of town because of the poor quality of their cider." Flam shouted, "Poor quality cider. It was just unique and different and those ungrateful jerks just didn't like it." Luna shouted, "Order in the court. Bailiff, put a muzzle on him. Such outbursts are not allowed in my courtroom." Purple Mane put a muzzle on Flam and Luna said, "Applejack, please continue." Applejack continued, "Well as I was saying the townsponies did not like their cider so they left town. While they pretended to be all joyous when they left, I could sense that they were very unhappy. I had this feeling that someday they would return in one way or another to try to bring down Sweet Apple Acres." Ivory Tower threw his hooves up in the air and was clearly flustered. He was not quite prepared for such an honest pony. He said, "The defense rests." Applejack asked, "Is there anypony else the prosecution wishes to call to the witness stand?" Purple Mane feeling confident that Applejack's testimony would be enough to get a conviction, decided that he would not need Juice Bottle or anypony else in the Apple Family to testify he told Luna that he did not plan on calling anypony else up to the stand. > Defense Mode > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the prosecution decided that they would not be calling anypony else to the stand the defense realized that it was time to call the defendants to the stand. Luna asked, "Who does the defense wish to call up to the stand first?" Ivory Tower replied, "I would like to call Filthy Rich to the stand." Filthy Rich headed to the stand. Luna asked, "Filthy Rich, do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth under penalty of perjury?" "I do your honor." replied Filthy Ivory Tower asked, "Mr. Rich, the prosecution believes that you are guilty of fraud involving sending a false report to cause the price of cider to collapse. What do you think would lead them to believe such a thing?" Filthy replied, "Well now that I know that Applejack and Big Mac saw Flim and Flam heading to Barnyard Bargains on the day that they deposited that check from The Equestrian Juice Beverage Company I can understand why. If I were in their hooves I would feel the same way." Ivory Tower asked, "What went on when Flim and Flam were at your store?" Filthy replied, "We talked about business. We talked about the cider market. They were talking to me about cider prices." Ivory Tower asked, "Did you guys discuss anything else? Things that might cause artificial deflation in the market?" Filthy replied, "Nope. That is all we discussed." Ivory Tower replied, "Alright, that is all." Luna asked Gray Wings, "Does the prosecution wish to cross-examine?" Gray Wings replied, "We do your honor." Gray Wings walked up to the stand and asked Filthy, "Alright, you said that all you three talked about was cider prices. Are you sure you did not discuss things such as artificial deflation of cider prices?" Filthy replied, "No, I....oops, I meant no we did not." Gray Wings asked, "Mr. Rich, you and the Flim Flam Brothers met on the day that Juice Bottle paid the Apple Family 1,210,000 bits for one thousand barrels of cider, is that correct?" Filthy replied, "Yes, that is correct." Gray Wings continued, "Well it is now known about the cider making contest two cider seasons ago and that the Flim Flam Brothers were ran out of town even though they won the contest. Wouldn't you think that they would have some sort of vendetta against Sweet Apple Acres?" Filthy replied, "Well yeah,.." Gray Wings interrupted, "Alright then, it would only make sense that they would come to you to get you to artificially deflate cider prices since you do have the know how to do that, would it not?" Filthy rolled his eyes and replied, "Well yeah." Gray Wings asked, "Did you read the report in the Neigh York Times that mentioned that a cargo ship with three billion barrels of cider on board were to be shipped into Vanhoover?" Filthy replied, "Yeah, I did and I was wondering where in the world they got a ship that large and what country managed to produce that much cider to ship over here and still have some for their own country." Gray Wings asked, "Who sent this report? Surely the report had a source." Filthy was getting nervous and broke into a cold sweat. He said, "Uh, uh, you know, I don't know if it had a source on it or not. I don't remember seeing one." Gray Wings asked, "Mr. Rich, you are a businesspony and I am sure you read the financial section of the paper all the time. When reports like this are published, don't they usually have a source, such as a news agency?" Filthy replied, "Well yeah. This was the first one I had ever seen that didn't have a source." Gray Wings decided to get a bit more aggressive. He got up in Filthy's face and asked, "And why do you think there wasn't a source on this one? I have never heard of a news article such as this not having a source, simply being printed in there like somepony made it up." Filthy leaned back in the chair and replied, "I honestly don't know why it wouldn't." Gray Wings said, "Your Majesty, that is all I wish to ask this one." Luna said, "Filthy you may be seated." While Filthy was headed back to his seat Luna asked, "Does the defense wish to call anypony else to the stand?" Ivory Tower replied, "Yes your honor. I would like to call Flim to the witness stand." Flim headed up to the witness stand. Once he got there Luna asked, "Flim, do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth under penalty of perjury?" Flim replied, "I do." Ivory Tower asked, "Flim, you are being charged with accessory to artificially deflating the price of cider. Did you indeed ask Mr. Rich to aid you and your brother in doing this?" Flim replied, "Now why would I do that? My brother and I hold no ill will against the cider producers or the cider bottling companies here in Equestria. Besides, we got out of the cider business not too long after that cider making competition." Ivory Tower asked, "Alright, is there any type of commodity or commodities that you two are involved in?" Flim replied, "Well we do own strawberry fields down in Stallifornia and we do own a couple of gold mines in the Equine Empire so we are not hurting financially so why would we want to bring down cider prices and hurt fellow entrepreneurs?" Ivory Tower said, "Good point there. Your honor, the defense rests." Luna asked, "Does the prosecution wish to cross-examine?" Gray Wings replied, "Yes we would your honor." Gray Wings walked up to the stand and stared straight into Flim's eyes and asked, "Flim, now you said that that you would not want to harm fellow entrepreneurs? Could you please elaborate on that?" Flim replied, "Well given that we own our own farms and mines we know how much a crash in those commodities would hurt not just us, but the companies that purchase those commodities from us. I certainly wouldn't want that to happen to us. I really feel for everypony who has been affected by this." Gray Wings asked, "What caused you to get out of the cider business entirely and do you hold any ill will towards the cider industry?" Flim replied, "Well after the debacle two cider seasons ago word spread fast about what had happened with us. Nopony would buy cider from us so we just decided to sell our orchards. We inherited the strawberry fields and gold mines from our father who passed not too long after that and that is how we bring in money now." Gray Wings asked, "After you sold these apple orchards, did you still own any stock in cider bottling companies or did you purchase any stock in them?" Flim replied, "We sold all our shares in Nutritious Beverages, Inc. which was the only company's stock we ever owned." Gray Wings got up in his face and asked, "So did this crash in the cider market hurt you or your brother any?" Flim replied, "No, we did not lose a dime on it." Gray Wings was confident that he had got all he would need out of Flam. He said, "Your honor, I am through questioning this defendant." Luna said, "Flim, you may be seated." As he was returning to his seat Luna asked Ivory Tower, "Does the defense wish to call anypony else to the stand?" Ivory Tower figured that Flam's testimony would be a carbon copy of Flim's so he decided that he would call Diamond Tiara to the stand. While it is generally uncommon for fillies or colts to have to testify, he believed that she could charm Luna into acquitting all the defendants. He said, "The defense would like to call Diamond Tiara to the stand." Diamond Tiara turned pale and Luna could tell it. She said, "It's ok Diamond Tiara. Come on up to the stand." Diamond Tiara headed up to the stand and Luna asked, "Diamond Tiara, do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth under penalty of perjury?" Diamond Tiara replied, "I do your Majesty." Ivory Tower approached the filly and asked, "Diamond Tiara, what do you remember about the day that Flim and Flam visited Barnyard Bargains?" Diamond Tiara wanted to keep things simple and act more childlike. She replied, "Well I do remember that they were very nice ponies." Ivory Tower asked, "Did you hear any of the context of your dad and them talking business?" Diamond Tiara replied, "Yeah, I did. They just talked about business and cider prices." Ivory Tower said, "Thank you Diamond Tiara. That is all I have to ask her." Luna replied, "Does the prosecution wish to cross-examine?" Gray Wings replied, "Yes, I would." Gray Wings stared straight into the soul of Diamond Tiara. He felt as though he could hit the ball out of the park by scaring her into telling him everything. She looked terrified as he asked, "Diamond Tiara, the answers you gave Ivory Tower seemed very vague. Could you elaborate on that for the court?" Diamond Tiara began to tear up and she replied, "Ok, I will tell you everything. It was the day that Juice Bottle paid the Apple family so much for all that cider. Flim and Flam did come into the store to talk to daddy. I was back there with them while they were talking. They asked him if he would do something to cause cider prices to crash so it would hurt Sweet Apple Acres so they could buy it." Gray Wings replied, "Alright, what else happened." Diamond Tiara's voice began to break as she continued, "Well daddy agreed and eleven months later he wrote a letter to the newspaper in Manehattan where he lied about a tanker with a whole bunch of cider being shipped to Vanhoover. At first he didn't want to write the letter so I begged him and he did it. He put the letter in an envelope addressed to the newspaper and put a stamp on it. He still didn't want to mail it so I grabbed it and ran it to the post office because I wanted to see Apple Bloom suffer because Miss Cheerilee likes her better because she gets better grades." Gray Wings asked, "And who is Miss Cheerilee?" Diamond Tiara was about to cry as she continued, "She is my teacher. When I heard about what happened with the cider prices and how this hurt Sweet Apple Acres I was so happy. I knew that this would make her have to move so I would never have to see her or that ugly bow in her hair again and most of all, I could get Miss Cheerilee to like me more. I was jumping up and down shouting I was so happy!" Gray Wings had a smile on his face and said, "Alright, I am through questioning her your honor." Luna asked, "Is there anypony else that the defense wishes to call to the stand?" Ivory Tower replied, "No your honor, the defense rests." Luna said, "Well I am going to go back to my chambers to go over all of the testimony and I will be back with my verdicts in an hour. Court is in recess." Gray Wings looked at the Apple family and Juice Bottle and said, "I think we have this one in the bag. If this works the same way other cases of fraud like this does, all of you should get reparations from those who wronged you." Applejack replied, "That is wonderful to hear Gray Wings." Over on the defense's side of the court room, things were not so joyous. Filthy Rich scolded his daughter. He growled, "Diamond Tiara, do you realize that you probably just sealed all of our fates? Chances are Princess Luna will convict all of us. I hope you are proud of yourself. You can kiss your comfortable life goodbye you little traitor." Diamond Tiara cried, "But daddy, he looked so intimidating. I was so scared and all that just came out." Flim and Flam just scowled at Diamond Tiara and the defense attorney just had an indifferent look on his face. He figured that as long as he got paid, who cares whether he wins the case or not. He was just glad that this was almost over. > Justice Is Served > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The hour long recess seemed to pass by all too quickly for the defendants and seemed to crawl by for the Apple family and Juice Bottle. Finally Luna came out of her chambers. Purple Mane said, "All rise, court is now back in session." Everypony rose and once Luna got to the bench she said, "You may be seated." Luna continued, "Today I have heard testimony from both sides. Because of events which have happened has caused huge amounts of money to be lost. I have went over all the testimony and I have reached verdicts for all four defendants. All four of you rise." Diamond Tiara, Filthy Rich, Flim and Flam all rose. Princess Luna started, "Filthy Rich, on the charge of fraud involving artificial deflation of cider prices using a lie I am sentencing you to 175 years in the dungeon." Ivory Tower asked, "Your honor, isn't that a bit excessive?" Luna replied, "Order in the court! Further interruptions will result in you being held in contempt of court Ivory Tower." "Yes your honor." replied Ivory Tower. Luna continued, "Flim, for the charge of accessory involving artificial deflation of cider prices using manipulation shall receive 125 years in the dungeon." Flim looked dejected as he knew that he would never see the light of day again. He began to tear up a bit knowing that his lies and deceit finally caught up with him. Luna continued, "Flam, for the charge of accessory involving artificial deflation of cider prices using manipulation shall receive 125 years in the dungeon." Like his brother, Flam looked dejected and was wondering what would happen with their strawberry fields and gold mines. He had a bad feeling that they would be seized by the government instead of being passed on to other relatives. Luna read the final verdict. She continued, "And Diamond Tiara, for using manipulation to cause a pony to send a fraudulent message which would cause financial harm to many ponies AND mail fraud will serve time in the Equestrian Youth Detention Center in Neigh Orleans until the age of 18 when she will be transferred to the Equestrian Mares Penitentiary where she will serve 25 years of hard labor." Diamond Tiara shouted, "WHAT? BUT I'M JUST A LITTLE FILLY. YOU CAN'T DO THAT TO ME!" Luna replied, "You're right. I will just have you sent to the Equestrian Mares Penitentiary immediately where you will serve a sentence of 40 years of hard labor. Now be quiet or I will increase that sentence by 10 year increments." The prosecutor, Diamond Wings asked, "Your honor, what shall be done with the assets of the defendants and what about reparations for the ponies across Equestria who were harmed by the actions of the defendants?" Luna received, "The assets of the defendants will be seized by the government of Equestria and sold off to the highest bidder. From the value of these assets, it is estimated that they are worth 2 billion bits. Sweet Apple Acres shall receive a sum of 5 million bits for financial compensation and because of the stress it caused the Apple Family. The Equestrian Fruit Beverage Company shall be paid a sum of 800 million bits and the remaining 1 billion 195 million bits will be distributed evenly among other cider bottling companies and other cider producers across Equestria which were harmed because of this. If the money generated from selling these seized assets exceed 2 billion bits, the surplus will be split evenly between Sweet Apple Acres and The Equestrian Fruit Beverage Company." The four defendants were sulking and Diamond Tiara went into a rage. She shouted, "Luna, you ruled against all of us because you are friends with the Apple family! You ruled this way to spite the four of us! I hate you!" Luna's eyes began to shine brightly and using the loudest form of the Royal Canterlot Voice she shouted, "I WARNED YOU YOU SPOILED LITTLE BRAT, THAT SENTENCE OF HARD LABOR SHALL BE LIFE!" Princess Celestia heard this and ran into the throne room. She said, "Little sister, you can not go sentencing such a young filly like that. The moral thing to do would be sentencing her to a juvenile detention facility until she is a full grown mare and then let her go." Luna, with her eyes still glowing a bright white, replied, "Listen big sister, I do not use your moral law. What she did aided significantly in the financial ruin of many ponies and I am punishing her to the full extent of Equestrian Law. I handle all the legal issues in Equestria, remember?" Celestia sneered, "Oh yes, you do all the work while I just sit on my throne being pretty. I'm out of here." While Celestia stormed out of the throne room Luna led Filthy, Flim and Flam down into the dungeon while the Lunar Royal Guard hauled Diamond Tiara to the Equestrian Mares Prison for a life sentence of breaking rocks for no reason. After returning from the dungeon Luna approached the Apple family and Juice Bottle she said, "Come with me to the Royal Bank of Equestria so I may write you checks for the money awarded to you." They followed Luna over to the Royal Bank of Equestria where a check in the sum of 5 million bits was presented to the Apple Family and a check in the sum of 800 million bits was presented to The Equestrian Fruit Beverage Company. Applejack said, "Wow your Majesty, I didn't know checks worth this much even existed." Juice Bottle added, "Thank you your Majesty. Now we can get back to business and Apples, I do want you to know that in three weeks I will be coming to purchase cider from you guys again." Luna said, "Oh and don't worry everypony, the price for cider has been returned to where it was before and is currently trading at 153.75 bits per barrel. Investors are now very bullish since this has been taken care of." Applejack replied, "Why thank you Juice Bottle, we will have a thousand barrels of cider ready for you when you arrive. I hope we can do business with you guys every cider season from this day forward." Juice bottle said, "I hope so as well." Everypony headed home and life returned to normal for cider producers and the juice bottling companies. The companies that had to go out of business were able to reopen after they received their portion of the reparations. While initially on a smaller scale before the crash, they eventually were able to return to their former size.