Reincarnated Heart

by Cipher800

First published

The birth of Flurry Heart was a bit more complicated than first thought. When she woke up the next day, it was apparent that she may or may not have had a life before she was Flurry Heart.

Everything had been a blur for Darach Meldrak Obenhjerthe. Darach was the first of his name, clansman of the Meldrak household, and a profound soilder. Unlike most people at the time, Darach wasn't very religious. When he did in the war at the hands, or hooves, of his own horse, he expected to float in the endless void of nothingness, or wind up in the pyres of damnation if unlucky.

To be honest, he expected a lot of things. But what he got was something that clearly wasn't on his expected menu. Darach woke up reborn into the body of a small, winged unicorn, she has to make sense of his new life as a small pink princess, and try not to disturb her new parents with her strange personality while occasionally being visited by six ponies while trying to find her place in the world.

A revival-fic of "Crystal Reincarnation" and a Christmas present to those who saw potential from it.


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My name is Darach Meldrak Obenhjerthe, and this is my story, my second story, to be more specific. Everything had been really blurry for a while now. I tried to make sense of my fragmented memories and mind, while the world seemed to roll along. I remember my own horse, Brunjahk. You see, my story, or second story, as it is now, began in a war back in what those of modern day would know as Scandinavia. As for me, I lived in the 15th Century, and there was a war that broke out in my country. Your history books may not have figured it out, but, it was fierce and costly. I died, of course, so I don't know who was the victor. I had no children, but I did have three sisters, a brother, and several nieces and nephews that I had to defend. I hope that they weren't killed in the war, and hopefully, my family made it, or will make it, to the 21st Century.

But, my horse was startled by a snake and threw me off, running the other way in a fit of fear, and right over my broken and bruised body. Like many from the 21st Century, I am not affiliated with the Church, though I do not express it in public, and only my family knows about it. So, naturally, with my fading slips of life, I would expect a cold void of nothingness, or being thrown into the pyres of Hell if I was unlucky. I don't remember much after that, but I know that what I had got was definetly not on the menu, metaphorically speaking. The silence lasted quite a while, until it was filled with something new. They were noises, or perhaps, voices? These voices, they sounded alarmed, worried and a bit scared. Time passed and the voices changed, they sounded more relaxed, warm and annoyingly derisive. The blur had been disappearing slowly overtime, and my mind seemed somewhat less like a pile of shattered glass.

But by God, those voices were ridiculous! They thought of me as a wee child! Time passed, the voices changed, and the memories of said voices faded just as fast as they left. Pretty soon, it became more relaxing, and the voices slowly became less annoying. That was a relief. Unfortunately, the voices and what I saw were muffled and blurred. It took a while, but it eventually came to the point that I felt real again, and I felt alive again. I woke up with a start, and I also felt stupendously strange. My entire body felt off, somehow, but at the same time it also felt completely natural. It was an enigma I wouldn’t stand for any longer, so deciding to find out what the fuck was going on, I opened my eyes.

My vision was assaulted by a barrage of bright colors you'd see in a little kid's drawing or something. The ceiling was very high and it seemed to be made of some kind of glistening stone, or crystal. The walls seemed to have been made of the same crystalline stone, though that lost its significance as the act of looking to the side to see them had made me aware of my immediate surroundings. I was in a bed, one of a bright pink color. If you were a boy in there, that would be very embarrassing, but that wasn't what scared the crap out of me.

So I was in a bright pink bed in some glittery room made of weird stone, big deal. What was weird was that the body a small horse was tucked in it. 'Wait, come again?' I thought as I blinked. Instinctually, I lifted a hand into view, except that it was not a hand at all. It was a hoof covered in white, slightly pinkish fur. I checked my other hand, and the same results applied there as well. Any normal man would've panicked, but at the time, I was a bit groggy and to sleepy to think straight as I tried to wrap my head around this. I then used them to feel my face, which wasn't the face I knew of, this was not my face. Fur, soft cheeks, muzzle, the works.

While poking my face I managed to catch a curl of hair and tentatively brought it down in front of the eyes, that weren’t my eyes. It was kinda purpleish, and had a streak of blue in it. 'Ok.' If you could read my thoughts, you would probably be clutching your ears from the loud and slow cranking of nonexistant gears within my mind. At the time, I was just unable to grasp the whole situation before me. I now know it is all too real, but at the time, I thought otherwise.

Carefully bringing my hand, or more appropriately, hoof down to the duvet draped over me, I gingerly moved it aside, like one would peel a bandage off a festering wound. Underneath the covers was indeed, the body of a very small, and very disfigured horse. Sharing the same color as the two hooves that occupied the space where my hands should be and tinting into a slightly darker pink some places. There was even a pair of wings with a purple tint on the feather tips. I also felt a small, spiraling nub that grew from my forehead.

'Alright then. So.' I thought as my brain began as it did the closest thing it could, to considering these pieces of information. ‘Glittery stone room, pink bed, deformed pinkish horse body with wings, a slight headache and most definite shock. Anything else here?’ There was none, good. I promptly collapsed on the bed, delving back into the bliss of sleep as my brain shut down for maintenance.

It was a beautiful morning in the Crystal Empire. The sun shone on the crystal building, giving them, especially the giant palace at the center, which caused a magnificent radiance to illuminate the city surrounding it. The citizens were going about their business, going to work, going to school and enjoying their days off to the best off their ability, but they still had a bit of trouble adjusting to the modern day. While the citizens were going about their morning, the royal family in the castle began to stir from their restful slumber. Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, a pink alicorn with a multicolored mane of magenta, purple and yellow, let out a loose grunt as she woke up that day and forced her eyes open. Sure, it was very beautiful, but unfortunately, she was in no way the morning type.

She lazily smacked her lips to look at her husband, a white unicorn with a blue and cyan mane. Shining Armor was laying haphazardly next to her with the latest issue of Fallout: Equestria over his eyes, whilst making some an unholy sound that would be considered quite impressive for an Ursa Major. Thank goodness she had her earmuffs on her. With a small smirk, she wriggled her way over to him and lazily nuzzled her way into his neck. "Wakey, wakey, sweetie-kins." Cadence said in a loving manner loud enough to drown out the snoring.

With a small snort, he jutted up, the comic book flying to the other side of the room, slamming into the wall as he became fully upright. "What was that?" Shining Armor asked as he looked around before seeing his wife raise a brow. He chuckled nervously and calmed down. "Oh, heh, sorry about that. Good morning, hun." Shining Armor said.

"Good morning." Cadence replied before giggling lightly and nuzzling the stallion after throwing her earmuffs off since there was no longer any need for noise protection. "Did you sleep well?"

"I slept like a rock." Shining Armor admitted. They both just lied in the warmth of their bed and in each other's embrace for a couple good minutes until Cadence who was almost beginning to nod off again, noticed something missing.

"Shiny, where's Flurry?" Cadence asked, mentioning the six-year-old filly's name.

"She's in her own room. Said something about feeling a bit hazy and foggy last night as well as something about how my blow-horn impression really wouldn’t help much in regards to that." Shining Armor was about to drift off back into sleep when his wife gave him the dedpan face. "Okay, okay, okay, she said that she had a bad headache and that I sounded like an broken lawnmower when I slept!" he admitted. At first, Cadence glared at him, but the look softened as she brokt out into snickers. Shining Armor couldn't help but to join in soon after. A few seconds later, and it died out. "Alright, I'm gonna get the cooks to make us some breakfast." The white unicorn got up from bed, shaking the tiresomeness out. "You two can go when you feel like it, kay?" Before he left, Shining went to Cadence and gave her a small kiss.

With the room and the warm bed now all to herself, Cadence was on the precipice of succumbing to the unmerciful claws of sleep again. But through sheer determination and will, she managed to slump her way out of bed as she clunked onto the floor with a thud. She quickly got up and went to the mirror to fix her mane. Unfortunately, she was one of the only few to be given a bedmane resemblant to a porcupine. It took a short while, but she had managed to fix her mane to make something more presentable to the public before walking out of the room and down the hallway. She soon found herself near Flurry's room, and opened the door to it.

She was not afraid to admit that Flurry Heart was very cute, expecially when curled up onto the bed. She was around the same size as the average filly, abiet a bit larger, going all the way up to Cadence's knew. Her wings were noticeably larger and more defined than a normal filly's, and her horn was slightly longer, but still, a filly. She was still sound asleep, though it seemed that she has thrown off her covers during the night. Cadence just watched her for a bit. She was ridiculously cute when she was sleeping, no loud snoring and this serene little smile of hers. 'Well, I would like to watch you snore a little longer, but shouldn't keep Shiny waiting any longer.' Cadence thought as she came up and cradled her in her front hooves for a few minutes before laying her down next to her, pulling out a mirror and gently brushing her mane until the sleepy filly got up. "Good morning, Flurry." Cadence said in a motherly tone as the filly opened her eyes.

"Goo-goo-goo'morn…" Flurry replied, still a bit too drowsy to think straightly. "Ugh."

"Did you sleep well?" Cadence asked, still fixing up the filly’s mane.

"No, I didn't." Flurry said as she yawned. Cadence looked a bit surprised at that, Flurry Heart usually slept quite well, took after Shining on that front. "I had a nightmare, I guess." That was definitely strange. She hasn't had a nightmare in years.

Cadence, shaking her head, put a wing over her daughter, only exposing her head and her front hooves. "Do you want to talk about it." she asked with curiousity. Flurry Heart stood silent, still with a groggy look on her face. "Its okay if you don't want to talk about it." Cadence had stopped brushing Flurry's mane. "Although, there was somepony that I talked to about my nightmares when I was young."

"You'd laugh if I told you, won't you." the tiny alicorn said.

Wait, where did that come from? Cadence shook her head, pushing those thoughts out. "It's okay, I won't laugh."

"Well then, I was this wee little disfigured pinkish horse thing, and I had purple hair with this..." Flurry shivered as she looked back at the memories. "I guess it was some sort of blue streak in it and I was in this weird crystal room on a weird pink bed and-" The tiny alicorn made the big mistake of looking at her mother, who couldn't help but lightly giggle.

"Well, that was a silly 'nightmare' of sorts, sweetie. You pulled my leg there." Cadence turned the mirror so Flurry Heart could see her reflection in full. Cadence smiled, content that they were both presentable and ready for a good wholesome breakfast to start the day.

As for Flurry, she wasn't ready. "No... it can't be true." she said as she looked in the mirror, an expression of shock and horror spreading across her face. Her breathing became more loud and erratic as she looked at herself and slowly connected the dots. All of it was real.


The filly let out a loud girly scream that nearly shook the halls. In her defence, it would've been deeper. It had to be this weird body that was doing it to her. Cadence let out a yelp in surprise as she slowly backed away from her with fumbling limbs and spread wings. "Get, get away!" Speaking of wings, when she fell from her bed, she looked at the outstretched appendages, her voice rising into a scream again. No one really knew much about naturally born alicorns, and through the growth of Cadence, Flurry might be as tall as her. Heck, Celestia and Luna weren't naturally born as alicorns. She stared at the strange, huge appendages for a moment, and she screamed again. Cadence didn't know what happened with her that made her this way, but this time, she was ready.

She didn’t understand what had the filly in such a panic, but whatever it was, she was going to do her best to help her with it, she just needed to calm her down enough for her to tell what was wrong. She was a few steps away from the frightened alicorn, gently trying to assure her that everything was ok, when Flurry must have felt that she was getting a little too close for comfort, as a golden light sprung to life in front of her, forming a barrier and cutting her off the corner with the frantic filly inside. "Oh my God! Let me out! Let me out!" Flurry Heart cried, banging the barrier with her front hooves to no avail as it create a thudding sound that echoed throughout the room. "Somebody, anybody, help!"

Cadence was at a loss of what to do, but knew that she had to do something fast, this had the starting signs of what could potentially lead to a magical surge and even with her inhibitor gear, those didn’t usually end well. "Come on Caddy, think something up..." the pink alicorn said to herself. Thinking through what she could do, an idea, that should have seemed rather obvious in hindsight, made its presence known. "Oh, why didn't I think of this before?" Cadence scolded as she mentally slapped herself for not thinking about it beforehand. Charging her horn in a cyan aura, she teleported to the other side of the barrier to confront the filly. "It okay, mommy's here." she cooed as she scooped up the filly with her magic and into her front hooves, who was trying (and failing) to squirm out of her mother's embrace. She took a deep breath and began singing a lullaby.

You are my sunshine,
you are my sunshine.
You make me happy
when skies are grey.

Flurry slowly began calming down, letting out a few tears as she leaned to her mother for comfort. It felt right, somehow. Even if her mind was still screaming at her about how everything else was completely wrong, and she knew it. Strange sensations, memories, and other things she couldn’t even begin to describe, bombarded her mind from all angles and left her with no reprieve. "Wait, what's happening?" was all she can say.

You do not know,
how much I love you.
You are my sunshine,
both night and day.

It was too much, all the emotions that the shock had numbed the previous night, were washing over her like a tsunami now, and so she did the only thing that felt right at that moment. Hearing a quiet sob Cadence peeked down at the tiny alicorn in a look of surprise. She could feel her coat moisten a bit as the filly sobbed quietly into it. A worried frown on her face she held the filly a little closer with her front hooves and began humming another little lullaby. As Cadence sang the lullaby, the barrier slowly dissipated into nothingness.

I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream
I know you, the gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
Yet I know it’s true that visions are seldom all they seem
But if I know you, I know what you’ll
You’ll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream.

This was unreal. Flurry Heart looked up to the larger pony, but stopped abruptly, after realizing something strange had happened. "But how?" Flurry asked herself. Cadence’s coat, though a bit moist, was warm and soft, and the little lullabies she had hummed were calming, it even made her feel happy. She didn’t know why, but for some reason it made her feel safe somehow. This odd, witchcraft using, pink-coated horse, made her feel strange. She made her feel happy. The barrier had disappeared by now, and the tears were all shed.

"Feeling better now?" Cadence asked. Flurry looked at her, and was about to say she was feeling fine now, but the more she thought about it, the more frantic she became again. She shouldn’t be calmed by the appeasing acts of some strange pink pegacorn, but at the same time she couldn’t help but to lean into her for comfort. It felt, right.

"How is this possible?" Flurry whispered to herself, not sure how to process the events that happened. She knew that something was wrong, very, very, very wrong. She knew she shouldn't be here. "I can't be here, I shouldn't be here. Why am I here now!?" By now, Flurry was starting to panic.

"Flurry, what's wrong, sweetie?" Cadence asked, looking at the upset filly in her hooves.

This cannot be real, why the heck is she a horse? She wanted this to be some kind of hallucination or fever induced nightmare. But the more she thought about it, the more she came to realize that it was real. "No, just no." Flurry said in a more panicked tone. It can't be real, it shouldn't be real, but it was as clear as day that it was real. It was much more than a dream, she can feel it in her gut. More and more questions flooded her head as her mind went into frenzy mode as the knowledge that it was real caught up. "This shouldn't be real, but it is. No, just no!" Flurry Heart said, a bit louder as a golden aura enveloped her, causing Cadence to drop her in shock. Even with inhibitor gear, her magic is just too powerful to be contained, which is even more lethal when she's panicking all over.

Her mind had finally reached a conclusion, and she had one last word to say. "No, no, NO!" was all Flurry said before a shockwave of yellow magic knocked Cadence out of her own daughter's room, the doors slamming behind her before being encased by Flurry's own golden magic.

"What has happened to her?" Cadence asked herself. She was left to wonder and worry, just what the hay was going on with her daughter. She was acting strange lately. Almost as if she was never a pony before. "I have to tell Shining about the events I just witnessed. Flurry was acting weird, and he needs to know." Cadence said to herself as she got back up to her hooves. Sunburst also needs to know this, he can be good help. Twilight and her friends are also here, both Twilight and her student are powerful magic users. They may be able to find out why Flurry Heart was acting so strange today.

Meet the Mane Six

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"Shiny, I have bad news about Flurry Heart." Cadence said as she hastily galloped towards her husband before taking deep breaths to recover stamina. "She... she's been..." Cadence began breathing in and out deeply. Shining Armor was starting to get scared. What was wrong with their little girl?

"Tell me, what was wrong. Is she hurt? Is she sick? What is it?" Shining Armor said as he grabbed Cadence. "Please tell me our little girl is okay!" He didn't notice he was crushing his wife before she chocked. "Heh, sorry." He said nervously as he let his grip go, giving enough time for Cadence to finally catch her breath.

"Physically, she is okay, but mentally, it's another story. When I came to wake her up, she was a bit groggy, and when I asked about her nightmare said she and I quote"I was this wee little disfigured pinkish horse thing, and I had purple hair with this..." and also said she was in a glittering rock room." Cadence explained. "At first, I thought she was joking, but when she looked up to me, she began screaming. She looked at herself, and she panicked, and her magic went out of whack and erected a barrier around her." The pink alicorn of love thought back to the moment. "So, I teleported to the other side and sang her two lullabies. That calmed her down, but unfortunately, it was only for a little bit. She kept on rambling about how she was not supposed to be here and that this was not supposed to be real."

"Oh no, this is terrible, WHAT HAPPENED TO HER!?" Shining Armor yelled out as he pulled Cadence into yet another death hug. "PLEASE TELL ME THAT SHE DID NOT HURT HERSELF! IS THERE A SIGN!" He looked to see Cadence before releasing her from his grasp again. "Sorry, I was a bit worried about our daughter."

"I can't blame you, this is pretty dire." Cadence said before realizing that there were other people who could help Flurry with her condition. "But fortunately, we aren't alone. Sunburst is here, and Twilight and her friends are coming over to visit her. Maybe they can help."

"You're right, Caddy. We are not alone. There are other ponies out there that we know." It has been six long years since their little daughter has been born, and five years since the Pillars and Styagin have returned from limbo, Starswirl could be really helpful with the situation, assuming he has seen someone with Flurry's condition. Hopefully, this wasn't a major case, but the results say otherwise. Celestia and Luna had lived for over a thousand years, so they had tons of experience with the strange and unusual. "I wonder what happened that made her this way. Hopefully, she had managed to calm down by now. In the end, I'm sure that nothing is going to wind up wrong."

"This is wrong! This is all just wrong!" I screamed, banging my hooves at the door. Not only was I a horse, but I lacked the familiar feeling between my legs, leaving an empty space. "I wish it was a dream, but this is just NOT IT!" I said, the last two words almost shook the ground. When I shouted, I was knocked back, and met with a huge amount of pain. The lines were drawn, and the picture was finished, and then I realized it was not a dream at all. I looked at the room, and saw the same bright pink bed I woke up in to see that odd, pink, witchcraft-using, hair-brushing horned pegasus, or was she a winged unicorn, I can't tell. I curled up into fetal position with a stuffed snail. "It's gonna be okay, Mr. Snailston. It's gonna be okay, it's gonna be okay, it's gonna be okay..." I chanted. I don't know why I was talking to a stuffed animal, or why I'm calling it "Mr Snailston" of all names, but I guess it has something to do with me being a child. But it didn't change the fact that nearly everything in this room brought completely unfamiliar memories into my mind, memories that were not mine.

I was about to collapse before my inner solider mentally slapped me. "Alright, get it together, Darrach. You cannot quit right now." I said, closing me eyes and letting the rush of familiar memories, MY memories, flow in. I looked at what was known to me. I went to fight for my family in a war at my home country in Scandinavia, but after that, everything was just a blur, just a hazy void. There was nothing that lead a clue to why I was a disfigured horse, there is nothing that makes sense as to why I am here. I started to panic before I realized that it wasn't to late. "Keep it, together, Darrach. Whatever has happened has to have a cause, right?" I tried to put the pieces together, but my thoughts were interrupted when the sound of the doors opening filled my ears. "Oh no, not you again." I said as I looked to see the familiar horse, but she wasn't alone. I saw six other horses, two with only wings, one with only a horn, two that had none, and one with both.

"Hi, Flurry! I missed you." the pink horse with a dark pink mane said, making a smile, while I hate to admit it, looked very cute. "But why in Celestia's name would you call yourself Darrach?" My blood ran cold. The heard every word I said!?

"Please, don't hurt me!" I yelled before running into the wall. "Ow! My nose!" I snuffed while holding my snout. Curse all these childlike instincts. They told me to go near the pink horned pegasus, or winged unicorn. Of course, my mind was strong enough to fight that, but unfortunately, it numbed my knowledge of stealth, and the quickest way of quote on quote disappearing was hiding under the bed. "Why am I a pegasus all of the sudden?" I whispered to myself, being careful not to let anyone hear me. "First she appears and now I have to deal with six more of them? This is the worst day of my life..." I waited for them to get away before a set of two eyes looked at me. "Gah!" I yelped, getting out of the bed to see that pink-maned pink horse, looking at me with her bright blue eyes.

"That's not my name, Flurry. I'm Pinkie Pie. Surely you remember me?" the one who called herself Pinkie Pie said as she squirmed her way out from under the bed. That was impossible, they couldn't have been able to go under there. It was not very nice, but at least it could hold my current while I'm in crawling position. I continued hyperventilating, trying to process how the heck that horse managed to do that.

"I don't know you! None of you look familiar to me!" I yelled as I attempted to run from Pinkie and the rest of them, only to bump to the pink horse I had met before. "Hey, put me down! Put me down!" I said as she picked my squirming body up with her front hooves and looked at me. I squirmed, I wriggled, I thrashed, but she kept holding on to me. One of the many things being a child does. But, my energy was spent, and I slumped in exhaustion. "I will not let... you..." I couldn't say any more as I tried to catch my breath.

"Cadence, what's wrong with Flurry?" the purple one asked the pony that was currently holding me.

"I do not know, Twilight, but she's been acting weird ever since she woke up this morning, even panicking about her own reflection and talking about how she shouldn't be here. Thank goodness her magic didn't act up this time." the tall pink pony, apparently called Cadence, said before I heard the purple one, Twilight, speak.

"Well, I think I may have a spell for that." Twilight said as he horn was enveloped in a magenta aura.

"Wait, what are you doing?" I asked, trying to escape Cadence's grip.

"Twilight, I might have to agree with Flurry-"

"MY NAME IS NOT FLURRY!" I screamed, sending a shockwave that knocked them all back. "Whoops, sorry." I said involuntarily. True, I've shouted out loud before, but knocking people back is new, but that golden aura. I quickly shook my head and regained my composure. "I am Darach Meldrak Obenhjerthe, first of my name, clansman of the Meldrak household, and a profound solider! Can't you see that this is NOT ME!" I explained before panting. At first, I heard some snickers like they didn't believe me, but then the orange one spoke

"Ah don't sense any lyin' from her." the orange one said. A name pulled up for each one, and the name that was pulled up for her was APPLEJACK. I don't know why I'm calling them that or how those names popped into my head, but that was like no accent I've ever heard in my life. She was an orange horse with a blond mane and some kind of brown hat on her head. My focus then turned to her.

"See, wait, are you making fun of me? It's true! This is not my body!" I yelled out once more before panting and collapsing onto my belly, already exhausted from what had happened just now. That was when I heard a loud rumble coming from my empty tummy. Great, now I'm sounding like one. I didn't look in the mirror, but I bet I was an absolute mess.

"Um, Princess Cadence. What do we do now?" the voice of the yellow one, FLUTTERSHY, squeaked to whom I would assume was Cadence. "Twilight, is there a spell that can tell us what happened with her?" Fluttershy asked. Seriously, their names are ridiculous. Pinkiebow, Flutterdash, who even set up the naming system? I had my eyes closed, but I could see a magenta light shining through my eyelids, and covered them with my hooves. What is happening to me? I wanted to run away, but I was too exhausted. The light grew brighter, and I felt a light tap on my forehead. My movements halted as we went through as everything went all... fuzzy, before I blacked out.

Flurry Heart's memories were projected by Twilight's spell, as they looked upon everything. This was indeed Flurry, but these memories were not like her's, but of something else. "Is that... a human?" Twilight asked as she looked at the strange bipedal creature in armor, which was fighting members of its own kind. These humans had extremely small eyes and were on a set hue, had smaller heads and shorter legs.

"I think so, but, why on Equestria would my daughter have memories of killing in her?" Cadence asked in a horrified manner. "This is not like Flurry Heart to do such a thing!"

"Technically, the spell says these are Flurry's memories, but at the same time, they're not." Twilight said. If anyone were to be blamed for giving her this spell, it would be Starswirl. Ever since he returned from limbo, she couldn't help but squeal when a new spell was being revealed to her.

"What do you mean, darling?" Rarity asked as they looked at the 'screen' in front of them. They had watched the memories of the creature from his childhood to adulthood. Twilight couldn't help but squeal in excitement as her expression slowly morphed into a wide smile just like that of Pinkie's.

"What I mean is that Flurry Heart had a past life!" Twilight said in excitement. Sure, she felt bad about Flurry, but she was so excited that she got to discover something that she never saw before. "None of the volunteers whom I cast that spell on had this, not even me. But Flurry Heart does!" Cadence knew about Twilight's will to study, and even she had to admit that was groundbreaking. But, Twilight's expression began to sadden. "But why is that persona in control and not that of classic Flurry Heart? I've got the feeling that I'm never get to see the Flurry Heart I know again!" Twilight said as she sobbed into Cadence's coat, letting out a fall of tears like one would in a cartoon.

"Um, look!" Rainbow Dash said as they saw Darach ride on his horse through the woodland, only for a snake to appear and startle it. Brunjahk, as he was called, threw the soilder off his back and ran the other way, over him, causing every conscious being to gasp as the memories transitioned to that of Flurry's. "That, that's not possible. It could not be!"

Twilight was sad that Darach had to die so young, and by his own horse. Ironically, ponies looked a lot like horses and were even part of the same family. "It's, so sad. What should we do?" Twilight asked as the memories began showcasing what happened TODAY. Their thoughts were interrupted by a groan.

"Ugh, my head." Flurry/Darach said. "That... was unenjoyable." she admitted. Seeing her life flash before her eyes once again, not her life as Flurry Heart, but as Darach Meldrak Obenhjerthe. "I'm... dead!" Flurry said as she came into a realization after the spell was performed. A million questions once again rushed through her mind. It was kind of ironic to begin with, but it all went together so nicely. She didn't know why, but she felt a sense of acceptance. But also a feeling of sadness as tears began to flow from her eyes. "Why did this happen to me!?" the filly cried, knowing that she wouldn't be able to see her original family anymore. Any further protests were cute when a certain pink alicorn immediately grabbed her and pulled her into a hug. This time, Flurry didn't struggle or protest.

"You poor, poor, soul. Don't worry, I'll somehow make this up to you." Cadence said as she nuzzled Darach. She went in and nuzzled back, but this time, she didn't resist as the last tears were shed. "I don't care that you were a soilder. You cared about your family as much as I care about you." Both the rational and childlike parts of her brain knew that there was truth in the pink alicorn's voice. "However, in this life, you are my daughter, and I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy." Cadence cooed as the filly laughed, letting in that childish glee, causing the Mane Six, including Rainbow, to daw in response. But that was all interrupted when a growling came from Flurry/Darach's stomach.

"I think all of this made me hungry." Flurry/Darach stated as she got up. She had figured out why she was a strange horse to begin with, and everything worked out so well. Without Twilight's spell, she might've never been able to continue. For starters, a quick bite to eat. "Well, aside from the change in gender, this is better than what I had expected." she admitted as she got up, only to fail again, noting that she should learn how to learn how to master quadrupedal locomotion if she had to go anywhere else.