> Goddess Of Laughter > by ShowShine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A New Life > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A tall pink alicorn laid on a soft cloud, staring over the edge. Her mane was poofy and dark pink with little bits of magic glitter sparkling in it. She leaned in her hoof and let out a huff. “I’m soooo bored.” She whined out. She rolled over to her back and let out a groan, closing her eyes. A large alligator with fluffy wings walked over to her, before nudging her cheek in concern. “I’m fine Gummy.” The Goddess reassured. She stood up and stretched her wings. She turned around and faced a large castle. It towered over her 50 feet. She let out another sigh and walked into the castle. “I wish something would happen.” She groaned out. Gummy walked behind her, flapping his wings a bit. She was Pinkie Pie, the God of Laughter. She had been around for millions of years and watched the world rise and fall. She walked down the hallway of the castle and glanced over at a large painting on the wall. She stopped walking and her ears dropped. In the painting, a ram, a draconequus, an alicorn, an ahuizolt, and Pinkie Pie. Those were all of the previous Gods. Pinkie Pie was the only God who hadn’t died, turned evil, or gone missing. The alicorn was Cosmos Flare, the God of the Galaxy. Her coat was a beautiful mix of white, yellow, and orange, making her look like a sunset. Her mane was long and wavy with a perfect mix of dark blue and gold. She had left the Godly Council to elope with an ordinary Earth Pony. She gave birth to two children, Celestia and Luna. Unfortunately, she died giving birth to her second child. The draconequus was Discord, the God of Chaos. He had visited Equestria one day and got corrupted with power. He tried to rule over Equestria but Celestia and Luna turned him into stone. The ram was Grogar, the God of Magic. He was the most mysterious out of all the Gods. He rarely talked and is barely in any history books. One day he disappeared without a trace, no one knew if he was dead or alive. Lastly, the ahuizotl was an Ahuizotl, God of Nature. He took care of forests all over Equestria and protected all of the creatures in it. He hasn’t been heard for a thousand years so Pinkie could only assume that he was too busy, or died. “I miss them.” Pinkie stated sadly. She continued walking down the empty halls, sulking to herself. She had been alone for thousands of years and the only one to keep her company was her familiar, Gummy. He was an alligator she had found while visiting Earth. He was sickly and was close to dying. She granted him wings and full health for a trade. If he always protected her, she’d care for him. “What should we do today Gummy?” Pinkie asked. Gummy flapped his wings and led his owner down the hallway. Pinkie Pie followed close behind, now intrigued by where her familiar was going to take her. Soon, they entered a mostly empty room. In the middle of the room, there was a glowing orb floating in place. Gummy excitedly shuffled over to it. “Do you want to look at what’s going on on Earth?” Pinkie Pie asked. Gummy eagerly nodded his head, making Pinkie chuckle. She walked over to the orb and placed her hoof on it. The room flashed white and Pinkie Pies' eyes started to glow. The room disappeared and they were suddenly in an empty field. “Blegh, boring.” She stated. She rolled the warm orb in her hoof, looking for an interesting place. She stopped when she landed in a large city. There was a crowd of ponies surrounding her. They were all facing the same direction, chattering excitedly. “What’s going on?” She asked, turning around. There was a small stage with a large wooden statue of a sun with a hole in the middle. There was a loud horn, making everyone quiet. “Now introducing, Princess Celestia!” A stallion's voice shouted. A tall white alicorn walked on the stage, making everyone cheer. Pinkie Pie let out a gasp. She hadn’t seen Celestia since she was a small filly. She had stopped watching over her once Princess Luna was banished to the moon. Celestia opened her wings and flew up into the air, letting her horn glowing. Behind her, the sun peaked over the horizon, making everyone gasp in astonishment. “Woah...” Pinkie muttered in amazement. The sunlight passed through the wooden sun statue, making everypony stomp their hooves in excitement. The light lit up the city perfectly, making the ponies and the building warmer. Pinkie Pie stared in amazement. This was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. She took a step back and her hoof slipped off of the orb. The room turned back to normal, making Pinkie gasp. “No, I didn’t mean to do that!” She exclaimed in a panic. She frantically put her hoof back on the orb. The orb flickered and dropped to the ground, cracking it. She let out a gasp. “No no no no no!” Pinkie shouted, picking up the orb. It had a cracked and kept flickering on and off. Her ears dropped and her eyes filled up with tears. “How am I going to see what’s happening now?” She asked, her eyes filling up with tears. That was her only way of seeing what was going on in the world and feeling like she was apart of something. “What am I going to do? I just can’t leave.” Pinkie said to herself. Her ears perked up in realization. She could leave, she just had never really thought about it. All of her friends left and she had been waiting for them to come back. No one had worshipped her in over three thousand years and she was mainly forgotten. No one needed her anymore. All of the other Gods went to Earth, so why shouldn’t she? “I’m going to start a life on Earth!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed excitedly, hopping out of the room. Gummy quickly chased after her, trying to stop her before she did anything crazy. He slid in front of his owner and snapped his teeth, making her stop in place. “Hm, what is it Gummy?” She asked. Gummy nudged her leg with his muzzle, making her look at herself. “You’re right, I can’t go down looking like this! Ponies don’t know who I am, I wouldn’t want to scare them.” Pinkie stated before turning around and walking in the opposite direction. Gummy rolled his eyes and flew after her. This was going to be a hard bargain. Pinkie Pie stood in a mirror, staring at herself. She pondered to herself. “How will I know what to do once I get down there?” She asked herself. If she made herself look like an adult, she’d seem lost and afraid. She barely even knew what the new world was like. Pinkie couldn't just go to Earth looking like an alicorn, she wouldn’t know how ponies would react. “I know, I’ll pretend to be an Earth Pony filly!” Pinkie started letting her horn glow. She felt her legs get smaller and her body get rounder. She opened her eyes and looked in the mirror. She looked like a regular Earth pony filly. She moved her poofy hair back to see a tiny horn that was the size of a splinter. No one would be able to see it. “Perfect!” She exclaimed, turning around and hopping away. Gummy stepped in front of her, letting out a soft growl. He was now Pinkie’s height and looked her straight in the eyes. “I didn’t forget about you Gummy, you’re coming with me.” She reassured. She wrapped her magic around Gummy and quickly turned him into a small alligator. Gummy looked down at his tiny legs and gave an annoyed look. “I know you don’t like it, but it’ll be too suspicious if you’re big.” She stated. She picked Gummy with her mouth and placed him on her back. She took a large step before freezing in place. “Wait, if I’m a filly, I need a family to live with.” Pinkie stated. She rubbed her chin, thinking to herself. “I know, I’ll recreate my old family from before I was a God!” She exclaimed. She grinned to herself and let her tiny horn spark up. “Are you ready Gummy?” Pinkie asked excitedly. Gummy rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out. He didn’t think it was a good idea. Pinkie Pie closed her eyes and grinned happily. This was the start of a new life. > My Family > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie Pie peaked her eyes open and slowly started to look around. Everything around her was dark. “Did it work?” She asked herself. She looked at her hooves to see that she was still in her filly form. She could feel Gummy laying on her back so he was safe. She took a step forward, only to hit her face on something hard. “Ow! What was that?” Pinkie Pie asked herself. She reached her hoof out and felt something cold and metal. She twisted it and the door in front of her opened. In front of the door, there was a gray filly with a straight purple mane. “There you are Pinkamena, we’re supposed to be doing chores.” The filly said in a monotone voice. Pinkie Pies eyes filled up with tears and she wrapped her arms around her older sister. “Oh Maud, I missed you so much!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. She had watched her older sister die of old age millions of years ago. Maud slowly blinked. “We’ve been apart for twenty minutes,” Maud stated. Pinkie sheepishly let go of her sister and quickly wiped away her tears. “I know, I just missed you.” She stated, taking a step back. Maud looked at Pinkies back and looked at Gummy. “Where did you get an alligator?” She asked. Pinkie looked at Gummy who stared back at Maud. “I found him in the pantry, I want to keep him as a pet.” Pinkie Pie stated. Maud stared at Gummy before blinking again. “Just make sure to take care of him. Now let’s go, Mom and Dad want us to do our chores.” Maud stated before turning around and walking out of the kitchen. Pinkie quickly nodded her head and followed her older sister. She looked around the house as she walked to the backyard. Pinkie Pie hasn’t seen her house in a million years. The last time she visited her house, it was broken down and barely livable. Pinkie Pie walked out to the backyard to see her two sisters. She gave a big smile at the sight of them and quickly ran up to them. She wrapped her arms around both of them. “Here’s some hugs for my bestest sisters in the world!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. A pale purple filly with a straight gray mane pushed Pinkie Pie off of her. “Hey, no touching!” She exclaimed. Pinkie Pie let out a sheepish giggle. “Sorry Limestone, I just got excited.” She said. Limestone had died in a rockslide accident. A gray filly with a dark gray mane let out a giggle. That was Marble, Pinkie’s younger twin sister. She was the quietest out of the Pie sisters. She had died by getting trapped in a shed. Her screams weren’t loud enough and she suffocated to death. “Mom and Dad want us to mine some rocks, let’s get to work.” Limestone said, handing Pinkie a small pickaxe. She went to levitate the pickaxe with her magic but quickly stopped herself. “No magic, I’m just a regular earth pony.” She thought you herself. Pinkie picked up the pickaxe with her mouth and walked over to a rock. She swung the pickaxe downwards to the rock but completely missed, hitting the ground. “You missed,” Maud stated. Pinkie frowned and stared at the pickaxe. She had been using her magic for thousands of years and hadn’t mined rocks in so long. This was going to take a while to get used to. Pinkie Pie stood in the field by herself, struggling to mine rocks properly. Dark clouds covered the sky, looking as if it was about to rain. Her parents had told her to stay outside until she finished her share of rocks. “This is my first day back and everything is terrible! I don’t know how to mine rocks and I’m getting so sad that my mane is getting flat.” Pinkie Pie complained to Gummy. Gummy walked over to his owner and rubbed his head against her leg. Pinkie dropped her pickaxe and stared at the ground sadly. How could she find out what to do in her new life if she couldn’t do a simple task right? Pinkie Pie hung her head low, ready to give up. She was a Goddess who couldn’t do a simple task without her magic. Without a warning, there was a boom in the sky, making her look up. A giant rainbow danced across the sky, making it shimmer. A large gust of wind blew through the field, puffing Pinkies mane. Pinkie’s jaw dropped open before she broke out into a grin. “That was the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen!” She exclaimed, hopping up into the air. In all of her years alive, she had never seen anything like that. Her heart raced excitedly in her chest. This was the biggest thrill she had in years! She never wanted to let go of this moment. “I know what I want to do with my life!” Pinkie exclaimed. She picked up Gummy and ran to a large empty shed. She knew exactly what to do with her life. Pinkie Pie threw a roll of party streamers into the air, letting it land on a support beam on the ceiling. She grinned, staring at her accomplishment. She had set up a whole party all by herself. There was a table with presents and a large cake on it that she had baked herself. There was confetti all over the floor and balloons she had blown up. She made punch and set it up next to the cake. “This is perfect!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. The shed door creaked open, making her turn around. Her mother, father, and sisters stood in the doorway, looking at her setup. “Pinkamena, what is this?” Her mother asked. Pinkie Pie hopped up on the table and threw her hooves up into the air. “It’s a party!” She exclaimed happily. Her family warily looked around the room, making her ears flatten. Did she mess it up? Did her family not like it? Maybe she wasn’t meant for this. “Do you not like it?” Pinkie asked sadly. Her family broke out into wide grins, making her let out a gasp. “You like it!” She exclaimed happily. She zipped over to the record player and played some upbeat music. Her sisters ran inside and started to dance to the music. “Pinkie, your cutie mark,” Maud said, pointing to her sisters flank. Pinkie Pie looked down at her flank to see three balloons on it. She let out a loud gasp. She had never gotten her cutie mark the first time she was a filly. She never tried to get hers after becoming a Goddess because it seemed pointless. Pinkie Pie broke out into a wide grin. She knew what she was going to do with her life. She was going to make ponies happy. > A New World > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie Pie sat at the breakfast table, happily eating rock cereal. She kicked her legs off of the edge of her seat since they were too short to touch the ground. Her sisters sat at the table, eating their breakfast in silence. “I need you four to go to the market today and pick up some things. I’ll give you some money to get something for yourselves as well.” Igneous Rock said, walking into the room with a scroll in his mouth. Pinkie Pie beamed happily. This was the first time she got to leave the rock farm and see the current world. So much has changed and she couldn’t wait to catch up with it all. “Come on let’s go!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, hopping out of her seat. Her sisters gave her odd looks. “Pinkamena we need to finish breakfast,” Maud stated. Pinkie let out a sheepish laugh and sat back down. “Oh yeah.” Pinkie said with a giggle. She quickly ate her cereal. Today was going to be a great day. Pinkie Pie, Maud, Limestone, and Marble walked down a dirt path, each of them wearing saddlebags in their backs. “I’m so excited!” Pinkie exclaimed, hopping up and down. Limestone rolled her eyes. “Calm down, we go to the market all the time. It’s not a big deal.” Limestone said in an annoyed tone. Pinkie looked at her older sister with a big smile. “Well, it’s a big deal to me!” She stated. Marble gave her older twin a happy smile. The continued to walk down the path, getting closer and closer to town. Pinkies' excitement grew as she wondered what new technology they had come up with. The market was just up ahead. Pinkie could see them approaching it. Pinkie Pie sped up, entering the market. Her eyes lit up at what she saw. All types of ponies happily walked and talked together. There were so many animals running around and the sun shined so brightly. “Woah...” Pinkie Pie marveled in awe. She had never seen so many ponies of different races in the same place without fighting. It was so nice to see ponies working together and being friends. She slowly walked through the market, looking around. Everything was so different. Before the marketplace was only run by Earth Ponies and it was always cold due to the Windigos showing up. What was the world like now? If her small town was like this, the whole world must be better. “Pinkamina!” Limestone shouted, making Pinkie turn around. She had an angry look on her face. “You can’t just run off like that.” She said sternly. Pinkie gave a sheepish smile. “Sorry, I just got so excited.” She explained. Limestone rolled her eyes and took a few steps closer to her sister. “The market is the same as always. It’s been the same for years.” Limestone said with another eye roll. Pinkie had made sure her family adapted to this new change faster than she did so they didn’t get suspicious of anything. If they knew she was a Goddess, it could cause too many problems. “Let’s get the stuff father asked for. We still have chores to do when we get back so let’s make this quick.” Maud said in her normal bland tone, walking past Pinkie. Pinkie Pie turned around and followed her sisters. She looked around the market place in excitement and awe. What should she get with her money? Maybe she could get some modern technology or new modern food to try. Her eyes landed on a stand that was filled with history books and maps. Pinkie Pie gave a large grin. She knew exactly was she was going to get. Pinkie Pie laid in the pantry with a lit lantern next to her. On her right hoof, Gummy laid there. In front of both of them, there was a large brown history book. It contained all of the history for the past million years. “Let’s see on what we missed out on.” Pinkie whispered to Gummy. Her parents had put her and her sisters to bed twenty minutes ago but she snuck downstairs to read. She had to make sure she didn't wake up her sisters. She opened the book to the first page and skimmed through it. “Eh, I already know that.” She said to herself. She let her horn glow to turn to the next page. Gummy stood up and placed his webbed foot on Pinkies cheek. He opened his mouth, letting out a soft hiss. “Right, right, no more magic.” Pinkie said. Her tiny horn stopped glowing and she flipped through the pages with her hoof. She stopped on a page about the creation of Equestria. She had become a Goddess years before Equestria had existed so she never got to see what it was like. Pinkie Pie started to read, leaning into her hoof. Gummy sat on the tip of her right hoof, reading along. It was very interesting to learn about what they had missed out while they were isolated in the Castle. It was going to be so much fun learning more about the past. “Hmm, so that’s where the Windigos went,” Pinkie muttered to herself. She looked down at Gummy. “Did you know Friendship could be so powerful?” She asked. Gummy looked up at her and shook his head. She had no idea that the work of three friends could completely get rid of Windigos. When she first became a Goddess she tried to get rid of them but after a while, she just gave up. It seemed like no amount of magic would get rid of them. Who would’ve guessed that friendship was the key? “I wonder what else happened,” Pinkie muttered. This was going to be a long night. Pinkie Pie closed the history book and let out a slow exhale. She had read the entire history of Equestria in the span of one night. “I missed so much.” Pinkie Pie muttered to herself. For the past millions of years, Pinkie had been up in the clouds, being worshipped by others. She had never taken the time to learn about the Earth. Pinkie looked down at Gummy who looked very tired. He struggled to stay awake as he gripped onto his owner's hoof. She stroked his head, making him look up at her. “I’m going to travel Equestria.” Pinkie stated. Gummy looked at her with wide eyes and shook his head. “Not now. I’m gonna wait a few years. I want to spend as much time with my family as possible before I leave. Life is short and I don't want to lose them again.” She explained. Gummy looked Pinkie up and down suspiciously. “I know you’re supposed to be protecting me but I’ll be fine.” She reassured. “Besides, it’s not like I’m going to go on dangerous adventures. That would be crazy.” > Hello Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie Pie stood on a platform of a train station with her suitcase next to her leg. She was finally moving away from home. She spent years growing up with her family on the rock farm but now she wanted to start her own journey. Pinkie Pie turned around to face her family that was standing a few feet away from her. Marble hid her face in Limestone's side, trying to hide her tears. Limestone stood there with her cheeks puffed out, trying not to show her sadness. Maud kept her regular bland look but Pinkie could tell she was sad. Cloudy Quartz and Igneous Rock had gently smiles on there faces. "I'm going to miss you guys." Pinkie Pie said. Marble ran over to her twin sister and hugged her tightly. Pinkie hugged back, stroking her younger sisters head. Maud walked over and joined the hug. Limestone, Cloudy Quartz, and Igneous Rock stood at the sidelines, watching the hug. They weren't affectionate ponies. A loud horn honked, making Pinkie Pie turn around. A train pulled into the station and the doors opened. Pinkie Pie let out a sigh and patted Marble's head again. "I need to go now." Pinkie said. The sisters pulled away from the hug and took a few steps back. Pinkie Pie picked up her suitcase. She turned around to face the train and walked towards the open doors. Pinkie walked into the train and sat at the seat closest to the door. She looked out the window to see her family still standing at the platform. Pinkie Pie gave a large smile and waved goodbye to her family. Her family waved back, having equally large smiles on their faces. The train doors closed and the train slowly started to pull away from the station. The pink mare watched as her family slowly left her vision. Pinkie let out a sigh and took Gummy out of her mane. She held him close to her chest. She had spent her time cheering up her bland town. She had thrown hundreds of parties for the town and it never failed to cheer ponies up. Now it was her time to cheer other ponies up. “Gummy I can’t wait to get to Ponyville!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed to Gummy, holding him up so she could make eye contact with him. Over the years she lived on the rock farm, she read a lot about Equestria. For some reason, Ponyville really stuck out to her. Maybe it was the fact that there was never any news from there. Maybe it was the fact that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna used to live in the Everfree Forest. Or maybe it was the fact that Discord was defeated in Ponyville. Pinkie didn’t know what it was but she was going to find out. Pinkie Pie walked through the outskirts of Ponyville, looking around. Everything was so pretty and green. This town had a lot more plants than her hometown. “This place is beautiful.” Pinkie marveled to herself as she entered the town. She let out a gasp at what she saw. There were so many houses and ponies walking around. Everything was so vibrant. A large grin spread across her face. “Ooo where should I go first?” Pinkie asked herself excitedly. She looked around as she continued to walk. There were so many things to do and so many things to see. She could go to a place called Sweet Apple Acres. She read that the first Zap Apple Harvest happened there less than a century ago. Or maybe she could go see a Wonderbolts show. Princess Celestia has formed the flying group herself for protection. Even though the show was Cloudsdale, Pinkie could use a little magic to get there. Pinkie Pie bumped into a pony, making her lose her train of thought. She looked down to see she had knocked over a yellow pegasus. She has a long pink mane that she was hiding her face behind. “I’m so sorry, are you okay?” Pinkie Pie asked. The mare hid farther in her mane and let out a whimper. Did Pinkie hurt her? She didn’t mean to. Gummy popped out of Pinkie's mane, looking down at the pegasus in confusion. The pegasus looked up and let out a gasp when she saw Gummy, standing up excitedly. “Is that a Purple Eyed Alligator?!” She asked excitedly. Pinkie took Gummy out of her mane and let the mare have a closer look. “Yup! I found him near a river when I was a filly and I nursed him back to health!” Pinkie explained. The mare marveled at Gummy in amazement. “I thought Purple Eyed Alligators have been extinct for millions of years!” Fluttershy said in shock. Pinkie gave a nervous smile. She had completely forgotten that Gummy’s species had gone extinct. “Um, well....my names Pinkie Pie. What’s your name?” Pinkie asked, changing the subject. “My name is Fluttershy. I’ve never met someone with a pet alligator before.” Fluttershy said in awe. “You seem to really like alligators.” Pinkie pointed out. Fluttershy happily nodded her head. “I love all animals! I take care of so many. Would you like to meet them?” Fluttershy asked. Pinkie grinned and eagerly nodded her head. “I would love to!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. She just came to Ponyville and she had just got invited to something. This was going to be a great day. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy sat on Fluttershy’s couch in her cottage. She held up a white rabbit who looked very grumpy. “This is Angel Bunny. I found him a few years ago. He was attacked by a Timberwolf and I nursed him back to health. He’s happy and healthy now.” Fluttershy said, holding up Angel. Gummy crawled off of Pinkies' lap and sniffed Angel. Angel kicked Gummy in the face, letting out a snicker. Gummy lunged towards Angel, snapping his teeth. Angel let out a terrified squeak and hopped out of Fluttershy’s arms, scattering away. “Angel, come back!” Fluttershy exclaimed, flying after her pet rabbit. Pinkie Pie picked up Gummy and gave him an angry look. “You can’t just bite anyone that makes you angry!” Pinkie scolded. Gummy angrily batted his tail and let out a hiss, snapping his teeth at Pinkie. “That’s it! You lost your teeth privileges.” Pinkie Pie said, letting her horn glow. With a flash, Gummy’s teeth disappeared. He let out a whine and licked his gums. “You’ll get them back when you can behave yourself.” She said. Fluttershy came back with Angel in her arms. Angel cowered in Fluttershy's arms. “I’m so sorry about him. Angel can have an attitude problem at times.” Fluttershy apologized. Pinkie dismissively waved her hoof. "It's fine, Gummy's harmless. He doesn't even have teeth!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. Fluttershy gave a look that was mixed with concern and relief. Part of her was relieved that Gummy couldn't hurt anyone. The other part was confused that he didn't have any teeth. Maybe that was just a thing with his species. Fluttershy wouldn't know. Gummy's species went extinct before she was born. "Soooo, do you have any hobbies?" Pinkie Pie asked, wanting to get to know her new friend. Fluttershy smiled. "I like to make tea sometimes. It's so fun to mix different herbs to make new taste." Fluttershy stated. Pinkie Pie's eyes lit up. It was rare to see someone who made homemade tea these days. Usually, ponies just bought tea. "That's super duper cool!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. She genuinely found that interesting. She hadn't made homemade tea since she gotten to Equestria. There was a knock from the front door, making both mares look to the door. "Hey Fluttershy, you home?" A raspy voice asked from outside. Fluttershy hopped off of the couch and walked towards the front door. She gently opened the door to see a blue pegasus with a rainbow mane. "Hi Rainbow Dash, what are you doing here?" Fluttershy asked. Rainbow Dash peaked into the cottage looking around. "I think I left one of my trophies here." Rainbow Dash stated. Pinkie Pie marveled. Rainbow Dash wins trophies? That sounded so cool. She seemed like she would be a good friend. "It's in my room, I'll go get it," Fluttershy said before turning around and flying upstairs. Pinkie Pie picked up Gummy and placed him in her mane before hopping off of the couch. She walked over to Rainbow Dash and stuck out her hoof to shake. "Hi, my name is Pinkie Pie. Do you want to be friends?" Pinkie asked excitedly. Rainbow Dash eyed Pinkie, crossing her arms. "I don't recognize you. Are you new in town?" She asked. Pinkie Pie nodded her head happily. Rainbow put her hoof on her chin and hummed to herself, eyeing the pink mare again. "Now I don't become friends with just anybody. I only become friends with the coolest, fastest, and the strongest." Rainbow Dash stated. She pointed to Pinkie. "Are ready for that challenge?" She asked. Pinkie Pie thought to herself. She could take Rainbow Dash on and then they could be best friends. "I'm ready!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. Rainbow Dash smirked and turned around. She pointed to a clock tower that looked like it was about twenty feet away. "Let's race to that clock tower. First one there wins." Rainbow said. Pinkie Pie hopped into position ready to race. "One...two...three....go!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed before zipping off. Pinkie Pie hopped at a leisurely pace, humming to herself. She let her horn glow, activating some of her magic. Everything around her slowed down. A hummingbird slowly flew towards Pinkie at a snail's pace. She continued to hop at a slow pace, continuing to hum. She had found some magic loopholes over the years. As long as she used very careful spells, she could use magic. Pinkie hopped past animals, still humming to herself. She hopped past Rainbow Dash and looked up at her. Rainbow Dash looked so determined to win. Her arms were out in front of her and her ears were flat against her head. Her wings were at the perfect angle to make her faster. "She has a good form." Pinkie said to herself. She must have had training. Pinkie Pie sped up a bit, seeing the clock tower not too far. Within seconds, she approached the clock tower and placed her hoof on it. It towered over her and the second hand slowly ticked. Pinkie looked back at Rainbow Dash who was very slowly approaching her. "That's enough fun for now." Pinkie Pie said, deactivating her spell. Rainbow Dash approached the clock tower within seconds and landed on the ground, a few feet away from Pinkie. "Ha! I did, that in ten seconds flat!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. She put her hoof on her forehead and squinted, looking for Pinkie Pie. "Where's that slowpoke?" She asked. Pinkie Pie hopped behind Rainbow Dash and gave a large smile. "Hiya, it sure took you a long time to get here." Pinkie Pie stated. Rainbow Dash jumped in surprise and her jaw dropped. How did she get there before Rainbow? "How did you get here so fast?!" Rainbow Dash asked in shock. Pinkie Pie shrugged. "Sooo, I beat you in the race. Does that mean we can be friends now?!" She asked excitedly. Rainbow Dash thought for a moment before shaking her head. "You haven't passed all of my awesome tests yet." Rainbow Dash stated. Pinkie's eyes lit up. She could do this. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were in the outskirts of Ponyville, next to a large lake. Rainbow sat on the ground, panting heavily. Her mane was a mess and had scratches on her. She was exhausted. Pinkie Pie happily stood next to her, completely unscathed. The sun was starting to set. "Today was so much fun!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. They had thrown large boulders to prove strength, skydived to prove bravery, did cool tricks to prove awesomeness, and told their coolest stories to see who was the coolest. Pinkie had won all of the competitions. She used her Godly strength and powers for most of the competitions. Sometimes she liked using her powers to mess with people. "I can't believe I lost..." Rainbow Dash said in disbelief. Pinkie Pie pulled Rainbow Dash into a tight hug. "I'm glad we're friends now, new bestie!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed happily. Rainbow Dash let out a soft groan. She pushed Pinkie away and put her hoof over her mouth, letting out a fake yawn. "Look at the time, it's getting soooo late. Bye!" Rainbow Dash said before flying off. Pinkie Pie watched Rainbow fly over the clouds before she was completely out of sight. Pinkie Pie excitedly hopped in joy. "I can't believe I got two new friends today!" Pinke exclaimed excitedly, hopping away from the lake. She never had friends that weren't her sisters. She stopped hopping when she saw that she approached the entrance to the Everfree Forest. Gummy looked at the forest and let out a growl. "I know it's dangerous but we have to go." Pinkie stated. She took Gummy out of her mane and held him against her chest for protection. She slowly inhaled and stepped into the forest. A chill ran up her spine as she continued to walk. The forest was dark and there were faint sounds of growling. Luckily it wasn't fully dark yet so it wasn't likely that any animals would attack. Pinkie and Gummy were both ready to fight. "Where is it? I read that it was in the Everfree Forest." Pinkie whispered to herself. She had been walking on a path through the forest for almost twenty minutes. She couldn't teleport herself to her destination because she didn't really know where it was. Gummy let out a hiss and pointed to the right. Pinkie Pie looked to the right to see a rope bridge. On the other side of the bridge, there was a large rundown castle. "There it is, the Castle of the Two Sisters!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. She trotted off of the path and approached the bridge. Her eyes lit up. She was so excited. "Get ready Gummy, tonight we'll learn about the Princesses!" > Castle Of the Two Sisters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie Pie walked through the Castle of the Two Sisters in awe. She hadn't seen the castle since Nightmare Moon was banished. Even then, she never got to see the castle in person. She knew that Cosmos Flare built that castle with her husband so they could raise a family together and start a proper kingdom. Unfortunately, Cosmos Flare didn't live to raise Luna. Her husband died of old age so he didn't get to see his kids grow up. It was sad to think about. Pinkie Pie had only met Celestia a few times when she was a very young filly. Pinkie wondered if Celestia even remembered her. It had been over six thousand years since she saw her. Pinkie Pie entered a library and her eyes lit up. It has millions of old dusty books. This has so much history about Celesta, Luna, and Cosmos Flare. Pinkie excitedly stomped her hooves on the old ground, kicking up some dirt. She zipped over to the first bookshelf and picked up a random book. She looked at the cover to see that it was a spellbook. Pinkie flipped through the book, skimming through the book. "I'll save this for later." Pinkie said to herself in a sing-song voice. She went to slip the book into her suitcase, only to see that it was nowhere in sight. She had forgotten it in Fluttershy's cottage. Luckily, it didn't have anything important in it, just her history book she had gotten a few years back and a few articles of clothing. She could get it in the morning. Pinkie placed the book on the floor and scanned the bookshelves. Her eyes landed on a stone book that was on the top shelf. It looked very different compared to the other books, which is why it caught her eye. The top shelf was right below the ceiling, which was at least thirty feet over Pinkie. Her eyes lit up. "I can just climb right up!" Pinkie said, placing her front hooves on one of the higher shelves. Gummy nudged her hind leg with his head. He looked up Pinkie and gave her a worried look. Pinkie looked back up the top shelf. It was really high up. It would be a dangerous fall. "Fine fine, I can't climb it," Pinkie muttered. She could just use her magic to bring the book down but that would be no fun. An idea popped into her head. When was the last time she used her wings? Pinkie Pie's horn lit up and she used her magic to reveal her fluffy pink wings. She stretched her wings out. She hadn't used them in years. Pinkie Pie lightly flapped her wings, lifting herself off of the ground. She flew upwards, zipping up into the air. Gummy watched his owner as she flew to the top shelf. Due to Pinkie's large wings and her small body, she was a very fast flyer. Within seconds, she reached the top shelf. She was face to face with the stone book and reached out to grab it. To her surprise, the book was firmly in place. She tugged at it with full force and the book tipped over. Dust poured out from behind the book. The large shelf slowly started to slide like an automatic door. Behind the shelf, there was a large room. It was pitch black. Pinkie Pie let out an excited gasp. "Mystery door." She said in a hushed whispered. Pinkie landed on the ground and picked up Gummy. She stared at the darkroom and happily skipped inside. Gummy's eyes darted around the room as he looked for any source of danger. Pinkie lit up her horn for a light source. She looked around to see a solid mass in the middle of the room. She could tell that there was a candle on the table. Pinkie held Gummy forward to face the candle. "Light it up Gummy!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. Gummy let out a terrible hacking noise that sounded like a cat choking on its tongue. A tiny flame shot out of the alligator's mouth and the candle lit up. Gummy panted, feeling sick. Pinkie frowned and pet Gummy's back. "Geeze Gummy, you need to practice breathing fire more, that sounded painful." Pinkie commented. Gummy curled up into Pinkie's arm for comfort, leaning his head into her chest. Pinkie Pie pat her pet's head and levitated the candle. The candle only lit a tiny area in the room. She looked up at the high ceilings to see an old chandelier. Pinkie levitated the candle up to the chandelier and dropped the candle in it. With that, the room instantly lit up. Pinkie Pie looked around the room in awe. The room was large and had more bookshelves. There was a large table in the middle of the room with a thick book on it. Despite the room being filled with cobwebs, it felt very homely. There were multiple cushioned chairs around the table. Pinkie walked over to the table to see that there was a note next to the book. It was covered in dust and torn up. She inhaled and blew the dust off of the table. Pinkie levitated the note and started to read. "Congratulations, you found my secret study room! You must have solved all of the puzzles I had set up to lead here. Since you found it, feel free to read whatever you want, you've earned it! Truly yours, Cosmos Flare :)" Pinkie Pie gave a small smile and put the letter down. Cosmos Flare was always an adventurous and fun-loving pony. She loved to make complicated puzzles. That's how she made sure ponies didn't break into her castle, she could set up traps and puzzles. That's what made her mysterious to ponies, no one could get in the castle without guards with them. Pinkie Pie looked around the room, deciding on which book to read. Her eyes landed on the book on the table. Pinkie approached the book and stared at the cover. It was blank and covered in cobwebs. Pinkie levitated the book and shook it, letting dust fly out. She flipped open the book to see a signature on the inside. The name 'Cosmos Flare' was written neatly on the inside. This immediately caught Pinkie Pie's interest. "This is Cosmos' journal?" Pinkie asked excitedly, her wings fluttering with excitement. She hadn't heard anything about Cosmos Flare in six thousand years. She barely knew about her life in Equestria because she had to stay in Godly Realm to take care of things. She did visit a few times. Pinkie Pie sat on one of the cushioned chairs, making dust kick up into the air. She placed Gummy into her mane and opened the book. Her eyes scanned the first page, immediately catching her interest. "The ponies have finally started getting along and made a new land called Equestria. I should go down to visit. Maybe there will be something interesting..." "I'm very excited to raise my children with Night Breeze. My second child will be coming very soon! I'm thinking of naming her Luna." Pinkie Pie stared at the journal with tears on her cheeks. That was the last page. Pinkie sniffled and wiped her eyes. Gummy let out a concerned his and put his claw and Pinkie's arm. "I'm fine Gummy, I just didn't expect to get so emotional over this." Pinkie said with a stuffy nose. This was the most she had ever learned about Cosmos Flare. Once she moved to Equestria, they talked less and less. Pinkie's lip quivered and she let out another cry. "She never got to meet Luna!" Pinkie Pie shouted while sobbing. Gummy gave her a sad look and crawled into her arms to comfort her. Pinkie let out another sniffle and held Gummy close to her. She needed a hug at that moment. All of that was intense. She slowly inhaled and exhaled. "Okay, I'm fine." Pinkie Pie said in a calm tone. She pulled Gummy away from the hug and kissed him on the head. Everything was alright now. > New Sights > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie Pie walked out of the Everfree Forest, humming to herself. The sun was in the sky and the day was just starting. She had spent the whole night in the Castle Of The Two Sisters reading and learning new spells. It was also nice to be able to use her wings again. Gummy, a few spellbooks, and Cosmos Flare's journal sat deep in her mane. Her fluffy mane was like a magical storing base. She could hide anything in her mane and tail. She always kept her party cannon in her tail for party emergencies. It always surprised ponies when she pulled out her cannon from thin air. Pinkie Pie stopped walking looked around in confusion. "Where's Fluttershy's cottage?" Pinkie Pie asked herself. She needed to get her suitcase back, it had her history book, a framed photo of her family, and confetti in it. Gummy poked his head out of Pinkie's mane and let out a hiss, pointing his claw to what looked like a farm in the distance. There were hundreds of apple trees lined up. There was a fence blocking the trees from the rest of the world. Pinkie Pie let out an excited gasp. "That's Sweet Apple Acres!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed excitedly with a hop. She had wanted to visit Sweet Apple Acres but hadn't had the time the day before. Sweet Apple Acres was amazing to her. Maybe it was because Celestia had gifted Ponyville to the Apple family over a hundred years ago. The youngest child from the family was still alive and that amazed Pinkie. She had never heard of a pony living that long without any magic. Forget about her suitcase, she needed to meet this mare. Pinkie Pie started to happily hop towards the farm, excited to meet everyone who lived on the farm. Pinkie Pie walked through the farm, looking past trees. She had gotten lost somewhere in the acres and it seemed like she was walking in circles. All she could see is trees. "Where am I?" Pinkie Pie asked herself. She walked past another tree and peeked around it. She could use her wings to fly over the trees, but she had no idea if anyone would see her. She couldn't risk it. Out of nowhere, an apple zipped past Pinkie's head, making her jump backward in surprise. The apple hit the tree behind her with a large splat. Pinkie whipped her head to look at the apple and turned back around with large eyes. "Wow Big Mac, that was a hard kick!" A mares voice said. Pinkie Pie gasped in excitement. Someone was there! She walked passed the trees to see an orange earth pony mare. She had blonde hair and a cowboy hat on. She couldn't be the mare Pinkie was looking for, she looked far too young. Pinkie shrugged it off and approached her with a smile on her face. The mare turned around to face Pinkie and gave a friendly smile. "Well howdy, welcome to Sweet Apple Acres! What brings you around these parts?" She asked, tilting her hat as a greeting. Pinkie let out a soft excited squeal to herself. "Hi, my name is Pinkie Pie. I'm new to Ponyville and looking around town." Pinkie explained with a smile. The mare grabbed her hoof and started to shake it wildly. "Well welcome to Ponyvillie, my name is Applejack and this is my brother Big Mac." Applejack greeted, continuing to shake Pinkie's hoof. The force of the shaking shook Pinkie's whole body. Pinkie let out a giggle at the feeling. Applejack let go of Pinkie's hoof and placed it on the ground. "Since you're new in town, how about I give you a tour?" Applejack suggested. Pinkie Pie eagerly nodded her head. She had barely gotten to see Ponyville the day before because she was busy becoming friends with Rainbow Dash. "Let me introduce you to Granny Smith, she loves visitors." Applejack said. She turned to her brother. "Can you handle the farm by yourself?" Applejack asked. Big Mac nodded his head. Pinkie beamed excitedly. She couldn't wait to meet Granny Smith. Applejack gestured for Pinkie Pie to follow her and started to walk through the farm. Pinkie Pie hopped after Applejack, her brain buzzing with excitement. They both crossed through trees and started to walk down a path. Pinkie could see a large red barn that wasn't too far ahead. The barn also seemed to double as a house. The mares continued to walk down the path, getting closer and closer to the barn. There was a white, wooden arch with flowers across the top and an apple sign on it. It seemed very welcoming. They both walked under the arch and approached the barn. "Hey Granny, we got a visitor!" Applejack shouted. The side door of the barn swung open, revealing an old green mare. She squinted at Pinkie and slowly walked over to her. "It's nice to meet you youngin, welcome to Sweet Apple Acres. I'm Granny Smith." She introduced. Pinkie Pie internally squealed with excitement. She finally got to meet one of the original owners of Ponyville! "Hi I'm Pinkie Pie, it's so nice to meet you!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. Granny Smith rubbed her ear at the sudden outburst of noise. "I would love to stay and talk but Applejack is going to show me around town." She said happily. Granny Smith gave a kind smile. "Well, you two go along. Come visit anytime." Granny Smith said before turning around and slowly walking back to the barn. Applejack wrapped her arm around Pinkie's torso. "Let's get going, I'll show you all of Ponyville's best spots." Applejack said, leading Pinkie Pie away from the barn. Pinkie's grin got wider. She couldn't wait to see Ponyville. Pinkie Pie excitedly hopped behind Applejack, looking around town. Everything was so colorful and bright. This place was much better than her bland old fashioned town. This was going to be a new start for her and she'd make new friends. This was going to be a piece of cake! Pinkie bumped into someone, making her stumble back in surprise. A mare fell on her flank and glared at Pinkie. "Watch where you're going!" The mare spat out bitterly with an eye roll. She got up and wiped the dust off of herself before walking away. Pinkie Pie stared in disbelief. The mare walked away before she could apologize. "Don't mind her, some ponies in this town are rude as an angry cat." Applejack explained. A frown spread across Pinkie's face. She looked around the town to see some ponies glaring at each other and a few arguing. The tension was high. Pinkie needed to cheer this town up, but how? She didn't want to resort to magic right away, it would be too abrupt. Her face lit up when an idea popped into her head. She turned around and pressed her nose against Applejacks. "Are there any party stores in town?" Pinkie Pie asked. Applejack took a step back and nodded her head. "There sure are. There's three in town." Applejack stated. Pinkie Pie let out an excited squeal, stomping her hooves on the ground. "Take me to all of them!" Pinkie said with a large grin. Applejack gave a small smile. "Sure thing." Applejack said, gesturing for Pinkie to follow her. Pinkie Pie hopped after Applejack. This town is going to cheer up in no time.